Boarding School and Bullies

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Jacqueline's POV

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Jacqueline's POV

When we returned to England, Edmund explained to me that he and his siblings had been going to boarding school.

"I'm just so happy that you're actually here with me," my husband whispered as he pulled me close.

It was strange for me to be back in England and in my younger body. When I had changed back in Narnia, I was still pregnant with my boys, but now my body was back to being that of a normal teenage girl who'd never had kids before. I used to be able to breastfeed my boys but now since I have no reason to be able to do that, I can't. I still don't understand how that worked. I suppose only Aslan really knows.

I missed my children. I felt like an awful mother for leaving them behind only a few days after the twins were born. I often find myself tearing up at night thinking about them. Edmund does his best to comfort me when he can, but since I moved to the school I had to get a roommate. The housemistress and housemaster weren't too keen on the idea of Ed and I sharing a room. They probably didn't want to have to explain it to our parents if I got pregnant. Little did they know we'd already have to explain that to our parents eventually. Since it was so late in the year, I didn't have much of a bond with my roommates.

We get along well enough. Except for one. I've had to be really vague when answering personal questions.

'Oh, yeah I just moved to town after my family split apart.' 'I've known my boyfriend since we were fifteen, but it feels like we've known each other for years.' Things like that. They're not lies exactly, just not the full truth.

People in England would probably not be too keen on the idea of two sixteen year olds being married with three kids. But it's not like anyone would believe that anyways.

Life here would be just fine if it weren't for this one girl. Bernadette Fabio. It's like her mission is to make my life a living hell. What's worse is that we share a room so I'm stuck with her.

She took a liking to Edmund while I was stuck in Narnia and has been using every opportunity she could get to flirt with him. Even after I came and Edmund and I started 'dating'. Ever since we told people at school that we were together, she's had it out for me.

She must think I just swooped in and stole Edmund from her out of nowhere. I guess that's kind of how it happened in everyone else's eyes. But he had never been interested in her, he'd told me as much on numerous occasions. I could tell he was being honest because of the genuine look of disgust on his face the moment she turns away after flirting with him. I'm sure he exaggerates but at this point in the year it's happened so much that I'm sure I've got the same look on my face too.

Well, speak of the devil and she may appear. She strutted up to where Edmund and I were standing, flipping her light brown hair and batting her eyes at Eddie.

"Hey there Eddie," she said in the most sickeningly sweet voice I have ever heard. "What are you doing later today, huh? Wanna come to my dorm and hang out?" She asked with a wink. She always spoke with a high pitched voice that people sometimes use when they're talking to children or talking down to someone. In her case it only made her sound like an airhead.

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