A Ridiculous Prince

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Queen Jacqueline and King Edmund had been married for about three years when they accompanied Queen Susan to Tashbaan to form a treaty

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Queen Jacqueline and King Edmund had been married for about three years when they accompanied Queen Susan to Tashbaan to form a treaty. It was about ten years into their reign over Narnia.

Edmund didn't want Jacqueline to accompany them, but she insisted that she would not let him leave without her. You see, a month earlier she had told her husband that she was pregnant and he didn't want anything bad happening to her or his child. It would be their first child after all. Edmund knew better than to defy his wife so he reluctantly agreed to let her come.

The eldest son of the Tisroc of Calormen, Prince Rabadash, was a cruel man who was childish and would throw tantrums when he didn't get his way, but he was able to disguise himself with a gentle and well mannered persona, fooling Queen Susan into courting him.

Despite the fact that he was courting Susan, he often made passes at Jacqueline, who could see right past his false kindness. It bothered her to no end that he persisted even knowing that she was married to Edmund.

Edmund saw the way the prince treated his wife and he hated it. On multiple occasions she had asked that Ed not leave her alone with the prince, but there were times when he simply couldn't be there to protect her—not that she needed it, she was perfectly capable of protecting herself.

When Rabadash realized she would never be interested in him, he switched from flirting with her to being rude to her. If he couldn't have her for himself, he'd make sure her time in his home was utterly miserable.

Susan never seemed to believe Jacqueline or Edmund when they told her what the prince was doing. It was like some sort of veil was clouding her mind, keeping her from seeing what he was truly like.

"You're being ridiculous, Jacqueline. Why would Rabadash be flirting with you? He knows you're married."

"Susan, please you have to believe me. That man is not what he pretends to be. Please just get out of this situation while you still can," Jacqueline begged.

"I think it's a bit too late for that," Edmund commented when he saw the look on his sister's face.

"Prince Rabadash has asked me to marry him."

Jacqueline's eyes widened in horror and her hand raised subconsciously to rest on her stomach as if to comfort her unborn baby. "What did you say?"

"That I need some time to think."

"Do you want to marry him?" Her brother asked.

"I don't know."

"Susan, I pray you see his true colors before you make a decision you can't come back from," her sister-in-law warned her before walking out to the garden, her favorite place in the palace. Edmund followed his wife a few minutes later.

Unfortunately for the couple, Prince Rabadash was in the garden.

"Good afternoon Queen Jacqueline," the Prince greeted with an evil smirk. "You're looking rather large today, don't you think? Your dresses don't seem to be fitting well as of late. What kind of man would want so large a woman?"

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