Truth or Dare

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The Pevensies had been ruling over Narnia for a year

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The Pevensies had been ruling over Narnia for a year. Everything was wonderful, there were no wars, no witches and most importantly, no ice.

Unfortunately, the lack of ice did not mean a lack of rain. This particular day was especially bad.

The wind blew so hard that it was difficult to open the palace doors. Rain pelted against the windows. Lightning would occasionally light up the sky, thunder booming a few seconds later.

Lucy curled herself up into a ball while Jacqueline rubbed her arms comfortingly. Jacqueline and the Pevensies were lounging around in Peter's room.

Susan was scurrying around picking up dirty clothes off the floor so the maids wouldn't have to. She would scold Peter each time she found any undergarments.

"Honestly, Peter, how do you expect to run a kingdom when you can't even pick up your own boxers!"

Peter groaned, rubbing his brow in irritation. This was the tenth time she'd said something. Even Edmund was starting to find it less funny.

A crash echoed through the room and Lucy flinched, drawing herself closer to the girl beside her.

"It's alright Lulu, I've got you. We're all right here, we won't let the storm hurt you, I promise," Jackie said gently.

Another crash followed the first and the young girl couldn't hold in her whimpers.

"You're alright, Lu," Peter told her. "Jack won't let anything happen to you. If anything, the storm should be afraid of her."

Everyone chuckled at his remark. Edmund couldn't help but roll his eyes.

The room fell back into a comfortable silence.

"You know, this storm reminds me of the day we came to Narnia, doesn't it?" Lucy asked the others.

"You know, you're right," Susan agreed.

"Somebody keep an eye on Ed, make sure he doesn't run off again," Peter joked.

Edmund's face turned pink from embarrassment. He glanced at Jacqueline who had been with him at the witch's camp. She sent him a sympathetic smile. He turned his head away from the others, pretending to be frustrated to hide the blush creeping up to his cheeks.

"We could play a game, you know, to distract us from the storm," Jacqueline suggested. "Or I could always tell you lot the story my father would tell me whenever I was scared of a storm."

"I'd like to hear the story," Lucy said. "Then maybe we could play a game."

"Okay, well I'll try to remember how it goes. So I can't remember many of the specific names, but it starts with two dragons. A brother and sister. The older sister was named Tundra, and her brother was named Lichen.

They were a lively set of dragons, always playing together in the sky, entertaining the young children of the village. Everyone was happy, except the prince of the kingdom.

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