Not a Princess

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July 10th, 1936

I open my eyes to the sun flooding into my beautiful room from my floor to ceiling windows. Today is finally the day I turn 16. I sit up quickly thinking about the amazing day ahead. The plans have been in the works for weeks now. I get to spend the whole day with my two best boys. The majority of the activities we have planned are top secret because Bucky refused to tell me. But thanks to Steve leaking some information that I may or may not have pried from him, I do know that Bucky may be asking me out tonight. Finally after a few years of giving him signs and him shyly displaying them back, he'll finally stop dragging his feet. 

Rushing down the stairs of the house, still in my pajamas, I run by my parents room hoping it's not too late to see my father before he leaves again. His absences have become more frequent and longer. Somewhere in the last few years the 'bring your daughter to work days' stopped happening and the secret training that we hid from mother stopped being on the agenda. Dad always believed that I was worth more then what women are expected to be in this world, but he doesn't express such things as often as he used to. I think that's why I enjoy having Steve and Bucky around. They believe in me as like I know my father does. We worked everyday, until unrest in foreign countries started up, that's when it all stopped. I jump down from the fourth stair to the ground and hustle into the kitchen. "Did I miss him?" I ask Mother who's making pancakes.

"He's outside. You can still catch him." Without another word I sprint outside to the front yard and race down the pavement to him and his car. I launch myself onto his back before he can see me coming. 

"Late start this morning Evelyn?" He says with a laugh.

"Yeah, yeah. Why didn't you wake me up?" I say turning him away from his car.

"Isn't it one of those special days that you kids celebrate?" He says with a smile. I just stand there waiting for him to continue. He smiles and chuckles, "Happy Birthday princess." he says. He pulls out a gold and blue necklace from his pocket and hands it over. "I got it in Germany last time out. It's such a beautiful country." I admire the beautiful blue and gold, and hold it tightly in my hand.

"Where's your next adventure taking you?" I ask longingly, wishing my life could be as adventurous as his.

"London. Just some regular business."

"How long will you be gone?" I ask, my smile faltering just the tiniest bit.

"Two weeks at most. You know I was thinking that maybe we should keep up with your training when I get back." The smile reappears on my face as he continues. "I want the best for you." He says pulling me into a hug.

"I know." I say, the hug muffling my voice.

Taking a step back from the curb I wave with a goodbye for the millionth time this year and wander back inside. I eat my breakfast with my mother, thinking about the day she finally set foot in America. It's been 6 years now. I open the rest of my presents which don't exactly make me the happiest. Included in them are a few pointless skirts and perfumes. I'm the only one of all my friends that even gets presents anymore. The Great Depression still holds it's icy grasp on the country, but since my father works for the military in such a high position it has hardly affected us. We do as much as we can for Steve and Bucky's family without the boy's actually knowing. We often slip extra money to their mothers just so they can get a little extra. I just wish I could do more.

I hurry upstairs to my room and change from my pajamas into one of my newer plain dresses. I know Steve and Bucky will be dressed in the nicest they have, but I don't want them to feel bad. I pick a good medium for my hair accessories. I let what's left of my rollers fall from my head. They leave their curls that for once look presentable. I contemplate taking off my necklace. Twiddling with it between my fingers I decide to leave it on for my father's sake.

As I'm doing my makeup I hear a knock on the door echo up from the front entrance. I take one more look in the mirror and call it good. When I reach my bedroom door I'm suddenly concerned that maybe I'm not looking as pretty as I'd like. I shake it out of mind knowing that Steve and Bucky won't care one way or another. I grab the money I've saved knowing I shouldn't let the boys pay for it all. I round the hallway to the stairs and stare down at my favorite people in the entire world. They're talking to my mother. I stop a few stairs from the top and take in the moment, life can't always be this perfect. When my mother looks up to me and smiles that's when the boys turn around as well. I personally don't think I look that extraordinary, but both Steve, and Bucky are gaping up at me.

I gape back down at them, they both look older dressed in their best. Bucky and I lock eyes for a moment, but I shake it off. "Would you both please shut your mouths, I'm not Cinderella." I slowly take the stairs down and move to the both of them. In turn I hug Steve and give him a quick peck on the cheek, then I turn to Buck. I smile and bring him into a hug. He holds on a little longer than I expected but when he lets go he doesn't expect a kiss. I shake off the odd nervousness between us. "Alright boys where are we headed?" I say clasping my hands together.

---Bucky's POV---

It's a rather normal summer morning. I walk along the familiar sidewalk towards Steve's place. I climb the stairs that I've ran up and fallen down more times then I could count and knock on the door. Waiting for the answer my gaze moves to the door next to his. It's hard to believe that it's been so long since we spent our first awkward meeting out here on this balcony. Steve finally comes outside to meet me and we continue on our way. It's costing both our families missing a day of trying to find work, but Evelyn is too important to us to miss her 16th. I know she'll just give our families money anyway. She may think she does it secretly but we both know. I would protest to it but Steve and I both know we could use the help. I only hope I can repay her for everything someday.

Walking down the streets of Brooklyn towards her house we see the familiar sights of New York these days, homeless and hungry. We try to avert eyes as we get closer to Evelyn's home. It's the house she always dreamed of having here, a castle to most people. She's offered both our families housing before insisting the house is to quiet sine her father is often gone, but we have it better than most so we declined the spots.
"Did you get her anything special?" I ask Steve, wanting to forget the nerves. I feel his accusing gaze on me.

"Do you really think I have the money for that Buck?" Steve says bouncing along, "She's paying for my dinner tonight that's how broke I am." He says with a half hearted laugh.

"Yeah. Sorry I asked. I'm just nervous because I'm afraid she'll think low of us, and because... I don't know."

"Because you want to ask her out?" Steve asks. I'm a little startled that he would insist upon that since I've only brought it up once.

"You know about that?" I ask.

"Of course I know. Trust me you finally asking her out will be present enough."

"Wait what? You told her didn't you?" My mind readies itself for the rejection that it will face later. We've just been so close for so long that I had prepared myself for an awkward encounter if I went ahead with what I planned.

Steve sees right through me and pauses our walk for a moment. "Relax Buck. She feels the same way." I nod and we continue our trek.

We finally reach the front door and I can't stop beaming at the thought of Evelyn feeling the same as I do. Steve knocks on the door and after a couple of moments Evelyn's mother opens it. She smiles and lets us come right in. She asks us if we want any food but I don't get a chance to answer because both her and Steve are looking up the stairs. Looking up I see Evelyn standing on the top landing smiling down at us. She's breathtaking. She's not even wearing her best dress but I don't even care because right now she's as royal as a princess. Our eyes lock for a split second before she speaks. "Would you both please shut your mouths, I'm not Cinderella." She's glowing and she doesn't even know it.

She moves down the stairs like an angel, and folds into Steve for a hug. She gives him a quick kiss on the cheek and then turns to me. I pull her into a hug and hold on a little too long. Everyone is staring so I let her go without getting a kiss. 

"Alright boys where are we headed?" She says beaming.

I can't find my words so Steve steps in. "It's still a surprise. She playfully punches his shoulder before pulling us both in for a hug. 

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