1991: Friend or Foe

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"They are going to want every single detail." I lift my head from my hands to find Clint hanging onto the railing above us. "Is there any detail you want me to keep." I shake my head trying to focus on the possible reports I might share with the director and the higher ups.

"No. You have people to worry about, don't hide anything for their protection." On the way back Clint and I had a good long talk and he spoke of his plans with his fiance and a little farm he had his eye on. He had confided in me with this information and I confided in him with all the bottled up emotions I'd been feeling forever. I didn't feel anymore hopeful to see Bucky again than I was before, but I did feel less crazy. It was nice to have a friend again. I use past tense because I feel there may be no hope of me sticking around. I'm sure they'll put me under again.

I can't stop squirming as Coulson and May are dismissed and Clint is called in. They swore to secrecy on some of my personal matters. Clint says we can trust them and I feel that I can, they are both good agents with a morale center. I keep finding myself back in that room where he was... maybe hours before we got there. I was inches away from reaching him again. I can't dwell on that. Instead I focus on the positives, we found files of bases still in operation in Russia as well as evidence of crimes against children. Evidence we can use to do good. I shiver thinking of the files with the young girls. Reaching down I thumb through my organized evidence pulling out the file of the red head from before. If they try to hide these away the least I could do was save one for Clint. He seemed so keen on delivering those girls from their hell. I can't be the one to condemn them to that life either. Moments after the fragile paper is tucked away in my deep coat pocket i'm summoned inside. Clint is being escorted out. He stops without permission. "I'll wait outside for you." I nod silently and then step forward through the doors. I can't say why I'm so nervous, this is, after all, how I'd lived the majority of my life so far.

"Agent Moore." He says extending a hand for me to shake. "It is a honor to have you here." He seems nice enough at the moment and his smile could fool anyone. "Please don't be nervous. I have a great respect for you..." When I don't understand he continues. "My father served in the 101st." I smile and nod. 

"What exactly do you need from me? I'm sorry it's been a while since I've done anything like this." I say motioning to the mission report. 

He lets out a warming chuckle and then finally sits down so he may be on the same level with me. "I just need the files you recovered. The others gave us the report, I just want the organized evidence. Striking me as odd I carefully hand it across the desk. He gives no formality. He opens the files and begins to skim through them.

"You speak Russian sir?" I ask intrigued.

"Yes. Fluently. These are some interesting finds, but did you find anything about the soldier?"

"James you mean?"

"Yes. Was there any evidence that he was for sure our killer? Any clues to where he may be?"

"No none that I know of... What will you do to him if you do find him."

"We shouldn't have to do anything for quite awhile I expect."


"Thanks to the leadership of Presidents Reagan and Bush the Soviet Union has fallen. We have no business left over there and they none here. We cannot send anymore of our own to look for him, nor to save any child. He holds the Red Room file up to create an example. They've probably hidden him so far underground no one will find him except for those that put him there."

Annoyed and a little angry I lean forward. "They have the serum now. They could create people like Steve Rogers, you understand that right?"

He's unfazed by my growing tone. "Like I said... The Soviets have failed and until there are signs that a large resistance still reigns I don't see a rush to anger them by invading on a whim."

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