Just A Whisper

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The expo is a world of wonder. As we walk underneath the huge sign that transports us into a new technological world, our eyes are full of wonder. Bucky hasn't let me let go of me on our entire walk over here. He's linked to my left arm so tightly I think I've started to loose the circulation in it. I don't mind in the slightest.

As we near the main event of Howard Stark's demonstration the crowd grows larger and louder. I keep my eye on Steve as we squeeze through the crowd. He'd been going to different recruiting stations throughout the city and tonight there was one he hadn't attempted to lie to yet. With the recruiters looking for test subjects I'm a little on edge. If Steve sneaks away I'll need to reach him before Bucky notices.  As the lights lower my eyes brighten up at the sight of Howard. Not the most humble man in the world but he's indeed the most brilliant. He's also been pulled into the SSR, and I've actually had the privilege of speaking to him multiple times. Everyone around me is clapping, and when Bucky sees me gaping up at him he nudges me. I snap myself out of it and smile at him. He pulls me closer to him and lay my head on his shoulder wanting to be by him forever. I try to close my eyes but the excitement of the moment has finally woken me up. I pick my head back up and see that Steve is no longer beside us. He either got separated from us or went up to the recruiting station. I give Bucky's hand a squeeze. "I'll be right back." I whisper in his ear. I pull myself away from him hoping he's not asking too many internal questions.

I push my way through the crowd. Looking up at the recruiting station I take a deep breath and climb the stairs into the small building. To my luck the doctor is inside. I ignore the front desk men calling out to me and walk straight up to him. He hands his assistant a file and turns his attention towards me. "Your father told me you were coming tonight."

"I have questions." I tell him not wanting to give James' name up. The doctor nods his head and then starts down the hallway. I pick up my pace to keep stride with him. "Please." I say tugging on his sleeve stopping him. "I have the perfect person for your experiment... He's a friend. I just want it to be safe." 

"I will decide if he's perfect or not Agent Moore. As for the safety... It will be perfectly fine. Howard Stark and I have been perfecting this project for months now." I breathe out, believing him. "Now who exactly is this perfect candidate of yours."

I take a deep breath as my mind races a million miles a minute trying to remember the details of the file I'd read months ago. I nod my head, sure of my decision. "His name is Steve Rogers. When you find him tonight, and you will... He'll probably be faking his essentials, but he wants it. He just wants to do something... Anything to aid us in the war."

The Doctor laughs, "And this is what your father told you to say? His candidate?" He asks questioning my decision.

I shake my head, "No. Not in the slightest. This was my idea." I say. He looks at me with his kind smile and then takes his papers back.

"I do believe he is here now." He says turning.

I follow his gaze and sure enough I hear Steve's voice. I smile know that he's getting his chance. "Don't tell him it was me." I say straining to hear the conversation going on beyond the curtains.

"I won't tell him a thing." he says going by me and disappearing behind the curtains. The noise from the crowds outside catch up with me and I realize I should be back outside. I walk back out into the crowd and spot James standing near a concession stand. A tad bit of guilt consumes me for a second but when he sees me a huge smile comes across his face. I put on my biggest grin and then hurry over to him. 

"Working?" He asks.

I shrug my shoulders. "I just saw someone I needed to talk to..."

"No worries." He says brushing it off and clasping my hand with a swift motion. "Where's Steve gotten off to?"

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