Hiccup in the House: Chapter 1

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Today, the funhouse friends have a fun day ahead of them. Everything is going smoothly. Until Funny gets the hiccups that is.

"I'm so excited. I wonder what Funny has in store for us." Mickey said as they walked to the Funhouse.

Funny had promised them a big surprise the last time they came over. And they are so excited to see it. Once they got there, they were greeted by a bright blue smiling face.

"Hiya, gang." He said.

"Hiya, Funny." They said.

"Are you ready for the big surprise I have planned for you?" He asked.

"We sure are. What is it?" Mickey asked.

Funny brought out his anywhere wheel.

"Each of you is gonna spin the wheel, and whatever it lands on, we get to do an activity in that place." He explained.

"That sounds like so much fun. I can't wait to start." Minnie said.

"Well, why don't you start first, Minnie." Funny said.

Minnie walked up to the wheel and spun up. It landed on the adventure sea islands.

"Oooo. Looks like we're going to the adventure sea islands first." Daisy said.

"Well, what are we waiting for. Let's go!" Donald said as they went inside.

(Music starts)

It's time to climb the stairs

Ohhhh, Ohhhh, Ohhhh

Follow me, Mick (hic)

The music stopped, and the gang looked at him with confusion.

"Let me try that again. Follow me, Mick (hic). "

"Funny, are you OK?" Goofy asked.

"I think so (hic). But I can't stop (hic) making this sound. (Hic).

The gang shared a look of relief, and Minnie started to speak.

"Oh, Funny. It seems you have the hiccups." She giggled.

"Oh no! Not the hiccups! Uhhh......what are hiccups?" He asked.

"Hiccups happen when your diaphragm starts to move up and down in fast movements. Kinda like it's excited." Minnie explained.

"Ohhh, I get it. (Hic)." He hiccuped. Only this time, he poofed out of his funhouse form and poofed into his human form, falling down when it happened.

The gang hurried to his aid and helped him up.

"Are you OK, Funny?" Minnie asked.

"I'm alright. That was (hic) strange."

"Hmmm. Maybe your hiccups are messing with your magic." Goofy suggested.

"I think you're right, Goofy." Donald said.

Funny hiccuped again, only this time, the armchair floated in the air.

"Yep, definitely messing with his magic." Daisy said as they looked at the chair.

"We should try to get rid of your hiccups." Mickey said.

"That's a good i- (hic) -dea." He said.

He hiccuped and poofed back into his funhouse form.

"And we better start quick." Donald said.

Mickey patted Funny's tank and then spoke.

"Alright, gang. Let's get to it."

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