Detective Minnie and the Mystic Mystery

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When Funny's magic randomly goes wonky, Detective Minnie has to try and figure out why that's happening.

Today, the gang headed over to Funny to have a chill day. But as soon as they reached the house, they realised that he wasn't on the house.

"I have a feeling that today isn't gonna be a chill day." Goofy said.

They opened the door, and they saw everything floating and spinning around. They saw Funny on the tank, and he looked scared. He saw the gang, and everything stopped spinning.

"Oh. Hi gang." He said.

"Hiya, Funny. Is everything okay." Mickey asked.

"Yea....sort off." He giggled.

"Are you OK?" Minnie asked.

"Oh, I'm fine. I just don't know why everything's floating." He said.

Soon, the gang was floating as well.

"Sorry about that." He said while they put them down.

"Funny, when did all this start?" Daisy asked.

"This morning." He said.

"We should write this down in a notebook. That way, we can collect all the evidence." Minnie said.

"Great idea, Minnie. And I've got just the thing." Goofy said as he reached into his hat and grabbed a notebook and pen. He passed it to Minnie.

"Thank you, Goofy. So, this started this morning. Has anything else happened today? Do you feel different?" She asked.

"Well... I do have a bit of a headache." He said. "And it feels a bit stuffy. But except from that, I feel fine." He said.

"Stuffy headache." Minnie said as she wrote it down. "What else?" She asked.

"Well, my visions have been really weird." He said.

"Weird how?" Donald asked.

"Well, one of them was Mickey having goat feet and being underwater." He said.

They gave him a confused look.

"I told you it was weird." He said.

Minnie wrote it all down and looked through it.

"OK, Funny. Walk us through what you did this morning." Minnie said.

Funny looked up in thought.

"Hmmm, now what did I do.... Oh yea! Now I remember! I woke up and washed my hair." He said.

He poofed into his human form, and his hair was luscious. He even had it out of the ponytail. It was shiny and soft. From the root to the tip. Even the green streak in his hair was looking silky. The gang looked in awe.

"Funny, your hair is amazing." Goofy said.

"Thanks. It's because of the new shampoo Mortimer gave me. It's amazing." He said.

"Mortimer?" Donald asked.

"Yea. He said he felt bad for causing so much trouble when he came the last few times, so he gave me this." He said.

Minnie face lit up. Everything made sense now.

"Funny, can you get that shampoo, please?" She asked.

"Sure." He poofed away and came back with the bottle. He gave it to her, and she examined it.

"Funny, do you know what's in this?" She asked.

"No. Mortimer said it was all natural. Why?" He asked.

"Because this shampoo is made of sunflowers." She said.

They looked at the shampoo, and even though it said cherry blossoms at the front, the only ingredient in there was sunflowers. They looked at it in shock.

"There's sunflowers in here. When you washed your hair with this, it must have messed with your powers." She said.

"And that why my powers have been wonky." He said.

"Detective Minnie has solved the case." Daisy said.

"Oh, thank you, Minnie." Funny said.

"No problem, Funny. Now, let's get that shampoo out of your hair." She said.

Funny went and washed out of his hair. Once he finished, he was feeling much better. The headache was gone, and everything stopped floating.

"Ahh. I feel so much better." He said, putting his hair back in a ponytail.

"You sure are the best detective, Minnie." Mickey said. Minnie laughed.

"Thanks, Mickey." She said.

"Now that everything's better, how about we have a nice chill day in the adventure sea islands." Funny suggested as he poofed back into his Funhouse form.

The gang cheered and went up the stairs to anywhere, ready to go on their next adventure.

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