Magic Madness: Chapter 1

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Ever wonder how Funny got his magical powers. Well, this is that story.

It was night at the funhouse, and the gang decided to spend the night at Funny. They were using Funny's telescope to look at the stars.

"Thanks for letting us use your telescope, Funny." Mickey said.

"My pleasure, Mickey. Stargazing is one of my favourite things to do." Funny said.

"Hey, look at that." Daisy pointed to the sky.

"It looks like a giant star." Donald said.

The star started to get bigger and bigger.

"Hey, the stars getting bigger." Goofy said.

"That's because it's heading right towards  us!" Mickey exclaimed.

The light was getting closer and closer. Funny needed to do something. Or it could end in disaster.

"Get inside of me now!" Funny shouted as he opened his door.

"But Funny. What about you?" Minnie asked.

"I'll be fine. Just get in quick!" Funny reasured her.

The gang quickly ran inside and hid in the basement, along with Teddy and Windy. As soon as they closed the bunker door, the beam of light hit Funny and made him glow as bright as a star. He screamed as he felt the light go everywhere inside and outside of him. When the coast was clear, the gang made their way out of the bunker. What shocked them was to see Funny on the tank, his eyes closed and unresponsive.

"FUNNY!" They all cried out as they ran to him.

They all called to him and hoped that he would wake up and be OK. Luckily, they heard him stir, and his face scrunched up in discomfort.

"Funny, are you OK?" Mickey asked.

"Yea... I think so." He said, opened his eyes. But his eyes were glowing a bright green. The gang looked at him in shock.

"Why ate you staring at me like that?" Funny asked.

"Your eyes are all glowy." Goofy said.

Funny gave them a confused look until Daisy held up a mirror.

"Oh my gutters." He said in disbelief.

Just then, the mirror started to shake, and it began to float in the air. It had a green aura around it, and it started to spin.

"What is happening?" Donald asked.

"I don't know. Funny?" Daisy asked.

Funny looked in fear at the mirror. Then it dropped on the floor. Funny's eyes stopped glowing as the mirror dropped.

"Hey, your eyes stopped glowing." Minnie said.

Funny blinked a few times before focusing on the gang.

"Funny, what's going on?" Goofy asked.

"I don't know." His eyes started to glow again. Only this time, Donald was flying in the air.

"Funny, put me down!" Donald shouted as he flew around the funhouse.

"I'm sorry, Donald. I don't know how." Funny panicked.

Donald was screaming as he bounced around the house like a ball. Funny's eyes glowed brighter as he stared off into space.

"Funny, what's wrong?" Minnie asked.

Funny looked at Minnie in fear.

"Minnie, put the armchair next to Windy." He said urgently.

"What are you talking ab-?" She started.

"Now! Quickly put it next to Windy!" He panicked.

Minnie got the armchair and pushed it towards Windy. As soon as she let go, Donald fell onto it. Everyone looked at Funny.

"Funny, how did you know that was going to happen?" Donald asked.

Funny looked at them in shock.

"I.... I think I've got powers."

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