Funny's Amnesia: Chapter 1

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When Funny gets amnesia, the gang has to help him get his memory back.

It was a hot, Summers day in funhouse forest, and the gang went over to Funny to play some baseball. Once they got there, they greeted Funny.

"Hi, Funny." Mickey greeted the house.

"Hiya gang. What do you wanna do today?" He asked.

"Well, we were thinking of playing some baseball." Goofy said.

"Oooh, that sounds fun. I have just the thing." Funny opened his door, and baseball equipment flew out. The gang thanked him and started to play.

"Ready, Goof?" Mickey asked.

"Ready!" He called back.

Mickey threw the ball, and Goofy hit it really far. He ran around the bases and got a home run.

"My turn." Donald said as he walked up to the post.

"OK, Donald. Are you ready?" Minnie asked.

"I'm ready!" He said back.

Minnie trew the ball, and just like Goofy, he hit the ball really hard. Only this time, Daisy caught the ball.

"Sorry, Donald. You're out." Daisy said.

"Aw, phooey." He said disappointedly.

Now, it was Mickey's turn.

"I'm ready, Windy!" He called out.

Windy trilled in response and threw the ball. Mickey hit hard and made it round the base's just in time to be in.

"That looks like fun. Can I play?" Funny asked.

"Sure you can. But how are you going to play?" Goofy asked.

"Like this." Funny poofed off the house and onto the ball.

"I can be the ball. I always wanted to fly like this." He giggled.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Funny?" Mickey asked.

"Sure, I'm sure. What's the worst that can happen?" He asked.

"OK, if you say so." Mickey said. Goofy stepped up to the base to hit.

"Ready, Goofy?" He asked.

"Ready, Mickey!" He shouted.

Mickey threw the ball, and Goofy hit it further than before.

"WEEEEEEEEE!!" Funny cheered.

"Wow. What a hit, Goofy." Daisy said.

Funny flew into a tree and slid off a branch into another tree.

"This is so much fun!" He laughed.

It was all going well until Funny slid off a branch and was sent straight into a giant tree.

"That's not good!" He panicked before he slammed right into the tree trunk.

"FUNNY!" They all exclaimed before running over to him.

He was unconscious on the floor, and the ball had a giant scratch on it.

"Funny? Funny, can you hear me?" Minnie called out.

"He's not waking up." Donald said.

"Let's bring him back inside the funhouse." Mickey said.

The gang hurried back inside the funhouse and placed Funny on the armchair. As they were trying to figure out what to do, they heard groaning from the corner of the room. Funny was waking up.

The crowded around him and started to talk all at once, causing Funny to start getting scared. Luckily, Minnie was there to quiet everyone down.

"Funny, are you OK?" She asked.

He gave her a confused look and then spoke.

"Who are you? And who's Funny?"

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