Funny's amnesia: Chapter 3

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When Funny gets amnesia, the gang has to help him get his memory back.

"OK then, how are we gonna find things that make Funny....well, Funny?" Goofy asked.

"Maybe there's something outside." Mickey said.

They all went back outside to see if they could find anything. While they were doing that, Funny was looking at Funhouse forest, mesmerised by the scenery. Minnie saw him and decided to join him.

"It's beautiful, isn't it." She said.

"It sure is." He said, breathing out a sigh of relief. Suddenly, they both heard Donald call out.

"Minnie, we think we found something." He said.

"Coming. I'll be right back, Funny." She said as she left.

After she left, Funny decided to look at the flowers near the funhouse. While he was looking, he saw one that really caught his eye. A sunflower.

(And for those of you who know (I'm looking at you will0w_dewolfe 😉), sunflowers, and magical funhouses do not mix).

Minnie went over to the gang, who was looking in the dress up chest.

"What did you find?" She asked.

"This." Daisy said, holding up the bow tie Funny wore at his fancy dress party.

"That's perfect. I'm sure that'll work." She said.

When she looked back, Funny was nowhere to be found.

"Wait, where's Funny?" Mickey asked.

"He was just here a minute ago." Minnie said.

Just then, the gang heard a huge sneeze erupt from behind them. They turned around to see Funny near the sunflowers.

"Funny, what are you doing? You're allergic to then, remember." Goofy said.

"I am. ACHOO!! Wow. That must be why I...ACHOO!!... keep sneezing. ACHOO!!"

"Let's bring you inside. You'll feel much better in there." Donald said.

Once they got inside, they pulled out the bow tie and showed it to Funny.

"Remember this, Funny? Your special bow tie?" Goofy said.

" I don't remember. Why is the bow tie so special?" He asked.

"This was the first bow tie you wore at your very first fancy dinner party." Mickey said.

"Wow! That sounds fun. I wish I could remember that." He gave a sad smile.

"Don't worry. You'll soon remember that real soon. What else can we try?" Mickey asked.

The gang was deep in thought, trying to think of different ways to get Funny's memory back. Suddenly, Donald had an idea.

"I know. We could get all the souvenirs from all our adventures." He said.

"That's a great idea, Donald." Daisy said. They all grabbed a souvenir and showed it to Funny.

Minnie went first.

"Look at this, Funny." She said.

"It looks like a bus with my face on it." He said.

"Do you remember it." She asked.

Funny's face twisted in strain. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't remember.

"Oh, I can't remember. What was it supposed to be?" He asked.

"It was the time we took a road trip to Zainy Mulany Land." She said.

Now it was Goofy's turn to try.

"Hey, Funny. Do you remember this?" He asked.

This time, it was a memoir of Funny as a disco ball.

"No. I can't remember that. What is it? He asked.

"This was from the time we had a disco party with a minator." He said.

Now Donald was the last one to try.

"Funny, do you remember this one?"

The last one was of a drum with Funny's face on it.

He was deep in thought, but he still wasn't able to remember.

"Nope. I can't remember that one eather." He said sadly.

"This was from the time we went to Musicville to play in a band." He said.

"That didn't work. What now." Mickey asked.

"I don't know. That was my last idea." Donald said.

"Oh, it's no use. I'll never get my memory back." He cried out.

"Now, don't give up, Funny." Mickey said.

"Yeah, we're not giving up on you." Daisy added.

"But I can't remember ANYTHING. You guys should just forget about me." He said, looking down.

The gang were taken aback. Forget! About Funny! No way.

"Funny, there is no way we're forgetting about you. Ever." Mickey said.

"You help us all the time. Their is one more thing we could try." Goofy said.

"Like what?" Funny asked, defeated.

"Knock, knock. He said.

Funny gave him a confused look.

"You got this Funny. Knock knock."

Suddenly, Funny felt something start to snap inside of him. He looked at Goofy and smiled.

"Who's there?" He grinned.

The gang smiled at one another.


"Orange who?"

"Orange you glad that were friends." He said.

Something in Funny snapped. Like something that's been unlocked inside of him. He looked at his friends.

"Mickey, Minnie. And Daisy and Donald. Goofy, Pluto, Teddy and Windy! I remember! I remember everything! Funny Funhouse is back!" He cheered.

The gang cheered as Funny poofed into his human form and gave the gang a giant hug.

"Thanks for helping me get my memory back guys. And thanks for never giving up on me." He said.

"Anytime, Funny. Now that you have your memory back, how about we get back to our Base ball game." Daisy said.

"That's a great idea." Minnie.

"But this time, I think I'll throw the ball instead of hitting the ball." Funny joked.

The gang laughed as they went back outside to play baseball. They played until it was time to head back home. Once they left, it was bed time and Funny was wishing everyone goodnight before he went to bed.

"Oh how good it feels to remember me again."

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