Magic Madness: Chapter 3

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Ever wonder how Funny got his magical powers. Well, this is that story.

"FUNNY! NO!" They called out as they ran to his limp body.

Goofy tried to touch him but got shocked as his body started to spark.

"I can't get close to him." Goofy said.

They heard some groaning and looked towards Funny. He slowly pushed himself into a sitting position and looked  at the gang, now having a green streak in his blue hair. They ran to his aid and helped him to a chair.

"Funny, what happened? Are you alright?" Minnie.

"I.... I think so. It must have been some sore of outburst or something." He said.

"It must have been because you held your powers in for too long." Donald.

"Are you guys OK? Are you hurt?" Funny asked.

"We're alright, Funny." Mickey said.

Funny looked around the funhouse, then at the floor.

"This place sure is a mess." He said.

"We can clean it up in a jiffy." Mickey said.

"I'm sorry, gang. I really messed up this time." Funny apologised.

"Funny, you have nothing to apologise for. This wasn't your fault." Daisy said.

"You just got your powers. And having to adapt to new things can be tricky at first. But you'll get the hang of it." Minnie said.

"Minnie's right. I mean, you were doing so well with the exercises before. You turned a pillow into fireworks, and you were flying." Mickey said.

"You just need a little more time to get used to it." Goofy said.

"I guess you're right." Funny said, giving them a sad smile.

"How about we clean up, and you can use your powers to help." Mickey said.

Funny gave him a thumbs up, and they got to work. While they were cleaning, they needed to lift up the book shelf. But it was too heavy.

"Funny, do you think you can use your powers to help us?" Donald asked.

Funny was a bit unsure at first, but he decided to give it a go. He focused his energy and was able to lift the bookcase off the floor and back up right.

"You did it, Funny. You sure are getting the hang of it." Goofy said.

Funny felt a lot more confident and started to use his powers more. From reaching for things up high to making things disappear. The funhouse was clean in no time. Soon, they were laughing while having snacks.

"That was hilarious." Funny laughed as he drank his juice. It floated in the air next to him.

"Looks like all that powers practice payed off." Minnie said.

"It sure did. Thanks for helping me, friends. Even though I almost destroyed the funhouse." He giggled.

"Anytime, Funny. That's what friends do." Mickey said.

"Hey, how about you guys sleep over again today. And we can visit the land of dreams as well." Funny suggested.

Since that day, Funny has been working hard on controlling his new powers. Even though he still has his fair shares of outbursts, he knows that he'll always have his friends there to be by his side. And he's taking that to heart.

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