Sunny Gulch comedy show: Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 is here. Let's  go

When they came out of the adventure door, Mayor Clarabelle was already waiting for them outside the saloon.

"Mickey, friends. Thank you for coming here so fast."

"Anytime Mayor Clarabelle. So, how can we help you?" Mickey asked.

"Well. We need to set up the saloon so that when the comedians come, it'll be all ready."

"We'll be happy to help Mayor Clarabelle." Minnie said.

"Great, now all we need is to get a big audience. A gigantic audience to watch the show.

Just then, Funny poofed in, his face projected onto a carriage.

"I can help with that. I'll invite all our friends from the adventure world's to come watch the show."

"That's a great idea, Funny." Daisy said.

"Great. I'll let everyone know. Be right back." Funny said before he poofed away again.

"Alrighty then. Let's get to it." Mayor Clarabelle guided the gang inside the saloon.

While they were setting up, Funny poofed back in, his face projected on a wheelbarrow.

"Hey, gang. Good news. Everyone can make it tonight. We're gonna have a full house. That's good 'cause I am the house." He giggled.

Everyone laughed at the joke.

"That's great, funny, thanks." Clarabelle said as she tested the microphone.

"Testing, testing, 1,2,3. It's working. Everything's done. Now all we need is the comedy duo, and we'll be right as rain." As soon as she said that, the phone rang, she answered.

"Hello.......oh no, that's terrible!...ohh it's OK, don't worry. Thanks anyway, bye."

"What's wrong, Mayor Clarabelle?" Goofy asked.

"Bad news, the comedians carriage broke, and they can't make it tonight."

"Oh no. What are we going to do?" Donald asked.

"We can get a new comedian." Minnie suggested.

"But where are we going to find a comedian in such short notice?" Funny asked.

Suddenly, all eyes were on him, and smiling faces appeared.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" Funny asked, beginning to feel uncomfortable.

"Mayor Clarabelle, I think you already have a new comedian. And he's right here." Mickey said.

"Really? Who?" Funny asked, excited.

Everyone looked at him again. The room in an awkward silence.

"......ME?" Funny asked, shocked.

"That's a great idea, Mickey." Clarabelle said.

"But, but ,but -" Funny started.

"You tell the best jokes, Funny. This is perfect." Daisy said.

"But, but, but -"

"Everyone will be so excited!" Minnie grinned.

"But, but ,but -"

"You'll save the show." Donald added.

"But, but, but -"

"Great. Better get your jokes ready, Funny. You have a full house to entertain. " Mayor Clarabelle said while she carried a box of comedy stuff.

Funny just stared into space. What did he get himself into.

"Don't worry, Funny. You're gonna be amazing." Mickey said, patting the wheelbarrow that Funny was on.

He just smiled and giggled nervously. As Mickey walked away, his smile dropped into a nervous frown. Man, was he in trouble. What the gang didn't know was that he has stage fright and he always freezes when he has to perform in front of people. He wasn't gonna let that happen.

A while later and everyone was piling into Sunny Gulch. Because of all the people that were there, they had to move the comedy show outside.

"Wow, that sure is a lot of people." Goofy said while looking through the red curtains.

"I can't wait for the show to start." Mickey said, walking towards the gang.

"Me too." Donald said.

"This is going to be so exciting." Daisy added.

"While they were talking, Minnie turned around to see Funny in a corner, and Windy fanning him to try and stop him sweating.

"I can't do this, Windy. Everyone's gonna be watching me."

Windy churred in response, trying to make him feel better. Luckily, Funny understood what he were trying to do.

"Thanks, Windy. I do feel a little better."

"Everything OK, Funny?" Minnie walked up to him and Windy.

" Everything's ok. I'm just a bit nervous, that's all." He chucked nervously.

"Ooh, you're gonna do great, Funny. Don't worry." Minnie reasured him.

"Thanks, Minnie."

"Minnie, Windy, the show is starting. We need to get to our seats." Donald piped up off screen.

"I've got to go now. Break a leg." She called while she walked away.

"Thanks. I'm gonna need it." He said to himself.

Mayor Clarabelle walked onto the stage, silencing the audience.

"Ahem. Ladies and gentlemen, comedy lovers from all around. Welcome to Sunny Gulch's first ever comedy show!"

Everyone erupted into cheering.

"Unfortunately, our original comedians couldn't make it today. But we have even better one. Comming all the way from Funhouse forest, please welcome comedy icon, Funny Funhouse!"

The whole audience burst into cheering and clapping as Funny poofed in front of the microphone. Everyone waited excitedly for Funny to begin.

He froze.

Funny just froze.

He was a blue circle statue.

Eyes wide with fear and breath hitched.

"What's going on?" Goofy whispered.

"I don't know." Daisy whispered back.

Just then, Funny poofed away. Leaving the whole audience in a mixture of shock and gasps.

"Uuuu... we'll be right back, folks." Mayor Clarabelle said as she ran on stage to the gang.

"What's going on? Where's Funny." She asked.

"I don't know, but we'll find him." Mickey said.

"And hurry. I don't think I can keep the audience waiting for long." Clarabelle said, looking at the curtain.

"Then let's get going. Come on, guys." Minnie said.

The gang went off. Starting the search to find Funny before the show turns into a comedy disaster.

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