The big CI rescue: Chapter 3

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When Mortimer messes around with Funny's cochlear implants, he looses them. So, the gang has to embark on a journey to Mount Mustard to get them back.

While they were on their way to Mount Mustard, Mortimer was still feeling guilty for what happened. Sure, he caused trouble at the funhouse before, but none of them resulted in Funny getting mad at him. Even thinking about it makes him siver with fear.

"OK, we're almost there." Mickey said.

Mortimer tapped Mickey's shoulder and spoke quietly.

"Hey, Mick. I still feel really bad about this whole thing."

"I know, Mortimer. We know you didn't mean for this to happen." Mickey said.

"Yea, but did you see the look on Funny's face. He was so mad. I've never seen him so angry before." He said.

"Don't worry. Funny never holds grudges." Mickey said.

"I hope so." Mortimer said, looking back at Funny.

Meanwhile, Funny was struggling a bit. Every time he thought about his cochlears, he would feel angry, and it would set his powers off. He knew that if he let it out, then his friends would know that something was up. But if he held it in, then that'll result in a mystic outburst. He felt bad about feeling so mad about the situation. Minnie walked slower so she could be next to him.

"Hi, Funny." She signed.

"Hi, Minnie." He said.

"Are you OK?" She asked.

He looked at Mortimer, and he then looked back at Minnie, guilt written all over his face.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"It's just that... I know Mortimer apologised, but I still feel mad about him losing my cochlears. I feel like I'm a bad friend for still feeling mad." Funny signed without speaking.

"Oh, Funny. Just because you're still a bit mad at him doesn't mean you're a bad friend . It all depends on how you deal with the situation." She signed.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well, when Mortimer said he lost your cochlear implants, you could've yelled and shouted at him. Instead, you took deep breaths and found a solution." She signed.

Funny still felt a little unsure. Minnie then continued.

"Can I tell you something, Funny?" She signed.

He looked at her intrigued.

"I was a little upset that Mickey broke my kite." She signed.


"Yes. But I realised that our friendship is more important. If it helps, doing things that you love can get those big feelings out. What do you like to do in your spare time?" She asked.

"Well, I like playing drums." He signed.

"Then maybe after this, you could do that after we find your cochlears." She suggested.

"That's a great idea. Thanks, Minnie."

They soon came up to the bottom of Mount Mustard. But the mountain was so high, they couldn't even see the top.

"How are we supposed to get to the top now?" Daisy asked while signing.

"I have an idea." Funny said before poofing away.

"Now, where did he poof off to?" Donald asked.

Suddenly, a shadow casted upon them, and they looked up to see a hot air floating above them.

"Need a lift?" Funny asked, his face projected on the hot air balloon.

They all cheered as Funny let down a rope for them to climb up.

"Going up." He said as they reached the top of the mountain.

They saw a nest with three baby birds inside. They also saw Funny's cochlears mixed in with the sticks.

"There it is." Goofy said as he signed.

Funny poofed onto a rock and looked at them.

"I can get it." He said, his eyes already glowing. But Mortimer stopped him.

"Look, I know you can't hear me, and you have no clue what I'm saying. But it's my fault we're in this situation. So I'm going to get them back myself." He said as he hopped out of the basket and made his way to the nest.

Funny looked at the gang and giggled.

"Does he not know I can lip read?" He said giggling again.

Mortimer reached the nest, and he tried to reach the implants. But the birds started to peck at his hand.

"Hey, quit it. I'm trying to get something here." He said.

"Mortimer, try this!" Goofy said as he tossed some seeds. He caught them and looked back at the birds.

"You birds want some food? Here. Have some." He said, tossing the seeds away from the cochlears.

The birds quickly went to eat the seeds, and Mortimer was able to get the cochlears in his hands.

"Got 'em!" He said.

The gang cheered, and he climbed back into the hot air balloon. They headed back to the Funhouse where Funny turned back into his human form.

"Your cochlear implants." Mortimer said, handing it to him.

Funny took them and put them on. It took a second before he could finally hear everything around him.

"So? Did it work?" Mickey asked.

The giant grin from Funny said enough, and everyone burst into cheeres.

"Thank you so much, Mortimer. You really did save the day." Funny said.

"It's no problem, Funny. I learned that if someone says you can't touch something, then don't touch it. 'Cause it could be something very important." He said.

"Well, what are we waiting for. Now that I can hear again, we should go on an adventure." He said as he poofed into his Funhouse form.

The gang went inside and up the stairs to anywhere, a new adventure awaiting them.

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