Funny's Day Out

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Funny wants to join the gang when it's the Hot Dog Hills fun fair. But it's difficult to do that when you're an enchanted funhouse. But he has a little trick up his sleeve.

The gang was over at the funhouse to hang out with Funny. While they were doing that, Funny got a video message from Mayor Beagle.

"Oo, video message from Mayor Beagle." He said before showing the message.

Mayor Beagle was on the screen.

"Hello, Hot Dog Hillians." He started. "As you know, today is the annual Hot Dog Hills fun fair. And this year, we have lots of new activities this year. I can't wait to see all your faces there. Bye." The video ended.

"Oh boy! This is going to be so much fun." Mickey said.

"It sure is. I can't wait for the fun fair." Funny smiled. Then he made a confused face. "Uuuhhh, what's a fun fair?" He asked.

"A fun fair is a smaller version of an amusement park. They travel all around to bring joy to everyone." Mickey explained.

"And in Hot Dog Hills, we used the fun fair to raise money for charities." Daisy added.

It's always so much fun. You can do things like go on a bouncy castle, bean bag toss, fun rides, a circus, and so much more." Goofy said.

"Thoes all sound like so much fun." Funny said.

It is. Oh, I sure wish you could do all those things with us, Funny." Minnie gave him a sympathetic look.

"Well, maybe I can." He smirked.

The gang looked at him with a confused look.

"There's one little thing I forgot I could do." He giggles.

Funny poofed off the fish tank and poofed in front of the gang. As a human!

The gang looked in awe. They were in shock.

"Tada!" He grinned, doing jazz hands.

Funny had thick, blue hair that was in a ponytail with a yellow scrunchie. He was almost as tall as Goofy. He had chocolate brown skin, and he was wearing a turquoise blue shirt with an orange star on it. He has yellow pants with red shoes. He also had a necklace with the letter 'F' on it. One thing the gang didn't expect to see was that he was wearing two white cochlear implants. But none of them said anything about it.

The funhouse was filled with ooos, aahs, and wows.

"Funny, you look amazing." Donald said.

"Thank Donald. I forgot I could do that." He giggled.

"Look at the time. We have to go." Minnie said. 

Everyone left the funhouse and headed to the fun fair. While they were walking, they ran into Fig.

"Hi, Fig." They all said.

Fig waved back and started to sign to them.

"Oh dear. Olive isn't here, and we don't know what Fig is saying." Daisy said.

"I can help." Funny said.

He turned to Fig and started to sign to him. Fig was very happy and signed back to him.

"He asked where we're going." He translated.

"Tell him we're on our way to the fun fair." Mickey said.

Funny signed to him, and Fig signed back.

"He said that he hopes we have fun and that he needs to get back to the other gnomes." Funny said.

The gang waved bye to Fig, and they continued on their journey.

"Funny, I never knew you know sign language." Goofy said.

"Well, actually, sign language was the first language I ever learned. I'm deaf but I wear cochlear implants. That's how I can hear you." He said.

"That's so cool." Donald said.

They all laughed and made their way to the fun fair. Once they got there, Funny was in awe. Everything he saw was a dream come true. He was so excited, he didn't know what to do first.

"What do you wanna do first, Funny?" Minnie asked.

"I don't know. There are so many things to do. I don't know where to start." He said.

"Well, why don't we do all the things." Goofy said.

"Let's do it!" Daisy said.

They all went to start on their fun day. They went to the bouncy castle, the fair rides, dodgeball, played hide and seek, Funny even won toys at the claw machine. They were about to go home, but something was wrong.

"Wait!" Funny, said frantically.

"What's wrong, Funny?" Mickey asked.

"One of my cochlear implants is gone! I can't find it!" He panicked.

"OK, Funny. It's gonna be OK. Let's retrace your steps to try and find it." Minnie said.

They went back to the bouncy castle to see if it was there.

"Can you see anything?" Donald asked.

"No." Everyone answered.

"Where did we go next?" Goofy said.

"The fair rides." Daisy answered.

They made their way to the rides to see if it fell off there. But there was no sign of it. They went to the dodgy ball area next. Yet the cochlear was nowhere to be found. Eventually, they went back to the entrance.

"We looked everywhere. We'll have to come back tomorrow to find it." Mickey said.

"We can't leave! It's gonna rain tonight. And if we leave now, it'll get wet and damaged." He said. "I can't hear without my cochlear." He looked at the ground.

"Hmm. He does have a point." Daisy said.

"OK. Let's try one more time. We went to the bouncy castle, the fair rides, and dodgeball. Where else did we go?" Mickey said.

Suddenly, Funny's face lit up.

"Wait, I remember something. We went to play hide and seek. We haven't looked there."

"Great, let's go." Minnie said.

They went to find Funny's hiding spot and low and behold, his cochlear implant was attached to the railing.

"We found it!" Funny said. They all cheered.

"How did it get there?" Donald asked.

"Well, my cochlear is magnetic, so it must've got stuck while I was hiding. Thanks for helping me find it." Funny grinned.

"Anytime, Funny." Mickey said.

"Now that we found it, let's get back to the Funhouse." Daisy said.

"Let's take the Floaty coasters." Funny whistled, and the Floaty coasters came down in front of them.

"But Funny, how are you gonna get back?" Goofy asked.

"Like this." Funny poofed away and poofed onto the Floaty coaster, his iconic blue face smiling at the gang.

"Let's go!" They flew back to the Funhouse, and Funny poofed back onto the house.

"You know, being human is fun, but I always love being a funhouse." He giggled.

The gang laughed along and went inside Funny. Then Funny got them a little something to remember their trip. After that, they said their goodbyes and headed home.

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