Funny's amnesia: Chapter 2

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When Funny gets amnesia, it's up to the gang to help get his memory back.

"What do you mean, Funny? We're your friends, remember?" Donald said.

"Friends? I don't remember." He said.

"Do you remember anything." Goofy asked.

"No. I don't remember anything. Who are you? Where am I? Who am I?" He asked.

"Your name is Funny. You're a magical funhouse that lives in Funhouse forest. We're your friends. I'm Mickey. And this is Minnie, Daisy, Donald, Goofy and Pluto." They all smiled and waved.

"And this is Windy and your dog, Teddy." Windy trilled and Teddy barked.

"Oh. Hi." Funny smiled.

"We better call doctor Clarabelle here to check him out." Minnie said.

Once doctor Clarabelle was at the funhouse, she started to examine him, checking pupil dialation and sight, making sure he didn't feel any nausea, checking his head, and finally, his memory. After a long and thorough examination, Doctor Clarabelle had news.

"I have a diagnosis. Funny has amnesia." She said.

"Oh no! Not amnesia! Uuuh...what's amnesia?" Daisy asked.

"Amnesia is when you lose your memory. In Funny's case, this happened because he hit his head of that tree stump." She explained.

"Will he ever get his memory back?" Daisy asked.

"Of course he will. All he needs to do is rest, and he'll be good as new. Oh. And try to find things that remind him of himself. That'll make his memory come back faster." She said while packing her doctor bag.

"Oh, thank you, Clarabelle." Minnie said.

"Oh, it's no problem. Take care, Funny."

"Thanks, Clarabelle." He said shyly.

Once she left, the gang went back into the living room with Funny, and they tried to talk to him. But he wasn't talking, and he was avoiding all eye contact. He looked scared.

"Why isn't he talking to us?" Goofy asked.

"I don't know." Mickey said.

"Funny, are you OK?" He asked.

".....No." He said.

"What's the matter?" Minnie asked.

"I don't remember anything. I don't know who I am or where I am. I don't know anything about me or you guys. It's really scary." He said with tears in his eyes.

The gang looked at each other and him with sympathy. He was just scared because he didn't know anything. Minnie walked up to his tank and patted it.

"Oh, Funny. It's going to be OK. Don't cry. We will find a way to get your memory back. Don't worry." She consoled him.

Funny gave her a sad smile.


"Minnie." She said.

"Right. Thanks, Minnie."

"Now, let's try and find a way to get your memory back." She said.

"But how are we gonna go that?" Donald asked.

"Well, Clarabelle said that if we surrounded Funny with things that remind him of himself, then his memory would come back faster. We can try that." Daisy said.

"That's a great idea, Daisy. Are you ready to try it, Funny?" Mickey asked him.

Funny looked at the ground, then at the gang before responding.

"OK. Let's do it."

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