Ask the house

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Funny does a blog and answers some questions from his fans.

(Live sream starting)

(It shows Funny moving the camera around to the perfect position. He smiles and sits back, waving at the camera.)

"Hiya, friends. It's Funny Funhouse. and today, i'm gonna be answering your questions. Let's get started."

Q: What's your full name, Funny?

"Oh, that's easy. Funneillious Christopher Funhouse. Next question."

Q: Are you just allergic to sunflowers, or are you allergic to anything else?

"Actually, I'm allergic to peanuts and celery. Found that one out when I tried ants on a log when I was six." He giggled.

Q: What are you afraid of?

"I'm afraid of the dark."

Q: What other powers do you have?

Funny looked up in thought.

"Hmmm. I don't know. There's still so many things about my powers that I don't know yet."

Q: What's your favourite food?

"I love tamales."

Q: Do you have any siblings?

"I have two brothers. Flappy and Frizzy. We're triplets. How cool is that."

Q: What's your favourite animal?

"My favourite animal is a panther."

Q: What's your favourite thing to do in your spare time?

"I love to play the drums."

Q: Were you born deaf or did you become deaf over time?

"Nope. I was born deaf. I got my cochlear implants when I was one."

Q: What's your favourite show?

"I love the Zainy Mulany cartoons."

Q: Where are you from?

"I'm from Mexico."

Q: Can you ride a bike?

"Yes. I can ride a bike."

Q: What's your favourite season?


Q: What's your pet peave?

"Uuuhh....what's a pet peave?

Q: Do you dye your hair?

"Nope. My hair is naturally blue. The green streak I got when I had my first mystic outburst."

Q: What's your special interest?

"Space and music."

Q: How are you able to poof from funhouse to human.

"That's easy. Magic."

Q: When's your birthday?

"August 15."

Q: What's your zodiac sign?

"I'm a Leo."

Q: Do you have a love interest?

"No. Not yet, at least." He giggled.

Just then, the funhouse phone started to ring and jump around.

"Oh, a new adventure is calling. I better get the gang. I'll answer some more questions soon. See ya next time!"

( Live sream ended)

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