Tip of the iceberg

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After a mystic outburst, Funny tells Minnie about all the worries he has about his powers.

Minnie walked through Funhouse forest, admiring the scenery and the sounds. She decided to pay Funny a little visit as she closed the boutique early. She picked some strawberries while she was walking so she could make them both smoothies. When she reached the funhouse, she realised that Funny wasn't on the house. She opened the door to see everything shaking, and Funny was kneeling on the floor, holding his head.

"Funny?" She said, reaching over to him.

"NO! DON'T COME CLOSE! PLEASE!" He shouted, his eyes and his hair glowing.

"Funny. It's gonna be OK." She said.

Funny's eyes glowed brighter, and he floated off the floor. A mystic outburst has started.

"Oh no." Minnie said as she went to get pillows for him to fall on.


"How are you feeling, Funny?" She said, bringing him a glass of water.

"Better now. Thanks, Minnie." He said.

She sat down next to him. His hair was out of the ponytail, and it was going in his face a bit. He looked tired, to say the least.


He looked at Minnie.

"I asked if you were OK." Minnie said.

"Oh, sorry. Yea, I'm fine. I'm just a bit tired. That outburst really did a number on me." He said.

Minnie looked at him. She knew that he was hiding something. But she didn't know what.

"Funny. You're my friend, you're like a brother to me. So I know when something is wrong." She said.

He looked at her and sighed.

"I guess I'm just worried about my powers. And all the outbursts. This is the third one this week and every time they get more and more destructive. But I guess my new power helped me not destroy everything the last time." He said.

"Wait a new power?" She asked.

Funny looked at a pillow, and he put his hands out towards it. Just then, the pillow had a green force field around it. He brought the pillow towards him, and he dropped it on his lap. Minnie looked amazing.

"Buttons and bows. You can make force fields." Minnie gasped.

"Yea, I guess." He said, hugging the pillow.

"But I feel like something else is on your mind." Minnie pushed.

"OK. I'm scared."

"Of what?"

"Of ME! I can't control my powers good enough, and they keep going off. I'm scared that I might hurt someone one day." He said, avoiding her gaze.

Minnie gave him a sympathetic look. She held his hand in hers.

"Oh, Funny. I know it's hard to deal with all of this, but remember, you have your friends to help you." She said. Funny looked down.

"Yea. But there's something else that you should know." He said.

"What is it?"

"I-I think my powers are taking over me." He said quietly.

A siver went down Minnie's spine when she heard that.

"Taking over? What do you mean?" She asked.

"Sometimes, my eyes go green like I'm gonna have an outburst. But I don't. But I still don't know what I'm doing. And when I come to, I'm either in a different place or things have moved places. I don't know why, but Windy recorded it." He said, pulling out his (samsung) phone and showing it to her.

It showed Funny, his eyes fully green, waking around the funhouse. He used his powers to float stuff up and move them about. He even walked on the ceiling and the walls. He was poofing from human to funhouse form and back again. Then he sat down on the armchair, and he came to, looking very confused.

"Oh my." Minnie said.

"Windy said that I've done it multiple times, but this is the most recent one that happened yesterday." He said, putting his phone away.

"I just don't know what to do anymore. I don't want to lose myself or anyone because of my powers." He said sadly.

Minnie looked at him and gave him a much needed hug, Funny hugged her back as tears started to fall.

"Funny, I promise that we'll help you. You'll never lose us. Cause we'll be by your side. It doesn't matter whether your powers take over or not. We'll always be there no matter what."

That was enough to make the funhouse sob. Minnie heald him closer and didn't move until his sobs and cries turned into sniffles and hiccups. After a couple of minutes, he wiped his tears and smiled sadly.

"Thanks for being here, Minnie. You really made me feel better." He said.

"Anytime, Funny. How about I make us some hot cocoa and we can watch a movie. We can invite the gang if you want."

"I'd love that." He grinned.

Soon, the whole gang was at the funhouse. And even though he didn't tell them about today, he will soon. And he sure knows that his friends will be by his side, no matter what. He sure is the luckiest funhouse in the world.

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