Funny on the beat

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The gang finds out that Funny can play the drums.

It was a sunny day in Musicville, and Funny brought the gang to have a little music session. They were all experimenting with different instruments and sounds. It's was all going well until they realised one thing.

"Wait, where's Funny?" Mickey asked.

"He was here a minute ago. Maybe he went to explore. You know Funny can't stay in one place for a long time." Minnie said.

"You're right, Minnie. I'm sure he's fine." Mickey said.

Meanwhile, Funny was walking around trying to find something to play. He loves music, but he finds it difficult sometimes because of his deafness. But as we all know, Funny never gives up. He came across a drumkit that was black with blue stars all over it. It was calling Funny over to it.

Back with the gang, they were starting to get a bit worried about Funny. They decided to go and look for him. What they didn't expect to see was Funny playing the drums. And he was a pro.

Funny was in the zone. While he was playing, he started to glow. His eyes glowed a bright lime green, and a blue star appeared on his face on top of his eye. The song he was playing was Everlong by foofighters. His hands were going at a million miles per hour, and his magic started to show. The gang watched in shock as Funny did one last drum fill before finishing the song. It was only then that he saw the gang, mouths opened in amazement.

"Oh, hi gang!" He greeted.

"Funny, how can you play like that?" Goofy asked.

"Oh, you know. I wanted to learn drums a while back, so I taught myself." He said.

"Funny, that was amazing!" Mickey said.

"And the glowing. How did you do that?" Daisy asked.

"Oh yea. Sometimes, my magic does that when I play. Still don't know why." He said, pondering.

"Well, we're glad we found you." Donald said.

"Found me?" He said, confused.

"Yea. You wondered of a bit." Daisy said.

"Ohhh. Sorry." He giggled nervously.

"That's OK, Funny." Can you show us all the cool things you can do on drum?" Minnie asked.

"Why, sure." He said, twirling his sticks.
"But only if you guys play with me." He said.

They all got their instruments and went back to Funny to have one last drum session. They had a blast, and even better, they found out something new about Funny.

(Sorry if it's not that good. It's 1 a.m., and I'm tired so. 👍)

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