Hiccup in the house: Chapter 3

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Today, the funhouse friends have a fun day ahead of them. Everything is going smoothly until Funny gets the hiccups, that is.

Funny sat down on a chair with his head in his hands.

"Oh, it's no use. I'll never get (hic) rid of my hiccups." Funny said defeated.

"Now, don't give up. I'm sure we can find a way to get rid of them." Mickey said as he put his hand on his shoulder.

"I don't know. I think I'm gonna (hic) take a walk." He said as the door changed from red to purple. He walked out the door and went for a walk.

"Poor Funny. He looks so sad." Minnie said.

"Yea. But how are we gonna get rid of his hiccups?" Goofy asked.

"I have an idea." Donald perked up.


"(Hic) (hic)" Funny hiccuped as he poofed back into his Funhouse form, and as the bush turned into butterflies.

"I'm going to be stuck (hic) with these (hic) hiccups forever." He said, poofing back into his human form.

Suddenly, Funny's phone went off. It was a text from Donald, saying that he had to get back quickly. Funny read it and poofed back to the funhouse. When he was back inside, it was dark. No lights were on, and Funny was starting to get scared.

"Hello? (hic) gang? Are you there?" He said, his voice wobbling. Just then, he heard Jack in the box music playing in the middle of the room. It was giant. And the more it played, the slower it got. Until the gang popped out of the box and scared him.

"There you are! You scared me!" He said.

"Sorry, Funny. But it was the only thing that'll work." Donald said.

"Work with what?" Funny asked.

"Listen." Minnie said.


"I don't hear anything." Funny said after a while.

"Exactly. Funny, your hiccups are gone." Minnie said.

"Oh yea. I'm not hiccuping anymore!" He cheered.

All the things that had been affected by Funny's hiccups had poofed back to normal.

"Thanks for helping me get rid of my hiccups gang. You sure are the best friends ever." He giggled.

"Awe, that's OK, Funny. It's what friends are for." Mickey said.

"Now, aren't we supposed to have a fun day today. And we still have time to do all those things we wanted to do." Funny reminded them.

"Let's go!" Donald cheered as they went up the stairs to anywhere, ready to go on their next adventure.

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