Funny's big birthday surprise: Chapter 3

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Today's Funny's birthday and the gang are planning a surprise birthday party for him. But Funny thought they forgot.

All the way in outer space, Goofy was with Rocket Mouse on the red planet. And things were going smoothly. The rocketmaster was malfunctioning, and they had to get back to earth. Funny poofed in as his human form next to Goofy.

"Hello." He said, scaring Goofy. He jumped in the air and landed into Funny's arms.

"Hiya, Goofy. Hi, Rocket Mouse." He said, still holding onto Goofy.

"Hiya, Funny. Are we glad to see you. The rocketmaster isn't working." Goofy said, getting down from his arms.

"And if we can't get it working soon, I won't be able to complete my mission." Rocket Mouse said.

Funny looked around the Rocketmaster and saw something sticking out from the engines. A string. He went closer and pulled on the string. As soon as he did that, the engine started to rumble. Rocket Mouse and Goofy went to take cover while Funny was confused.

"Why are you guys hiding?" He asked.

Just then, confetti blasted out of the engine everywhere, mostly on Funny. It was all in his hair and on his space suit.

He spat out the confettiin his mouth. "I think I found the problem." He said.

"Are you alright, Funny?" Goofy asked.

Funny laughed and shaked off the excess confetti before answering.

"Oh, I'm fine. Say, why do you have confetti in your ship anyway? For a party, maybe." He prided.

"No. It was a beta test for a new escape plan. I can use the confetti to make a quick getaway if I need to." Rocket Mouse said.

Funny's smile faltered a little when he heard that. He hoped that it was for his birthday. He really started to believe that everyone had forgotten his birthday.

"Thanks for helping me, Funny." Rocket Mouse said.

"Anytime. See ya soon." He said, putting on a fake smile.

As soon as Funny poofed away, the two of them sighed in relief.

"That was a close one. He almost found out about the surprise confetti cannon." Goofy said.

"Let's get back to the Funhouse for the party." Rocket Mouse said.

Back at the funhouse, Funny was alone. All his friends had gone to help others, and they didn't even wish him a happy birthday. He was sad. Not just sad, but he was feeling a bit frustrated as well. He poofed into his human form and ran out of the funhouse in tears, with Teddy and Windy in persute.

A while later and the gang came back to the Funhouse. Mickey looked around before calling everyone in.

"The cost is clear. Let's get this party started." He said as all their friends piled into the funhouse. It didn't take long for the whole house to be decorated. And it looked stunning.

"This is amazing! I can't wait for Funny to see this." Minnie said.

"Well, let's call him. Everyone in positions." Daisy called out as they turned off the lights and found a hiding place.

"Funny, knock knock!" Mickey called out.

Nothing. No one came.

"Uh, Funny? Funny?" He called.

Still nothing.

"Where's Funny? He always comes when we call him." Goofy said.

"I don't know. Let's go look for him." Mickey said.

"We'll go look for Funny. Everyone else, can you add the finishing touches to the party." Minnie said.

"Were on it, Minnie." Innkepper Cuckoo-Loca said.

The gang went out and followed the footprints that led them to a little lake. There, they saw Funny, Teddy, and Windy. Funny was singing sadly  to himself.

Happy birthday to me

Happy birthday to me

Happy birthday, dear Funny

Happy birthday to me

He blew the party blower sadly and covered his face in his hands.

"I can't believe they forgot my birthday. I was so excited to celebrate my first birthday with them. And now I won't be able to do that at all." He sniffed.

The gang looked at each other with guilt. They didn't mean for this to happen. They were so busy with making sure he didn't know about the party that they didn't realise that they were going too far. They walked up to Funny, who was now softly crying.

"Funny." Daisy said, gaining his attention. But Funny looked away and wiped his tears.

Minnie walked over and sat down next to him.

"Funny, we're so sorry. We didn't mean for this to happen." She said.

"Yea, we took the joke too far." Donald said.

"It wasn't a very funny joke." He said.

"We know. And we're really sorry. We only did this because we have something fun planned. Mickey said.

"Fun planned? What is it?" Funny asked.

"Come on, we'll show you." Goofy said as they headed back to the Funhouse.

Once they got inside, the lights turned on, confetti went everywhere, magic carpets flew around holding snacks, and a huge banner that said 'Happy birthday Funny' dropped down from the ceiling.

"SURPRISE!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY FUNNY!!!!" Everyone cheered.

"What's all this?" He asked surprised.

"It's a surprise birthday party for you!" Mickey said.

"We would never forget your birthday. We were trying to plan your party all day." Minnie said.

"Were so sorry we hurt you feeling. But hopefully this will make it up to you." Daisy said.

"Oh this definitely makes up for it. Thanks everyone!" He grinned.

Donald went and came back with a gift for him.

"Here, Funny. I made this for you." He said.

Funny opened up the wrapping paper to reveal a beautiful sea shell necklace.

"This is beautiful. I love it! Thank you so much, Donald!" He said, giving the duck a big hug.

"OK, ok. You're welcome Funny. You can let go now." He said, hugging him back.

Queen Hariotte and Queen Isabella came in hoding a magnifying cake that was shaped like the funhouse itself.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday, dear Funny

Happy birthday to you

Funny grinned from ear to ear as he saw his cake.

"OK, Funny. Make a wish and blow out your candles." Captain Salty said.

Funny closed his eyes and made a wish. He then blew out his birthday candles. Everyone clapped for him as he poofed into his Funhouse form.

"Thanks everyone for the best surprised ever." He said.

"No problem, Funny." Mickey said.

"Now we have one more thing to do." He said with a smirk.

"What's that?" Goofy asked.

"We need to get this party started!" He sang.

Everyone cheered as they played party games, ate some food and gave Funny some gifts. By the time everyone went home, Funny was so tired he almost fell asleep on the floor. He poofed back onto the house and reflected on the day. He sure is lucky to have such good friends like his.

"Best birthday ever."

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