High as a kite

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Funny accidentally gets his hands on some 'special' brownies.

Funny poofed onto the fridge and looked around the kitchen. No one was there. Everyone was outside playing tag with the pups while he went inside to get a drink. He used his powers to get a cup of water, and he drank out of it. When he finished, he spotted some brownies. Thinking that Daisy or Minnie made them, he took some and started to eat.

"Mmmmm. These are some good brownies." He said.

Meanwhile, the gang was outside sitting on the ground. They finished their game of tag and decided that they'll go inside. When they went inside, things were floating around the room. They thought the worst and went to look for Funny. He came out of the kitchen, floating in his human form. But something was off.

"Funny. There you are - are you OK?" Mickey asked.

Funny looked at him, his pupils dilated and foggy. He frog blinked at them and gave them a loopy grin. They instantly grew concerned.

"Funny, what's wrong?" Daisy asked.

He frog blinked and giggled at them, his eyes letting of an unusual glow.

"Heyyyyyy, gaaaaang." He slurred.

"Funny, are you alright?" Donald said.

"I feel really looooopy. But thoes brownies we soooooo good." He slurred as he floated upside down. The gang looked at each other in fear. Then they looked back at Funny.

"Funny, thoes were Mortimer's loopy brownies." Mickey said.

"Whaaaaaa?" He said.

"Eating thoes brownies make you feel loopy. Mortimer asked if we could keep it here for a bit while he runs some errands." Goofy said.

"Ohhhhhhhh." Funny said, spinning around in the air.

"We should get you down." Daisy said, tugging on his arm.

They pulled him down to the ground, and as soon as he touched the ground, he fell over. Luckily, they were able to catch him in time and guide him to the chair. He started to float out of the chair, but they grabbed him before he floated away.

"Funny." Daisy snapped her fingers in his face. Funny looked at her.

"How many brownies did you have?" Donald asked.

"Uhhhh.....four." He slurred.

"Oh boy. He's as high as a kite." Mickey said.

"Quick, give him some water." Minnie said.

Goofy ran to the kitchen and got a glass of water for him. He came back and gave the glass of water to Funny, who happy drank it.

"Feeling a bit better?" Mickey asked.

Funny was silent for a second before he answered.

"Yeaaaaaaa." He said, his hair starting to glow.

"I don't think he's OK." Goofy said.

"I'll call Doctor Clarabelle and see if she can help." Donald said as he went to the Funhouse phone.

They looked back at Funny, but he wasn't on the chair. in fact, he was flying.

"I believe I can flyyyyy. I believe I can touch the skyyyyy." He sang.

Daisy looked at Minnie, then Funny.

"This is gonna be a long day."

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