The Sound of Silence: Chapter 3:

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Chapter 3 is here. Enjoy

Once they made it through the door, they covered their ears because it was so loud. All the different voices overlapping each other was a lot to take in. Luckily, Funny gave the gang headphones to drown out the sound.

"Now. How do we find Funny's voice?" Asked Donald.

"Let's split up. I'll go with Funny, Minnie, you go with Daisy, Donald you go with Goofy, and Pluto, you go with Teddy." Mickey said as he gave each of them a bracelet, and the pooches a pup tag.

"We can use these to stay in touch. If you find Funny's voice, then press this button. Then we'll be able to find you." He continued.

"Let's get going." Minnie said.

They all split up into different directions. But it was difficult to try and hear Funny's voice. There were thousands of different voices everywhere you go. And Funny was starting to lose hope.

"Aww. Come on, Funny." Don't lose hope."

Funny looked into Mikey's eyes, then looked to the ground. Suddenly, Mickey had an Idea.

"Hey, how about we have a wiggle break. That'll make you feel better."

Funny perked up a bit when he heard the word 'wiggle break'.


Let's wiggle 'till we giggle and we're feeling OK

(Funny's voice)

Wiggle, giggle, wiggle


Wiggle, giggle, wiggle


Wiggle, giggle, giggle, wiggle, squiggle, wiggle yay

Wiggle, giggle, wiggle


Wiggle, giggle, wiggle


Wiggle, giggle, giggle, wiggle, squiggle, wiggle yay

Kinda silly, kinda something that'll wiggle up your day

We can wiggle, giggle, wiggle 'till we're fellin' ok

(Song end)

Mickey and Funny were laughing as Mickey heard something in the distance. It was laughing. A very unique type of laugh. IT WAS FUNNY'S VOICE.

"Funny, I hear your voice!" Mickey said excitedly.

Funny looked around aimlessly, listening to all the other voices.

"Funny, I have an idea. You start saying something and we'll listen for your voice. I'll let the gang know we have a lead." Mickey said as he pressed the button on his bracelet.

Funny took a deep breath and started to sing.

Hey, lemons make lemonade

Flowers bloom in the rain

Growing up is a pain

And it is what it is so Hey

The gang were here and the started to follow the voice, with Funny on Mickey's backpack still singing.

It's not the end of the world

There's always light where it burns

Just remember the words

And it goes like this

The sound was getting closer and closer as the gang were getting more excited.  And there it was. Funny's voice.

The voice was a blue, sparkling powder floating in circles. Funny was still singing, and he was singing beautifully.

"There it is!" Goofy pointed to the voice.

"We found it." Daisy cheered.

"Woof. Woof! Woof! Woof!" Both Pluto and Teddy barked.

"Funny look." Mickey said as he took off his backpack to have Funny facing the front. "It's your voice."

Funny smiled like their was no tomorrow when he saw his voice. Minnie encased the voice in a jar then they went back to the Funhouse.


Once they were back in the Funhouse, Minnie used his voice to make a special tea. She then gave it to Funny.

"Take this Funny, you voice is in the tea. It'll help you fell better.

Funny took the straw and started to drink the tea.

"Thanks, Minnie." He was able to say, his voice still a bit hoarse.

"Hey, Funny, your voice is coming back."
Daisy said

"Yea. It is." He said cheerfully, his voice still sounding scratchy.

"Try not to talk to much Funny. Let's let the tea settle in so it can work." Mickey said.

Funny nodded happy. The gang decided to play Flap Jack Attack while they waited.


"Flap jack attack!" Everyone laughed as the stack of plastic pancakes fell down.

"That was fun." Funny laughed, hus voice now fully back.

The gang audibly gasped.

"Funny, your voice is back!" Goofy said.

"It is. It really is. I'm baaack! He said in a sing song voice.

"Everyone cheered as Funny projected his face onto the tank.

"Thanks everyone for helping me feel better and for getting my voice back."

"Anytime, Funny." Minnie smiled.

"Now let's get back to the game. I wanna beat Daisy in Flap Jack Attack." Goofy said with a determined look in his eye.

"In your dreams, Goofy." Daisy replied.

"Let's go!" Donald said making his way to the table.

"Horray!" Everyone shouted, but Funny was the loudest of them all, glad that his voice was back where it belongs.

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