The Sneezy Mystery: Chapter 1

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The gang gives the pets a good bath. But whenever Funny goes near them, he started to sneeze. Is he allergic to dogs?

The day started off normally. The gang was inside giving Pluto, Teddy, and Creampuff a bath.

"Here you go, pups. A brang new doggy shampoo just for you." Minnie said as she held up a yellow bottle with a paw print on it.

She opened it and poured it into the bath while the rest of the gang scrubbed the pups. They dried them off, and their coats (or in Teddy's case wooden planks) were all shiny. Funny poofed onto the tank.

"Hiya gang. How's bath time going?" He asked.

"Hiya, Funny. The pups are all clean." Mickey said as they showed off their clean coats and wood. They walked closer to Funny.

"Wow, they look great. So shin...a..a..ACHOO!"

"Bless you." Daisy said.


"Are you feeling OK, Funny?" Goofy asked.

"I'm fine....ACHOO.... I just...ACHOO....can't stop...ACHOO... sneezing." He sniffed.

"That's strange. You were fine a minute ago." Donald said.

"I know... ACHOO.... it's so strange...a....ACHOO!"

The pets went outside to play with a ball.
Funny sniffed.

"Hey, I'm not sneezing anymore." He said.

"That's great, Funny." Daisy said.

The pets ran inside again, and Funny instantly started sneezing again.

"That's odd. Funny only starts sneezing when the pets are around." Mickey said.

"Let's do a test." Minnie said.

They brought the pups outside and closed the door.

"How is that, Funny?" Daisu asked.

"Much better." He said.

Then Donald opened the door and let the pets inside again.

"How is it now?" Goofy asked.

The only thing Funny could reply with was with a sneezing fit.

"I think we found our problem. I think you're allergic to dogs, Funny." Mickey said.

"Allergic to dogs?! No way! I've had Teddy for ages, and I've known Pluto and Creampuff for a while, and this never happened before." He said, sounding a bit nasaly.

"Well, pet allergies can happen anytime." Daisy said.

"Can we at least find a way to make it better...ACHOO!" He asked.

"We can try. But we need to get started soon before your sneezes shake the whole of funhouse forest." Goofy said as they all started brainstorming ideas.

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