Hiccup in the house: chapter 2

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Today, the funhouse friends have a fun day ahead of them. Everything is going smoothly. Until Funny gets the hiccups, that is.

"How are we gonna get rid of my (hic) hiccups?" Funny asked.

"Well, according to this book, there are many ways to get rid of hiccups. We should try all of them." Daisy said.

"Let's (hic) do it." He smiled.

Daisy flicked through the book and landed on a page.

"Aha! It says that you need to drink water upside down." She said.

Funny hiccuped again, and he poofed back into his funhouse form. Minnie grabbed a glass of water with a straw and brung it to Funny. He flipped his face upside down, and she placed the straw to his lips.

"Did it work?" Goofy asked.

Funny hiccuped, and the glass of water floated in the air and tipped over Donald's head.

"Why does this always happen to me?" He asked, annoyed.

"(Hic) Sorry, Donald." He said.

"Let's try something else." Mickey said.

Daisy flicked through again and found another cure.

"Says here that you need to...hop on one leg and say 'pineapple' 10 times." She said.

They all gave her a confused look.

"What....it's what the book says." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

Funny hiccuped, and the yellow fish tank turned pink.

"It's worth a try." Minnie said.

Funny poofed into his human form and tried it.

"How about now?" Daisy asked.

It didn't work. And when Funny hiccuped, it started to rain popcorn.

"Yahhooo! Popcorn!" Goofy cheered as he dived into the popcorn pool.

"Well, that didn't work." Donald said.

"Daisy, are there any other remedies?" Mickey asked.

Daisy rose out of the popcorn and flicked through the book.

"There's one where you pat your head and rub your belly at the same time." She said.

Funny did what the book said. And after a while, it was silent.

"I think it worked! (Hic)." This time, the floor had a poka dot pattern.

"Can we try anything else?" Goofy asked.

Daisy looked through the book, but she couldn't find anything else.

"Nope, that was the last one." She said.

"Really?" Funny asked disappointedly. He hiccuped, and he started to float in the air.

"This is not working (hic) at all." He said, sounding done with everything.

The gang heard the annoyance in his voice and slightly cringed.

"Let's get you down from there, Funny." Mickey said.

They grabbed a rope and tied it onto his ankle to pull him down. Once he was on the ground, they had to find another way of getting rid of his hiccups.

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