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The gang finds out that Funny can speak Spanish.

It was a very nice day out, and the gang decided to go to Mexico for a party. But while they were there, they got lost.

"Donald, do you know where we're going?" Mickey asked.

"Of course I do." The duck said. "It should be right around here." He said, leading then to a coffee shop.

"We're back at the beginning." Minnie said.

"Donald Duck, are we lost?" Daisy asked.

"No... maybe.....ok we're lost." He finally admitted.

"Now, what are we gonna do." Goofy asked.

Pluto looked around and barked towards a man reading the newspaper.

"Great idea, Pluto." Mickey said, patting the pooch. "We can ask him for directions." Mickey said.

They walked up to the man who smiled at them.

"Hello. Can you please help us? We're lost, and we could use some directions?" Minnie said.

The only problem was that the man could only speak Spanish.

"On doodles. He only speaks Spanish. What are we gonna do?" Daisy asked.

Just then, Funny poofed in on a wall and giggled.

"Hiya, gang. Did you find the party?" He asked.

"Hiya, Funny. No, not yet. We're trying to get directions, but he only speaks Spanish." Mickey said.

"Oh, I can help with that." He said as he turned to the man and started speaking Spanish.

The gang was shaken. Since when did Funny speak Spanish. Once Funny was finished talking to him, he turned back to the gang.

"OK, he said to keep going straight and to take the next left by the stop light. Then you need to take a right by the pond and after that take another right by the souvenir shop. After that, take a left and you're at the party." He grinned.

The gang said nothing and looked at him in silence.

"Uuuuhhhh...... why are you guys looking at me like that?" He asked, confused.

"You can speak Spanish!?" Donald asked.

"I've always been able to speak Spanish." He said.

"Your Spanish?" Mickey asked.

"Well, actually, I'm Mexican. But that was a close guess." He giggled. "Come on, let's get going." He said, poofing away.

The gang looked at each other before making their way to the stop light.

"Wow. You learn something new about him every day." Goofy said before they crossed. Around 5 minutes later, they made it to the party. For the whole event, Funny was their personal translator. Sure, he could just tell them all about him, but he thinks it's more fun to see the look on their faces when they find out.

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