-50- Found

253 17 2

TW:  Coma
         Selfharm/ Suicidal Thoughts


"This way, Agent Jareau." The doctor says, pointing to the door of the room at the end of the hall.
Here in the intensive care unit, all the walls are light blue and the beds and curtains match the color.
There are no pictures on the walls and no other things to make the ward prettier, everything is practical and sterile.

Y/N will still like the blue much better than the yellow.
What a stupid thought.

The doctor stops in front of the door and gives the nurse next to him a quick glance before looking at his clipboard again.

"Agent Jareau, I don't know how much you already know about Miss Y/L/N's condition?"

He asks carefully, looking like he would like to be somewhere else.
I have to swallow, it doesn't mean anything good when a doctor says something like that.

"Not much. I know she was injured. And that she was missing and has now finally been found. How is she doing now?" I ask, trying not to sound impatient.

"Miss Y/L/N was admitted in a weakened state. She had a severe laceration on her head and a few bruised ribs.
The cuts were deep and worrying, but we were able to treat them too.
She was also dehydrated and hypothermic. We were able to get all of that under control..."
The doctor explains as objectively as possible, but I sense that he is holding something back.

Emily didn't say anything about the attacker using a knife.
Could Anna have used violence too?

I remain silent and hold his gaze, hoping that he will just carry on talking.
"Her already damaged knee has suffered a lot of damage and we are not yet sure whether we can repair it. Only time will tell..."
He explains, holding onto his clipboard as if he were a student giving a poorly prepared presentation.

Only now do I notice how young he is. 
He looks like he hasn't had many conversations with relatives yet.

"Can I see her?" I ask and try to look through the window in the door, but all I can see are blue walls.
"Agent Jareau, the patient is currently unresponsive. She...she is in a coma.
We don't know exactly whether it is due to the injuries or the blood loss. She is being ventilated and fed and we are giving her body some time to recover. We will see in a few days." He says and avoids my gaze.

"Can I see her?" I repeat emphatically, unable to understand the extent of his words.
He just nods and signals the nurse to accompany me.
The nurse opens the door and lets me step through, then closes the door behind us.

In the blue room there is only one bed, right by the window.
In the bed lies a pale, small figure that at first glance does not look like a human, more like a ghost.
I take a sharp breath and try not to make a sound as I follow the nurse to the bed.
"May I?" I ask, pointing to the bed and he just smiles at me in agreement.

I carefully sit down on the edge of the bed and let my gaze wander over Y/N.
She looks so small and lost in the hospital bed.
Various machines are standing around the bed and are attached to various parts of her body with tubes and cables.
Her leg is lying uncovered on the mattress, a thick white cast covers the damage to her knee.
The other leg is covered by the blanket and she is wearing a fleece jacket over her hospital gown, which she seems to be sinking into.
Her hands are lying motionless on the light blue blanket, an access to a drip runs from the back of one hand, the other hand is lying palm up, as if she is expecting something.

I See you, Y/N. (Emily Prentiss X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now