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The Change Chapter 2:
Written by: Espeon_Master_Espo
Chris has grown rather happy since he had fully moved into Nicole's place. He had not really planned on moving in at first. His Sly side did and it knew precisely what to say so they could stay as long as they wanted. It had woven his way into Nicole's house so well that she could not even think of kicking him out without worrying about what would happen afterwards. It of course helped that Chris's body was still very sexually active and that he more than able to satisfy and relax Nicole to the point of sexual bliss each time they had fun.
Nicole was likely wise happy with what Chris could do to her, as he was also not a canine like herself, so she was pretty safe from getting pregnant. Not that she avoided the look, as she had to learn how to drain her womb of his cum. Chris had more than once produced so much cum that even Necole was left looking and feeling the weight of pregnancy. Nicole and Chris discovered the main reason for his sheer volume of cum was likely caused by both his odd changes which were still fresh and messing with his hormones, and the fact his body might be searching for a mate on top of that, messing with them more.
Another thing they wanted to keep an eye one was just how stable Chris really was. His three heads for one, left a question of his mental state, though it seemed at the moment he was just fine and still able to think normally. While his body itself seemed to not changing or mutating any more than it already had, which was also a good sign. For as Necole had pointed out, that so far, no company was making any advertised hybrids like him. Reptile changes tended to be cold blooded, or required a little more heat to keep awake, whereas Chris was clearly warm blooded. So, his dragon like change was quite unusual.
The other thing they had to deal with, or at least Chris had to cover for, was how he was going to pay for all the damages done. That was not including the few other issues such as the public sex he had caused by jumping Necole. Just the food he had eaten or trashed alone, was enough to make Chris heart race with worry when he had seen the final tally. Add to that all the new shelves, damaged from wall and windows, and the sheer amount of people who had given into sexual urges, to pay it all off including fines, well Chris knew he have a cheaper time putting a down payment on a new house
The damages were directly covered by insurance, thankfully, and the store had already been repaired. But in order to pay off his fines, and community work he had been given, he was pressed into working at the store. Helping both repair it, as his strong frame could easily move anything they wanted about, and as a cashier for the store once repaired as no one wanted to steal from a dragon that
towered nearly a foot above them when he was laying down, gun or no. Plus he helped on truck day, as he could move the massive packing crates with ease.
This was why Chris found himself heading home late one night. He had just finished an evening shift, having helped deal with a delivery that had shown up rather later than was normal due to a crash on the nearby highway blocking traffic for hours. Now free for the night, he was slowly trotting home, along a route he knew rather well, the twin tips of his tails shifting back in forth showing his good mood. The source of his good mood was all the new scents that his nose could now smell. Things he would have never noticed before were now quite clear and he enjoyed trying to figure out what each of the new scents meant. Even his Angry and Sly sides were enjoying the walk as well, which was admittedly not too uncommon as long as they were not trying to talk to each other.
But when the scent of female heat reached his nose, Chris knew trouble or fun was ahead. His Sly side at once began trying to figure out reason behind the scent, wondering if it could be used to help them get off. His Angry side on the other hand was only slightly annoyed, this was going to distract them form their first mate Necole. Though he had not personally won Necole, Chris Angry side was furiously loyal to their unofficial mate.
Reaching the side alley, Chris peered down it. Even with his night vision it took him a few moments to find the female, who was hidden behind a container of some sort, her legs sticking out. Her clothes were hanging off her legs and feet, and as a moan was heard, her legs quivered ever so slightly. It did not take one head, let alone three, to figure out that she seemingly did not care about masturbating out in the middle of the city, even if slightly hidden from view. Not that hiding like this really meant much, as with so many changed human's about, her scent was a song bell ringing out slowly through the city.
Moving forward, Chris felt his cock sliding out of his body becoming harder till it was hanging fully below him. The Sly side was wanting to fill this woman with so much cum her belly would be stuck looking pregnant, much like they had done to Necole before. The Angry side on the other was annoyed as the easy as which Chris and the slide side were willing to jump another woman. Not that they were in anyway truly connected to Necole, which was why the Angry side did not stop either Chris or Sly.
"Excuse me," Chris said when he could clearly see the woman.
She visible jumped, though she did not cover herself up. Not that covering up would have really helped Chris soon realize. She was about his own age, with a slightly out of shape body, which unto itself was not too odd. The odd part was the twin set of massive breasts on her front, several times larger than any natural size she could have had. As to confirm this fact, Chris noticed that around her
appeared to the remains of a ruined shirt. Likely she had just changed, and not expected her breasts to grow that big, or if not that, having the second set grow in like they had, making her front look like nothing more than a wall of breast flesh. Add to this, and why her lower clothes were removed, was the swollen pussy she had. It pushed out several inches, giving it a very tube-like connection to her body.
"Oh sorry," The woman said, "I... I am umm..."
"The name is Chris, what is yours?" Chris asked moving more into the open.
"Well, I am..." The woman began, but as she looked down, her eyes locked with what must have been his cock, and she stopped again.
"Do you need something, you look rather... put out?" Chris offered, gesturing to her naked form.
"What... oh no, well yes," The woman answered, "I got the wrong vial, and well it has left me so horny, that I can hardly control it. If you would be willing... I need filled up now!"
Chris was only slightly taken aback by the sudden desire in the woman. He knew he should hold back, and that this woman was clearly not in her right mind. However, her pussy was pulsing all along its length, and visibly dripping even in this darken location. The smell of her desires was making it harder to fight his own needs and desires, plus his Sly side was urging him forward. There was also the fact, that based on the look in her eyes, she was likely to jump him or the next person that showed up.
Laying down on the ground, Chris rolled over, truly exposing his massive cock to her for the first time. The look of desire in her eyes only grew, and before he could quite follow it, she was already climbing onto his lower belly. It only took her a few more seconds to slide her pussy lips along a fair portion of his length. What shocked him was he could feel her pussy cling to his length, and almost sucking on him, as if it was slide about his cock.
"I got a hyper or growth injection by accident," the woman panted out, as she tilted back allowing Chris to just make out her pussy from below her massive hanging breasts.
He studied it and realize that her pussy was sticking out like a toy, each lip swollen to several times its former size. Thus, hanging down several inches like he had seen before. He could see her lower
lips moving about as if it had a mind of its own. To top it off, her clit was a few times bigger than its former size, and the rubbing of her lips where they came together was constantly teasing her.
"I didn't regret it till I realized no man's cock or toy could fill me up anymore..." Here the woman paused as she slid forward almost off Chris's cock, "You can do fill me up. Maybe even more."
Even the Sly side, could not think of what to say to this. It had barely done anything, and now they were about to be ridden by an almost normal human. They were so hard that by this point, that pre was dripping rapidly from the tip, dripping out of the woman's equally soaked pussy. It was coating their belly and leg scales in a layer of pearly cum. The woman noticed but did not seem bothered by this as she ran her finger through the cum, and rubbed it over her lower lips and into her clit.
"Enjoy this, I know I will!" The woman said before bending over again and sliding backwards.
Chris had gotten somewhat used to the kind of sex that Necole could provide him with, and it had felt amazing to say the least. But this, was new and very amazingly different. She was in all ways different from what it had been like when he regularly took Necole. Where Necole was extra tight, and once he knotted her, there was no chance of pulling out. This woman he could ram into her as much as he wanted and would never get suck, her insides hugging him like a warm blanket able to give way as needed. Plus, her pussy could seemingly suck his cock, moving and teasing his lengths in ways that was clearly not normal.
This woman bottomed herself out on the first try, his cock buried insanely deep. His length was still partly outside, but even then, her belly bulged in odd ways where his cock poked her insides. The knot just outside her pussy was teased by her shifting lower lips, so that even it was not truly left out of the action. She allowed this for a few moments before pulling almost fully off again, an action that had he been normal, would have caused him to cream right there. As it was, he still let out a jet of pre that coated much of her insides. But the woman was far from being done with him, she wanted to get off, and even if he came, there was no way she would stop. She was going to ride his cock till she was satisfied.
With abundant ease, she slid back down fully onto his cock. With even less time for him to get used to her massive soft slit, and slid slowly back up again her pussy sucking and teasing him as it moved off. Before she finally slid right back down swallowing up almost his entire length again. She kept going, never quite picking up a large amount of speed, but enjoying each movement, where his cock would fill her, then leave her. Chris, and his two heads were slowly being lost in the lust, hardly aware of anything but the pussy that kept on swallowing up their cock and the teasing of their knot with its lips.
Chris wished he could hold back, but after less than a minute of this new kind of pussy, eating up his cock so hungerly, he came hard. Each jet of cum sprayed and filled the woman up with ease. Yet, though he pumped cum deep into her, causing her belly to swell from the amount and breasts to part a little bit to make room for the belly, the woman did not stop. Indeed, if anything, her slit seemed to slide with greater ease over his cock, swallowing it up better than before.
"Oh, you are good," The woman said, "I want more of this gift."
Christ had no idea quite what she was referring to, outside the fact she seemed bigger than before. But that could have just been the lust, and darkness around him not quite letting him see clearly. What was more, he could feel her pressing down on him more than before, making this more like when he was with Necole. Though this did confuse his lust filled mind, his stamina was far from drained, as like with Necole, he could go almost as long as she could thanks to his massive internal balls.
As such, he nether got softer or did the flow of pre truly stop after his orgasm finished. The woman who was sliding up and down on his cock, was happily enjoying the massive knotted monster he sported. It was clear, that she was not going to stop till she was satisfied or till he finally began to soften. Though, Chris was not unhappy about this as he began to shift, thrusting his hips the best he could into her.
They worked at it, hardly aware of anything going on around them, and continued for several hours. Chris came again many times more, the period between each release growing longer. Each time he came, he felt as if she was becoming much heavier, which could have been the sheer amount of cum he was filling her belly with. Though he could not quite figure out why she also seemed to get bigger as well. His mind was to sex hazed to think clearly on it before he finally passed out, drained as he was after a long day of work, and now some of the best sex he had ever had.
When Chris finally came to, the next morning, he was met by a very odd sight. Above him was another dragon-taur much like what he had was, but also slightly unlike him as well. This one was clearly female, with a twin set of massive breasts, that were pillowing his head. As he woke up further, he tried to shift, and felt or rather did not feel the any movements from his arms, indeed, as he shifted, it felt like his entire body was stubbier giving him a very straight jack feel.
Indeed, his body felt so weird to him currently, that Chris could not push the woman off him for several minutes. It was not till he figure out how to roll over from his side, and onto his back, did he escape her embrace. He felt his cock pull clean and lightly slap into the ground as he continued rolling
over and finally stop up. His cock rapidly retreated into his body at the touch of the cold ground, and he shook his form, trying to find out what was going on. He had a rough idea what might be going on, but he was not very sure just yet.
With his Sly, and Angry head, Chris was able to look over his form, and he saw he was basically just his lower half now. With three head connect to where his upper body once connected to his lower half. His cock and balls, well he could actually see his massive sack now partly hanging from between his legs with his cock in a slightly distended vent rather than flat slit like before. It seemed his size were much more apparent now, like bulging pants.
Then looking over at what must have been the woman from last night. He realized just how big he must have been before he shrank down to this new form. Her upper body was every bit as tall as her lower body was long, and just as thick. Her chest was filled with four massive breasts that looked semi normal on her much larger frame. There were no hints of nipples on her breasts, though that could be just how her scales that covered her, blended them in. Shifting to her lower half, it was a great replica of his body, with twin tails, with her still surprisingly oversized gapping slit visible right by her tails base.
He tried to speak then to wake her up, but all that came out was a barking growl. His three heads looked at each other, as they each tried to speak. But nothing could come out that sounded close to normal speech. In the end he had to give up for the moment, and instead moved to try and wake the woman up. Though he could just leave, and figure out a way inside Necole's house, he figured it would be best to try and explain what was going on.
She was a rather heavy sleepier to say the least, as he poked and prodded at her to try and get her up. As he did so, his Angry and Sly heads were working on making sounds. It was taking them a little bit as his new form had a rather different set of vocal cords compared to his other forms. Finally, though, as the woman began to awake, his extra heads began to figure out how to speak as they sounded out different word, then entire sentences.
"So how are you," Chris asked, as the woman began to stretch and look around.
She did not answer right away, clearly surprised as she saw her much changed body. She was clearly three or even four times her old body in size, and several times in weight. Her extra limbs gave her paused as walking on four legs, was clearly something she had never thought about before. Her old changes were still there, twin sets of large breasts, hanging off her front like massive pillows. While back hidden from view, just below her tail was her massive gapping slit.
As she did not continue to answer, promoting Chris to asked a second, then even a third time. She was looking at her arms, covered in the fine scales, and tough skin, then her breasts. Before finally to her lower half, as if she could not quite believe what she was seeing. Indeed, this continued so long, that Chris began to wonder if she would ever get over her new changes.
"How... how did this happen?" The woman asked, turning, and noticing Chris's own changes for the first time.
"I don't really know," Christ admitted, walking slowly around to the front where the woman could easily see him before adding. "I woke up this morning, in this feral form, and saw you with my... Well with a female version of my old form."
"That does not really explain to much," The woman commented, looking down at her form, "But I guess that cannot be helped. This is not to... normal."
"Well, we could head to where I am staying, and try and figure this out. Or at the very least try and guess at what is going on. That and I need to talk to a friend of mine," Chris said before adding, "My name is Chris by the way, though collectively I am called Necrotes. I am or at least was a recently turned wingless dragon-taur, though now I guess I am a feral wingless dragon."
"Jenna," Jenna responded as she slowly got to her feet, "I had aimed to try and get a change myself recently. It was supposed to help me with my flat chest, but well, it got well out of hand as you saw. Extremely large breasts, a second set grown and that massive swelling of my pussy."
"I noticed, did your larger assists set you off?" Chris asked as Jenna slowly got to her four feet.
"Well, it is not too bad now that the change is over, to be honest," Jenna answered, as she slowly tried to walk about the alley they were hidden in, "but you found me when my pussy had just finished swelling. I was being driven insane with lust during that, and could not hold back afterwards. Nothing outside release could have calmed me down, I think. Though, it could be my larger body just fits my changes better so I am not getting overwhelmed."
Chris nodded as Jenna continued to walk around still chatting. It turned out she was a bar tender to the very building they were behind at the moment. She had gained the vial to change her body from a friend, but it seemed they had either played a trick on her, or she was unlucky. She had waited
till the bar closed, early this time due to the cook falling sick, as she could not wait till she got home. It rapidly became too much and she had wanted to get home, but was way too late. Which is how she met up with Chris.
Once Jenna was sure she was not going to trip herself up on her new four-legged body or her twin tails, Jenna and Chris headed to where Chris was living. While they could have headed for Jenna's own home, Chris wanted to let Necole know what was going on first. From there, Necole could call Chris's boss and let him know something weird had happen. As in his new form, Chris would find it rather hard to do almost anything his job required of him.
The trip took longer than Chris would have thought, though not just because of Jenna's unfamiliar body, but also his own. At first, he thought he would be just fine and he was. Right up until he tried to explain something using his hands, forgetting that his front legs were now also his hands. As such he would over balance and fall on his face. Which left Jenna laughing a lot at his sudden face plant.
When they finally arrived home, Jenna helped them both in, having grabbed Chris's stuff before they had left the alley. Once inside, Chris and Jenna moved to lay down on the extra-large couches that Necole owned. Each couch was made this was to account for the much large lower body that Necole possessed. Jenna was rather tired out, as she was not used to this kind of movement, and had tripped more than a few times herself.
Plus, as Chris pointed out, she had changed without eating a lot to help put on all the extra mass like he had to do. So, till she had a few good meals in her, Jenna would likely feel rather weak. Chris who on the other hand had lost mass, was feeling rather lively. Jenna's scent smelled amazing, though he knew he should not take advantage of her again. At least, not just yet.
Deciding to give Jenna some room for the moment. Chris made his was out of the back of the house. He did not really have any set location he was heading towards, but he knew that he could not go far, till Necole showed up. Though, that would not be for a long while yet as it wasn't even noon, and Necole would not be off work till at least dinner. Chris figured he might have Jenna message Necole for him before then.
Once outside, he walked around in the large backyard. The sun on his scaly side felt nice, and he felt what could only be described as an animal like desire to run and romp about. He had felt hints of it in his dragon-taur like form, but now, not focused on Jenna nor getting home, he felt the need to have some fun. As such, he took off from the backyard and down the back alley.
The town he lived in was not truly big, and he knew the back paths to the more wild and rural area. He moved with a much greater ease than he had before, his body stretching fully for the first time. Unlike a centaur, with their long legs, Chris's lower body could not go full out without his top half moving about harshly. Now however, he could run around at speeds he never would have thought before. Indeed, he was so fast that before he even realized it, his body was bounding clean out of the towns outer most limits.
Now out in a semi wooded area, he poured on the speed, racing along at speed that he would have only given to that of a racing horse. He never felt so alive before, his heart beating in time with his foot falls, deep breathing that drew in and out large amounts of air. It was a high similar to that of sex, yet, it was one that he could easily get anytime he could have ever wanted. A runner's high.
It was not till he was nearly a dozen miles outside town did he begin to slow down. He was breathing hard, yet not entirely tired out. He could run like that for a long while still, but he knew he would have to return home soon. However, though he had slowed to a very light jog or trot, he did not turn around for home. Instead, he moved around the area, sniffing and looking for different things that caught his attention.
One such thing he came across was the scent of a female dog that crossed his current path. Following this scent with interest, he soon realized it was not a dog, but actually a wolf. He spotted her as he walked out from behind a bush catching her by surprising. She surprised him by neither running nor attacking. Which was more surprising as Chris when he was close enough could tell she was rather malnourished. Not to the point she was about to die, but enough that she would not be able to attack and reasonably be expected to drive him off.
Chris debated about walking away, but something stopped him from taking a single step. It might have been a bit of animal instinct, or desire to help her. Either way, he was not about to leave this wolf alone just yet. He saw this as a challenger to himself, and he wanted to show her who was the boss. Not that she could really face him down even if she had been in prefect shape, he was just too big for her to be a true threat in a one-on-one battle. It was a simple matter of him wanting to show his dominance over her. The perverted part of his mind, also wanted him to claim another mate.
He began circling her, his three heads watching her every movement. But also sniffing the air, and checking to see if anyone else might show up to aid her. Not that he was expecting another wolf to show up, but there was always that chance something could happen. As for the wolf, she did not move, and just watched him as he slowly circled her. She clearly knew or guessed what he intended, but also knew she would not be able to stop him.
They kept watching each other, Chris circling the wolf, the wolf slowly turning, and watching him. Her teeth were visible, though no hint of growls could be heard. It was a simple warning, with no real fight behind it. Chris did not growl or bare his own teeth, but he did fell his cock slowly sliding out and hanging from him while his scent of desire filled the air. His intentions were quite clear.
The wolf seemed to whimper some, her eyes glancing down to his massive cock. The distraction of her glance was barely a few seconds, but it was what Chris was waiting for to pounce. She did react, but was to slow, for as she tried to stand up and with her teeth bared, he ran into her. The force of it knocked her over, and Chris tried to pin her down. Small as she compared to him, this proved to be difficult as she was able to wiggle out of the way of his fore feet.
She rolled over, trying to escape before he could catch her. It was not enough, as working with his three heads in tandem to his forelegs he caught her, pinning her lightly to the ground. With her pinned, she stopped struggling as much, her body quivering more as she slowly became resigned to what was coming. Chris lined up and tried to enter her, unlike with all his other times he missed and did not enter first try. However, he soon found his target and move forward and into her. As his cock slid deeper into her, the he felt the quivers race up through his cock.
Chris's cock could fill her up, yet he was not able to slide into her fully with half of his cock still remained outside her body. Yet the fact he was slowly dominating her, was enough to get him off. He might not be in her fully, but the large amount of pre was sure sign of his growing enjoyment. As he began to pump, he did not notice right away, but she was slowly taking more of him in with each thrust. The cum filling up her belly and womb rapidly, till like with Jenna her belly began to inflate.
Chris was not done as he wanted to orgasm, hardly away of her swollen gut. Pounding into her going slowly deeper till finally as his knot reached her lower lips, he came hard. The wolf was already rather swollen with cum, her belly looking several months pregnant already before he came. With the added amount flowing into her it caused her belly to balloon out in an almost cartoonish like fashion. This swelling caused her to stretch enough that Chris's cock sank in fully.
Before he could realize what was happening, Chris's knotted the wolf, making pulling out or escape impossible. Not that either seemed like they were willing to leave just yet, indeed the wolf seemed to be enjoying this odd mating by this point. Laying down on their side, Chris relaxed as his balls, continued to pour cum into her. It was quite clear to all three of his heads, that the wolf had seemingly accepted him as her mate, if not alpha.
As they lay there, Chris noticed that the wolf was slowly falling asleep. He let her relax, noticing that the swollen belly was shrinking. What he did not notice right away, was that the mass was not just
vanishing, but rather moving about her body. Her limbs were thickening, feet becoming more like his own. Front paws taking on the form of human hands with long black nails.
Chris did not notice these changes, till he realized her body was getting bigger. Three sets of breasts were forming along her front when he finally looked her over. She was not done changing, as she took on a full anthropomorphic look, her fur began to shift. Her head and much of her body lost its fur, and instead was covered in soft black scales, but along her spine and tail, the fur remained, darkening to a coal black matching the scales in color. By the time she finished changing, she looked like a very young woman, with a body that was nicely mixed between his own and that of her wolf form. Her muzzle was a narrower that his own, while her legs and arms were heavier set than they likely would have been otherwise.
Chris just stared as he began to wonder if something about his cum caused changes in others. First Jenna and now this female wolf had both changed after they had sex with him. Jenna to a full taur form, and this wolf to a more human like form. It seemed like their added mass came from his own body, through his cum. However, he could not think on it long. Chris had to get back to Necole's house before anything else happened. Also, he had to figure out precisely why Necole had not changed, as she had had more fun with him than anyone else. Deciding not to worry about this now, as time was likely increasingly pressing, he decided he needed to wake the wolf first.
Nuzzling her with his head, and lightly shaking her with his paws, he spoke, "hay you need to wake up."
It did not seem to do anything, and soon Chris was forced to realize, he had to pull her off and carry her back home. The first part, would be easy, at least he hoped, but the ride home might prove difficult. But he forced himself to move one step at time, and began slowly lifting her off his cock. This took several minutes to fully slide her off, as the movement of her slit around his cock, made him want to start pumping her full again. Chris was just barely able to hold off, and finally breathed a sigh of relief when she pulled off fully, and her slit was free to drip any leftover cum from her pussy.
The smell of sex now much heavier in the air, Chris moved quickly and helped her onto his back, his side heads holding her arms around his middle neck. It was not the greatest way of riding but would do for the moment. Finally, he began trotting back towards town, he knew he could not run full out, less he accidently toss her off. He also had to focus on keeping the ride as smooth as possible, to avoid shaking her about, as though she had scales which would protect from cuts, it would not protect against bruises.
He continued trotting on for what must have been two hours, covering the same area he dashed across not to long before. But he did not fret to much about it, enjoying much of the nice jog across the lands. Slipping back into town, Chris was glad that nobody seemed to be about, as so many questions would be raised at the site of him and the nude wolf girl. Slipping into the back alley, he finally reached Necole's home, and slipped inside. Only to be met by both Necole and Jenna. They had been staring at each other with mild shock, but when they heard the door open and saw him. Both of their mouths were left hanging open, though if it was because of him, the girl, or both he did not know.
"What... happened?" Necole finally managed as Chris walked past and carefully laid the sleeping wolf girl onto the couch.
"I don't know," Chris answered honestly, "But I... umm. I might have a guess."
It was the next day, when Chris finally left the house again and he was feeling very drained. They had spent the entire rest of the day and long into the night talking. They now had a solid idea or at least a solid guess, what was causing the changes to Jenna and the now named wolf/dragon girl, Sarah. Chris body, was still seemingly unstable, and he could move his mass and changes onto others, adding to their own changes. And the only reason Necole had not changed, was because she was an already fully changed Husky-taur. Thus, her changes were completely filled out, and other animal-taurs like herself would be immune to his changes. This also meant if Chris ate enough food, he likely could return to his old dragon-taur self.
This all left a number of questions still that they had to figure out. Like, would Sarah change more if Chris filled her a few more times. And if so, would she end up more dragon like or remain in a hybrid form. Another question was; was there a limit on how many more could Chris change? Or for that matter, was there no true limit? Meaning, he could in theory change anyone he came across forever? A minor curiosity was how would someone else change, into a taur like Jenna, or anthro like Sarah, or was feral possible.
These thoughts and many more kept chasings themselves around Chris's head as he tried to figure out what to do with himself. The thoughts from the second heads kept mixing with his own thoughts increasing his own confusion. But one thought did linger in his mind, he wanted to test out if he could change more people who already had an animal like form. Remembering that his body could seemingly produce a scent that made females much more willing to spend time with him. He wondered if this might be his way of changing another.
As for males, he had no idea what his scent did, or what his cum could do. While it would be interesting to see if he could change another male, as their bodies were clearly not made to take cock in like a female. Chris wanted to see if he could change another female first. Preferable one with more animal like changes, to see if that any effect on the changes similar to Sarah's own. An owl, frog, whale or dolphin would likely lead to some of most interesting changes over all when mixed with his own changes. Would they be more dragon or more of their own original form, and how would the mix portions work, would they end up like a griffin half and half, or a bend like Sarah's own body. The questions were endless.
Chris walked along slowly, observing with his three heads the different people about the town. A fair number of people had changed in some way, though a majority of people were still just normal humans. He noticed those humans, mostly by their scent, that had indeed slightly altered their body. Not all the changes were obvious either, likely height, gender, race or swelling of breasts or cock and ball size. Other human changes were much more obvious, extra breasts, or additions of male or female parts to their already female or male body.
The animal forms, which made up a majority of changes seemed along the more normal line. Their change ranged in equal parts between the main anthro, feral and taur forms. As for animal forms, those tended towards normal things such as cats, dogs, mice and even birds. While the more abnormal forms were snakes, lizards, frogs and on the more extreme rare end, fish or whale and dolphin. The water-based forms being the rarest as they required regular hydration, so out in the forest and plains area where Chris's town was located meant they had to take special care of their changed bodies.
Chris decided he did not want a basic form to change, rather he wanted something water based to work with. It would make the changes, if he was able to add them onto another person, a lot more obvious as they would be so different from their own original changes. Not that his dragon features were that hard to spot, seeing how well the scales stood out on Sarah's own body. Still, which one to pick.
Chris kept walking and soon noticed a dolphin anthro morph sitting by herself in a park. Chris moved forward, his nose clearly picking out signs of distress from her. As he got closer, he could make out her talking, it seemed she was chatting to someone on her phone, as no one else was nearby.
"Yeah... No, we broke up... No, I very much doubt that we can make up... Yeah, I will be heading home soon... I don't know..." the dolphin morph said, pausing as she listened to the other persons question or reply.
Chris continued forward till he was not too far away and then stopped letting his scent slowly start filling the area. Not that he was aware of this fact as the action was much more instinct than conscious thought. The scent not only raised a person's lust, but also made them increasingly suspectable to lewd thoughts and suggestions. Inhibitions were often let go not long later, as lust began to rule their mind and an all-out public sex orgy could ensue not long later.
As such, once the female had hung up her phone, she began to shift about rather uneasily. Her core was heating up, and needs growing rapidly, yet she was still out in the open, and could not quite bring herself to give in right away. Not that this hid her desires for long. Morphs like her had interesting forms, longer webbed fingers when held together that looked like flippers, along fin along their back, smooth skin and finally a thick tail, that formed between her legs rather than her rear. As such she could not move her tail truly behind her, and had to keep it in rough line with her legs and body bending it to keep it from scraping across the ground.
For this reason, her pussy and anus were no longer hidden between her legs, but along the bottom, or front of her tail. Meaning without her clothes, it was clearly visible to anyone who was watching her. Her slit, once it was soaked, rapidly became visible, soaking a large patch of her clothes with her juices. So, as it began to heat up and grow increasingly soaked, it became increasing hard to hide from others. It was not small either as it was a few inches across and nearly a foot in length. It took up a huge area on her tail, and the scent that it gave off filled the air with a much more potent scent to Chris than any other persons so far.
Her slit swelled, parting as her lust grew, and Chris watched as she slowly began to sink her hand into her gapping pussy. It was clear that even if she was in one of the must public places she could be, that her needs had grown too much to hold back. Now for anyone else the act of their entire hand into their pussy would have been going all out, but for this female, it was just the warming up for the real act. As Chris's heads looked on, they saw her arm sink down slowly deeper and deeper into her own pussy till she was almost up to her elbow hammer away at her own slit.
Chris had to fight to keep from jumping her, and even then, he was aware that he was leaking out cum onto the ground only increasing the smell of sex in the air. This very smell increased the females needs, and kept the orgasm just out of reach. With her orgasm keeping just out of reach, the female worked herself harder, working her breasts, and driving her arm deeper into her body. The lewd display only turned-on Chris more, as he could clearly smell, hear and see her needs. Causing him to leak more cum, boosting her needs up none stop, in a vicious cycle.
The female's desires would only grow, and Chris continued to leak more and more. But something had to break, and it was not going to be Chris. Though he was grinding his cock slowly into the ground, and the cum was flowing almost freely out onto the ground, he was not fully lost in the lust.
He knew, though how he knew he was not sure, that it would work out better if she made the first move.
Chris did not have to wait much longer, as she got up only moments later. It was quite clear that her needs were only growing and her arm was clearly not doing the job anymore. She needed a massive cock, and she needed it now. To which, Chris was only to happily to supply his own. Walking out into clear view, his massive cock teasing across the ground, was all she needed to head towards him.
Rolling over, Chris let the female climb on atop him much like Jenna had, and slide her slit and tail over his cock. She did not do this for long, as she angled her tail, and rammed his entirely length right in. Chris shivered, as this was the first time know and all that he was fully able to take a female without some sort of change happening to them. At least that he had caused, or from them getting used to him. She could straight out take him, and entirely enjoy it with the just how her body now was.
On her hands and knees, she slid forward than back, nearly leaving his cock, before driving herself back down onto it. Each thrust, Chris felt to his core, and each time he barely held himself from thrusting back. She was in the driver's seat for the moment not him, and clearly did not need or want his help. Chris thus, enjoyed each second of the pleasure she was giving him, as the pre that was already flowing out, became more constant.
The female's belly was showing signs of a small belly bump, and cum was coating their lower parts when Chris felt the pressure suddenly spike and he came hard. The belly bump she had been gaining suddenly swelled into a full-on bulge that from mid-way down her chest and continued to almost her slit. Chris grinned at this swollen belly, as it was just like all the other times.
He did not want to lose himself, and instead tried to focus and watch the changes that might soon follow. Nothing seemed to happen, outside the female adjusting herself on his cock, she clearly wanted more than this one orgasm. Though his cock had swollen her full once already, she was just like the others thought that one time was not enough. As she finished adjusting her position, she began to slide up and down on his cock again easily taking his knot.
While Chris did not realize it, the female was already changing. Her body was growing in size, and her limbs were already becoming thicker, which had caused her to adjust herself. Hints of scales were trailing along her back and spine, while her hands and feet were thicker, while the first hints of claws were forming on her fingers and toes while the webbing between them became less prominent.
As she continued to thrust down onto Chris, he enjoyed each second, but could now, no longer hold back from bumping his hips against her own. His tails wrapped around hers on either side, as his hands and feet gripped her. With this added grip, the female was able to pick up speed pounding herself down onto Chris's cock with rapid vigor. She was aiming to get him off, and like before, he was more than able to provide. His body was made, indirectly, to orgasm and fill up anyone he wanted.
It was not long before he finally came again, and the female's belly began to swell, showing its lovely bulging self once again. It did not look quite as big as the first time to Chris, though he still enjoyed its return none the less. Chris did not realize this but he had also reached his own slightly unknown limit, so as she grew, he shrank. And as he shrank not only would he make less cum, but also the less her belly would swell outwards.
Chris closed his eyes for a few moments panting, before looking up at the female and blinked in slight shock. Her face was pushed out, and looking more like orca, as the black scales that were forming on her face, gave her silvery skin an extreme contrast. He began to notice other changes, as she seemed to be as big as he was now, and the scales he had missed before, now were very evident.
Her body was thicker, and bigger now, clearly as big as he was. Her limbs were closer to that of a feral animal, though with the continued dragon dolphin blending. Her face and head continued to push out into the muzzle shape it had taken on without much of a neck to work with. While her physical strength increased by leaps and bounds.
Chris though he tried to watch, was soon lost in the lust same as her. He barely noticed he was producing less cum each time. His body was rapidly shrinking, though keeping its dragon like nature. He kept all three of his heads, but they shrank in size till they were slightly smaller than a normal human's. He orgasms became increasingly fast and soon they had switched spots with the female on her back, with him pounding away with his still larger than normal cock. She had become a cute feral, dragon dolphin hybrid.
When they finally stopped, Chris lay across her warm belly, covered in cum and juices. Looking up, he realized he was much smaller with a more human like form, and now really realized how big his other forms were, once again. She was the size large if short horse, and twice as powerful. She also seemed quite content at the moment and held him lightly between her lower legs.
"We really should have thought this through," said the Angry side of Chris's heads.
"Nah, she wanted and needed it. Besides, we have our answer on who we can infect... sort of," the Sly side said grinning.
"Sort of," Huffed the Angry one.
"Mmm, for someone who just gave me the best time of my life," the female said, tilting her head on her short neck so she could look at him with one eye, "you seem to be rather conflicted."
Chris laughed a little bit as the other two heads looked a little sheepish, and his main head spoke, "My two heads have conflicting personalities. But we all enjoyed this, and hope you enjoy your much larger form."
The female nodded, quiet for a few moments as she took in her much bigger body, "I can get used to it. How did you know this would happen?"
"It has happened... a few times before," Chris explained, a hint of hesitation in his voice.
Before he had been big and powerful and could defend himself from an attack. Now he had nothing to save him from this female, outside his scent, and the fact he gave her a very good time.
"Shall I get a chance to meet these, other changed ones?" the female asked clearly not angry, at least for the moment.
"We can head back to my house and meet them yes," Chris answered.
"Good," the female smiled and then pulling off of him, rolled onto all fours.
She moved about him with a bit of snake like grace that left Chris feeling very small and helpless for a few moments. But she was not mean, and helped him up onto her back. As he climbed atop her fully, Chris realized for the first time that he was naked. He had always been naked, outside maybe a shirt since he changed, but now he felt it much more so than ever before. The reason might have been his more human like form and thought patterns in this form.
Either way, the ride back was going to be interesting, and his pack it seemed just kept growing.

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