Capítulo sem título 90

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Slowly, the piece of paper was passed, first one desk to the right, then one desk behind. All eyes were kept innocently facing forward, although only the kids in the very front didn't notice quick sharp movements going on behind them. There was a sort of unspoken alliance present in Mr. Brennis' English class. There were no juniors or seniors, and the sophomores were more than happy to work with the freshmen to stave off boredom. It was a given, that were you to write someone's name on a note and slip it to someone next to you, they would do their best to prevent the teacher from seeing, and get it to the recipient. It was also given, that your note would not be read, unless the message was printed right under the recipient's name, in which case that was your own dumb fault.

The current note wouldn't have been a big deal even if someone had read it. It was headed with 'Just some random doodles' and underneath it were a bunch of weird looking symbols and drawings. It really didn't mean much of anything... except for Jake and Davage. The latter was constantly blown away every time he gave the last month's events some thought, which was most of the time. Being transfigured into a scaly green dragon was astounding enough, let alone finding out his newly met neighbor held the ability to transform as well. The last month had been one of constant learning for Davage, whether it was learning how to control his transforming abilities, flight (oh and that had been beyond glorious, despite his horrible landings), fire-breathing, or the changes to his mind.

The doodles on the note, were of course not doodles. Davage had thought at first that the only changes had been physical, but as Jake later told him, he was incorrect. The changes to his mind had been more gradual and slow, but after a month they were almost complete. It was unexplainable, but Davage found himself moving through the air more and more naturally, by pure instinct. When he was morphed, his tail no longer felt like some awkward extra appendage, he maneuvered it with ease. One of the bigger and more fun changes had been gaining knowledge of an entirely new language. Jake didn't have much information on that one, only that it must be some dragon thing. Neither had any knowledge of any other dragons, so a lot of their transforming abilities were still mysteries.

Such as how Davage was staring at doodles (while pretending as if taking notes of course) and still reading it was if it was English. Davage sighed as he put the note into his desk and stared despondently at the chalk board. Jake's mom had a short day at work today, which meant no transforming fun for either of them, unless they wanted to wait until dark. Normally, since both of Jake's parents were at work until around six, the two would go over to Jake's house and hang out in partially morphed anthropomorphic dragon forms. Jake had just laughed when Davage had asked if his parents knew he could turn into a dragon. "Are you kidding? They'd just laugh, until they realized I wasn't screwing with them. Then I don't want to THINK of what the hell they'd do." He'd said.

Davage actually hadn't told his parents anything yet either, but he planned to... But anyone who knew the duo's secret meant that they had the power to take that away from them, whether sending them off to some science lab, or to the government, or God knew what else.

The bell rang, and practically everyone sprang out of their seats to go off to their next class. For Davage it was Spanish, Jake had Chemistry. "Flight at school tonight." Davage said to Jake, though to anyone else it just sounded like some weird syllables that resembled the noise the wind made when it tore through the trees. Jake nodded and turned in the opposite direction.

"What did you say?"

Davage turned. It was Nicholas, one of the freshmen. For a freshman, he was okay. A little on the impatient side, but okay. He repeated the sentence to Nicholas and grinned a little wickedly. It was quite fun being able to speak something that no one else understood.

"What the heck does that mean?" Nicholas's eyebrows sank into a frown.

"Nothing to your ears." Davage said, entering Spanish. To he and Jake, it meant lying to their parents about a bike ride (which was in fact, a half-truth) and going to school when it was dark out to fly around. No one was ever around, except sometimes the custodian and they were quite careful to avoid him. The lying to his parents part always made Davage uncomfortable, but he was still trying to figure out how to break the news to his parents... Let alone his little brother. He planned on telling them someday, of course, but it wasn't the most comfortable of topics.

Six hours later and he was back at school, although this time for an entirely different purpose. Two bicycles were chained to the fence that he was currently scaling. He dropped to the ground almost silently, timing the bending of his knees and landing on the balls of his feet to make the most minimum noise possible. Jake landed with a thud to his side. "Still don't get how you pull somethin' like that off..." He muttered. Davage just smiled. The four years he'd been in karate did have payoffs. "Let's go." He said. The two stole around an empty building and to the back, where the baseball field was. The two stripped down to their underwear and laid their clothes in a neat pile in one of the dugouts. They'd long gotten past embarrassment, since neither of the two could morph any clothing besides their underwear yet. Jake was sure that it was possible, but it didn't seem to be that easy.

Since he'd begun to gain control over his transformations, Davage always liked to control his in an odd way. His feet and head started first, hair shrinking into his skull as horns sprouted and his feet turned digitigrade. His wonderful scaly skin began to spread slowly up his legs as his face pushed out into a snout and his neck began to extend. The transformation spread quickly down to his torso, where spikes began to shoot out of his spine. All the while, he was steadily growing larger, longer, and more powerful. He fell onto all four legs which were slowly growing claws and let out a quiet growl of delight as his favorite part came along. Slowly, his spine extended as a spiked pointed tail, snaking out over the grass until it was over two yards long. His wings sprouted out of his back at the same time, slowly spreading into the sky.

"I'll also never understand why you do it like that." Jake said. He always blitzed through the transforming process.

"Because it's fun." Davage said. "Up we go then, eh?" He said in a mock Canadian accent.

"Oh shut up."

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