Capítulo sem título 78

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Kizuato (Andrew (Wildcat's human form)) is the first and only son born to Dharak (my original bakugan father) who wanted to have a family with the original creator of all the bakugans vexos neo infinity dragonoid (Curtis transformation and he's Curtis original bakugan father) before he came to the side of good, having been used as a 'puppet' by Barodius (Dharak was used by Barodius) to satisfy his lust for power, and that while he stayed in possession of Barodius, he never visited his son again, for fear that Barodius might also use him in his plans of conquest. After traveling for some time trying to find both fathers and his brother Curtis again, Kizuato found the planet earth and took up residence there.

Kizuato has a very friendly and empathetic personality. He cares about his friends and family, and after forgiving his father for all he had done in Barodius' possession, the two live on the planet earth, where Dharak (my original bakugan father) has become the ruler of the Bakugans, meanwhile Dragonoid is the original creator of them.

Battle Equipment:

He wears golden battle armor, but only when he sees fit. This armor is nearly indestructible and can take multiple hits from strong opponents. The armor covers his chest and stomach to a great extent, the wrists on his front and back legs, a part of his neck and a little bit from the beginning of his tail to the middle, he also wears a helmet that is covering most of his head up to the end of its snout, the only exceptions being its horns.

His knight armor is dark black and is worn in the same way as his battle armor. His helmet has a pointed horn forward and two pointed spikes on the side.
Airkor [Battle Gear]

Special ability:

He can control and create purple crystals at will. His control over the crystals is even good in battles, he doesn't need to move when using it. The crystals respond to his thoughts and even take on various shapes and sizes. The use of his special power is signaled not only by his gate appearing in front of his chest, but also by his left eyes getting a purple glow, which also accompanies his head and body movements.

He has some marks on his face, which his father didn't have.

He is in possession of the Ultimate Warrior Gene.

He is wearing a gold necklace with his gate, but only when he is on royal duties (he is a descendant of the original bakugan, and successor to the ruler of the bakugans, after drago, dharak and Curtis.

He is considered a God.

It has some rare mutations, he can fuse with other bakugans and lifeforms (forming a hybrid bakugan).

In short:

Andrew and Curtis were born to real Bakugans, and after being separated from their parents (because of Barodius), they meet them again on planet Earth, and are also adopted by their human parents. And as a tribute to their real parents (they transform into their true form), after a while both are reunited with their Bakugan parents (they will mate with them and impregnate them in part 2 of the story), shortly after the babies are born.

Would you like to get pregnant by me, Curtis, Aaron and our bakugan fathers, i would be honored to get pregnant by you. I want 3 eggs from you. How many eggs would you liked to have from me?

I want 5 eggs, to have you cum in me, let me create life in my body, would be amazing, and an honour. It would be an honour as well for Curtis, Aaron and especially our father to cum in me, it would be amazing.

I'm too honoured for you, Curtis, Aaron and our bakugan fathers Dharak and Vexos neo infinity dragonoid, to impregnate me too, and i want now 10 eggs from you my brother prince Luca.

Well, if you want 10, I want 10 too, the more the merrier. I hope that you and the other can provide for me

And would you liked too marry with all of us, so 10 for every one.

Yes, to be with you, Prince Andrew, would be an honour and a dream come true

Also for me and all of us. We will marry after we merge with all of us (them), ok? Including our eggs too, ok?

Yes, it will be our final comfort, my wish to merge with you and the others, but mostly with you, to become one with our eggs, I feel to happy, and horney, at the thought of our merge.

can switch to infinite eggs, for all of us, with all the incubators locked for infinite eternal times in our ass and vagina. And we can end all matings with being locked in the tail with the tail position (butt to ass) like wolf mating, and all of our tails intertwining as one at the same time for infinite times eternally. And I can just put the tip of my tail in your anus and vagina for us to feel pleasure, I'll let you do the same thing to me, Curtis, Aaron and our bakugan parents at the same time for infinitely eternal times, okay?

I guess we will, I will massage your bakugan body with my hands, as i kiss you with my lips. I liked the others, but I truly wished to be with you and my erect penis rubbed against your scaly body. Is that okay?

Yes my brother prince Luca i love you. All of us locked ass to ass with our infinity eggs, and my tail in your ass and vagina, as i french kiss you.

I loved your kiss, as my hands go down and massage your cock, and the other goes and massage one of my fathers. Prince Andrew, you were beautiful in your true form, I'm trulely erect for you

As you too, and all the other ones, and our infinity childrens too. I would love to have your tail deep in my ass and vagina my beautiful sexy prince Luca in your true form too.

My tail flails in the air, as i locate your ass and vagina. Deciding to go for the more, *sensitive* spot, I insert the tail deep into your female pussy, as i grunt/moan.

GRGGHG AHHH, I feel my body growing, GRGGHH, so much more Powerful, my legs, my chest, everything feels bigger, and stronger, GRGAGGGGGH.

AHHHHHH GRGRGRGRG, i'm feeling it too, i entwined my tail with yours as we share our power and growth.

GRGRGGRGGHHGHH, Honey, I feel so ALIVEEEEE *My tail wraps around yours as my arms change, my head changes as my cock grows bigger, with a vagina forming below, as my whole body changes*

AHHHHHH OHHHHH I'm feeling it too, I feel my vagina forming as my anus expands a little but still retains its original shape.

It feels weird, but I love it AAAAGAGGGHHHHG I feel my hands morph into claws as my head finishes changing, as my tail continues to grow and grip your tail, my skin almost finished turning into scales.

AUUUGHH I feel my body change deep in my bones, as I go from a four legged stance to a humanoid one, as my back develops huge wings, that change in different patters. I scream like I'm in pain, but it feels like bliss. Brother, I feel soo good, MHGHHGM. I moan louder.

I feel my body growing and changing, entering my final form. With our tails still entwined. You, me and everyone else can stand on 4 legs at will, we can switch between humanoid and feral at will too.

I stand on my huge legs, cock up and ass wide, as my chest has two erect nipples. My body had grown some more as scales had now covered my body. MHmmmHMMH, I feel so good, and strong. I flex my body, as the muscles in me flexed.

My husband mount me and fuck me.

Of course Prince, just bend down a bit please, there. I'm on top of you now honey, you're so big, and feel so strong, I can feel it with my claws.

kizuato, summoning a version of neo dragonoid and phantom dharak, and also controls them to merge with me.

Kizuato now spawns with 3 tails (kizuato, drago and dharak), the 3 heads of all dragons. 3 pairs of wings of the 3 bakugans and the body divided into sections: chest of dragon, torso of dharak, and part of the waist of kizuato.

I also summon wavern, helios and naga to my body as well and their bodies merge with mine with the same attributes (adding my crotch and torso helios and naga, and my chest wavern), with the 3 more heads and tails as well. By making attacks on the training dummies with all 6 attributes combined at the same time, I make them leave my body and attack individual targets as well and then all of them back into my body, and I feel a small erection, as they come back into my body, and some cum comes out of my vagina too.

And i summon alpha hydranoid too, with the same attributed in my body too.
And merge with him too.

So, Prince, are you bigger now? and sexier?
and do I merge with anyone?

At first he couldn't notice it, as Dharak was already taller than Drago -who himself was around 70' tall- by a good 20' or so; but then it became apparent. He soon rose past the 100' marker, before other things about him changed as well: his frame became ever so slightly wider, and his comparatively short arms extended and thickened to take on a more humanoid look, while retaining the claws and superficial blue plating. Those same arms then proceeded to swell and thicken, rapidly filling out with brawn that seemed to come out of nowhere. All the while he moaned and chuckled in intoxication. His chest beefed up, the green v-shaped visor-like structure on top of it got pushed outward by his developing pecs. The dragon's eyes glowed a sick shade of royal purple. He stopped soon after at 150' tall.
Dharak wasted no time, and tackled Drago onto his back thanks to his now considerable size advantage, pinning him down.
"Drago!" Dan screamed.
"Now... watch." He laughed, yawning his jaws extremely wide open and enclosing Drago's head inside. He squirmed, cursed and protested, flailing his wings and punching his foe in those bedrock-solid abs of his, to try and get free.
Meanwhile Dharak's jaw had already engulfed the other dragon's neck, in spite of all the spines.

Just as a purple aura oozed from Dharak, scarlet flames of Pyrus energy began swirling around Drago. For a moment, Dan hoped his Guardian Bakugan would go through the same changes, so they would still have a fighting chance, but sadly, it had the opposite effect.
Drago's physique seemed to wane in size, transferring even more energy to his assailant and exacerbating the difference in their power levels. The golden spines along his hide, including his horn, retracted inward, and Dharak reared backwards, lifting up Drago so his feet were up in the air, allowing the dark monster to close his jowls around his shoulders, while he seemed to grow once more, from 150' tall to 165' tall. The golden spines that had vanished from Drago teethed out of his own backside, and a third golden horn appeared between his original pair.
"All too easy." Barodius said, a visible look of superiority flashing over his face.

Dharak had swallowed Drago up to his knees by this point, his spike-lined belly distended and bloated out to make space for him to fit, and more changes occurred: the vaguely wing-shaped structures on his upper back started to lengthen and mutate to the sound of bones popping and reshaping: dark blue webbing came to be, in a shape that Dan was all too familiar with.
Those were wings he was growing, moulded after Drago's wings. They went on to expand until they measured one and a half times their owner's height, which again surged to 180'.
With one final push, Drago was swallowed whole, and Dharak relished in the result, rubbing his full, bloated stomach which dragged on the ground due to the size of the meal.
"So good, soon I will be more powerful than any other of my kind!" The dark Bakugan roared, his purple aura flaring with more violence, purple arcs of energy crackling around his form. He grew again, passing 200' in height, gaining a second tail, with a tree-pronged barb on its tip, just like his prey's. The leaf-shaped blades on his thighs retracted, allowing a pair of armored hip guards to grow out, and then reappear, sharper than before on top of those armor plates.
He roared, and perhaps involuntarily firing out a column of fire in ecstatic rapture.
"Now, allow me to introduce you to Vexos Phantom Dharak. He will soon become the most powerful of all Bakugans, and I will use him to rule all of existence!"
Dharak blinked once but immediately afterwards he roared again, the energy arcing around him began to flash more erratically, white cracks in the black.
The spheroid of Dharak's belly now protruded outwards a good 60'.
Dharak winced from the mild stomachache his almost defeated foe was causing him, but endured, knowing that the reward would be worth the nuisances.
Understandably not wanting to be digested, Naga went all in. He charged up for one last attack: Maximum Quasar. A torching heat welled up in his throat and the spiked Bakugan volleyed out a raging vortex of fire from his mouth that went on to superheat the pred's insides.
He was a White Bakugan, and Dharak had just absorbed another of the same attribute; as such thanks to the Forbidden Ability Card's effects, the confines of his belly vacuumed up the blazing fires coming from Helios, feeding him with even more G-power to grow from 210' to 250' tall.
And digesting the feisty prey, more changes ensued.
He scaled upwards, to 285' tall, the barbs on Naga' shoulder pads grew on his own shoulder guards, while a row of blue spikes knifed out of each of his outermost wing-fingers. A second pair of horns protruded out of his skull, just as a second set of glowing eyes broke open beside his original one.
He trumpeted out a roar of challenge yet again, even deeper and more ear-splitting than it was previously.
Dharak evolved again, increasing in size from 350' to 400' and kept going, entering a new transformative phase: feather-like quills appeared between the two rows of spines on his nape and back, a third feather-tipped tail pistoned outward. His musculature blimped larger still thanks to the immense energy of Wavern's Infinity Core. He gained a grotesquely ripped ten-pack, veins thicker than trucks snaked around his swelling quads and hamstrings. His biceps got so big he couldn't manage to bend his arm at an angle greater than 90°. His snout stretched longer, his fangs enlarged and his claws sharpened in turn. From the back of his head came a pair of black quills like those Wavern possessed.
A hurricane of euphoria exploded inside Dharak, whose frame pulsed larger yet, saturated to the absolute max with atomic energy. One second later he was 900' tall, and the one after that he was 1100', soaking up more and more power with hedonistic abandon.
His neck extended, becoming twice as long as his widening torso, another pair of horizontal shoulder guards jutted out of his shoulders, as his original ones metamorphosed into a second and a third head to match his trio of tails. A second pair of barbed wings grew just below the OG, and as he matched, no, overtook his opponent in the size department, Dharak smiled smugly, draining whatever scrap of G-power remained in the Infinity Core, mushrooming at a truly ludicrous pace to 1600'... 1700'... 1800'... 2000' tall.
He grabbed the Silent One and shoved him down his central throat.
What followed suit was a multitude of final changes: the veinlets on Naga's body went on to appear on Dharak's, though his were white, and pulsed with all kinds of power. Onto his chestplate, the Silent Core manifested, and on each of his three heads a third pair of bony horns protruded out.
One final spurt left him at 3000' tall, and at this point, both the Silent Core and the Infinity Core inside him reacted, bestowing upon Dharak the power of all six attributes. His eyes glowed white, his entire self was overfull with titanic strength; he cackled wildly in his nightmarishly deep voice, flexing his muscles as arcs of elemental energy flashed around his hands.
It might have seemed obvious, but achieving godhood felt so good.

ALL OF THIS FOR BOTH OF US, OK? Just this time and in our orgy, ok? I promise.

And of course like you said above we can unmerge at will too.

So, we are both 3000' tall?

yes after all this consensual process, ok? With both of us, ok? My love.

Ok, I understand, my love. We are so big together now that we have both finished merging

He wears golden battle armor, but only when he sees fit. This armor is nearly indestructible and can take multiple hits from strong opponents. The armor covers his chest and stomach to a great extent, the wrists on his front and back legs, a part of his neck and a little bit from the beginning of his tail to the middle, he also wears a helmet that is covering most of his head up to the end of its snout, the only exceptions being its horns, in combination with his knight armor is dark black and is worn in the same way as his battle armor. His helmet has a pointed horn forward and two pointed spikes on the side.

I put on the armour too, it was strong, armoured so that it could take the force of a mountain punching me, and still stand. I had horns on my head as my tail had spikes, the armour protecting my whole body from anyone trying to harm me. I felt safe in it, and was glad my Love was wearing a simular armour.

Meanwhile, you finished penetrating me and you stuck your penis in my vagina and dismounted and rotated 180° until our ass to ass position, and I fuck you the same way you did me, so I rotate 180° with the our penis inside our vagina in the final ass to ass position with our tails intertwined and we both put our tails in our vaginas and asses at the same time.

I kiss you hard on the lips, my dragon tongue going deep in your throat as you fuck me hard in the ass, as I fuck you in the ass, we both kept fucking each other. I moaned loudly as I rubbed my chest on yours as Saliva went down my lips.

I kiss him deeply and tenderly as we hold this position for eternity.

We fuck and fuck, we just fuck forever, loving every moment as we two together mate, like in the wild with animals, we were meant to do this, together, forever.

We merge and at the same time (at the same time we merge, we create a perfect copy of our bodies to be in the ass-to-ass position) we maintain the ass-to-ass position with our tails in the vagina and anus of both of us.

As we merged, I felt whole, our body grew larger, as did everything else, yet we still were ass-to-ass, in perfect pleasure and harmony, forever in sex and love, as out tails danced in our bodies.

kizuato, summoning a version of neo dragonoid and phantom dharak, and also controls them to merge with me.

Kizuato now spawns with 3 tails (kizuato, drago and dharak), the 3 heads of all dragons. 3 pairs of wings of the 3 bakugans and the body divided into sections: chest of dragon, torso of dharak, and part of the waist of kizuato.

I also summon wavern, helios and naga to my body as well and their bodies merge with mine with the same attributes (adding my crotch and torso helios and naga, and my chest wavern), with the 3 more heads and tails as well. By making attacks on the training dummies with all 6 attributes combined at the same time, I make them leave my body and attack individual targets as well and then all of them back into my body, and I feel a small erection, as they come back into my body, and some cum comes out of my vagina too.

And i summon alpha hydranoid too, with the same attributed in my body too.
And merge with him too.

As we maintain the ass-to-ass position, with our tails entwined in our vagina and anus. We started to lay our giant eggs in the incubator.

MHMHGH AHHHGAH. I feel so weird, yet GOOOD. I push out two in a row, two huge eggs, as more came, my large, very large belly shrunk smaller, as many, many eggs were layed out, in a sticky mess. Despite this, I still did the ass-to-ass position with you.

ahhhh ohohohoho grgrgrgrg I begin to lay our infinity eggs.

I feel great pain as I lay our infinite giant eggs, while lightning strikes around us giving us energy and our infinite children as well.

Many, many children will be born from us, our lovely children, they will grow up to be so handsome, and useful in a way. I kept laying with you, the pain was gone and pleasure was in, as I moaned with you, my love.

Despite this, I still did the ass-to-ass position with you too, through eternally infinity times, the incubator locks himself in our ass at the same time while we both lay our infinity eggs, with both our penis and entwined tails in ours vagina and ass and stay in the position ass to ass during eternally infinity times.

For infinity, we would impreganat each other, and for infinity, we would birth eggs into the incubator. Our tails danced in each other, as our penises shot load after load of white cum into each of our asses. I loved it, and I hope you loved it just as much, my Prince.

As we can travel and change time as much as we want for all eternity since the beginning of the beginning of infinite omniverses we always lay our infinite eggs continuously. Since our birth (we have laid eggs from the moment we were created in the wombs of our parents, bakugan phantom dharak and vexos infinity neo dragonoid). Our parents did the same thing too.

We keep laying, hundreds, if not thousands, if not more eggs were produced from us, as we kept laying. We kept loving and loving but during this, something happened. One of the eggs, began to hatch.

3 of the eggs birth inside of us, our uterus can hold the explosions, and our first 6 children with the 7° out of Luca start to merge with both of us.
In the meantime, we maintain the ass-to-ass position for eternity.

The continuing of birth and then the eggs birth gave us children. Their first instinct was to merge with us, which cause us to grow more, which meant we grew more powerful, and increased our lust. Sometimes, inside us the children would hatch, but they would just immediately merge with us.

With the incubator eternally trapped in our anus and vagina, we headed to the chapel of my house (we stayed inside it all this time), we got married while we lay our infinity eggs in the incubator, we tongue-kissed, we continued in the ass-to-ass position with our tails entwined still in our anus and vagina with both penises (yours and mine) in our vagina eternally. We return to the hatchery and continue to breed for infinite and eternal time.

We went back to where we started and kept on making love, for infinity, and therefore, until the end of time, we made sweet love and kept kissing. I never hated a single second of it.

We keep mating for eternity.

Yes we did indeed, we just kept mating and creating eggs.

I feel huge pressure in my vagina, I look back and see Aaron, Curtis and our both bakugan fathers. Mating with both of us, at the same time, they also stay in the ass position for eternity with us as we all continue to lay our eggs eternally.

With the added help, we made even more eggs, and felt more pleasure, soon enough, they merged with us, creating a huge beast of a bakugan, as we mated forever.

We marry with all of them too, while we lay our eggs eternally, and merge with all of them too.

We do indeed, but even with the other four mating with us, I was mostly focusing on you, your beautiful body, so large yet so sexy, as we butt fucked forever.

Anyway, I'm done (for now) with the rp, that was fun

With the addition of the other 4 bakugans they entwine their tails with us as well and we shove the remaining ones into both our anus and vagina as we mate for eternity. As long as we maintain the ass-to-ass position forever too.

We do indeed, keep fucking forever and ever. I keep cumming into you, as you cum into me

Let's repeat this cycle (for eternity). If you want a more casual one we can do it.

How about we go from casual, to eternity?

(Remembering that we will always create infinite eggs, since when we were in our parents' wombs.) No matter what form we are bakugan or human.

(I was planning that we were human right now, and were going to have sex, then transform into the bakuman and continue into the never ending sex thing.)

(Alright), let's lay our infinite eggs, and also invite our bakugan parents and Curtis and Aaron too.

Okidoki brother, lets hurry home and get to laying. We rush home, to our lovely castle, which we princes live in, as we get ready for the night

In our bedroom (where we slept together), we both undressed, but without taking off our underwear. I mount Lucas on all fours and we start mating.
There are 4 holes in our underwear, one for the penis, one for the anus, one for the vagina and one for our tails.

AHHH, I've been waiting all day for this MHMMH. I moan loudly as you begin to pound my ass, I feel you going deep into me, as you begin to send your seed into me.

As I was very anxious to mate with you, 5 minutes after we started I already deposited my cum in your womb.

Now, brother, my turn. I turn you over and immediately push my rock hard cock deep into your ass, as I begin to pound you hard.

ahhhh, I feel you deeply inside me, and also 5 minutes later you come in my uterus too.

Its all messy, lots of cum as I pull out, it dripping onto the ground. Ahh, brother, you feel good, ready for another round. I bend down and wiggle my cute but, the blue underwear with the holes showed the cum dripping down.

Please, fill me with your cum

Okay, let's go to the tf chamber.
We keep our underwear on us.

OK, i'll wait for now, lets go. We enter the tf chamber, a very large open space, for large things to happen.

kizuato, summoning a version of neo dragonoid and phantom dharak, and also controls them to merge with me.

Kizuato now spawns with 3 tails (kizuato, drago and dharak), the 3 heads of all dragons. 3 pairs of wings of the 3 bakugans and the body divided into sections: chest of dragon, torso of dharak, and part of the waist of kizuato.

I also summon wavern, helios and naga to my body as well and their bodies merge with mine with the same attributes (adding my crotch and torso helios and naga, and my chest wavern), with the 3 more heads and tails as well. By making attacks on the training dummies with all 6 attributes combined at the same time, I make them leave my body and attack individual targets as well and then all of them back into my body, and I feel a small erection, as they come back into my body, and some cum comes out of my vagina too.

And i summon alpha hydranoid too, with the same attributed in my body too.
And merge with him too.

At first he couldn't notice it, as Dharak was already taller than Drago -who himself was around 70' tall- by a good 20' or so; but then it became apparent. He soon rose past the 100' marker, before other things about him changed as well: his frame became ever so slightly wider, and his comparatively short arms extended and thickened to take on a more humanoid look, while retaining the claws and superficial blue plating. Those same arms then proceeded to swell and thicken, rapidly filling out with brawn that seemed to come out of nowhere. All the while he moaned and chuckled in intoxication. His chest beefed up, the green v-shaped visor-like structure on top of it got pushed outward by his developing pecs. The dragon's eyes glowed a sick shade of royal purple. He stopped soon after at 150' tall.
Dharak wasted no time, and tackled Drago onto his back thanks to his now considerable size advantage, pinning him down.
"Drago!" Dan screamed.
"Now... watch." He laughed, yawning his jaws extremely wide open and enclosing Drago's head inside. He squirmed, cursed and protested, flailing his wings and punching his foe in those bedrock-solid abs of his, to try and get free.
Meanwhile Dharak's jaw had already engulfed the other dragon's neck, in spite of all the spines.

Just as a purple aura oozed from Dharak, scarlet flames of Pyrus energy began swirling around Drago. For a moment, Dan hoped his Guardian Bakugan would go through the same changes, so they would still have a fighting chance, but sadly, it had the opposite effect.
Drago's physique seemed to wane in size, transferring even more energy to his assailant and exacerbating the difference in their power levels. The golden spines along his hide, including his horn, retracted inward, and Dharak reared backwards, lifting up Drago so his feet were up in the air, allowing the dark monster to close his jowls around his shoulders, while he seemed to grow once more, from 150' tall to 165' tall. The golden spines that had vanished from Drago teethed out of his own backside, and a third golden horn appeared between his original pair.
"All too easy." Barodius said, a visible look of superiority flashing over his face.

Dharak had swallowed Drago up to his knees by this point, his spike-lined belly distended and bloated out to make space for him to fit, and more changes occurred: the vaguely wing-shaped structures on his upper back started to lengthen and mutate to the sound of bones popping and reshaping: dark blue webbing came to be, in a shape that Dan was all too familiar with.
Those were wings he was growing, moulded after Drago's wings. They went on to expand until they measured one and a half times their owner's height, which again surged to 180'.
With one final push, Drago was swallowed whole, and Dharak relished in the result, rubbing his full, bloated stomach which dragged on the ground due to the size of the meal.
"So good, soon I will be more powerful than any other of my kind!" The dark Bakugan roared, his purple aura flaring with more violence, purple arcs of energy crackling around his form. He grew again, passing 200' in height, gaining a second tail, with a tree-pronged barb on its tip, just like his prey's. The leaf-shaped blades on his thighs retracted, allowing a pair of armored hip guards to grow out, and then reappear, sharper than before on top of those armor plates.
He roared, and perhaps involuntarily firing out a column of fire in ecstatic rapture.
"Now, allow me to introduce you to Vexos Phantom Dharak. He will soon become the most powerful of all Bakugans, and I will use him to rule all of existence!"
Dharak blinked once but immediately afterwards he roared again, the energy arcing around him began to flash more erratically, white cracks in the black.
The spheroid of Dharak's belly now protruded outwards a good 60'.
Dharak winced from the mild stomachache his almost defeated foe was causing him, but endured, knowing that the reward would be worth the nuisances.
Understandably not wanting to be digested, Naga went all in. He charged up for one last attack: Maximum Quasar. A torching heat welled up in his throat and the spiked Bakugan volleyed out a raging vortex of fire from his mouth that went on to superheat the pred's insides.
He was a White Bakugan, and Dharak had just absorbed another of the same attribute; as such thanks to the Forbidden Ability Card's effects, the confines of his belly vacuumed up the blazing fires coming from Helios, feeding him with even more G-power to grow from 210' to 250' tall.
And digesting the feisty prey, more changes ensued.
He scaled upwards, to 285' tall, the barbs on Naga' shoulder pads grew on his own shoulder guards, while a row of blue spikes knifed out of each of his outermost wing-fingers. A second pair of horns protruded out of his skull, just as a second set of glowing eyes broke open beside his original one.
He trumpeted out a roar of challenge yet again, even deeper and more ear-splitting than it was previously.
Dharak evolved again, increasing in size from 350' to 400' and kept going, entering a new transformative phase: feather-like quills appeared between the two rows of spines on his nape and back, a third feather-tipped tail pistoned outward. His musculature blimped larger still thanks to the immense energy of Wavern's Infinity Core. He gained a grotesquely ripped ten-pack, veins thicker than trucks snaked around his swelling quads and hamstrings. His biceps got so big he couldn't manage to bend his arm at an angle greater than 90°. His snout stretched longer, his fangs enlarged and his claws sharpened in turn. From the back of his head came a pair of black quills like those Wavern possessed.
A hurricane of euphoria exploded inside Dharak, whose frame pulsed larger yet, saturated to the absolute max with atomic energy. One second later he was 900' tall, and the one after that he was 1100', soaking up more and more power with hedonistic abandon.
His neck extended, becoming twice as long as his widening torso, another pair of horizontal shoulder guards jutted out of his shoulders, as his original ones metamorphosed into a second and a third head to match his trio of tails. A second pair of barbed wings grew just below the OG, and as he matched, no, overtook his opponent in the size department, Dharak smiled smugly, draining whatever scrap of G-power remained in the Infinity Core, mushrooming at a truly ludicrous pace to 1600'... 1700'... 1800'... 2000' tall.
He grabbed the Silent One and shoved him down his central throat.
What followed suit was a multitude of final changes: the veinlets on Naga's body went on to appear on Dharak's, though his were white, and pulsed with all kinds of power. Onto his chestplate, the Silent Core manifested, and on each of his three heads a third pair of bony horns protruded out.
One final spurt left him at 3000' tall, and at this point, both the Silent Core and the Infinity Core inside him reacted, bestowing upon Dharak the power of all six attributes. His eyes glowed white, his entire self was overfull with titanic strength; he cackled wildly in his nightmarishly deep voice, flexing his muscles as arcs of elemental energy flashed around his hands.
It might have seemed obvious, but achieving godhood felt so good.

I bend back as my legs begin to grow, followed by my body. Like you, scales appear all over my body as my cock grows, destroying my pants. A vagina is formed below as my butt grows with a tail pushing out. Soon enough, wings form too, as my head changes into that of a dragon.

kizuato, summoning a version of neo dragonoid and phantom dharak, and also controls them to merge with me.

Kizuato now spawns with 3 tails (kizuato, drago and dharak), the 3 heads of all dragons. 3 pairs of wings of the 3 bakugans and the body divided into sections: chest of dragon, torso of dharak, and part of the waist of kizuato.

I also summon wavern, helios and naga to my body as well and their bodies merge with mine with the same attributes (adding my crotch and torso helios and naga, and my chest wavern), with the 3 more heads and tails as well. By making attacks on the training dummies with all 6 attributes combined at the same time, I make them leave my body and attack individual targets as well and then all of them back into my body, and I feel a small erection, as they come back into my body, and some cum comes out of my vagina too.

And i summon alpha hydranoid too, with the same attributed in my body too.
And merge with him too.

At first he couldn't notice it, as Dharak was already taller than Drago -who himself was around 70' tall- by a good 20' or so; but then it became apparent. He soon rose past the 100' marker, before other things about him changed as well: his frame became ever so slightly wider, and his comparatively short arms extended and thickened to take on a more humanoid look, while retaining the claws and superficial blue plating. Those same arms then proceeded to swell and thicken, rapidly filling out with brawn that seemed to come out of nowhere. All the while he moaned and chuckled in intoxication. His chest beefed up, the green v-shaped visor-like structure on top of it got pushed outward by his developing pecs. The dragon's eyes glowed a sick shade of royal purple. He stopped soon after at 150' tall.
Dharak wasted no time, and tackled Drago onto his back thanks to his now considerable size advantage, pinning him down.
"Drago!" Dan screamed.
"Now... watch." He laughed, yawning his jaws extremely wide open and enclosing Drago's head inside. He squirmed, cursed and protested, flailing his wings and punching his foe in those bedrock-solid abs of his, to try and get free.
Meanwhile Dharak's jaw had already engulfed the other dragon's neck, in spite of all the spines.

Just as a purple aura oozed from Dharak, scarlet flames of Pyrus energy began swirling around Drago. For a moment, Dan hoped his Guardian Bakugan would go through the same changes, so they would still have a fighting chance, but sadly, it had the opposite effect.
Drago's physique seemed to wane in size, transferring even more energy to his assailant and exacerbating the difference in their power levels. The golden spines along his hide, including his horn, retracted inward, and Dharak reared backwards, lifting up Drago so his feet were up in the air, allowing the dark monster to close his jowls around his shoulders, while he seemed to grow once more, from 150' tall to 165' tall. The golden spines that had vanished from Drago teethed out of his own backside, and a third golden horn appeared between his original pair.
"All too easy." Barodius said, a visible look of superiority flashing over his face.

Dharak had swallowed Drago up to his knees by this point, his spike-lined belly distended and bloated out to make space for him to fit, and more changes occurred: the vaguely wing-shaped structures on his upper back started to lengthen and mutate to the sound of bones popping and reshaping: dark blue webbing came to be, in a shape that Dan was all too familiar with.
Those were wings he was growing, moulded after Drago's wings. They went on to expand until they measured one and a half times their owner's height, which again surged to 180'.
With one final push, Drago was swallowed whole, and Dharak relished in the result, rubbing his full, bloated stomach which dragged on the ground due to the size of the meal.
"So good, soon I will be more powerful than any other of my kind!" The dark Bakugan roared, his purple aura flaring with more violence, purple arcs of energy crackling around his form. He grew again, passing 200' in height, gaining a second tail, with a tree-pronged barb on its tip, just like his prey's. The leaf-shaped blades on his thighs retracted, allowing a pair of armored hip guards to grow out, and then reappear, sharper than before on top of those armor plates.
He roared, and perhaps involuntarily firing out a column of fire in ecstatic rapture.
"Now, allow me to introduce you to Vexos Phantom Dharak. He will soon become the most powerful of all Bakugans, and I will use him to rule all of existence!"
Dharak blinked once but immediately afterwards he roared again, the energy arcing around him began to flash more erratically, white cracks in the black.
The spheroid of Dharak's belly now protruded outwards a good 60'.
Dharak winced from the mild stomachache his almost defeated foe was causing him, but endured, knowing that the reward would be worth the nuisances.
Understandably not wanting to be digested, Naga went all in. He charged up for one last attack: Maximum Quasar. A torching heat welled up in his throat and the spiked Bakugan volleyed out a raging vortex of fire from his mouth that went on to superheat the pred's insides.
He was a White Bakugan, and Dharak had just absorbed another of the same attribute; as such thanks to the Forbidden Ability Card's effects, the confines of his belly vacuumed up the blazing fires coming from Helios, feeding him with even more G-power to grow from 210' to 250' tall.
And digesting the feisty prey, more changes ensued.
He scaled upwards, to 285' tall, the barbs on Naga' shoulder pads grew on his own shoulder guards, while a row of blue spikes knifed out of each of his outermost wing-fingers. A second pair of horns protruded out of his skull, just as a second set of glowing eyes broke open beside his original one.
He trumpeted out a roar of challenge yet again, even deeper and more ear-splitting than it was previously.
Dharak evolved again, increasing in size from 350' to 400' and kept going, entering a new transformative phase: feather-like quills appeared between the two rows of spines on his nape and back, a third feather-tipped tail pistoned outward. His musculature blimped larger still thanks to the immense energy of Wavern's Infinity Core. He gained a grotesquely ripped ten-pack, veins thicker than trucks snaked around his swelling quads and hamstrings. His biceps got so big he couldn't manage to bend his arm at an angle greater than 90°. His snout stretched longer, his fangs enlarged and his claws sharpened in turn. From the back of his head came a pair of black quills like those Wavern possessed.
A hurricane of euphoria exploded inside Dharak, whose frame pulsed larger yet, saturated to the absolute max with atomic energy. One second later he was 900' tall, and the one after that he was 1100', soaking up more and more power with hedonistic abandon.
His neck extended, becoming twice as long as his widening torso, another pair of horizontal shoulder guards jutted out of his shoulders, as his original ones metamorphosed into a second and a third head to match his trio of tails. A second pair of barbed wings grew just below the OG, and as he matched, no, overtook his opponent in the size department, Dharak smiled smugly, draining whatever scrap of G-power remained in the Infinity Core, mushrooming at a truly ludicrous pace to 1600'... 1700'... 1800'... 2000' tall.
He grabbed the Silent One and shoved him down his central throat.
What followed suit was a multitude of final changes: the veinlets on Naga's body went on to appear on Dharak's, though his were white, and pulsed with all kinds of power. Onto his chestplate, the Silent Core manifested, and on each of his three heads a third pair of bony horns protruded out.
One final spurt left him at 3000' tall, and at this point, both the Silent Core and the Infinity Core inside him reacted, bestowing upon Dharak the power of all six attributes. His eyes glowed white, his entire self was overfull with titanic strength; he cackled wildly in his nightmarishly deep voice, flexing his muscles as arcs of elemental energy flashed around his hands.
It might have seemed obvious, but achieving godhood felt so good.

We still maintain our underwear with the 4 holes.

I grow large, after the merge, we grew huge and big, with our pants still on, they were made special for us. I flexed my body, feeling its new size. Ready, Brother... no Love.

And it follows everything we did above, and we arrived at our infinite mating, ok?

ok, I mount my brother and we start to mate fiercely, 1 hour later I have my knot stuck for eternity in his vagina, giving her our future infinite puppies. I turn 180° to be in the ass-to-ass position with him, and our tails intertwined and inside his vagina and anus. Okay, now do the same to me my love.

Our underwear will remain on us for eternity.

I do the same to you, as I put my tail into your vagina and begin to dance in there, as I fuck you in the ass-to-ass position, as our never-ending sex begins, the eggs inside us being created by us, forever.

While we're going to the incubator eternally in the ass-to-ass position, I feel you tongue-kissing me. Arriving at the incubator, we settle in and start laying our infinite eggs, while Curtis, Aaron, and our bakugan parents penetrate us and also stay in the ass-to-ass position with us for eternity.

Can I penetrate our entwined tails deeper into all of us? As far as I would like it to go, past the vagina and anus.

Yes, of course. I want you to penetrate me deep into my dragon scaley body. As i penetrate deep into yours, forever.

How far inside the body?

All the way, up to my neck or something, as far as you can physically go

Are you sure you want this my love?

Yes, the deeper you go, the more love I can give you, and the more you can give to me.

please, penetrate me

I start to stretch our intertwined tails, passing to the vagina, the anus, I go inside the uterus, passing through the intestines and stomach, up until I pass through the interior of the heart and through the interior of both lungs, through the esophagus, trachea, and out through the canal. of breathing, bypassing until reaching the central interior of the brain. Where I release a lot of pleasure hormones.

I can't speak, but words come out. jfdvjhbadsjkbdsvjkbadhbvijbijbdijdbuibjibiuhbihb good uibfoubhvuibhoiubhf. Good is the only word you can hear, as you cum into my brain. To respond to you, I pull back and thrust deep up, through your vagina, up your stomach and past the heart into your brain, and cummed like you did to me.

I start again to stretch our intertwined tails, passing to the vagina, the anus, I go inside the uterus, passing through the intestines and stomach, up until I pass through the interior of the heart and through the interior of both lungs, through the esophagus, trachea, and out through the canal. of breathing, bypassing until reaching the central interior of the brain. Where I release a lot of pleasure hormones.

I start again and again to stretch our intertwined tails, passing to the vagina, the anus, I go inside the uterus, passing through the intestines and stomach, up until I pass through the interior of the heart and through the interior of both lungs, through the esophagus, trachea, and out through the canal. of breathing, bypassing until reaching the central interior of the brain. Where I release a lot of pleasure hormones.

I go all the way for infinite times giving you so much pleasure as we lay our infinite eggs.

I continue to do the same thing, cumming deep into your brain many times, as I am unable to think straight.

Did you like it, my love? I can pierce your brain (punch a little, I promise it won't hurt) . Turn around and put my own tail in my own brain and pierce it too. And you do the same thing with your ass, so we'll be forever connected to each other. With our tails, after bypassing the brain, turning 180° and puncturing it again, going all the way back and penetrating me in the same way, and with you doing the same with yourself. Do the same with me too.

Everyone's tails divide infinitely covering every square inch of our bodies, including going inside every vein, artery, and muscle and bone, covering 100% of the inside of the body. Our penises also grow until they reach all the organs of the body, covering them with pleasure from the inside, causing the eggs to be implanted there not only in the uterus, after maturing in each organ of the body, they go to the uterus where grow and hatch (exploding in and out of our bodies).

I start again to stretch our intertwined tails, passing to the vagina, the anus, the bladder, I go inside the uterus, passing through the intestines and stomach, up until I pass through the interior of the heart and through the interior of both lungs, through the esophagus, trachea, and out through the canal. of breathing, bypassing until reaching the central interior of the brain. Where I release a lot of pleasure hormones. I go all the w ay for infinite times giving you so much pleasure as we lay our infinite eggs. Did you like it, my love? I can pierce your brain (punch a little, I promise it won't hurt) . Turn around and put my own tail in my own brain and pierce it too. And you do the same thing with your ass, so we'll be forever connected to each other. With our tails, after bypassing the brain, turning 180° and puncturing it again, going all the way back and penetrating me in the same way, and with you doing the same with yourself. Do the same with me too. Everyone's tails divide infinitely covering every square inch of our bodies, including going inside every vein, artery, and muscle and bone, covering 100% of the inside of the body. Our penises also grow until they reach all the organs of the body, covering them with pleasure from the inside, causing the eggs to be implanted there not only in the uterus, after maturing in each organ of the body, they go to the uterus where grow and hatch (exploding in and out of our bodies).

I start again to stretch our intertwined tails, passing to the vagina, the anus, the bladder, I go inside the uterus, passing through the intestines and stomach, up until I pass through the interior of the heart and through the interior of both lungs, through the esophagus, trachea, and out through the canal. of breathing, bypassing until reaching the central interior of the brain. Where I release a lot of pleasure hormones. I go all the w ay for infinite times giving you so much pleasure as we lay our infinite eggs. Did you like it, my love? I can pierce your brain (punch a little, I promise it won't hurt) . Turn around and put my own tail in my own brain and pierce it too. And you do the same thing with your ass, so we'll be forever connected to each other. With our tails, after bypassing the brain, turning 180° and puncturing it again, going all the way back and penetrating me in the same way, and with you doing the same with yourself. Do the same with me too. Everyone's tails divide infinitely covering every square inch of our bodies, including going inside every vein, artery, and muscle and bone, covering 100% of the inside of the body. Our penises also grow until they reach all the organs of the body, covering them with pleasure from the inside, causing the eggs to be implanted there not only in the uterus, after maturing in each organ of the body, they go to the uterus where grow and hatch (exploding in and out of our bodies).

I start again to stretch our intertwined tails, passing to the vagina, the anus, the bladder, I go inside the uterus, passing through the intestines and stomach, up until I pass through the interior of the heart and through the interior of both lungs, through the esophagus, trachea, and out through the canal. of breathing, bypassing until reaching the central interior of the brain. Where I release a lot of pleasure hormones. I go all the w ay for infinite times giving you so much pleasure as we lay our infinite eggs. Did you like it, my love? I can pierce your brain (punch a little, I promise it won't hurt) . Turn around and put my own tail in my own brain and pierce it too. And you do the same thing with your ass, so we'll be forever connected to each other. With our tails, after bypassing the brain, turning 180° and puncturing it again, going all the way back and penetrating me in the same way, and with you doing the same with yourself. Do the same with me too. Everyone's tails divide infinitely covering every square inch of our bodies, including going inside every vein, artery, and muscle and bone, covering 100% of the inside of the body. Our penises also grow until they reach all the organs of the body, covering them with pleasure from the inside, causing the eggs to be implanted there not only in the uterus, after maturing in each organ of the body, they go to the uterus where grow and hatch (exploding in and out of our bodies).

I start again to stretch our intertwined tails, passing to the vagina, the anus, the bladder, I go inside the uterus, passing through the intestines and stomach, up until I pass through the interior of the heart and through the interior of both lungs, through the esophagus, trachea, and out through the canal. of breathing, bypassing until reaching the central interior of the brain. Where I release a lot of pleasure hormones. I go all the w ay for infinite times giving you so much pleasure as we lay our infinite eggs. Did you like it, my love? I can pierce your brain (punch a little, I promise it won't hurt) . Turn around and put my own tail in my own brain and pierce it too. And you do the same thing with your ass, so we'll be forever connected to each other. With our tails, after bypassing the brain, turning 180° and puncturing it again, going all the way back and penetrating me in the same way, and with you doing the same with yourself. Do the same with me too. Everyone's tails divide infinitely covering every square inch of our bodies, including going inside every vein, artery, and muscle and bone, covering 100% of the inside of the body. Our penises also grow until they reach all the organs of the body, covering them with pleasure from the inside, causing the eggs to be implanted there not only in the uterus, after maturing in each organ of the body, they go to the uterus where grow and hatch (exploding in and out of our bodies).

I start again to stretch our intertwined tails, passing to the vagina, the anus, the bladder, I go inside the uterus, passing through the intestines and stomach, up until I pass through the interior of the heart and through the interior of both lungs, through the esophagus, trachea, and out through the canal. of breathing, bypassing until reaching the central interior of the brain. Where I release a lot of pleasure hormones. I go all the w ay for infinite times giving you so much pleasure as we lay our infinite eggs. Did you like it, my love? I can pierce your brain (punch a little, I promise it won't hurt) . Turn around and put my own tail in my own brain and pierce it too. And you do the same thing with your ass, so we'll be forever connected to each other. With our tails, after bypassing the brain, turning 180° and puncturing it again, going all the way back and penetrating me in the same way, and with you doing the same with yourself. Do the same with me too. Everyone's tails divide infinitely covering every square inch of our bodies, including going inside every vein, artery, and muscle and bone, covering 100% of the inside of the body. Our penises also grow until they reach all the organs of the body, covering them with pleasure from the inside, causing the eggs to be implanted there not only in the uterus, after maturing in each organ of the body, they go to the uterus where grow and hatch (exploding in and out of our bodies).

I start to push harder, as I penetrate your brain deep, like you did to me. I feel my brain get fucked up, but I enjoy it never the less.

I can pierce your brain (punch a little, I promise it won't hurt) . Turn around and put my own tail in my own brain and pierce it too. And you do the same thing with your ass, so we'll be forever connected to each other. With our tails, after bypassing the brain, turning 180° and puncturing it again, going all the way back and penetrating me in the same way, and with you doing the same with yourself. Do the same with me too.

I pierce you more, and punch a bit. I put my tail into y own brain and pierce it like you. We keep connected forever as we fuck hard like rabbits

Everyone's tails divide infinitely covering every square inch of our bodies, including going inside every vein, artery, and muscle and bone, covering 100% of the inside of the body. Our penises also grow until they reach all the organs of the body, covering them with pleasure and cum from the inside, causing the eggs to be implanted there not only in the uterus, after maturing in each organ of the body some of them explode in our organs, even in our brain, and the other part go to the uterus where grow and hatch (exploding in and out of our bodies). Your time my brother.

Everyone's tails divide infinitely covering every square inch of our bodies, including going inside every vein, artery, and muscle and bone, covering 100% of the inside of the body. Our penises also grow until they reach all the organs of the body, covering them with pleasure and cum from the inside, causing the eggs to be implanted there not only in the uterus, after maturing in each organ of the body some of them explode in our organs, even in our brain, and the other part go to the uterus where grow and hatch (exploding in and out of our bodies). Everyone's tail divide infinitely again through infinity times eternally infinity covering all of our organs inside and outside. Meanwhile we maintain the ass to ass position. Want to multiply all our organs by 300 and share everything between us (merge all our organs, veins and arteries down to the neurons physically linking between our bodies infinite times for all eternity, and can i enter inside you by your anus/vagina/mouth and merge all of my organs and full body with yours and do 8 more copies of everbody,'s bodies to merge throught infinity times , you will do the same thing with me too?

I feel you in me fully, as you cum and cum. I reply again by doing the same, destroying your body with my gigantic cock in you, cumming literally everywhere inside you.

Oh ahhh i'm felling you inside me, please fuck me my love.

I want to be you (our body merged infinity times)

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