Capítulo sem título 68

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"And maybe you're just worrying too much." Davage said out loud to himself. Dangit, and now both of his arms were itching like crazy and –

He paused, although the itchy feelings didn't subside. He brought his arm up to his face and studied it, slowly running his fingers over it. A patch of skin seemed to be darker than the rest, and under his fingers it felt cool, more firm, and smoother. As Davage continued to look, the discoloration began to spread slowly over his arm, as well as changing into a sickly green color. "The heck?..." Davage said, shaking his arm around a little. The discoloration was on both arms now, and it continued to spread and deepen into a green color. Davage poked it, a little fearfully with one hand, it felt like... Like... "Scales..." Davage whispered.

No sooner had he said the word, his metamorphosis accelerated. His arms were screaming in itchy agony as his skin hardened into scales. The changes spread down into his hands which became hard and scaly as well. Davage was more than slightly alarmed by now, as his shoulders became green scaly armor, but he tried to think rationally, and stay calm. Well, as best as he could in such an absurd situation. He'd read transform stories before, it looked like such a thing was happening to him now. There was nothing he could do to stop it, so all he could do was pray the changes wouldn't affect his mind as well.

So he watched himself change, his only noises being an occasional grunt of pain. It didn't hurt like hell as his neck began to lengthen and the scales spread down beyond his torso, but it wasn't the most comfortable thing either. He could feel his whole body growing, and he quickly scrambled out of his clothes, and stood there half scaly half naked. Spines began growing out of his back, and he was thankful he'd thought to take off his clothes. His neck elongated further, and his spine began to lengthen as well. Soon it felt like he was being pulled in two directions, as a serpentine tail began to slither its way out of his lower back. His neck finally stopped lengthening and Davage looked around a bit, testing out the way his movements felt. His mouth and nose started to push out into a snout, and his teeth grew as well, becoming razor-sharp.

His tail finished growing and the changes spread down to his legs. His feet changed into claws and became digitigrade. His legs stretched longer and grew thicker with muscle along with his arms. He had to be at least 10 feet tall now, even if he was still standing on two feet tall. He felt his changes beginning to slow down, and he dropped to four legs, just to see what it was like. His tail thwacked a bush almost to death as he did so. Davage muttered something about extra appendages.

He stopped his movement and craned his neck to look back at himself. All the changes seemed to have stopped. He took a tentative step forward, than immediately let loose with a loud roar of pain. His fire breath shot up into the air. Somewhere in the back of his mind he was berating himself for being so conspicuous, but right now all he could focus on was the horrible pain in his upper back. None of the changes had hurt so much as this. Two more appendages were slowly crawling out of his shoulder blades. Stretching, growing, expanding... And it hurt like crazy. He clamped his teeth together, growling through them. His claws were leaving huge scars in the dirt, as he tried to last his way through the pain.

It didn't actually last too much longer, the pain subsided within a few seconds. Davage knew without even turning to look, that he'd sprouted wings. He was breathing heavily, what did he do now? He had to get somewhere where he couldn't be seen, the last thing he wanted was to be locked up as some government deal. He could worry about the how's, the why's, all the other questions later. He turned around, and gave a little jump of surprise. There, staring at him with an incredulous look of awe on his face, was Jake, Jack by his side. "Hey Jack, go home." Jake said to his dog, removing the leash. "I'll follow soon." Jack gave a slightly dejected look but obediently began trotting towards Jake's house.

"Uh..." Davage said. Oh wow, his voice still worked. Well, that was a convenience, but what was he supposed to say, 'I can explain?' He had no idea what the heck was even going on. His mind was still racing with thoughts, and how other worries such as 'Can Jake keep a secret? Will he tell? What does he think of me NOW?' were added to the mix. Jake's face kept its incredulous look, but his agape mouth broke into a huge grin. "Dude." He said holding up an arm rapidly morphing into gray scales. "This summer is going to be awesome."

For Jake, some weeks after seeing his friend Davage transforming in front of him, he discovered that he too helded this exclusive ability of too transforming into a dragon so he for the start begin to think in blue flames enveloping all his body, then as waiting this only command he was suddenly enveloped in blue flames. The first thing to happen was his clothes were burned off. Next, his entire body was covered in midnight blue scales and his pinky and big toes retracted into his feet as his three remaining toes grew much larger, a large black claw forming on the end of each of them. The same transformation happened to his arms except he kept all five of his fingers, although each now had a large black claw on its end. His muscles also enlarged and his whole body grew bigger.

His face stretched out into a draconic muzzle, his normal human teeth morphing into sharp, predatory ones as his hair burned off from the fire. His pupils turned to slits while his piercing blue eyes got even more vibrant as they moved to the side of his head, though still angled forward enough to give him binocular vision. His ears disappeared as well as his ear holes and in place of them was ear fins that were much more sensitive to sound than human ears, while his tongue got longer and forked at the end. From his tail bone, a large appendage sprouted. It grew until it was five feet long and was a fully formed tail. Two large arms sprouted from his back, each growing incredibly long fingers. A thin membrane of the same midnight colour formed between them, giving him fully fledged wings. Spikes grew out of his back, starting from the back of his head and going all the way to the tip of his tail. The spikes glowed a bright blue. Finally, two horns sprouted from his head, coloured the same black as his claws at the base and transitioning to the glowing blue of his spikes at the tip. The fire then dissipated.

On the next day:

Six hours later and he was back at school, although this time for an entirely different purpose. Two bicycles were chained to the fence that he was currently scaling. He dropped to the ground almost silently, timing the bending of his knees and landing on the balls of his feet to make the most minimum noise possible. Jake landed with a thud to his side. "Still don't get how you pull somethin' like that off..." He muttered. Davage just smiled. The four years he'd been in karate did have payoffs. "Let's go." He said. The two stole around an empty building and to the back, where the baseball field was. The two stripped down to their underwear and laid their clothes in a neat pile in one of the dugouts. They'd long gotten past embarrassment, since neither of the two could morph any clothing besides their underwear yet. Jake was sure that it was possible, but it didn't seem to be that easy.

Since he'd begun to gain control over his transformations, Davage always liked to control his in an odd way. His feet and head started first, hair shrinking into his skull as horns sprouted and his feet turned digitigrade. His wonderful scaly skin began to spread slowly up his legs as his face pushed out into a snout and his neck began to extend. The transformation spread quickly down to his torso, where spikes began to shoot out of his spine. All the while, he was steadily growing larger, longer, and more powerful. He fell onto all four legs which were slowly growing claws and let out a quiet growl of delight as his favorite part came along. Slowly, his spine extended as a spiked pointed tail, snaking out over the grass until it was over two yards long. His wings sprouted out of his back at the same time, slowly spreading into the sky.

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