Capítulo sem título 152

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"Hey who said you could borrow that," angrily yelled the boyish slim teenage girl as she stormed into her brother's bedroom.
Relaxing on top of his bed, lay a wiry looking teenage boy. He appeared to be the same age and looked very similar to the girl. He was mischievously focused on reading a brown leather bound book. "What, I thought we didn't hide anything from each other," he exclaimed with mock outrage!
She planted herself in the middle of his room with her right hand held out expectantly. "We may be twins, but that doesn't mean we share everything with each other Tyler. Give back my diary now!"
He pointed to a passage he was reading, "do you really like him?"
"Not anymore since you now know about him," she sarcastically remarked while still holding her hand out. "Now give it back."
He slapped her diary shut and held it protectively close to his chest. "Try and get it Zoey," he playfully challenged her.
Rolling her eyes exasperatedly, "alright you asked for it!" She exclaimed as she pounced on him. The two wrestled for a moment on the bed while she tried to rip her private book out from his strong grasp. For a couple minutes it looked as if they were an even match.
Seconds into the fight Tyler made a tactical mistake and opened himself up. Zoey saw her change when she realized that her brother had opened his knees a bit. Just enough for her to leverage her knee right in his groin. Doubling over in pain, Tyler immediately let go of her private book.
"Don't make me come back in here to teach you another lesson," Zoey playfully admonished her twin brother while making a soft upward motion with her knee. With the joyful buzz from winning that fight, she practically bounced back to her room.
After a short bit, Tyler recovered from the burning pain in his groin. Composing himself, he got up left his room. From there he headed downstairs where he briefly contemplated the spring sunshine streaming through his parent's living room. The space had a two story wall full of glass panes that afforded a great view of ocean coast down below the house. Momentarily he peered at the various homes down below his parent's house. Each with families outside enjoying the warm weekend day. While the California coastline was even farther below his house.
Instead, he went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of milk. Then, to take his mind off of losing to his sister, he chose to go out onto the house's back deck to take a closer look at the scene below them. His tried to ignore his parents who were relaxing off to the side of the deck under a sun awning. Both were deeply discussing the current dragon situation that was happening around the world.
That was fine, he didn't really want to gossip right then. Relaxing against the deck's wooden railing, he caught snippets of what they were talking about. That there had been some headway in trying to figure out where the dragons had come from and what they wanted. Tyler gathered that a few people had been able to make contact with the huge beings. That these dragons revealed that they used to be humans. On top of that, they did not mean any harm to them. His mother mentioned how there have been far fewer human deaths caused by the dragons.
His father chimed in that he was still worried about the few who weren't as friendly. It seemed as if the nation's military agreed with him and were taking a careful stance with the beasts. Though the president wouldn't allow them to outright attack the dragons like others in the country would like.
His mother was on the fence about whether to embrace the dragons or wall them off. What intrigued her the most was what was causing people to transform into dragons? She wasn't sure what she would do if someone she knew changed.
Tyler gulped his drink and headed back inside. Putting the glass in the dishwasher, he happened to glance over to see his sister coming downstairs with a soccer ball in her hands. She went outside to say something to their parents before hurrying away.
Deciding to go back outside, he told his parents that he was going down to the shore. They told him to be back by five. Waving an acknowledgment, he rushed down a set of wooden stairs and along the small path that led to the street behind his house. From there he wound his way through the neighborhood until he arrived at the public beach.
At the beach he began to walk along the shoreline gazing at the active scene before him. After a while he realized that none of his friends were out enjoying the son. So instead he chose to see what he could find on his own.
Hours of fruitless searching later, Tyler climbed back up to his house. His parent's had left the deck, while by the sound of his sister's music, she was already home.
"Ok everyone, no one wants to cook so we're ordering out!" Tyler's father called out to everyone within the house a short time later. Zoey came racing down stairs with Tyler sauntering
behind her. Shortly there was a long discussion over what type of food everyone wanted.
Hours later and lots of spicy Indian food, everyone in the household broke up for the night. The parent's relaxed in the living room watching TV, Zoey went upstairs to go online and gossip with some friends, while Tyler decided to play a consol military game.
Well past midnight Tyler awoke on his bed. By the state of his cloths, discarded game controller, and his flat screen showing the game's pause screen, told him he had passed out. Absentmindedly he turned off the game and changed into his pajamas.
Sleepily he left his bedroom and went to the bathroom. Passing his sisters bedroom he could hear her coughing behind the door. He hoped he wouldn't catch whatever she got!
As he relieved himself, Tyler began to notice that he had a pounding headache. One that felt more like a migraine or deep painful hangover. Standing over the toilet, he felt his stomach lurch and his center of balance shift. Leaning over the toilet he struggled to hold his stomach contents in.
Finally winning the battle, Tyler lurched painfully back to his room. He just wanted to lay down and settle his upset stomach and swimming head. Absentmindedly he wondered where this uneasy feeling came from? In the end, despite his queasy stomach and hurting head, Tyler finally fell asleep.
The morning found Tyler still not feeling well. Except whatever he had in the night seemed to have turned into a cold. Tyler cursed his sister, he did catch her cold.
Wiping his nose, he slowly pulled on a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. Then he left his room to go downstairs. There he found his sister similarly dressed. Her face was flush and her snuffling sounds told him she was just as miserable as he was.
"Morning, thanks for giving me your cold," Tyler sarcastically remarked to her as he grabbed a glass and poured himself a glass of orange juice.
Zoey moaned for a second, "I was going to say the same to you." The twins sat perched upon stools that sat around the island counter in the middle of the kitchen. Neither had the energy to do much more. They weren't sure how long they sat there silently sipping their drinks in shared misery. Yet, after a short bit they both could hear the sound of hard rolling wheels along the wood floor upstairs.
Looking over they both saw their parents coming downstairs carrying two black hard plastic suitcases. Plunking them down on the kitchen floor, their mother regarded her sick children. "Each caught a cold huh," their mother inquired to them as she
touched each of their foreheads. "You both seem to have a bit of a temp. I think some bed rest should fix that."
Tyler was the first to get up enough energy to ask, "mom, what's up with the suitcases, you and dad going somewhere?"
"We got a call late last night, Aunt Sable just died and we've got to fly back to New York to help out with her funeral." Their father informed them as he brought a few more suitcases downstairs.
Checking her watch, "we've got to get a move on if we want to make our plane. There's chicken soup in the freezer. Go back to bed and get some sleep. When we land, we'll call to see how you both are doing." Their mother hurriedly informed the twins as she rushed out of the house behind their father.
The twins regarded each other silently for a moment.
"You know, if we didn't feel like road kill, then I'd say this was the perfect opportunity," he remarked sickly to his sister.
"I have no energy for anything. I'm going back to bed," Zoey painfully informed him as she hauled herself up off her stool and thudded back upstairs.
Tyler sat there for a short bit contemplating his drink. All around him was the soft background sounds of the kitchen to listen to. Finally with nothing else better to do, he got up and slowly went back to sleep.
Afternoon daylight streaming through his bedroom blinds greeted him when he cracked open his eyes again. He still felt groggy and his bladder was nearly bursting. Slowing getting out of bed, Tyler automatically headed towards the bathroom. Coming back out, he idly scratched his back and arms. He wasn't really paying attention to any of it.
As he walked along the hallway, he noticed that his head didn't feel as bad as it did that morning. He realized there could be a glimmer of hope that he might actually be good enough to take advantage of his parent's departure.
Before he could contemplate the thought any farther, Zoey screamed from her bedroom. Alarmed, Tyler discarded those thoughts and rushed into his sister's bedroom. He found her sitting on the edge of her bed shuddering as she peered down at her stomach.
What he saw caused him to come to a full stop. Tyler had never seen anything like it before. What was happening to her toned abdomen was not even human. It looked to him like light colored green scales were emerging over her abdomen. That as the scales grew along her sides and back, they became more emerald green.
"Tyler, what's going on," she exclaimed in horrified disbelief. He was completely at a loss to explain it himself.
Then he felt an aggravating itching coming from his own arms. Looking down, "oh my god, it's happening to me too!" For along his arms were sprouting the same colored emerald green scales. Taking off his shirt showed him that more scales were spreading along his skin the same way they had on his sister's body.
"Tyler are we turning into dragons," Zoey exclaimed to him in dismay. She was referring to the reports coming from the dragons themselves about how they used to be humans and how they had transformed.
"I think so," he confirmed as they both watched with a bit of amazement tinged with shock while their lightly tanned skins were gradually covered over by varying shades of green. Shortly they could see that the scales along their bellies were softer and a lighter shade of green. While the rest of the scales across their bodies were more an emerald and much tougher.
Ignoring their modesty, both continually removed more of their clothes to watch their transformation. Before long both were hairless and covered from head to toes in scales. Each looked like identical scaly humans.
Tyler was completely at a loss to explain or describe what was going on. He wasn't even sure if he wanted this or not. Yet as a comfort, he had his twin sister there with him and she was going through the same thing. She was someone he could at least commiserate with.
Without thought, Tyler sat down on Zoey's bed and leaned his scaly shoulder against hers. Both took a moment of solace in each other's touch. Each waiting for the next set of changes they knew were coming. It was then that he noticed a tingling sensation along his right side. It was the side of him that had been touching Zoey. He wanted to lean away from her to check what that strange feeling was. However upon trying to pull away, Tyler noticed that his shoulder wouldn't leave Zoey's.
"I can't stop touching you," Tyler urgently blurted out.
"Tyler look," Zoey quickly exclaimed pointing to their touching shoulders. When he looked over, he saw that somehow their scaly skin had melded together.
While watching what was happening to their touching shoulders, both people felt a sort of magnetic attraction between their bodies. It seemed that the sides which were facing each other wanted to come closer. Without thinking, more of their sides began to touch. With each touch, those sides began to fuse together.
In front of their shocked eyes, they watched as both Tyler's right arm and Zoey's left arm began to dissolve between their two bodies. The same thing began to happen to the legs
that were touching. Within moments both had a shard third center leg.
But the two's joining transformation didn't stop there. Each watched in horror as that shard third leg began to wither and pull up into their body. While their individual ribcages soon reformed into a single ribcage, their hips pulled together and became one, even the distance between their two heads shortened.
After a short bit, sitting on Zoey's bed was what looked like one fully green scaled human who had two heads. Even their faces looked the same. Along with that, both now could feel their now fully shared melded body. Rapidly they realized the only things on their body they couldn't feel was each other's head.
Experimentally, Zoey brought up their hands to her face to peer at them while Tyler chose to stand up.
Finally Tyler broke the silence, "um Zoey?"
"Yea I know."
"I've never heard of dragons transforming like this," Tyler quietly commented as he took over one of their hands to feel their shard body. While they moved about both realized they could sense what he was touching.
Even though in the past the two had led separate lives, being fraternal twins meant they were still rather close with each other. They both had enjoyed the other's company. Yet now being completely melded together changed that. To them it felt as if they were one person except for having separate heads and minds.
Before they could contemplate their joint existence any further, both felt shooting pain come from the tips of their fingers and toes. Peering at them, they watched as their fingers reformed with sharp black claws emerging out of their fingertips. While they had been so focused on their digits, neither had noticed another pair of small limbs growing out of their back and sides just slightly down from their shoulder blades.
When one of them did, they saw that those little limbs were growing larger, longer, and stronger as more muscles grew in. Along with the muscles it looked as if emerald green skin grew in between those limb's lengthening fingers, arms, and their back. Rapidly it dawned on both of them that they were their wings.
Along with their wings, both found they had to stand up as a long highly flexible tapered tail. While their tail grew in, other changes began to hit them. Their rear legs began to reform into animal like hind legs. At the same time their necks began to push outward a couple feet. Along with that, each
watched the other's head as their noses and mouths merged together into scaly lizard like snouts. Their eyes reformed into evil looking golden eyes with dark slits. Their teeth reforming into jagged sharp spikes.
Within a short amount of time the two twins now looked like a human sized two headed green dragon. When they wanted to walk, they had to do it in a four legged gate.
However, with the changes to their heads both found they couldn't talk to either other anymore. In the end all they could do was grunt. Both wished they could telepathically speak to each other. The best they could do was get a vague sense of what the other wanted to do.
What each twin could discern was that they were hungry. Taking a moment to figure out who was doing what, they soon padded their way out of Zoey's bedroom and downstairs towards the kitchen.
Sitting up onto their hind legs before the refrigerator, they reached out to open the machine's door. Then each using a hand, both began grabbing food and wolfing it down. After a while their shared stomach felt bloated. Leaving the trash from their hurried feeding discarded in front of the refrigerator, the two walked over into the living room. There they curled up on the throw rug under the glaring bright sunshine. One head rested against the other as they slept.
When the two awoke, both groggery realized that they had gotten quite bigger. The two story living room they fell asleep in seemed a bit smaller now. When they stood up both realized they were large enough that if they sat back on their hind legs, both could easily reach their heads up to the second story balcony overlooking the living room.
While marveling at how large they had gotten, the two noticed how they were communicating to each other. Though to call it communication was a bit of a stretch. What they had seemed more like they knew what each other was thinking. That is not to say they were of one mind. The twins still felt and thought as individuals, just that if Tyler thought of going left, she knew it too. If there was complete agreement, then they easily did something almost without thought. Yet if they had any disagreement, they stood there until it was settled. Though being able to see the other's thoughts made the disagreement resolve faster than if they tried to do it verbally.
Tyler looked over and saw that dusk had fallen. Zoey looked over and felt like trying out their wings. Tyler agreed and the two carefully squeezed their way through the living room towards the deck. Being as large as they were, nether wanted to destroy their parent's prized possessions.
After cautiously pushing their large shard body through the now small deck door, the two moved around stretching their huge wings. Both marveled at how large they were and that their wingspan easily reached the entire span of the deck.
Almost with one thought they reached their wings up and powerfully stroked their wings downward while jumping upwards. Quickly they found themselves rapidly climbing up through the night air. Both marveling at the sensation of flying and of the freedom it brought.
Soon it dawned on the two that they actually liked being a dragon. Liked the power that came with their change. Heck, even sharing their body with each other wasn't so bad either.
Flapping higher, the two began to glide around the dark neighborhood and beach. Absentmindedly the two watched the dark ground pass below. Cruising through the air, they felt a rumbling in their stomach. Zoey proposed going back and raiding their parent's refrigerator again. Yet Tyler didn't relish the idea of trying to squeeze their large frame back through that door again. Zoey's thoughts quickly agreed with Tyler.
Instead they chose to do a little hunting. Their instincts told them that was the best way to find food. At first they spotted a man walking along a sidewalk. Adam's mouth salivated at the idea of eating him. Yet Zoey had no interest in eating a human. She remembered those reports of the other dragons eating humans and wanted no part. Tyler saw her remembering the reports and reluctantly agreed.
Ignoring the humans they spotted, the two began casting about for some other animal they could eat. Zoey was the first one to spot a lone horse standing up sleeping in a fenced off field. Gesturing to Tyler they both agreed that would make a fine meal.
Silently gliding closer, the horse woke up to sense something dangerous was coming. Yet, it's night vision wasn't as good as the twin's vision. Extending their claws, the two dove downward towards the horse. At the last minute the thing saw them neighed, then darted away from them. The two pumped their wings hard to catch up. However being fenced in worked in the twin's favor.
Soon they had the terrified animal pinned into a corner unable to escape. They slammed into the horse and dug their claws into its sides. The beast was so large that they could not lift it off the ground. Instead, Zoey reached out and clamped her jaws over the horse's neck crunching its spine killing it instantly. She had bit down so hard that she nearly decapitated it.
Then both locked their jaws onto the horse's legs and began to drag the heavy corpse out away from the fence corner it had
been caught in. Now with more room, both dug their heads into the animal's sides ripping off chunks of meat. Each were so intently gorging themselves that their shared stomach rapidly became full.
It wasn't until they had eaten their fill that they noticed a man yelling behind them. Tyler looked up to see an older man rushing towards them. While his sister kept picking at the remaining gory bits, he watched the man take aim with his rifle. At first he was scared of getting shot when the man's rifle went off. Yet, they did not feeling any pain when the gun went off. At first Tyler thought that the man had missed. Then he realized that the bullet had just bounced off their scales. That the it felt like lightly thrown pebbles against their tough scaly hide.
Zoey finally finished with her gorging, Tyler suggested they get away before the man chose to try something bigger. The two jumped back up into the air. Beneath them the man became terrified at seeing the large green two headed dragon flying towards him. Yet with a loud roar from their mouths, the twins flew over him and continued higher up in the air.
Both felt drowsy after that big meal and began to look for a nice spot to sleep in undisturbed. Within a short bit they spotted an out of the way valley that was far enough away from any human dwelling for them to sleep undisturbed. There they curled up and dozed for the rest of the night.
The next morning found that the two had grown much larger than before. They both guessed that they had to be the size of a large truck. Like last night, their hunger forced them to hunt again. Also like last time Zoey didn't want to eat any humans. By this point Tyler simply decided to not bring it up anymore.
Four horses later and even more dozing found the twins even larger. Flying around told them that their body was as large as their old house. That even the humans they saw seemed rather small to them. Like small plastic toy army men.
Flying over a bit of ground by the border of California and Nevada, the two began to notice some strange feelings over their body. Landing heavily on the sandy scrub brush ground, they both watched as various horns began to sprout throughout their body and on their heads. Then just as abruptly both began to feel a pressure behind their eyes alongside the temples of their heads. Before they knew it, two more dragon eyes had emerged on each head behind the first pair. Both were presented with a much wider vision. It was like they were looking forward and to their sides at the same time.
Next in almost perfect synchronization, both Tyler and Zoey felt something strange grow into their mouths under their
tongues. It felt as if something hard and fleshy was growing within new pouches of skin within their mouths. After a couple moments, whatever had grown in felt finished.
Both felt the urge to push whatever it was out of their mouths as if they were sticking out a tongue. As soon as they did that, both twins felt as if their consciousness shifted from their dragon heads to that new bit of growth.
Opening up the eyes on those things revealed that they had grown human torsos. One out of each head that looked just like their original bodies. Coming out of Tyler's head was a human torso that looked like his old body. While coming out of Zoey's mouth was a perfect representation of her old body right down to her short hair. It felt strange to the two that while they felt like they were thinking in their now human heads, they were still seeing out of their dragon eyes, feeling their tongues, and sharing the same feelings from their main body.
"Whoa," Tyler exclaimed testing to see if he could speak with his human mouth.
"Wow we can speak again," Zoey blurted out with amazement.
Moving their torsos about with their heads, feeling the individual and shared sensations, both were amazed at what they had become.
"So this is what it feels to be a dragon," Tyler remarked as he peered back at their huge shared dragon body.
"I like it," she said with a evil grin.
"Yea it feels good," he said bringing his torso close to hers. It looked strange that this two headed dragon had not only its two heads close together, but that a human torso emerged from each head as if they were sticking out their tongues. It looked like the nude human torsos were facing each other like regular humans. Both reached out to grasp each other's hands. After going through what they had together and feeling the same things for as long as they had, touching each other hands and not feeling it from the other's point of view felt strange.
While they could still feel each other's thoughts now, both could now speak to each other. After some small talk they tried to figure out what they were going to do. Mentioning that question verbally caused an urge to form within their shared body. It felt as if that they needed to go somewhere.
The twins discussed it for a moment before agreeing to follow the beacon like feeling. Tyler was eager to go while Zoey wished she could leave or say something to their parents. After a couple more moments of discussion, Tyler dissuaded her while mentioning that they could try later on to get a message to their parents once they got where they needed to go.
With that, the two withdrew their human torsos back into their mouths and leapt up into their air. That beacon like urge led them in a north easterly direction.
After barely a day, the two arrived at the tall peaks of the rocky mountains. There they saw all sorts of dragons. Some had single heads while others hand multitude of heads. With some introductions and marveling from the other dragons, the twins realized they were the only dragons with two human torsos. That even the other dragons with multiple heads only had one main torso. Yet the other dragons assured them that there had to be other dragon subspecies that were like them.
Either way the twins felt as if they were home. That they really had no urge to leave and go back home. Even the thought of contacting their parents had rapidly faded as they got more comfortable within the draconic culture.

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