Capítulo sem título 145

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Jason sighed, standing on the edge of the cliff, his bare toes curled into the
rock. Well, as much as it was possible, his feet a little on the straight side, grit
digging into the underside of his bare feet, though he was still wearing thick trousers,
the kind that came with a heavier, tougher fabric that was often worn for hiking.
He wasn't much of a hiker, however... No. No one looking at him, light and
admittedly scrawny, would have considered him to be that kind of person. His hair
was a little on the long side, as he hadn't had the chance to go have it trimmed in a
while – or more so that it wasn't exactly his favourite place to head off to, never likely
the buzz and the vibe of the men's barbershop.
The Welsh mountains stretched out before him, though it was a grey sort of
day. The sort of day, in fact, where they may have advised walkers and hikers to stay
out of the mountains, for their own safety. There had been a storm warning out in the
morning and the air had that strangely heavy, dull quality to it that seemed to come
with a distinct sense of foreboding. There was a reason, after all, that it was called
the "calm" before the storm.
Yet he was not there for a simple reason, no. Jason's lips parted softly,
looking down the slopes, though the cliff would not have sent him tumbling down a
sheer drop if he had taken a tumble over the edge, no. It spilt down into a rough
scree of loose rock, though it came with an increment to the decline that suggested
he would have been able to dig his fingers in and slow his fall, if it had come to that.
But there was a pull in Jason and he shifted his feet anxiously, waiting,
watching. It was not for him to instigate the change – and yet it was coming one way
or the other. He knew it in his gut, in the tug of his soul, as it pulled up inside him,
drawing up and up and up. It was as if something was churning inside him,
something that was not a physical part of him, but it was meant to be there too. It
was only just making itself known to him.
Jason had been waiting for so long for the change. For the transformation. For
the shift that would finally allow him to step into the ranks of his brethren. They were
there with him, in spirit, but the first change had to come alone.
His time, as a shifter... It had finally come.
There was no ceremony to the transformation beginning, only a sense of
something jolting inside him. No one watching Jason would ever have realised that
something was happening to him as he stared adoringly down the range of the rich,
green Welsh mountains, the craggy peaks touching the clouds. But he knew and that
was all that the moment needed to be.
A private one, just for him, a moment that would, not even for Jason, not ever
be replicated.
He shook his head, rolling his shoulders back, his clothes suddenly feeling
tight and restrictive, as if his T-shirt was pulling taut across his chest. The neckline
was too close to his neck and he grunted thickly in the back of his throat as he
tugged at and fussed with it, shifting his weight, fingers curling and uncurling.
"Come on..."
Yet there was no amount of urging that he could do for the change to come,
wanting so very desperately to join the ranks of the shifters, those that could
transform, at will, between one animal and another. Whether they were anthro or
some kind of animal that people were more familiar with, however, was another
question entirely – and a shapeshifter would never know just what their animal was
until their first change.
The call of the wild had come and it was time for him to pant and to heave,
grunting as he tipped forward. It felt right to stretch his arms out, his fingers twitching,
as if even that tiny part of his body was out of his control. His heartbeat fluttered.
Since when had he not even been able to curl or clench his fingers?
Oh, that had been a long time, a very long time indeed, though Jason had to
let it come, bit by bit, his back stiff, feeling like the entire upper section of his back
had become stiff and seized up.
The wind swirled around him, picking up, lifting his T-shirt over his lower back
as he dropped to all fours, groaning long and low. It hurt, pressure pushing up within
him, snarling and snapping, his flesh rippling and bubbling.
"Unff... No... Something..."
He was trying to get words out even when Jason didn't even honestly know
what it was that he was trying to say. Tiny sensations became heightened, from the
digging in of small stones into his palms to how heavy and hard the rocky plateau,
where he had been standing, was under his knees. It was not comfortable and it was
never meant to be comfortable, not as his spine ached and ached, the sensation of it
stretching drawing through him.
It was as if his body, or at the very least his spine, had become an elastic
band, soft and pliable, malleable to a cause that was so very much larger than what
he had anticipated. He panted heavily, his mouth thick and heavy with saliva, though
he couldn't close his mouth enough to stop the light drool from slipping by his lips.
Jason shuddered, his trousers tight around his hips. That was the first part of
his body that felt like it was going to burst free of the constraints of his clothes, his
backside swelling, though it was with muscle and not fat. He panted, trying and
failing to lick his lips, his tongue slopping out of his mouth as it hung there, oddly limp
and too long for any memory that he had of the light but damp appendage.
He tried to close his eyes, but everything strained, as if he was trying to bulge
and pop out of his own skin. It was more than enough for Jason to grapple with every
last little change pushing and pulling through him, pressing urgently in on his mind
for some kind of attention – any attention. He couldn't think about everything all at
once, not as something, most likely a tail, pushed from the base of his spine, his
body swelling and growing, the pain of new muscle forming coming like a glowing
But it was not true pain, no, not when his body was meant to be changed.
Jason was lucky, in that sense, that he had been born with a shape-shifting gene, his
mother and his father both shifters. They had expected it from him, though they had
hoped he would be a wolf or a canid of some kind, just like them.
It did not seem to be the case for Jason, however, not as his trousers split
down the buttocks and between the legs, revealing his blue boxers beneath as he
grunted and heaved. His underwear did not last much longer either as warmth
consumed him, his skin prickling with heat and even tiny beads of sweat rolling down
his skin. They pooled in the dip between his shoulder blades, though it felt quite as if
muscle all over his body was growing more and more defined, allowing those shifts
and rises to capture increasing amounts of sweat.
And was changing too. All as that tail pushed from his spine, using the
tear in his trousers to force its way out, writhing and wriggling. It itched something
fierce, as if a thousand sharp nails were being raked down it at the same time,
seeming to come out more and more and more from his body.
Longer, surely, than a canine's tail would be... Or even the tail of a wolf, like
his father.
Jason sucked in a breath; more difficult than he expected to do so with such
tightness around his lungs, as if there was no longer adequate space for his organs
within the cage of his ribcage. His tail was longer, yes, like that of a reptile, and he
snarled, pushing up on his legs, shifting up onto his toes.
It was a more comfortable position for him, the transforming man's thighs so
thick that they too forced his clothes to split down the back of them, his body aching
deeply. Yet with every throbbing pulse of sensation came another thrum of desire, a
push to want to be in his true form, his real body, what had taken him right up into his
mid-twenties to finally claim for his own.
"Mmmph... Yesssssth..."
He groaned, shaking his head, though tried to part his lips in a smile even
then. His arms lengthened, the bones crunching and cracking, though it was more
the memory of the sudden crunch that had him shuddering than the shifting and
repositioning of his arms. Though he could see, at least, that they were not arms
anymore, not as the skin and flesh flowed fluidly over his hands.
The fingers lengthened and the nails tightened down into long, hook-like
claws, claws that could both grip and rend, claws that would be more than suitable
for slicing through prey, if it ever came to that. He could hunt, yes, for he was a
predator, and he let out a raspy, hissing sort of laugh as his hands become feet, no
longer a biped but a quadruped, quite clearly.
Or getting there, at least. He heaved and panted, his shirt pulling under his
arms, though it was something bulging up from his shoulder blades that tore through
it. One moment the strain was there across his chest and the next it was relieved,
the fabric hanging limply around his shoulders and chest, as a pair of wings slowly
Jason battled with the notion, shaking his head, his tongue gaining a little
more mobility. It slimmed down slightly, but what he noticed the most with it was the
length, wriggling and twisting, a light fork present right at the tip. It slopped against
his teeth as they itched, a deep, pushing strain showing just how they were growing
from his jaw, sharper, pointier... They didn't need to hold molars in there anymore.
He tried to experimentally sweep his tongue around his mouth, but it didn't quite feel
like there were incisors in there anymore either, trying to flick his tail back and forth.
The heavy weight of it dragged his back end to the side, however, putting him offbalance,
grunting, groaning, doing no more than bearing through the weight of the
changes overpowering his body.
Yet his skin... It was not as it had been, not as it grew rougher and he shook
himself, trying to get the shreds of his clothes off. Patches of scales erupted over his
body, randomly, his skin first turning a darker shade, a rich red that caught the eye
and made him want to shelter in it, so glorious was the development. An orange line,
sharp and striking, clawed down his side as Jason groaned and stretched his back
legs out a little, testing how his natural stance would lie, the weight of his tail
somehow managing to balance him. That would be just another thing to get used to,
for it was not as if he was used to standing and moving on four legs rather than two.
Let alone flying with both wings and a tail...
That would be something for later, however, as he grunted and licked his lips,
gaining increased control over his body. The itching and prickling of his scales,
however, was difficult to bear through, his head feeling bigger and heavier as his jaw
expanded out, his skull aching deeply with the extension of his jaw.
He could barely talk and moving was hard, feeling weighed down and even
more a part of the ground under his feet than he ever had felt before. He didn't know
what to think, even though he knew what he was becoming, just who and what he
was transforming into. Soon, his heart would soar as high as his wings could ever
carry him, though that was something for Jason to come to imagine later.
In the moment...his scales prickled and bit into his body, becoming a part of
his flesh, skin transforming. They spread more and more, covering his nakedness,
yet the transforming dragon could not deny the clawing, unbridled heat that was
simmering deep within the pit of his stomach.
He needed...something. The drake hissed and tried to lick his lips, even
though he didn't quite have full control over his body yet, his muzzle scales, nostrils
slipping down into neat little slits, though they would be more than capable of
drawing enough air into his lungs. The pressure on the back of his head and his
neck, along the line of his spine, was immense, but it eased as his neck fleshed out
with muscle. A dragon, after all, did not have a short, stubby neck, not like a human.
No, they were beastly and elegant, both at the same time, and he was so much more
than the man that he had been, sucking in breath after breath, finally managing to
lick his lips as the heat of his body, and his scales, evaporated away every last drop
of sweat.
It was not meant to be there, after all, not as a dragon. Dragons did not sweat
and needed other means, such as spreading their wings, using the air and opening
their maws widely, to cool down, though his body had warmed through the course of
the transformation. Jason grunted and clenched his jaw, hard, trying to roll his
shoulders back as he found his wings went along with them.
His transformation was at a stage where he was rendered more dragon than
human, though there were still a few bare patches of skin remaining. As his skull
ached deeply with horns growing, just two, one on either side of his head, his hair fell
away, drifting and wisping as if it had never truly been a part of his body in the first
place. Jason grunted, his head and neck set a little more comfortably again as he
faced forward, extended out like that of a quadruped rather than still trying to hold
onto a bipedal form.
No... It was better like that, so much better. He may not have been a serpent
but he shed one skin for another as the leathery skin of his wings stretched out and
out and out, spreading between the spines of his wings. Energy had to come from
somewhere to transform such a body, however, and he swayed lightly, dizzy from the
mental and physical exertion that had come from it. And yet everything would ease in
time, even if Jason would, later, find that he was not able to fly home to see his
family and the other shifters, even if his body would need more beforehand.
His body, after all, was not fully transformed. Without a scrap of pale skin left,
scales covered his body completely, his tail growing into a blade-like weapon, made
of horn, at the end. It weighed him down but the muscling there soon caught up,
layering his tail and his glutes so that he could better balance his tail, even if it would
take time to fully use it as self-defence and hunting. Under his belly, close to the join
of his body to his legs, where his crotch would have been before, his shaft hung,
though it was soft...too soft. It did not need to be there on his body, not like that, not
as it hung and softly sucked back into his body.
Jason groaned and shook his head, tongue hanging out. Oh, that was a good
feeling, pressure around his shaft, even as his cock was tucked away, rather than
growing. He grunted and stomped, his toes curling and nails growing into hind claws
on the backs too, but he was thinking about other things. Even as his back grew a
light dip in it, rising to the sensually powerful curve of his hindquarters, his attention
was on the slit that his cock had softened into. His balls melted inside him, but there
was no sense of loss at all, not as the dragon grunted and rolled his eyes, trying his
best to make sense of his body.
He had not heard of shifters struggling with arousal during transformation
before, though perhaps it was something to do with them being embarrassed about
it. They could be a very private sort and that was exactly why shapeshifters more
often than not stuck to their community and the like, everyone there brushing up
against everyone else. But they did not too often go into detail on their first changes,
experiencing it all as a very private event indeed.
And that was okay too, as long as they were able to take it for themselves,
even though his shaft throbbed and ached, pressing urgently back out against the
edge of the slit that had formed. It needed to come out, his internally held testes
aching and churning, something pushing inside him, though it was not a change.
No... It was merely arousal, merely desire, something that had to come through in
pulse after pulse, a new shaft emerging.
No longer would he have the smooth-skinned human shaft, no... No, that
would not be for Jason, not as he stood there, on all fours, a feral beast, a dragon
worthy of the name as he grew larger and larger, his entire body trying to catch up all
at once. Muscle swelled and his bones crunched as they were forced to lengthen,
growing larger than a draft horse and bigger still.
Dragons were not small, after all, and neither was his cock as it dripped clear
pre-cum, the length dark-skinned in a rich ruby and slowly fleshing out in knobs and
ridges. There didn't seem to be any special design to it that the eye could follow, but
the ridges were more than designed for the pleasure of a partner, even though they
seemed to spiral anxiously, as if they were clinging to his shaft. The knobs and
"spike-like" nodules ringed the head, which tapered to a rounded point, and he
growled, rolling his hips forward, his fully-formed wings spreading wide as he panted
heavily through an open maw.
He would try out his new vocal cords later, for arousal trembled through him,
fully a dragon even though he was still growing, swelling, the rock crunching under
him as his weight affected his stance. In the end, Jason would get to the size of a
bungalow, a single-storey home, but the process of arousal was something else.
He felt it all, the trembling power of his transformation, how his need ached
through his body so very deeply, making him want to hump and grind and rock his
hips. It was carnal and it was feral and it was everything that Jason had never even
known, his cock drooling. He didn't need to grip it with a hand or anything that could
ever be as crude, though he could lean into it, how flowing, throbbing power rose
within him.
And it was that which sent sensation to his cock, rendering him so oversensitive
that even the lick and the brush of air moving by his massive member
made him want to hump and thrust, hissing out ardently through his teeth. The
dragon snarled, lips peeling back, though Jason couldn't quite decide on a single
course of action at any given time, tail sweeping back and forth, lashing the air.
Maybe that was one of the reasons why he had been chosen to transform, for the
first time, in an open space, for he could have really done some serious damage to a
house or even a forest if he had been in more closed confines.
Out there, however, as his body grew in proportion, up to the size of the
largest of draft horses, huffing and puffing, he could do anything, be anything. And all
the dragon had to relish in was the experience of his body filing up, how muscles
thickened up, new matter formed from substances that had had no presence before.
Only in magic, the sweeping, overriding magic of transformation that was the will of
every shapeshifter, would the new form of his body be made.
His spines prickled to life down the line of his neck – and then his entire spine.
The draconic shape was his, the weapon at the tip of his tail lighter while his body
strained to encompass it, to be able to hold and wield it as he was meant to. Yet all
was right with the world and his little part of it too, grunting and groaning, letting his
cock throb and throb and throb with passionate need.
"Unff... Yes..."
The first words, as a dragon, slipped from his maw in lust, exactly as it should
have been, and his tongue slapped out wetly against the side of his muzzle. Jason
was too far gone to take full note of it, rolling his hips, humping and grinding. He
didn't even have his eyes open anymore to take in the scope of the rolling hills and
mountains spread out before him, concentrating only on sensation, his own passion,
while his body grew and grew.
It would take Jason more than a little while to get a handle on the full scope of
his transformed body but there was nothing there to hold him back, not as something
pulled tighter and tighter between his legs. It had to have been contained in his
internally held testes, where they were safely tucked away for more aerodynamic, as
a dragon, purposes, though Jason did not care. Not in that moment, not as his
massively thick, ridged cock pulsed and drooled, big globs of pre-cum slopping forth
to splatter wetly on the ground. It marked his claws, even where it landed, yet the
drake did not even notice, not as his tail swung and heat swelled, as if he was
burning up from the inside out.
And maybe he was. Maybe that was the way of dragon shifters too, for they
were not the kind of shifter that Jason had ever met before.
He would have to ask them, one day.
But not then. Not as orgasm swelled, a roaring bellow that coursed up from
his gut, lips parted, snarling his delight to the mountain range before him. Yet all
Jason's mind was focused on was the pulse and the throb of his achingly hard
member, fully grown as a dragon and spending every drop of seed that his oversized
body had.
His wings stretched out, shaking, trying to remain steady while he spread
them out a little more, though Jason simply did not yet have control over that part of
his body, not in full. It would come in time, all in good time, ropes of thick, sticky
cream arcing from his cock as if the act of orgasm had become an art form.
Transformation in itself was an art and something that only a shifter truly in control of
themselves could achieve alone; yet another skill that Jason was going to have to
work at, training a very particular kind of muscle in his body.
Yet the drake heaved, his great flanks shuddering for breath, feeling his cum
leaving him, how it felt like it was all being squeezed from his body, stream after
streaming rope of it. It had to come, of course, for it could not stay there, not as his
head hung and he tilted it to the side. A light smile tugged at the corner of his lips,
though he would take his time in getting used to those muscles too and all the facial
expressions that he would have to learn, all over again, as a dragon.
His orgasm... That was something easier to lean into. Even though he would
find ways to climax and to get himself off more easily, in time, the change itself would
always end up being an orgasm-inducing event for the lusty dragon shifter.
And that was all that it had to be. For one shapeshifter and all the others,
finding passion in transformation and, of course, the experience of a new body.
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