Capítulo sem título 54

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Unending Love – A Kion And Maalum Love Story
Kion goes to his farm. Once there, Goya calls him.
Goya: Kion!
Kion: *sighs* Yes, Goya?
Goya: Have you been thinking about what I told you? I will protect my family from you. I know we can't trust you.
Kion: You may not trust me, but the others do. Your mom and Dogo trust me most.
Goya: They're making a big mistake. I will show them who you really are. You'll never be my father. *starts going away*
Kion: What is wrong with him?
Suddenly, Reirei jumps and pins him down.
Reirei: Kion! *really happy*
Kion: Reirei?! What's going on?
Reirei licks Kion's face really happy and he blushes.
Reirei: Kion. I have very good news. *big smile, licks him more*
Kion: What's the news?
Reirei: I talked to Nirmala and...
Kion: What did she say?
Reirei: It's official, Kion. I'm pregnant. We're going to be parents. *licks his face fast with joy*
Kion: THAT'S AMAZING!! *smiling*
Reirei: I'm so so happy. This is all I ever wanted. I can't believe this is happening.
Kion: I'm happy too, my love.
They kiss each other passionately.
Reirei: *starts crying a little with happiness* You're really the love of my life, Kion. I don't want anyone else in my life. You... You want to sleep with me tonight, only you and me? I want to be with you right now.
Kion: Yeah. Of course.
Reirei: Let's go to my den.
Kion: Let me see Maalum first. *nuzzles* I haven't seen him in a while.
Reirei: Of course, honey. *nuzzles back* I'll be waiting for you in the den... daddy. *winks*
Kion: *winks too* Ok.
Maalum's resting in his and Kion's den (Kijana's old den), not sleeping yet.
Kion: Maalum?
Maalum: *getting up, happy* Kion! *runs to hug him*
Kion: *hugs* How are you?
Maalum: I'm a little tired, but I'm good. Especially now that you are here. *lovely smile* How was your day? I almost didn't see you today.
Kion: My day was good.
Maalum: Did you talk to Rani about Azaad?
Kion: Yeah. I did.
Maalum: What did she say?
Kion: She said that he was at the Tree.
Maalum: So why did she lie to me? And what was he doing there?
Kion: I'm not sure. I need to talk to Fuli about it, but... I'll do it tomorrow.
He promised to Rani that he wouldn't tell Maalum about her secret relationship with Azaad.
Maalum: Okay. Something strange is happening. But I bet it's nothing bad. I trust Rani. Like I trust you, my love. *nuzzles him*
Kion smiles and nuzzles back, even being a little nervous.
Maalum: Oh. By the way, I talked with Rani about Kijana. We're going to do a special ceremony to show everyone how important she was to us.
Kion: What did she say?
Maalum: Rani said she will ask Nirmala to help her prepare something like the ceremony you made for Queen Janna. I wasn't here that time, but Rani said it was beautiful.
Kion: Yeah. It was really beautiful. *smiling, remembering about that day*
Maalum: The ceremony will happen after tomorrow. And I want you to be by my side.
Kion: I'll be there. *kisses his cheek*
Maalum: *purrs* Thank you. Let's go to sleep? *licks his cheek*
Kion: Uhhh... Reirei asked me to sleep with her tonight because I just found out... she is pregnant.
Maalum: Really?! *surprised, but happy* That's amazing. Congratulations, honey! *kisses his cheek*
Kion: Thanks, honey paws.
Maalum: I know you will be a great father. *kisses him*
Kion: *kisses back* Thanks.
Maalum: You're the best animal in the world. You make me so happy. Your cubs will be like a family to me. *yawns* I really need to sleep. Go to your second great love. I know she loves you probably as much as I do.
Kion: I will. *nuzzles him* Sleep well.
Maalum: *nuzzles back* You two, my love.
Maalum lays on the ground to sleep and Kion goes to Reirei.
Reirei: Kion. Dad of my cubs. Thank you for joining me tonight. *smiles* Maalum is ok with you sleeping with me?
Kion: Yes, he is.
Reirei: Come on. Lay here with me. *lays down, waiting for Kion to join her*
Kion lays down next to her.
Reirei: *looks at him, smiling, before getting serious* Kion. I know you have Maalum as your first mate and I know you will marry him, but I want to ask you something about our future.
Kion: Oh yeah? What about our future?
Reirei: You know how important you are to me. You know how much I love you. And you know I want to stay with you forever. Kion. I'm so happy you decided to live here on the farm and I'm also happy you decided to build a family with me. But I would love you to live here with me in my den. You can help me now with my pregnancy and, in the future, with our kids. What do you say? Can we share the same den, honey? *smiling*
Kion: Sure, but as long as Maalum's involved too.
Reirei: What do you mean? He's living in the farm.
Kion: Oh. Uh... Nevermind. I'll talk to him about it.
Reirei: That means you accept living in my den? *smiling*
Kion: Yes. *smiling*
Reirei: I'm glad you accepted it. But... I have another request.
Kion: Another request?
Reirei: You see? My children start to see you as a father. And all jackals respect you now. They know we are mates. So I think you can be officially the leader of the pack... with me.
Kion: Really? *surprised*
Reirei: Absolutely. I trust you more than I ever trusted Goigoi and I know you are a great leader. A very great leader. So I want you to join me as leader of my... I mean our pack.
Kion: Sure. *smiling big*
Reirei: But you won't be the second in charge. I want you to have the same rights I have. You will rule as much as I rule. What do you think?
Kion: I agree with that.
Reirei: Oh Kion. *nuzzles him* You're so perfect. I don't know why we didn't start a relationship earlier.
Kion nuzzles back, purring.
Reirei: You know? We're not married, but I start to see you as if you were my husband. *leaning her head on his*
Kion: I know, sweet paws.
She falls asleep, her head leaning on Kion's with a very cute smile.
Kion: Goodnight, my love. *falls asleep*
Next morning, Kion needs to get up early to go visit Makucha, but Reirei is still sleeping on him. He tries to move her. She's almost waking up while Kion moves her.
Reirei: Mmmm...
Kion gets up.
Reirei: *opens an eye* Kion? You're awake?!
Kion: Yeah, I'm uhh... gonna go on a walk by myself.
Reirei: So early?! *confused*
Kion: Yeah. Plus, I haven't seen the Guard in a while, so I'll go visit them.
Reirei: Oh. Okay then. I will sleep a little more. Can you just give me a kiss before you go?
Kion: Of course. *kisses her*
Reirei: *kisses back* Mmmmm...
Kion: *breaks the kiss* Ok. I'll see you later.
Reirei: Ok. Oh. When you get back, I want you to join me. I will tell our pack your new status. *smiles*
Kion: I'll be back before lunch.
Reirei: Ok, honey. Have a good morning.
Kion: Thanks. *walks away*
Kion goes to the Guard.
Guard: Kion!
They all run to him with happiness.
Bunga: Finally. I thought you had forgotten about us.
Kion: I would never forget about my favorite team. *smiling*
Anga: Welcome back, Kion.
Fuli: It's good to see you. *smiling*
Kion: Good to see you too.
Beshte: So when's the wedding?
Kion: I'm not sure. I'll talk to Maalum about it.
Fuli: I can't wait to see you married. It will be... interesting. *kinda joking*
Bunga: It will be un-Bunga-lievable! *jumps*
Anga: Yup.
Kion: I expect to see all of you and the Night Pride there. *smiling*
Bunga: Are you kidding? I won't miss that for anything.
Fuli: I will be with you like I've always been. *blushes a little*
Kion: Thanks, guys. *walks up to Bunga and whispers to him* Wanna have some fun later, Bunga?
Bunga: *whispering* You should have asked some days earlier. Of course I want.
Fuli: Kion. *serious* I... I need to talk with you before you go.
Kion: Ok, Fuli.
Fuli: Alone.
Kion: Alone? Uhhh... sure.
Anga: Kion. Do you want us to leave so you can talk with Fuli?
Bunga: Oh. Oh. Do you want to patrol with us this morning?
Kion: Anga. Can you lead this morning's patrol?
Anga: Sure, Kion.
Bunga: *sad* So you won't patrol with us?
Kion: I'll patrol with you guys tomorrow. I need to talk to Fuli.
Bunga: Okay.
Anga: All right, boys. Follow my wings. Let's go.
They leave.
Fuli: *serious* Kion. Have you been talking with Rani lately?
Kion: I talked to her last night. Why?
Fuli: Because she and Azaad want to talk with me privately at the Tree Of Life. Do you know what they want?
Kion: Yeah, but I think you should talk to them privately at the Tree.
Fuli: I hope everything's okay. But Azaad has been acting weird recently. I hope he's okay. I don't want him to get hurt.
Kion: I'm sure everything is fine.
Fuli: I hope you're right. *hugs him* Asante, Kion. You're a great friend. *blushing a little*
Kion: *hugs back* Hakuna matata. *blushes a little*
Fuli: *backing off, nervous* I... I think I should go. I need to go to the Tree in a few moments. Have a nice day, my lo... My friend. *thinking* I wish we could be more than friends.
Kion: You too, Fuli.
She leaves, accidentally showing him her pussy. Kion blushes at the sight of Fuli's pussy, before he goes to Makucha.
Kion walks into the secret cave.
Kion: Makucha? You there?
Makucha: Yes, Kion. Come in.
Kion walks in.
Makucha: *smiling* Kion. It's so nice to see you.
Kion: *smiles* Nice to see you too.
Makucha: You know? This cave isn't exactly my favorite home. I prefer to sleep on the trees.
Kion: I know. But once Chuluun and I convince the King and Queen, you can pick your own trees to sleep in.
Makucha: So... when is your wedding? I can't wait to leave this cave.
Kion: I haven't talked to Maalum about it. I'll talk to him later today.
Makucha: Oh please. Talk to him and try to convince him I'm a good leopard now. I don't want to hurt him. I don't wanna hurt anyone.
Kion: Convincing him will be hard since you raped him, but I'll try.
Makucha: *lowers his head sadly* You don't know how bad I feel every time I remember about those days.
Kion: *nuzzles him* I know that, Makucha.
Makucha: Kion. I never thought I would feel this way for you. But I have goosebumps every time I see you now. And that's not anger or fear. It's... something I've never felt.
Kion: Really?
Makucha: It's really weird. I don't know what it is. Your presence makes my body tremble and I feel warmth. I don't know what this means.
Kion: I do.
Makucha: You do? So tell me. I never felt like this before and I want to know what it is.
Kion: It's love, Makucha.
Makucha: Love? *starts laughing* That's ridiculous. How can someone like me feel something like love?
Kion: Because you almost kissed me in front of Chuluun. And you said that my presence makes your body tremble and you feel warmth.
Makucha: *serious* So... You really think I can be in love... with you?
Kion: Yeah. I do. *smiling*
Makucha: And... What can I do about that?
Kion: Embrace your love for me.
Makucha: How?! I mean... How can I do that... with you? *nervous*
Kion: Like this... *gets close to him and kisses him passionately*
Makucha: Mmmmm... *tries to resist at first*
Kion: Mmmm... *keeps kissing*
Makucha: *kisses back passionately* Mmmmmm...
Kion rubs his neck. Makucha purrs and rubs his neck too.
Kion: *breaks the kiss* Is this a new feeling for you?
Makucha: It's... It's different from yesterday, when we fucked each other. Yesterday I felt a normal pleasure. But now... I feel something different. This... is new for me.
Kion: All you know is evil.
Makucha: *ashamed* I wish I could feel more love.
Kion: *nuzzles him* It's okay. You will.
Makucha: Kion. Can I ask you something? *serious*
Kion: Sure.
Makucha: Why... Why did you kiss me?
Kion: *blushes* I... I... Uhhh... I have a thing for bad boys. *blushes red*
Makucha: You mean... you like me?
Kion: Yeah. *smiling*
Makucha: Like... Like a friend? *blushing*
Kion: More than that.
Makucha: *blushing more* Kion. *smiling* Do you... Do you love me?
Kion: *blushes more* Yeah. *smiling*
Makucha: *close to him* So... It seems like we love each other. *smiling and blushing, their heads too close*
Kion: Yup.
Makucha: I... I think I can get used to this new feeling. *kisses him*
Kion kisses back and Makucha starts sharing his tongue. Kion does the same. Makucha keeps kissing Kion and lays him down carefully.
Kion: Mmmmm... *purring*
Makucha: *breaking the kiss* This time. I want you more than just for pleasure. I want you as my boyfriend. *smiling*
Kion: *smiling* Me too, Makucha. But we need to keep it a secret from the others for now.
Makucha: I won't go anywhere for a few days.
Kion: Ok.
Makucha: Now let me feel a new kind of sex: love sex. *walks back and starts licking his ass carefully*
Kion: Oooohhh~ *moaning*
Makucha rubs his tongue around Kion's hole.
Kion: Oooohhh fuck yeah~
Makucha: *slides his tongue into his ass* Mmmm...
Kion: Ahhh... *moaning*
Makucha: *rubbing his tight walls, going deeper* Mmmm...
Kion keeps moaning.
Makucha: *pulling off* Ready to feel my love?
Kion: Mmm... Yes, Makucha.
Makucha: *slides his dick into his ass, carefully* Oooh you're so tight.
Kion: Aahh~ You're so big~ *moans*
Makucha: *going as deep as he can* Oooh... Kion. *starts thrusting slowly*
Kion: Ohhh... Yeah, daddy~ *moaning*
Makucha: *keeps thrusting slowly, licking his neck* Mmmm...
Kion: Mmmmmm... so good.
Makucha: Oh Kion. I have an idea.
Kion: What's your idea?
Carefully, Makucha takes Kion and puts him in his lap, leaning himself against the wall of the cave. Makucha's dick is still inside Kion's ass.
Kion: Ohh. I like this~
Makucha: *his paws are hugging Kion's hips, while he keeps thrusting in his ass* Ooooh...
Kion: *moaning* Ahhh... Yes Makucha~
Makucha: *starts thrusting a little faster, still hugging him* Ooooh baby.
Kion: Ohhh daddy~ *kisses him*
Makucha: Mmmmmm... *kisses him back, while keeping thrusting fast, hugging his hips*
Kion: Mmmmm~ *moans loudly*
Makucha: *shares his tongue while he starts going faster and harder* Mmmmm...
Kion: Mmmmm~
Makucha: Aaaah! *moans louder while he starts fucking Kion as fast, hard and deep as he can*
Kion: Ahhh fuck yeah... Fuck me harder, daddy~ *moans louder*
Makucha uses his paws to push Kion, helping with his movements that go fast, hard and deep like he never did before.
Makucha: Oooooh baby yeah.
Kion: Ahhh yess... *hugs him tightly*
Makucha: Fuuuck. *licks his neck and hugs him, while his dick starts swelling inside Kion's ass* I'm cuuuummiiing!!!
Kion: Ahh yes! Give it to me~
Makucha pushes Kion hard in his dick, going as deep as he can and cums hard inside his sexy ass.
Makucha: Ooooooohhh fuuuck!!!
Kion: Aaaaaahhh~ *moans more as Makucha's cum fills his ass*
Kion stays in Makucha's lap, his ass still in his dick and he's still hugging him.
Makucha: Oooh wow. This. This is how I love you. *smiling*
Kion smiles. They kiss each other with their tongues.
Maalum: Kion?! *calling, sad*
Kion: Maalum!? What are you doing here?
Maalum: *crying* I thought you had a problem, but you are here... having sex... with... that monster! *crying hard*
Makucha: Maalum. I...
Maalum: Shut up! I don't want to hear your stupid voice!
Kion: Maalum. Makucha said that he doesn't want to cause any problems.
Maalum: He is a big problem! And leave him now. I can't look at you like that!
Kion gets off of Makucha.
Maalum: Kion. How could you do that to me? *crying really sad*
Kion: Maalum. I'm sorry. Makucha just wanted to know me better.
Maalum: Makucha! Go away! *upset*
Makucha: But...
Maalum: LEAVE! NOW!
Makucha: *to Kion* Kion. I'll be outside.
Maalum: I hope not.
Makucha leaves.
Kion: But you're still my number one.
Maalum: Now I am your number zero. Because we're over! *upset*
Kion: WHAT!? But we were gonna be married!
Maalum: I can't marry someone that lies to me and helps someone that hurts me so much. I told you to send that monster away and you said you had done it. And now I find you having sex with him?
Kion: I keep trying to tell you that Makucha is a good leopard. But you just won't listen!
Maalum: You're the one who doesn't listen. He raped me. I had a big trauma for weeks. You know that. He raped Rani while she was pregnant. She could've lost her babies. My babies. And he attacked Reirei, killing your own babies. You think I should accept someone like him?
Kion: Yes. I do know that he raped you and Rani. I wanted you to trust that leopard. He has changed for the better. *upset* Maybe proposing to you was a mistake. You don't need me.
Maalum: *crying* I certainly don't need someone who is dating the guy who raped me. *turning his back on Kion, upset*
Kion: Maybe I should've let Scar kill me. Kijana would've been alive if that happened. *turns his back on him, very upset*
Maalum: *still upset* At least if you were dead you wouldn't bring Makucha to the Tree Of Life.
Maalum: It means things could be better if you didn't exist. *crying hard in anger*
Kion: *calms* Listen. Us fighting isn't gonna work. Let's go talk to Makini or Chuluun.
Maalum: I don't want to talk with anyone. I just want you out of my life. You brought to my kingdom the animal who raped me. I don't exile you now because I respect Reirei. Because I'm sure Rani will agree with me about this.
Kion: I was gonna tell you that Reirei asked me to be a co-leader of her pack. So if you're gonna exile me, you'll exile the entire jackal pack. And yes. I accepted the position.
Maalum: Well. Congratulations. You can stay in the Tree Of Life. But from now on, I want you to stay away from me and Rani. At least while you're dating that son of a bitch.
Kion: But Maalum... I want to get married still. You're my number one. You always will. I'll tell Makucha to prove to you that you can trust him.
Maalum: It will be hard to trust him after everything he did. The same with you. You promised me that you would send him away and you told me you had done that. You kept saying he was away and you showed me everything was okay. But I completely lost my trust in you when I saw you kissing him, clearly enjoying it. *very sad* I can't trust you. And I can't be with someone who I can't trust. It's over, Kion. Forget me, because I will try to do the same.
Kion: Fine. If you won't trust me, then I'll leave the Tree of Life WITH Chuluun AND with my jackals!
Maalum: *sighs* You're not exiled. But I can't stop you from leaving if that's what you want.
Kion just leaves the cave very angry and Maalum lays on the ground, crying sadly.
Kion is walking very angry and someone hits him fast, falling with him.
Kion: Hey! What the?
It's Fuli. She was running very sad.
Fuli: S-Sorry. *crying hard*
Kion: *looks at her, worried* Fuli? What's wrong?
Fuli: It's Azaad. He betrayed me... With Rani. *hugs him, crying*
Kion: What? *hugs back* I... I just broke up with Maalum.
Fuli: Oh Kion. I'm so sorry. *hugs him tightly* What have we done to be treated like this?
Kion: *hugs back* I betrayed him with...
Fuli: No. Don't say it. I know you love Maalum more than everyone.
Kion: *crying hard* I know...
Fuli: *nuzzles him* We both need support.
Kion: Yeah. *nuzzles back*
Fuli: Azaad said he doesn't love me like he used to do. *crying* Tell me. What do I have? You think I'm not interesting?
Kion: Fuli. You're the most beautiful cheetah I've ever seen. We've been friends since cub-hood and... I wanna take this friendship to another level.
Fuli: *blushing* Y-You want?
Kion: Yeah. *smiling* We both need each other right now. I have a much bigger problem that I would like to talk about.
Fuli: Oh. Uh... Let's go to your old cave. Isn't far from here and we can talk privately.
Kion: Sure.
Fuli and Kion enter the cave. Kion sighs.
Fuli: Kion. *nuzzles him* Tell me what happened.
Kion: *nuzzles back* Promise me you won't get mad.
Fuli: Kion. Like you said, we're friends since... practically forever. I won't judge you. Come on. Tell me.
Kion: Makucha... is a good leopard now. He proved to me that he's a good guy and I trust him... But Maalum and Rani don't trust him.
Fuli: Wow. Makucha? Really? *surprised*
Kion: Yes. Chuluun even saw it with her own eyes.
Fuli: Well... It's kinda hard to believe Makucha changed, but... Janja, Reirei, Chuluun... There's a lot of bad guys turning good. And if you say Makucha is a good leopard now, I believe you.
Kion: You do? *smiling a little*
Fuli: Sure. *smiling* I don't know where the problem is.
Kion: The problem is that when he took over the kingdom, he raped Maalum and Rani.
Fuli: Yeah. I remember that. It was very hard for Maalum to recover from that trauma.
Kion: Yeah... When Reirei was pregnant with my first cubs, he attacked her, killing the unborn children. But she's pregnant again. *smiling, then serious again* I don't know if she trusts him.
Fuli: Oh Kion. I don't know what to say. I wish I could help you with all these problems around Makucha.
Kion: Do you want to go talk to him? He's right outside the passageway.
Fuli: I'm sorry, Kion. Right now I just need to stay alone. I lost Azaad. He doesn't love me anymore. *leans her head on Kion, crying a little*
Kion: *kisses her cheek* I know someone who loves you, more than Azaad.
Fuli: No one loves me like that.
Kion: I do.
Fuli: *looking at him, surprised* Y-You?!
Kion: Yeah. You've always been by my side since childhood and vice-versa. I've always loved you and my love for you grew a lot. *smiling*
Fuli: *blushing hard* You know? I always felt something special for you since we were cubs. And when we grew up, these feelings also grew. Then I met Azaad and I thought I was totally in love with him. But the last days he had been very distant and I started to feel that for you again. I... I think I love you.
Kion: I love you too, Fuli.
Fuli: *smiles, blushing* Kion... *almost kissing him*
Kion: Fuli... *almost kissing her*
Her lips touch his, closing her eyes. Kion kisses her, also closing his eyes.
Fuli: Mmmm... *sharing her tongue with his, thinking* I always wanted to do this.
Kion: Mmmmm... *does and thinks the same*
She hugs his neck, while kissing him. Kion lays her on her back. Fuli keeps relaxing, still hugging Kion. She can feel his dick on her pussy.
Fuli: *moans a little* Kion. I don't know if we should do this.
Kion: I've always wanted to do this since we were cubs.
Fuli: Me too, but... Azaad. He broke up with me to stay with Rani. But I still love him. And you still love Maalum.
Kion: I know.
Fuli: I also love you. A lot. But... I don't know if we should do this. *confused*
Kion: Do you wanna taste it first?
Fuli: Kion. I... *looking at his dick* I don't know...
She wants him, but she's afraid of losing Azaad forever, because she's still in love with him.
Kion: Just this once.
Fuli: *smiling* Only if you promise to be kind with me.
Kion: I promise. *smiling*
Fuli: And don't tell anyone what we're about to do.
Kion: I won't.
Fuli: *big smile* Then... I think I would love to taste you.
Kion smiles and moves to the 69 position, putting his dick in her face. Fuli starts blushing. She touches his balls with her front paws and opens her mouth to put his dick inside.
Kion: Mmmmm~ *starts licking her pussy*
Fuli moans and starts sucking Kion's dick, slow and carefully. Kion keeps licking her pussy. She keeps sucking, enjoying his barbs rubbing her soft lips and Kion starts licking deeper.
Fuli: Mmmm... *moaning more, starting licking faster*
Kion: Mmmmm... *does the same*
Fuli: *sucking faster and deeper while licking his dick* Mmmmm...
Kion: Mmmmm~
Fuli: *hugs his back, keeping sucking fast, hard and deep while licking his dick with random movements* Mmm mmm.
Kion: Mmmm~ *keeps licking*
Her pussy is trembling. Kion's movements with his tongue are so good she's about to squirt. She's keeping her movements.
Kion: Mmm... *his dick starts swelling*
Fuli: Mmmmm... *moans, her pussy squirts its juices*
Kion: Mmmmm~ *moans and cums in her mouth*
Fuli: *tasting his cum and swallowing* Mmmmmmm...
Kion: Mmmm... *swallows* Oh Fuli...
Fuli: Aah Kion. You taste so good.
Kion: So do you.
Fuli: Kion. You... You seem to be better than Azaad. I... I would love to... You know.
Kion: You want to...?
Fuli: I want you to be my new mate.
Kion: *smiles and blushes* You do?
Fuli: I wanted to be your mate for a long time. But I was scared because we're different species. And then I found Azaad and you found Rani. I thought it was impossible.
Kion: Shh... I wanna be your mate.
Fuli: You... You do?
Kion: Yeah. *smiling*
Fuli: But... What about Maalum? And Azaad?
Kion: I still love him and I know that you love Azaad. But they need time apart from us.
Fuli: So... We can be mates? *smiling*
Kion: Yes, we can. *smiling* I'm dating a hyena too.
Fuli: Heh. So... Wanna try something different now? *smiling*
Kion: Yes.
Fuli: *wide legs, ready for him* Show me.
Kion: *slides his dick into her tight pussy* Ooohh~
Fuli: Aaaah... *moans*
Kion starts thrusting.
Fuli: Aaah Kion. *moaning, hugging him*
Fuli: *thinking* He feels better than Azaad.
Kion: Ohhh yeah, Fuli. *keeps thrusting*
Fuli: *moans more* Aaah. You're so good.
Kion: Mmm... *kisses her neck*
Fuli: Aaah yeah. *enjoying his kisses, hugging him with love*
Kion's thrusting gets faster and harder.
Fuli: Aaah. Kion. That's it.
Kion: Ohh Fuli... Your pussy is so soft.
Fuli: Aaah. You're so hot. *kisses him with tongue*
Kion kisses back with tongue.
Fuli: *plays with his tongue* Mmmmm... *hugging him tightly*
Kion: Mmmmm... I'm gonna cum...
Fuli: Aaah yes. I want you inside. Aaah! *hugs him tightly*
He hugs back and cums in her.
Fuli: Aaaaaaah!!! *screaming with pleasure, feeling his cum fulfilling her pussy*
Kion: Oooohhh my sexy cheetah~
Fuli: Kion. I wanted you for so long. This must be a dream.
Kion: Well... It's real.
Fuli: Let me see if it's real. *kisses him passionately*
Kion kisses back passionately. They keep kissing for a long time and after the kiss...
Fuli: Yeah. I think it's real. *smiles*
Kion smiles back.
Fuli: This was the best fuck of my life. You're way better than Azaad.
Kion: Heh. Well, he uhhh... "finishes" too quick *joking*
Fuli: *giggles* You can say it. What will you do now about Maalum?
Kion: I'll talk to him... and Makucha.
Fuli: I really hope you can convince Maalum to accept Makucha.
Kion: I hope so too.
Fuli: *nuzzles him* Now I think you should talk to Reirei about this. After all, she also suffered because of him.
Kion: Right. I'll talk to her.
Fuli: You think we can be together later? I really love to spend time with you.
Kion: Yeah, I think so.
Fuli: Good. So see you later, my love. *licks his cheek* And thank you for your support.
Kion: See you later. And you're welcome.

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