Capítulo sem título 91

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I was sitting in class on a bright and warm day, the birds where singing and the sky was as blue as the ocean. My cheeks flushed softly as the sun was shining in through the windows and I closed my eyes, enjoying the soft warmth of the light before a wet paper ball flew against my cheek. A soft groan escaped me as I turned towards my right, spotting the girl who did this and she was flipping me the bird before the bell rang and everyone began packing their stuff. Today we would have PE and I kept cramming my books back into my school bag next to the simple white T shirt I would be wearing today. I finished packing my school stuff together and began to walk with the rest out of the room. A girl bumped into me and kicked my bag around, laughing at me and how a freak like me shouldn't be allowed on this Girls only school. I looked down and reached for my bag as I did not want anyone to look into my eyes as I was heterochromatic and they kept making fun about it.

My left eye had a green tint whilst my right was as blue as the sky, sometimes I wish I could just soar up with the birds and fly with them. Most girls that went to this school had quite rich families and loved to brag about it with both their expensive clothes and phones. I on the other hand only had second hand clothes and school uniforms as my step parents did not want to spend any more money than necessary on my wellbeing, though I did have one good shirt which I bought for myself once with me. The thought about having one good shirt with me made me smile a little. We kept walking for a while before we finally reached the School Gym and we walked in through the door and into the changing rooms. It had its advantage to be in a girl's only school though as the showers where quite safe to use without chances of any onlookers, so most girls took a shower afterwards before dressing in their private clothes before they went home. Just as I enter a girl waits behind the door for me before she grabs me from behind, holding me as another girl took my school bag. She opened it and laughed before she dumped it all onto the floor and she picked up my shirt. I struggled softly as the other girls kept watching us whilst she grabbed my shirt at the neck piece before she began tugging on it, shredding it in the process. She kept laughing as she did so before letting it fall to the floor and kicked it over to me, calling me a freak before she said I shouldn't be allowed to have such a fine shirt and the girl behind let go of me.

The other girls laughed and walked with her as they were making their way to the gym before I grabbed the shreds of my former shirt and I stood up looking at them. I growled softly and shivered in anger as tears where running down my cheek whilst I made my way to my sport clothes which were scattered around the floor in front of the mirror. My chest was pounding as my heart hammered against it and I could feel my blood starting to boil slowly as a strange heat was forming along my spine. A soft groan escapes me as small red scales began to push through my skin along my spine, feeling as if a million little needles where pushing through it. I tried to lean forward and pull down my skirt, as my back felt cramped and almost as if something wants to push itself out, before my spine begins to extend forming a tail which similar to my back was quickly engulfed with crimson scales on its top whilst its bottom was covered in smoother beige colored scales. My eyes couldn't believe what they just saw as I wiggle my tail around, slowly gaining control over it. I feel a similar stinging sensation in my hands and hold them in front of me, my skirt now sliding down on the ground, as I watch the red scales pushing themselves out of my skin on my arms as my nails crack softly before the scales push them out. My nails fall onto the floor and I watch the tips of my fingers as I could feel my bones within them slowly stretch before sharp cone shaped claws pierce through them.

I take a sharp breath as an intense pressure forms just between my two shoulder blades before my top slowly stretches over my chest as I feel something push against it from the inside. With a loud ripping sound two small stubs pierce through my top as they kept pushing out from my back as they kept growing and stretching my skin as four thinner bones push out from the tip of it, stretching my skin even further. I feel how the bones spread out a thin skin between them which grew quite leathery as the remaining bits where covered in red scales similar to my arms and my back. My heart keeps pounding as I kept watching myself in the mirror before a sharp sting ran through my head and me to brush my finger over my temples to ease the sting. I swallow down a groan as I feel two little stubs pressing out of my skull as they grow broader and broader with every bit that pushes out of my head as they slowly curled up. My ears feel as if someone was tugging on them all of the sudden before they slowly began to stretch as red scales began to push out of their skin too. As they stretch out I could hear my class mates in the gym better and better before I opened my eyes in fear as I could hear them as if they were right next to me. I sighed in relief as I was still alone before my gums began to ache and I opened my mouth, watching my teeth as they slowly began to push out as they grow sharper and longer with each passing moment.

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