Capítulo sem título 44

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Hanzo fixed his gaze on a target resting on a tree out in the distance, one that he
could barely make out due to a light fog that had rolled in. Nobody was around; the
other regular members of the range thought it would be foolish to practice their aim
in weather like this. But not Hanzo. Conditions like these were necessary for him
to get any useful practice in. Hanzo took a deep breath, lifted his bow, and slowly
pulled back the bowstring. He concentrated as hard as he could, making millimeter
adjustments until the bow was positioned perfectly. In an instant, his arrow struck
the center of the target.
"Quite a nice eye you got there!"
Hanzo had not heard anyone come in, so he jumped slightly, but immediately he
recognized Cassidy's country accent. Acting like he wasn't spooked, he turned and
looked at him with a look of mild annoyance.
"Don't you have something better to be doing?" Hanzo asked.
"Than coming to see my favorite archer? Of course not! I could watch you all
day!" Cassidy was up to usual flirtatious antics.
"For the last time, I'm not into you Cassidy! Lay off the smooth talk already."
Cassidy smiled. "You know I love it when you play hard to get."
Hanzo rolled his eyes and gave a heavy sigh, then went back to his archery
practice. Cassidy frowned, disappointed that he was unable to get a rise out of
Hanzo. It was clear to Cassidy that Hanzo was into him, despite his refusal to
admit anything, and he was getting tired of waiting. It was time to take the flirting
up a notch. He walked up next to Hanzo and grabbed another one of his bows, then
attempted to nock an arrow. He knew full well that he couldn't shoot a bow
correctly to save his life, but this was precisely his plan. He wanted to get Hanzo to
give him some help, preferably up close and personal.
"You're doing it wrong!" shouted Hanzo. Cassidy smirked.
"Oh, really? Can you show me?"
"That won't work, Cole. I know you're just trying to get me to give you attention."
"Fine, guess I'll just have to try by myself!" He fired off an arrow that landed as
far from any target as it possibly could have.
"Just put it down. You're hopeless," Hanzo remarked.
"But I think I'm getting the hang of it!" Cassidy looked over at Hanzo and smiled
while he began to nock another arrow. "Watch, I can hit a target without even
looking!" He pulled back the bowstring, ready to fire the arrow, but failed to notice
as it began to swing out away from the bow. Seeing this, Hanzo quickly rushed
over to Cassidy and pushed it against the arrow rest just before Cassidy fired it.
Surprisingly, it managed to just barely hit the edge of one of the targets.
"Put that down already! You're wasting my arrows and you're going to get
someone killed!"
"Come on, Han, just show me!"
Hanzo rolled his eyes again. "Fine! But then you better leave me alone!"
Cassidy perked up. "Thank you!"
"You're like a little kid you know, begging for my help like this."
"But it worked, didn't it?" Cassidy said with a giddy smile.
"Only because you nearly killed me!"
Hanzo proceeded to hover over Cassidy and help him improve his form. As they
continued to fire arrows, it seemed like Cassidy wasn't really improving though.
Hanzo suspected that he was just an idiot, but in reality Cassidy had just become
extremely nervous with how close Hanzo was. He expected Hanzo to get mad at
him for missing the targets even with his help, but Hanzo continued to let him try
again and again until finally he made contact with a target.
"Yes! Finally! Look Hanzo, I hit one!"
"About time..."
"Thank you so much, Han. Do you mind if I keep trying on my own from here?"
Hanzo was surprised that Cassidy made such a request. It was as if he was actually
interested in archery and not just him. He decided to let him continue without any
assistance, and he watched with approving eyes as Cassidy managed to make
contact with a target a few more times, albeit with many misses in between.
Cassidy was down to his last arrow. He took a deep breath, relaxed his body, and
concentrated on the closest target. In one swift motion, the arrow struck dead
"Wow, impressive for a gunslinger..." Hanzo said under his breath. He knew that
praising Cassidy would only promote his flirting, and so he didn't want to say
anything out loud, but he also knew that he did sort of like Cassidy. Maybe being
nicer to him for a change wouldn't be so bad.
But he didn't realize that Cassidy heard the compliment. In a motion as fluid as the
arrow he just fired, he ran up to Hanzo, held him in his arms, and kissed him.
Hanzo's eyes went wide as he was immediately caught off guard, and he tried to
resist momentarily, but Cassidy held on until Hanzo no longer felt like pulling
away. When their mouths finally separated, Hanzo was the one who went back in
for more.
"I always knew huff... that you huff... liked me," said Cassidy, in between kisses.
"Fine huff... You win... I- I... like you..." replied Hanzo.
They continued to kiss for another minute or two before Hanzo finally backed off
to catch his breath. Both of them were surprised by how good it felt. Staring into
each other's eyes, they could both tell that they wanted to go further. But just
before Hanzo moved back in, Cassidy spoke up.
"First... you need to go with me on a proper date!"
"A... A date?"
"Why do you look so confused? If we're gonna do this, you and I are goin' on a
"But I've... Well I've never been on a date before..."
Cassidy flushed with excitement. Was he Hanzo's first kiss too? His mind filled
with ideas, and he giggled to himself, making Hanzo feel a little unnerved.
"I'm sorry, I just don't know how to-" Hanzo sheepishly tried to turn down the
offer, since he knew he wouldn't make for a great dating partner.
"That is quite alright, Han. You just leave it to me."
The light of the full moon illuminated Hanzo as he approached Cassidy's home. He
knocked on the door, and Cassidy welcomed him in. His house was surprisingly
spacious and well-furnished, but it certainly had a western feel, one which Hanzo
pretended to not care for but secretly liked.
"Make yourself comfortable, Han. Dinner's almost ready."
Hanzo took a seat at the kitchen table while he waited for Cassidy to finish making
dinner. He looked around and admired the nice furnishings that Cassidy's home
had. Cassidy looked over his shoulder at Hanzo and knew from his approving
expression that he liked the place. He smiled and went back to cooking.
After a few minutes, Cassidy set out the plates and served dinner. It was such an
unusual situation. Hanzo and Cassidy had talked plenty of times before, but never
in such a quiet and relaxed setting. Usually their conversations followed intense
battles or undercover operations. Hanzo felt awkward, but Cassidy was as bubbly
and personable as ever. He slowly brought Hanzo out of his shell as he went on
about the merits of archery versus gunslinging. With help from a few shots of
whiskey, by the time dinner was over, they were both feeling like themselves. And
with confidence came a kiss. Hanzo pulled Cassidy in by his tie and kissed him
with such surprising passion that Cassidy pulled back for a second, shocked at how
forward Hanzo was willing to be after all of his pretending not to like him. This
new side of Hanzo was starting to turn him on.
"You wanna take this to the bedroom?" Hanzo asked.
"I told you we're having a proper date! We have a movie to catch in an hour!"
"Sounds like plenty of time to me." Hanzo kissed him again.
Cassidy couldn't resist Hanzo's forwardness. He took Hanzo by the wrist and
pulled him into his bedroom. Hanzo was already quite in the mood, but the scent of
Cassidy's room only drove his libido higher.
Cassidy lay down on his bed. Hanzo climbed over him and kissed him more, lust
already written all over his eyes. Hanzo sat up, still over top of Cassidy, ready to
take off his clothes, when all of a sudden he was struck by a sharp pain in his back.
"AGH! FUCK!" he shouted.
"What's wrong? You okay, Han?" Cassidy sat up and put his hand on Hanzo's
shoulder, but Hanzo quickly swatted it away. His breathing was heavy and he was
beginning to sweat. Groaning in pain, he fell onto his hands and knees. Cassidy
could see the fear in his eyes. Concerned for his partner, he looked more closely at
Hanzo, and saw what looked like a soft glow illuminating from his left arm. He
crawled over to it and lifted Hanzo's sleeve to reveal that Hanzo's tattoo was
glowing. He fell back, surprised by what he saw, and looked at Hanzo with worry
in his eyes. Hanzo was still in pain, but he tried his best to communicate with
"Is it... Ughhh... Is the... moon- AGH! Is it... full?"
"Is the moon full? Yeah, I think so, but why does that matter?" Cassidy got off the
bed and looked outside. Sure enough, he saw the full moon glowing softly in the
night sky.
"During... FUCK!" Hanzo struggled to eke out a sentence. "During the... the full
moon huff... I... I-"
"That's it, I'm calling for an ambulance. You need to go to the hospital!" He pulled
his cell phone from his pocket.
"NO!" Hanzo looked up at him with serious eyes.
"No!? But you're in pain!" Cassidy still wanted to call for an ambulance, but he
didn't want to trouble Hanzo. He decided to hold off for now. He placed the phone
down, sat on the side of the bed, and rubbed Hanzo's back to help him cope with
the pain.
"Urrrrrrrghhhhhhh... It's- It's starting..."
"What's starting?" Cassidy asked. Just then, he heard a crackling sound coming
from Hanzo's lower back. Hanzo moaned as something started to push out from
under his pants just below the belt. It pressed harder and harder against the fabric
until finally it tore through. It was a blue, scaly tail. And it was still growing!
"What's happening to you!?" Cassidy exclaimed with a worried look on his face.
"I'm- ohhhhh fuuuuckkkkkk... I'm... full moon... dragon..."
"Dragon? What are you talking about?"
Just then, Hanzo groaned more as his fingernails began to elongate and sharpen
into claws. Cassidy watched with a mix of concern and fear as Hanzo's hands grew
and became covered in blue scales. Hanzo moaned more and more as his fingers
elongated and thickened with muscle. Seemingly out of nowhere, Hanzo turned
and grabbed Cassidy's shoulders with his claws, then leaned in and kissed him
again. He pulled back slightly and revealed to Cassidy his flushed cheeks and
desperate, lustful eyes. It looked as if he was in heat.
Hanzo kissed Cassidy again, then leaned back and moaned as his cock began to
press against the front of his pants. His tail had grown long enough that it was now
running off the bed. Hanzo's clothes began to tighten from all ends as his entire
body started to grow.
"Fuck huff... Feels huff... good..."
Cassidy started to get turned on by the sight of Hanzo's growth. He had always
liked muscular men, and Hanzo was no exception, but now that he was becoming
even bigger Cassidy realized just how much he wanted to see him grow. He
unfastened his belt and freed his cock from his pants, then started to jerk off as
Hanzo's transformation continued. Hanzo looked over at Cassidy and saw him
stroking his cock.
"You're huff... enjoying this? AGH!" His attention was directed away from
Cassidy as his transformation pressed on. First came his feet. They stretched
against his shoes, which he had forgotten to take off earlier. They started to tear
apart as his feet grew bigger and bigger. Once Hanzo finally tore through them, his
feet grew several sizes rapidly, and his bones shifted until his feet had become
digitigrade. Claws extended from his nails, and blue scales started to form around
Hanzo's cock was throbbing hard now, and it pressed harder and harder against the
fabric of his clothes. Hanzo sat on his knees and leaned back, giving Cassidy a
perfect view of his thickening bulge. Cassidy started to jerk off harder, and his
cock began to leak onto the bed. Hanzo moaned with pain and pleasure as his dick
burst free of his prison and thickened rapidly. It grew to at least a foot long in mere
seconds. Small barbs began to jut out along his shaft. The growth only pushed
Hanzo's libido higher. He turned to Cassidy, who watched as his eyes became a
deep shade of red. Hanzo grabbed his prey and, with incredible speed and strength,
forced him onto his back, his rear presented and ready for Hanzo to fuck. In one
swift and powerful thrust, Hanzo sent his cock deep into Cassidy's ass. Cassidy
shouted in pain from the sheer size and from the barbs which were growing and
pressing harder and harder into him. The pain was unbearable, but the pleasure was
just as great. Cassidy masturbated even more furiously to help distract him from
the pain as Hanzo's transformation progressed.
Next came his arms. Tears formed all across Hanzo's sleeves as his biceps, triceps,
extensors, and flexors all thickened with incredible mass. Scales started to creep up
from Hanzo's hands. On his left arm, they began to cover his tattoo, but the glow
remained. Cassidy felt Hanzo's strength increase as Hanzo pressed him into the
bed with his claws, which were stretching even longer.
"Han huff... you're huff... a beast!"
Hanzo let out a soft growl that affirmed Cassidy's remark. He felt as his body's
growth began to accelerate. Hanzo's shirt tore in half as his pecs throbbed and
expanded. His abs quickly followed suit, bulging further and further out from his
torso. Hanzo's hips widened and his legs began to bulk up. Hanzo's belt snapped
off his pants as his waist thickened. His cock grew even longer, causing Cassidy to
leak even harder. Both of them were getting close to climaxing.
Hanzo let out a long and heavy moan which revealed that his voice had become
deeper. Suddenly, his shoulder blades jutted outward and continued to stretch
bigger and bigger. Cassidy turned his head to see dragon wings burst out of
Hanzo's back. Hanzo roared in pain as they grew out of him. But whenever the
pain increased, so did the pleasure. Hanzo could no longer hold in his cum. His
balls quickly expanded and filled with seed, which was then shot into Cassidy's ass
with tremendous force. In response, Cassidy began to climax himself. Hanzo
pulled out so as to not overfill Cassidy with his seed, and the movement of the
barbs caused Cassidy to cry out in pain. Scales spread out all along Hanzo's body
as he came all over the bed and onto the wall in front of him. He moaned loudly as
his face began to extend into a muzzle, and horns jutted out from the top of his
head. His teeth began to sharpen and elongate, and his ears stretched out into points
which extended well beyond the top of his head. Scales spread along his scalp as
the last remnants of his human body disappeared. Cassidy's climax came to an end,
but Hanzo still had more seed left in him, and more growth to undergo. His body
swelled with mass. As his size continued to increase, the legs of the bed frame
snapped and it crashed into the floor. Cassidy, still breathing heavily from his
climax, looked on as Hanzo's draconic body pressed against the walls of the room
and started to break through them. Cassidy watched as Hanzo's tail and wings
expanded to match his hulking body. After one final surge of growth, which sent
Hanzo's legs plowing into the rooms across the hall, his transformation was
complete. Cum rocketed out from Hanzo's cock, and Cassidy swallowed a great
deal of it as it was sent flooding towards him. After a few more minutes, Hanzo's
climax finally slowed to a stop. He lay down on the floor, exhausted and breathing
Cassidy surveyed the damages. Fortunately, the destruction was contained to the
interior walls of his house, and it didn't seem too drastic to repair. He figured that it
might be costly, but decided that it would be a small price to pay for having a
dragon boyfriend all to himself. He got out of the bed and sat by Hanzo's head,
which was resting at the foot of the bed.
"So, is this what's been making you so horned up today?" he asked with a smirk.
"Didn't know it was a full moon huff... or I wouldn't have come today huff...
Sorry for wrecking your place..." Hanzo replied in his now deep, draconic voice.
"Aww, that's alright Han! If we're going to be together, I don't want there to be any
secrets between us. I'm glad that I now know about this side of you..."
"You're not huff... afraid of me?"
"Of course not! Human or dragon, I know you're the same man I asked out the
other day, and the same man that I want to be with now. Besides... your dragon
form is... well..." Cassidy blushed. "It's kind of embarrassing to admit, but... it's
kinda hot..."
Hanzo laughed and shifted to a sitting position, careful not to destroy any more of
the house. He pulled Cassidy in and kissed him.
"It's a bit hard to kiss you with a muzzle like that though..." Cassidy sighed.
"Yeah... sorry..."
"Still, it must be pretty cool to be able to turn into a dragon! What's it like?"
"Well..." Hanzo looked off to the side. "About that... I actually have one more
secret to share with you..."
"What is it?"
"Well, um... You're gonna... Well, you'll find out in a moment..."

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