Capítulo sem título 46

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How does a dragon have fun with a human? Although Ezri had several years to figure that
out, it was still a lifetime experience when Ezran's transformation turned him into a slim
dragoness who accompanied her dear friend. But that was five years ago, and now, after
reaching adulthood, I was unsure if Azymondias wanted that again. Somewhat, as he knew,
it would be his decision.
Once in Dragon Queen's lair, he immediately remembered that faithful night when, in his
new, full-of-scales form, he shared his body with someone he considered a friend and
something way more. He entered her domain, his footsteps echoing through the vast
emptiness of the cavern, eventually reaching the queen herself.
"It's not a formal visit. Come closer and greet me. Especially you, my son." Zubeia, whose
size could be challenged only by a few other arch dragons in this realm, towered before the
young human, visibly tiny. However, her eyes sparkled after seeing her offspring, who rarely
had time to visit her because of other, much more essential duties.
Azymondias, who eventually learned not only draconic but also human language, squealed
happily and rushed towards his parent, rubbing his neck against her gigantic snout, acting
like a child again. Age didn't matter since her son would always be a kid in her eyes. After a
quick and warm introduction, the queen turned her gaze upon Ezran with a mysterious smirk
on her massive maw.
"Did you miss your draconian form, young man? Since you two did quite a spectacle before
my eyes, I always wondered if you wanted to grow scales again. And after that, you two
"Mom!" As rarely as Azymondias spoke, that outburst was powerful enough to show his
embarrassment and shock, radiating heat under his cheeks. But the Dragon Queen only
continued, completely ignoring her son.
"I wanted to say that our species have to thrive, finding new candidates for breeding. But
what am I saying? No matter what, it's inevitable. The second I turn Ezran into a female
dragon, Azymondias will pounce him like a chocolate cake."
"She got you there." The young king chuckled, glancing sideways at his best friend, who tried
to cover his red cheeks with wings out of utter shame. Although what the Queen said was
highly probable, it was universal for all intelligent species to be embarrassed whenever
parents talked about sex.
"Let's not waste our time; you both have a lot in your hands to make this realm a better
place, so use this short break however you please." Zubeia closed her eyes, channeling her
power towards humans, concentrating on transformation. The sudden, blinding light made
both friends unaware of what was happening. However, Ezran could undoubtedly feel his
anatomy changing within seconds, as if an invisible hand treated him like a pile of clay,
reshaping as it pleased.
The Queen acted like a muse-inspired chef, creating the best dish yet out of simple
ingredients, using her magic as a cooking tool. She hummed to herself, being in a visibly
great mood, knowing what would happen next after the transformation. The dragoness
made sure not to change all the colors or skin into scales but to add wings and a tail to the
whole stature. Transformation changed Ezran's joints to support new limbs without pain or
discomfort. With just a few moments, Queen and Zym looked upon the former human, now
a lovely white-coated female.
"Now, hop to it. There's no time to waste. I'm familiar with human customs like dating, but
let's not do that here. After all, know each other well. Wink wink." She said her last words
out loud, apparently unfamiliar with Ezran's species' customs and sayings.
"Mother!" Azymondias scoffed, disliking the fact he had to raise his voice, clearly
embarrassed by just looking at his red-hued cheeks. Queen's laughter suddenly reverberated
inside the cave, probably for the first time in decades after not having much reason to do so.
"It was a jest, my child. Although not entirely because you went quite frisky under my watch
just a few years ago, right? Pretend that I'm not here and do whatever you feel like.
Afterward, I might have a little favor from you, my son." With these words, she again rubbed
the smaller dragon with her massive head.
"Like what, mother?"
"Let's not spoil the fun, shall we? Now, excuse me; I think I need a short nap here. Think of
me like a giant, lifeless boulder." The Queen chuckled one last time before opening her
massive maw in a long, ominous yawn, creating a sudden wind towards her to inhale hair.
After smacking her lips several times, she eventually curled up on the stone surface,
pretending to sleep since her snores were vastly exaggerated.
In the new form, Ezri had no words on that peculiar exchange. While Zubeia was always a
proud and wise creature in his eyes, she was strangely human regarding conversations with
her son. It suddenly hit him, remembering what they were supposed to be doing. Nobody
forced them to make love, but those young dragons needed a moment of affection.
The young dragoness felt deeply strange, quite different from during the previous
transformation. A few years ago, Ezri was primarily curious about making love, but at that
moment, she 'needed' to procreate with the only partner available in that cave. She felt
warm moisture on her petals, noticing how Ezri's whole pussy trembled in sudden hunger.
"What's happening to me? There's a sudden hotness inside me. Am I sick or something?"
Before Azymondias said anything, his mother opened a single eye, looking at the panicking
dragoness. She smirked, holding laughter.
"You're in heat, dear. That's perfectly normal, don't worry. But the only 'cure' to such a
feeling is being laid by another dragon. But I'm supposed to be sleeping, so have a good
time, you two." The giant dragoness returned to her slumber, occasionally peeking at the
pair when they weren't looking.
While Ezri pondered about her words, she sensed a presence right behind her, along with
loud panting and warm breath on her plump ass. Feeling indecently exposed, Ezri's first
instinct was to cover her wet pussy from the dragon's ravenous stare, but the young
dragoness sincerely wanted Azymondias' affection. Instead, she just stood up, waiting for
the inevitable.
The dragon sniffed her behind with flared nostrils, clearly enjoying such a sweet and strong
scent, right before extending his long, slithering tongue, craving her taste. Dragoness
groaned, feeling an intruder prodding against her slit, taking all drops of her juices it could
find in sight. While Ezri felt flattered after those signs of affection, she was getting more
impatient with each passing second. But then:
"Just fuck me already, Zym!" Standing on wobbly legs, she wanted to be taken by the beast,
but Azymondias still took his precious time, acquitting himself with Ezri's now more mature
body. He eventually went deeper in, shoving more of his meaty tongue inside her tunnel,
spreading inner walls while grazing against protruding, hardened clit with his chin.
"Oh, dear Gods!" Dragoness lost her breath when an abrupt barrage of lustful actions
attacked her nether region, sending jolts of pleasure up her straightened spine. She was
barely holding onto the surface with her sharp claws, wiggling her body wholly and around,
ignoring that massive beast nearby watching both of them.
"Mmmhm... don't stop." Young dragoness murmured, apparently changing their mind on
how to proceed with their 'alone' time, raising her behind to give better access to warm and
pulsating pussy. She couldn't stand anymore, eventually collapsing onto a cold surface, still
with her plump butt in the air. But the licking suddenly stopped.
"What? What's wrong?" She asked, panicking if she made a mistake, still deeply craving
Azymondias' body, but he only lay beside her, belly up. Ezri noticed something pink and
fleshy protruding from his slit, slithering like a lively and thick snake. She looked into his eyes
"Let's pleasure each other simultaneously." Azymondias said a complete sentence,
apparently wanting a new sex position so severely it improved his speech capabilities. Finally
understanding what he meant by those words, Ezri nodded and stood right above the
dragon's body, exposing herself once more to him.
Ezri descended, practically sitting on the male's face, covering his snout with her warm, clear
juices while fixating on that impressively large and lively organ as if it was toying with her.
Dragoness swiftly caught it with her strong claw, guiding its tip to her wide-opened maw,
drooling with anticipation.
Both dragons went busy with each other's behinds, completely burrowed in their groins,
although playing with different genitals. Joyful Azymondias couldn't believe his luck, sinking
deeper inside her tunnel with his tongue, wetting the whole snout. Ezri, though took her
sweet time licking the dragon's tremendous cock from the tip towards the base, even being
enthusiastic with the slit itself.
Their moans filled the cave, most ending up in Zubeia's ear holes, who watched her kids
from nearby, already considering Ezri as her child. She felt many different emotions filling
her heart, from pride to other, less noble ones. Although it seemed the Queen was more
focused on how energetic her son was and how masculine his body was. Not mentioning the
view of the young dragon's cock standing tall, sliding into Ezri's snout.
Both draconian lovers couldn't get enough of each other, completely lost in their moment
and not caring about potential voyeur nearby. With closed eyes, Ezri murmured loudly with
a mouth full of Zym's girth, enjoying its taste and radiating warmth from such a pulsating
pole. She couldn't believe how fast they went from hanging out with his mother to
practically turning socialization on its head.
Ezri got more frisky, demanding more of their friend's taste and scents, setting his throbbing
shaft aside while ignoring any signs of the dragon's protests. Her flared nostrils focused on
Zym's hole, intoxicating herself with such powerful musk. Unable to resist such deep urges,
Ezri murmured again, extending her tongue and tasting his ass.
Azymondias jerked up his head from Ezri's moist pussy in shock, having such an intimate
moment for the first time in his life, quite surprised that it was possible to be pleasured in
such a naughty way. Seeing he briefly abandoned Ezri's nether regions, he immediately
returned to lick and suck everything on his path.
Ezri couldn't help but continue her adventure in Zym's tight tunnel, overwhelmed with
lover's scents and overall feelings. While she wanted to change their position, stopping what
they were doing was still too complicated. She couldn't lie to herself that oral pleasing would
be enough to quench her thirst. But for now, she was content, happy to give her lover at
least a moment of ecstasy.
Since Azymondias' throbbing cock was abandoned, the dragon grew impatient and hoped
for more stimulations. He eventually stood up, noticing it looked slightly rude as if he was
dissatisfied with Ezri's technique. He immediately rubbed his neck against hers, giving it a
playful lick. She snickered nervously, unknown what was supposed to be next, although
hoping for the best.
Zym positioned himself right behind the female, climbing on top of her. While he tried to
guide his tremendous cock into Ezri's hole, he eventually noticed a giant eye staring directly
at him for a second there before closing itself again. The young dragon knew well that his
beloved mother observed their every move secretly, but now he somewhat got nervous. He
couldn't admit yet, how arousing that was when his mother watched him fuck.
After regaining his confidence, Zym finally pushed his groin forward, sliding about half his
thick, lively cock inside Ezri's tight, probably too-tight entrance. It wasn't as moist as Zym
would prefer, but it was still pleasurable. Lover's head jerked up, letting out a loud moan.
"Aaaah, too hard!" Ezri wasn't prepared for such brute force, mainly when Zym chose
another hole instead of her warm, wet pussy. She didn't know it was a simple mistake and
nothing deliberate. However, she still profoundly trusted her best friend in whatever he tried
to do.
Azymondias didn't admit to his misstep, continuing instead with deeper penetration. His
instincts, however, weren't satisfied enough, profoundly wanting to breed the female,
impregnating her with his thick, potent seed. The dragon ignored his cravings for now,
enjoying even his little time with Ezri's fantastic, tight asshole.
His claws dug into the ground, and his muscles tense before another attack, wanting to
shove the entirety of his meaty girth deep inside Ezri. To his surprise, Zym's friend didn't just
stand there and take it; instead, she pushed her pelvis backward to slam onto the thick,
meaty pole with all her might. Wet, loud noises continued, echoing through the cave, going
towards Queen's ear holes. Judging by her little smirk, she sincerely enjoyed such erotic
Every muscle of Zym's body tried to stop him from finishing in the wrong hole, but he was
desperate for such pleasure that he only went harder on Ezri's ass, as if he tried to split it
apart with such a meaty weapon between his legs. Ezri panted out loud, squirting heavy
drops of feminine juices, splashing them onto bare ground. She wouldn't dare to take such
joy from her lover, waiting patiently for his climax.
Zym couldn't take it any longer, and instead of pulling out to have even a tiny chance of
impregnating the other dragon before his eyes, he doubled down with his effort, locking his
already girthy cock deep inside Ezri's already tight hole. Thick, long ropes of draconian seed
shot out of the flared tip, filling up her tunnel, even if feral instincts would consider it a
They both panted deeply, briefly satisfied after such an eventful time together. Although
getting tired, Zym was more than ready to continue after a short break, but only if his lover
wanted that. Ezri built all of their courage to ask her friend for more, although unsure which
approach would be best. Romantic? Formal? Instead, she said something way more
"Fuck my pussy raw, Zym. Please, I need more..." she whispered, still feeling his cock,
although somewhat softened in her tight, ravaged tunnel. If that weren't love, then Zym
wouldn't know what was. Encouraged to try again, he stepped back and let his girth flop out
of the entrance, releasing copious amounts of thick fluids.
Taking his precious time while regaining strength, Zym leaned onto her pulsating, fleshy ring
to gently clean it while whaling their mixed scents, especially coming out of the inviting,
briefly abandoned draconian pussy. It could look cruel in observant's eyes, but even Zym
wasn't that powerful to miraculously make his cock stand tall like nothing happened.
After several moments of pleasure, Azymondias suddenly felt a peculiar, newfound strength
rushing through his veins, as if someone filled his muscles with magical power. Feeling like
he just ingested a most potent aphrodisiac, Zym noticed how ready and throbbing his shaft
was. Wanting to give Ezri a pleasant, warm surprise, he suddenly mounted his lover, guiding
the rock-hard shaft toward the wet entrance.
"I'm all yours. I need it." She whispered, turning her longer muzzle towards Zym, feeling his
shaft grazing against the well-defined, moist petals, ready to wrap themselves around the
entirety of his girth. Waiting no longer and filled with deep desire, the dragon eventually.
attacked with all of his build-up confidence. He was reaching the deepest parts of Ezri's
welcoming hole.
Both of their moans reached the Queen's ear distance, who stopped pretending that she
was asleep that whole time, instead intently watching what both children were doing.
Despite reaching adulthood, they were still incredibly young in her eyes, which was probably
ancient at that point. However, even if she witnessed many sexual encounters, it was still the
most excellent entertainment for her.
Azymondias grunted, encountering slight difficulties keeping up when the previous climax
happened several moments ago. However, he was determined enough to keep going, fueled
by deep desire towards his lover and best friend, not counting the more primal instincts like
the need for reproduction. His wet abdomen made wet sounds of hitting flesh against flesh.
With brute force, Zym reached the entrance to her cervix, although he was not ready to fill it
up with his potent seed.
"Slow down, there. We've time." Ezri tried to calm down her sexual partner with a soft,
soothing voice, despite still feeling her sore asshole. She endured that pain, wanting the best
experience for both of them. Her inner muscles tightened around the dragon's wildly
throbbing shaft, trying to slow it down. Zym panted, eventually listening to her words and
being more gentle with his crazed actions.
Azymondias repositioned himself, trying to reach Ezri's neck with his snout, rubbing it
lovingly with care, his motions slower and more erotic. Despite being more careful, it
somewhat gave stronger sensations, running down her spine after each full thrust of Zym's
pelvis. He grazed her hardened clit with a ridge of his draconian cock, sending more jolts
through her shivering body.
It filled Ezri with contradicting emotions, wanting Zym to take things slow but also
completely ravage her pussy without looking back. Her normally unknown, feral instincts
kicked in as if she deeply desired her lover's seed, impregnating her as it meant them to
each other. Unable to choose, she simply slammed herself against his ground, giving him the
opportunity. Will he still go soft on her? Or attack his lover like the ravenous beast?
Zym went with the latter.
Treating it as an obvious invitation to be more decisive, Azymondias suddenly nibbled on her
neck while going almost balls deep into her, once again kissing the entrance of her cervix
with the flaring tip of his massive girth. Ezri felt their friend's hot breath over her sensitive
scales, unable to find any words on how she appreciated his love and friendship. Or perhaps
Ezri didn't need any, relying on body language?
Azymondias felt Queen's gaze, surprisingly giving him more strength to continue, as if he was
partly an exhibitionist, wanting to be the center of everyone's attention. Or maybe it only
applied to his mother, wanting to be appreciated by his beloved parent? Although there was
also a third option, he didn't want to question it, fearing it would go too far. Even if Zubeia
was a beautiful and sensual creature.
After returning his full focus to Ezri, the dragon felt something warm stirring up inside his
abdomen, ready to be released. Determined to continue and eventually expand his family
tree, he leaked quite a lot of pre-cum, coating the entrance of her womb with it. There was
now or never.
"I love you, Zym!" Ezri cried out loud, not caring if it sounded cliche or desperate. Her inner,
strong muscles clenched around the whole length of his dragon dick, keeping it in place, but
apparently, that wasn't needed. Something broad and meaty formed at the base of his cock,
preventing him from returning. Zym loudly groaned while knotting his lover, climaxing all
over her tunnel.
Copious amounts of seed shot out of Zym's tip, proving how fast his organs produced yet
another impressive load of potent seed. While being in the right hole, it would be only a
matter of time before Ezri would become a mother of their offspring, but for now, they
focused on themselves and their affection.
While still being connected not only with their souls but also literally with bodies, they
collapsed on the ground, shivering. Azymondia's job was to ensure his lover was alright and
warmed up enough, wrapping his foreleg around her. Ezri nuzzled his leg, murmuring while
deeply satisfied.
It eventually hit him with doubled intensity. Azymondias was so exhausted after such
powerful orgasms that his eyes closed involuntarily, forcing him to drift asleep. He was too
weak to speak on how deeply he cared about Ezri, only able to utter a single sentence right
into her ear hole.
"I love you too..."
"That was a nice little show from you two ."
Azymondias eventually woke up from the slumber, noticing it did not lock him inside Ezri's
tight pussy, finally free. It was not like he was happy about it, but it was inevitable to
separate after such long and passionate sex eventually. Zym looked directly into his mother's
eyes, confronting her voyeurism.
"I always knew you would watch. But I'm not angry about it. It's nice that you enjoyed it."
The dragon climbed on Zubeia's stone platform, sitting by her side. The Queen couldn't
waste the opportunity of lovingly rubbing her nose against his neck as a good mother should
"We need to discuss something, my dear child, and I'll not kick around the bush." She then
looked at sleeping Ezri, who was probably already gifted by her grandchildren, judging by
how potent dragon seed is. Zubeia stared back at her son. "Ezri is not enough to continue
our legacy."
"It's because she's technically human? But I thought..." he started rumbling when the
Queen immediately stopped him by covering his mouth with her claw.
"It's not what I meant. It's about quantity, not quality. And since we don't have many
females around here, the answer might be difficult but simple enough to understand. And I
hope you'll not hate me for what I have to say. Or perhaps you already know?"
Zym's eyes widened in shock, suddenly getting his answer. Usually, he would be filled with
fear or uncertainty but felt excitement instead. Azymondias couldn't admit by himself that it
wasn't bad news. But what other dragons would say if they'll find out? It overwhelmed his
mind with intrusive thoughts and many questions.
"You obviously can just refuse. But if you could help me, it would matter not for me but for
future dragons. Although it would still be an honor to share more of my love with you."
Treating Zym as if he understood what she was implying, Queen lied down all the hard truth
upon him. While the decision was difficult, Azymondias didn't think too long about his
answer. He looked deep into her eyes, shining with deep affection.
"I can do it. But aren't you too..."
"Fabolous? Sexy? Beautiful?" Although the situation was quite stressful, she dismissed it
with jokes, chuckling rather unnaturally.
"Big. Not calling you fat, of course!"
Zubeia let out an uncontrollable chuckle, rubbing her nose against his head before suddenly
straightening up, completely changing her mood. "Thank you again, Azymondias. Truly, I'm
grateful. And I would lie if I said it's only because of future generations. I want to be taken by
you. I watched both you and Ezri long enough.
The Queen assumed her position, having difficulties giving Zym the best approach. Standing
on all fours wouldn't work, and lying on the side wasn't best either. She eventually was on
her back with her hind legs spread wide apart, showing off both sizeable and probably deep,
meaty holes. Even her clitoris looked large, like a ripe, pulsating apple, ready to be touched.
Zym had too many options before his eyes, unable to choose immediately. His mother's
fleshy bud was probably the best, but the spread, warm hole so close to his claws allured
him like never. Feeling the Queen's gaze, who wouldn't ever try to rush her son, still he
preferred not to taste her patience.
His member was impatient, as if it sensed an inviting hole nearby, wanting to plunge deep
with its length. Judging by Azymondias' small figure, he wouldn't get very far, but he still has
spirit. Wasting no more precious time, he stood on the mother's abdomen, slowly lowering
his pelvis and dangling shaft.
Simultaneously, he pleasured both her erogenous places, mainly the bulbous clit with his
skilled tongue and the entrance of her pussy, by grazing its walls with just a tip of his
adventurous cock. To his disappointment, Zubeia's moaning was less genuine and more
encouraging, as if she cheered her offspring to do better. So he doubled his efforts.
Playing with her massive clit wasn't as half-effective as Zym hoped, so instead of staying with
the wrong option, he focused on the more obvious place to please. Azymondias suddenly
hilted into her, shoving the entirety of his impressively large shaft, but Zubeia had a lot of
room left, even for his hanging ballsack.
Somewhat not discouraged by that fact, he only continued, hoping that his knowledge
would be enough to send the Queen into heaven figuratively, and after each powerful thrust
and increasing effort, Zym eventually felt something different. Did his mom's gigantic pussy
just feel slightly tight?
Surprised that Zubeia's slit got somewhat smaller, it took a few long moments before Zym
finally realized it was the other way around. His limbs extended, and the rest of his usually
compact body grew at an alarming speed as if his bravery or power of friendship made him
bigger. However, the most probable cause would be Zubeia's magic, who pretended nothing
strange was happening.
After seeing a newfound strength, Azymondias enjoyed the whole process of instantly
growing up, noticing many changes when he finally towered against nearby surroundings,
especially Ezri, who was still cold on the ground. But she still would be next. Zym looked
deep into his mother's eyes, whose full-of-love stare didn't change even more. It was an
unmistakable message that flew above Zym's head.
With the gigantic, in comparison, draconian dick, Zym finally could feel the deepest parts of
Zubeia's cavernous pussy, groaning out loud while sweeping the dirty ground with a sizeable,
powerful tail. The massive dragons rubbed their necks against each other in love and
compassion, connected with welcoming bodies and their hearts.
"I allow it, my son. Give it all to me; I'm ready..." she sweetly whispered into his ear hole
before licking his cheek. Blushing at the mother's affection, he quickly regained control and
attacked with doubled focus, noticing something thick and meaty growing at the base of his
already broad shaft. The impressively looking know eventually proved its intended purpose,
locking itself inside Zubeia's sizeable slit.
They moaned in unity before sharing a passionate kiss, occasionally paused by their muffled
moans. Zym couldn't hold his load any longer, finally releasing copious amounts of it into the
only possible direction, straight to her womb. Zubeia would lie if she said that she already
felt impregnation, but she sincerely believed it was what was happening since the warmth
spreading through her body had multiple meanings.
Both mother and son panted heavily, indicating the fun was over. However, Azymondias
looked mischievously into her eyes, quickly taking out his humongous shaft out of her
throbbing, sloppy cunt, and with a single shove, he entered the other hole, forcing another
groan out of the Queen's throat, who couldn't feel anything else but pride and lust towards
her son.
He quickly moved his pelvis, supporting himself with all four limbs digging into the stone
surface with gigantic claws, creating additional rubbles. The other entrance felt tighter,
almost as if it purposely tried to milk the rest of Zym's seed with its solid and fleshy walls.
Panting heavily, Azymondias didn't give up even the slightest, getting as deep as his body
allowed. He grazed against the deepest possible muscle with a pointy tip, eventually locking
himself again inside his mother's hole when his knot inflated within seconds.
Zubeia's son wasn't satisfied with that outcome, spurting out only several drops of his
precious cum, only hungrier for more. This time, he surprised his mother, who thought
playtime was over. Not as if she ever complained; they were always happy to share their
genuine interests.
"Let's see if you learned something while watching me and Ezri." Zym chuckled, taking the
same position as before, lying on his back and showing his rock-hard cock, which refused to
soften, ready for another round. Judging by the glint in Zubeia's eye, she accepted the
challenge. Zym gasped, seeing how the sheer size of his mother's ass completely blocked his
view with the delicious sight of previously ravaged holes and gigantic, pleasantly soft thighs.
Azymondias failed to suppress his loud, reverberating moan when Zubeia skillfully took most
of his length down her throat, wrapping her thin, incredibly long tongue around the thick
pole. Not only that, the snake-like appendage slithered along the flesh multiple times before
ending up at the knot; on the other side, Zym tried his best to show how well he could use
his snout, burrowing it deep between the Queen's thick petals, occasionally touching the
thick clit with the tip of his draconic, scaly muzzle. While completely lost in genuine love, he
initially felt something that made little sense. Something far smaller than Zubeia's tongue or
claw prodded against his entrance.
Azymondias stopped licking his mother's pussy briefly, peeking past her thighs, finally
getting the answer. Just under the Queen's body, Ezri took advantage and started licking
Zym's hole, wanting to be included in this strange relationship. Smiling wide and feeling
affection towards his best friend and lover, he returned to Zubeia's nether regions.

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