Capítulo sem título 103

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The creatures and friends of the future
Written by a1000 and LevelInfinitum
~ ~ ~
Peterborough, United Kingdom. It was the year 2055, and the ice cold rain was
pouring down upon the eastern region of the island nation with no sign of it clearing
up any time soon. A young boy of 10 was running home with his shopping in hands
before it got ruined by the heavy downpour. His name was Frost Waters, sprouting
white hair and blue eyes, currently wearing a white tracksuit top, blue denim jeans
and some white & blue Adidas tensaur trainers.
As he made his way home, he stomped his feet on the doormat, then went to his
kitchen to put everything away where it needed to go. Just after Frost put his things
in the cupboards, fridge and freezer, he went to his bedroom to rest a little. Knowing
that his close friend had some free time today, he decided to call him to have some
time together. Frost dialled his friend's number, whose name was Andrew, and he
picked up pretty quickly.
"Hey Andrew, can you come over today? I have some free time now."
"Sure, I am on my way. Be there in about 30 minutes."
"See you then." Frost hung up.
Frost put his phone down and then laid across his bed. He politely kicked off his
trainers, baring his feet, then conked out while waiting for his friend to come over.
~ ~ ~
Frost, while watching TV in his bedroom, heard the doorbell and went to the front
door. He answered the door to his friend Andrew, a 23 year old young man
sprouting black hair and grey eyes, wearing a blue t-shirt with a black jacket, but
without nothing in the waist below, with no shoes or socks.
"Hi Frosty!" Andrew hugged Frost warmly as a friend.
"Your parents are on vacation, and we have the house all to ourselves, right?"
"Yep, they won't come back until next month, so we have six weeks left."
"Good. Want to relax before we 'stretch' our muscles, or do you want to begin right
"I just wish you were able to control your 'stretching' like I can."
Andrew came into Frost's house, politely wiping his feet on the way in. It was then
that Frost noticed...
"Where are your jeans and trainers? You didn't seriously walk here half naked, did
"It's the manner that I have sometimes, and since we're neighbours, I came from the
back of my house."
"I just hope the wrong people didn't see you. You know what can happen if you see
half starkers like that."
"I equal some shapeshifters, we choose to walk half naked, no offence."
"Fair enough. Why not have a little time to ourselves while we've got it? Who knows
when I'll 'stretch' as you say."
"Still trying to control your wolf transformations? Can I help you?"
"I think there needs to be a cure somewhere. The point is, I was born a white wolf
anthro cub, and I gained a human form to socialise amongst the human world. But
this came at a terrible price."
"What terrible price?"
"The inability to choose when I changed back and forth. I need some serum or
something that will give me more will to choose for myself. Do you know anybody?"
"I had a phoenix friend who had the same problem. He, after controlling his
transformation, doesn't need the serum anymore."
"And where is your friend now?"
"In my house, with some other friends too. We too are having our parents alone for
a time."
"Alright then, let's head into the garden so we've got room to stretch."
"Right behind you."
As Frost and Andrew did so, Frost felt himself heat up again. No sooner had he
stepped onto the patio where he had a lay-z-spa covered up, he noticed first that his
feet were sprouting white fur and changing. His toes were changing so that he was
digitigrade, and were going down from five to three. He then felt it rushing up his
body and spreading, eventually straining against his jeans and making them
uncomfortable. Second later, his jeans tore cleanly along the seams, working up
towards his waist where his belt held on some more. He also felt something growing
from the back of his spine, namely a white fluffy tail, which pushed out of the back of
his jeans and caused the waistline to eventually give way.
As Frost felt his head and hands change shape with his face pushing out into a
muzzle, he unzipped his tracksuit top in a hurry to save that. He didn't wear anything
else under the top, and his skin was already fully transformed. Now he was nude,
with his personality already changing to preserve his modesty, his transformation
was soon completed. Frost was now his white anthro wolf cub. He looked at
"Maybe my transformation came at a good moment for once."
"I agree. Now it's my time."
Then Andrew began his transformation. His body started to grow, then his little
finger shrank back into his hand. The purple and black scales that covered his hand
now reached his shoulder and started to move down towards his feet as they
covered his chest in a slightly darker colour scale. He felt a bulge growing in his
spine as a gigantic tail came out of his rump. When the purple and black scales
reached his feet and his legs started to change digitigrade posture, he saw his
fingernails and toenails turn white as they lengthened and sharpened into claws, and
giant wings grew from his back, tearing through his favourite shirt and jacket. Scales
began to cover his face as it pulled outwards in the shape of a snout. Two giant
purple horns grew from the top of his forehead. Andrew had turned into Kizuato, his
modesty preserved as he changed.
As both transformations concluded, Kizuato tested his wings; giving them a flap and
landing in sequence, while Frost stayed standing on his hind legs.
"Let's go?"
"Sure, right behind you!"
As the wolf and the dragon arrived in Kizuato's house, he entered through the back
door as it was the biggest door for him to enter and exit at will, even while
"I didn't know, you get in and out even transformed, I thought you had always
transformed only in the garden!"
"Sometimes, I transform even inside my home. A door this big helps me when I want
to transform inside, not only outside."
As the friends entered the house, they climbed the stairs and went to Kizuato's
bedroom. As they stepped in, Frost saw a male phoenix, gryphon and another
dragon, all starting their transformations too.
The gryphon, Alex, who was already naked in the middle of the bedroom, was
finishing his own transformation. His wings were coming from his shoulder blades as
he was testing his claws. His tail had already came out of his tailbone, which he also
gave a test by moving slowly. All of his gold and black feathers, with lion fur and
some purple, red and blue dragon scales around his body.
The phoenix, John, had already finished his transformation. His body was all fiery,
set in his own inner fire, and he was coming down from the ceiling since he had
given a test in his own wings. His clothes were all destroyed since he hadn't
removed any of them before beginning his own transformation.
As for the last transformation happening in the bedroom, the dragon Rory, had
scales red and black through all his body. He too was already naked. His massive
tail already fully extended from his tailbone, and his wings extended to fully span.
His clawed legs and hands were getting shaped after a quadrupedal dragon design.
After a few more minutes, his transformation was finished too.
Frost was in awe at what he saw, and Andrew's three friends were impressed by
"Hello Frost!" Alex greeted.
"Alex! John! Rory!"
"Hello Frost!" John and Rory greeted in unison.
"I see that Andrew had invited you to join us today, since it appears that strangely or
even by pure coincidence, all of our parents had decided to go on vacation. So
they've literally left the city for their children to transform at will and whenever we
"I'm getting more jealous by the minute. You guys can all control your
transformations. I can't."
"You still can't control it, Frost?!" Rory asked in shock. "Dear heavens, friend.
Haven't you found that cure yet?"
"We're working on that." Andrew explained.
Outside the residential block where everyone was doing their transformations, a
derelict bus was just pulling up, but not to stop yet. From the outside, it looked like it
was ready for the scrapheap with rust, charring and scratches galore. All of the
windows were cracked and chipped, with the lone exception of the windscreen. All
of the windows were curtained over from the inside, including the windscreen.
Inside, the interior looked extensive beyond what it could possibly hold as it was
magical and adaptive to those aboard. Aboard right now were two individuals, one
of whom was a grey wolf anthro with some blue hair on top, wearing a blue t-shirt,
navy shorts, and blue converse trainers. The other was a patchwork rainbow bear
with big purple eyes, but not wearing anything. The wolf drove the bus from the
cockpit with the bear in the passenger seat.
"This is it, Rainbow. This is the residence of Frost McAlpine, Andrew, Rory, John
and Alex."
"So only Frost has a surname while the others don't?"
"This is all the information I've got for the five."
"And while four of them can control their transformations into two dragons, a gryphon
and a phoenix, one cannot control his transformations to a white wolf cub anthro."
"Correct. Frost McAlpine is the odd one out. He's the ne who needs help, but his
neighbours have unusual ways of transforming if I must say so myself. Apparently
they all walk around with nothing on in advance of them transforming."
"Really?! It's a wonder why they're not caught being indecently exposed."
"I think we have to ask them why."
Parking the bus in front of Andrew's house, the pair walked to the front door, ringing
the doorbell. Frost to answer it. He'd since changed back to his human form and
regained his clothes, including his trainers.
"Hi. Frost McAlpine?"
"Yes, can I help you?"
"My name's Rainbow Llewellyn. This is my friend, Ryan Blaze. We understand
there's some major transforming going on in this house."
"Yes, you must mean my friends who own this place. Come on in."
Rainbow and Ryan entered, politely wiping their feet. They then went upstairs
together to find the creatures in the large bedroom of Andrew's. Arriving there, they
found the creatures already fully transformed. They saw that their clothes, some
burned, ripped, and another fully intact, indicated that some transformed naked.
"Can I ask why some of you transforms fully naked?"
"It's because in this region, the shapeshifters were accepted even while transforming
naked. Can I know your names?"
"My name's Rainbow Llewellyn. This is my friend, Ryan Blaze."
"What do we owe this pleasure?" Andrew asked.
"We're mainly here for Frost McAlpine here. We understand that of all of you here,
he alone has difficulty controlling his transformations."
"And how did you both find me?" Frost asked.
"I have that gift, friend. I know a lot about people just by looking at them."
"What are you? Some kind of genie?"
"A good magician never reveals his secrets."
"And how do you know our names? By the file I'm seeing in the bear paws?!" Asked
"Yes. My police department gave me this file about all of you."
"So why is the police here?" Asked Rory, getting his body rigid.
"Hey Rory, no please." Answered Alex.
"They're not here. It's just us. I come from an alternate dimension called Pacem in
Terris, a peace world of my own creation. I'd like to invite you all there to spend a bit
of time. There are humans and other anthros who inhabit that place too."
"And why are you inviting us?" Asked Rory, relaxing a bit.
"Would you all like to experience a different world? This world isn't as a free world
as it used to be, and my destiny is to help the disadvantaged to live better lives.
Frost is a prime example of that. When you said all of your parents were away on
holiday, it's worse than you think."
"In what way?" Andrew asked, trying to be mature.
"Someone is leading them away from their children to kill them off. There is a
chance to stop this creature I know as Canem Malum and save your parents."
"So tell us about all you know of this Canem...!" Asked Andrew to Rainbow.
"It would be better for you to see visions of him." Rainbow made his eyeballs glow
The bear emanated magic into Andrew and everyone's mind, making him see
visions before his eyes of Canem Malum. It showed him a black spaniel anthro
wearing a white priest's robe, standing in front of a floating crystal ball in his endless
black smoke void. Through the ball, he saw a prison cell with various peoples'
parents locked up in there, and more being led in. Andrew and his friends
recognised their parents being put into this cell.
"Ok, I believe in you." Said Andrew to the bear.
Rainbow made the visions vanish. "Now, will you come aboard my bus with us? It's
the only way to get to my world."
"We're all going." Said Andrew and all his friends, including Frost.
"Only one problem. My bus won't fit you all in these forms. You'll all need to go back
down to your human forms. Mind if I assist?"
"Ok, but some of us are naked in our human forms, so if you don't mind seeing our
personality for a moment...And getting our clothes quickly too..." Said Rory and
"Alright, but when we get to my world, be ever so careful of being indecently
exposed." With that, Rainbow made his eyes glow gold.
So Alex, Rory, Andrew, and John all reverted their transformations back to their
human forms. Their tails retracted back into their rumps, with their claws and wings
retracting. Their legs and hands transitioned from quadrupedal to bipedal forms.
Minutes later, all of them were back to their human forms naked. But the bear, being
fast, gave them their respective clothes to cover themselves again. After they had
completed their transformations back to their human forms, they went over to the
When they saw how derelict it was, Andrew had to comment about it.
"You sure this is road legal, Rainbow? It looks like it's ready for the scrapheap."
"It's a deliberate deterrent for those unworthy of seeing my true pun
"Ok, let's go!" Says Rory.
Ryan opened the door and everyone walked inside. It was then they saw the
extensive luxury of the interior, spanning much more than what the actual shape of
the bus was. John was in shock.
"Wow, I could live here!" Says John.
"That's the beauty of being the demigod I am, John. For those that will be allowed to
see this interior, it expands and contracts to facilitate those aboard it. Do make
yourselves at home until we get to Pacem. But if any of you do put your feet up on
the furniture or in the bedrooms, please remove your shoes before you do."
"Thanks for the invitation, and tip!" Said Rory and Alex.
Rory, Alex and John went to choose their bedrooms. As Rainbow said, enough
bedrooms were made to facilitate each of them, and they went into three doors. But
then Rainbow had a surprise for them. It all led to one large dormitory, much to their
"Whoa!" Cried John.
"He really meant what he said, didn't he?" Asked Rory.
There were small double beds for each of them.
"That's not a bus, it's a house!" Said Andrew as he walked into his chosen room
which he had alone.
He went to sit on the side of his bed to get a feel for it. Then, someone else came
into his room to check on him. It was a female panda bear also with patchwork and
striped coloured fur. She looked like Rainbow, but she had pastel colours unlike her
"Hi Andrew."
"Hi. Rainbow?"
"Not quite. I'm his sister, Rainbette."
"Nice to meet you."
Andrew politely removed his shoes as asked, baring his feet, before climbing up onto
the bed to lay across it and rest. The other young men also did the same in their
shared dormitory. None of them wore socks either.
As for Frost, he just sat on the side of the sofa in the main living area, near the
cockpit where Ryan was beginning to pull away. Rainbow sat next to him to keep
him company as the most vulnerable among the group.
Ryan got out of the housing estate, then pressed a button to open an
interdimensional tunnel that the bus entered, closing immediately behind it once it
was in. The tunnel was neon coloured and gently changing colours, and Ryan sat
the travel time to three hours, giving people time to rest in their dormitories. He then
sat the bus to autopilot and came away from the cockpit, joining Rainbow and Frost.
"You feeling okay, Frost?"
"Yes, thank you. I don't know why, but I feel like my wolf form is going to come out
any moment."
Rainbow's eyes glowed lilac. "Not on my watch it won't. You can trust me to keep it
under control for you."
Frost sighed as he felt Rainbow's calming magic emanate into him. "Thanks."
Rainbow then made his eyes glow green. "In the name of the spirit and magic within
thee, relieve my friend of his inability to control his wolf form from coming out and
going back."
Frost felt drowsy as this healing magic emanated into him now.
Rainbow then went to check on Andrew's friends in their dormitory. All of them were
now lying on their beds, and chatting to each other about what they could
"You think this is some kind of infiltration or attack mission?" Asked John to
"Canem Malum will be easier to deal with than you think. I'm forever having to fend
him off and thinking he can be banished forever with my black eye magic. But
somehow, he keeps regaining enough power quickly enough to keep coming back.
All of your parents won't be killed off. Canem's not like that when it comes to
delivering the 'final blow' as it were. He'll be weak at the knees at the critical
"Ok, so all we have to do is tire him enough for you to use your magic." Says Rory.
"If you like. But let me worry about that..." Rainbow made his eyes glow lilac again,
calming the three boys.
"Your powers...are so...therapeutic!" Said John getting relaxed.
"I aim to please. Now you boys just relax for now."
Rainbow left the room and rejoined Frost and Ryan. Ryan had since changed to his
human form, sprouting the same blue hair and eyes, also retaining his all blue attire.
As Rainbow joined them, he got the same idea.
"Maybe I should go human too." Rainbow folded his ears in and closed his eyes as
he thought about being in his human form.
Rainbow's body begins to get back to his human form replacing his rainbow fur with
human skin. His fur ball tail, getting inside his rump with no signs of it when back to
human form. His face and muzzle retracted, then all of his clothes got back to his
body as if they weren't ever destroyed before.
He still had short rainbow striped hair and his purple eyes, wearing a red and yellow
gradient tracksuit top with sky blue hems, rainbow cuffs, and a pink t-shirt
underneath. This was accompanied by a pair of green and blue gradient tracksuit
bottoms, and his favourite pair of rainbow gradient shoes with silver soles. He also
wore his favourite red and blue stripy socks as it was cold.
Andrew wanted to go back to his dragon form on the journey to Pacem, so he went
on to do just that. There was a problem however. As Andrew would've been too big
whilst in the bus, he found himself unable to change due to magic helping keep him
under control. He sighed with depression.
"Ugh. Why can't I change now?"
Andrew tried once more, but felt the blood rush to his head in trying it. He groaned.
"Alright, I concede."
"You can tf again when we arrive. I added some magic to prevent you all from being
transformed here, only because you guys wouldn't get out of the doors with your
sizes. Even though the bus is magical, I don't have unlimited power to make it
"Good point, I'll wait until we arrive."
"Once you all have your temporary homes in Pacem, then you'll be free to change
into your creature forms once more."
~ ~ ~
Soon after, the bus came out of the interdimensional tunnel and arrived at Pacem in
Terris. Rainbow showed the group of five some areas of the metropolis en route to
one of the residential areas north of the city centre, which were the hills and the
coast. Rory, John, Andrew and Alex all got one house together on the hills. Andrew
took to the garden quickly and began to transform into his dragon self.
Andrew got down on his hands and knees in preparation and focused carefully
without straining his brain. Soon, he felt his tail begin to grow from his bottom,
pushing against the back of his jeans. He then felt two other lumps grow from either
side of his spine on his back. Seconds later, his long spiky tail and wings burst out,
ripping through his jeans and t-shirt. His face began to push out into a muzzle and
his hair began to fall out.
Andre felt his legs and knees begin to wobble until his joints snapped into feral form,
meaning that he was no longer able to stand on just his feet. As for his feet, he felt
them rubbing inside his favourite shoes until he felt the claws growing from his toes
and scratching against the inner lining. They scratched so much they ripped through
the toecaps, exposing his bare feet. As his scales developed all over his body, he
felt his shirt begin to tear downwards from the collar, eventually falling off his body.
As his feet and hands grew and developed his claws, they could no longer be
contained by his shoes and violently shredded them apart.
Andrew used his claws to tear the fly of his jeans. This didn't help the growth of his
dragon legs which began to strain against the denim and tear them along the seams,
leaving him with no clothes now. His transformation accelerated now that his
threads were all gone from his person. After a couple more minutes, he was fully in
his feral form of dragon.
In his dragon form, Andrew had gone to check on his other friend. As he was flying
to his house on the coast, he saw Frost talking with Rainbow about the control of his
transformations. As Andrew landed, he approached his friend.
"Oh, hello Andrew." Rainbow greeted first.
"Rainbow. Frost."
"Andrew." Frost came over and nuzzled Andrew.
Andrew wrapped one wing around Frost to hug him.
"Controlling your transformation? Good progress!"
"Rainbow did that for me while you lot were all resting on the bus. He chanted
something that caused me to gain more willpower."
"About the houses, they're very spacious, still modest, although I like them!"
"It's a standard design here in Pacem. Normally, they don't have gardens, they just
have conservatories with swimming pools."
"So that's why I had to go a little far away, to have an open space to transform...But
again, as I said I enjoy the houses!"
"Knowing you guys with your big creature transformations, we made these new
houses exclusively for you guys to have space to change."
"We can open the front part a bit more and connect this with the garden, since you
mention that they don't have one."
"I don't advise it. I don't actually recommend your creature forms indoors, mainly
because of the size you guys grow to in your feral states. Frost is alright because
his shape doesn't change much when he becomes his white anthro wolf form.
Please know that I can't do absolutely everything, but I'll do what I can in my power
to help you all out."
"I appreciate it. I still suggest just this new connection with the garden and the forest
in front. I had mentioned the other parts are of my taste, thanks."
"Well, I'll do what I can. No promises. We do have a forest area to the west though."
"That's the area I'm talking about..."
Frost was becoming a bit unnerved by Andrew and went inside his house to get
some space. Rainbow continued talking with Andrew in the garden as his friends, all
in their feral creature forms they had, also landed in Frost's garden. Frost went to
the stairs, politely removing his trainers at the bottoms as he'd been asked to, baring
his feet. He then went up to his room and laid on the bed to get some rest that he
didn't get on the bus.
"We know you're going to visit us, Andrew, so we're visiting you too, hehe!" Said the
friends to Andrew.
"Thanks for the travel and hours gained."
"You're welcome."
Frost could just about hear the speech from his bedroom window upstairs. When he
realised it was open, he closed it in order to shut the noise out, allowing him to conk
out completely.
"Talkative bunch."
"Hey, Rainbow?" Asked Andrew to the bear.
"I was thinking! We can do a power transfer to you so you will be able to deal with
Canem in an easy way. While we help you in a more moderate way, we save our
parents from prison; that way, we will be faster in concluding the mission, and have
more days here to enjoy this place and transform more. What do you think of it?"
"Sounds like a good offer, but let us cross that bridge when we cross it. Also, I will
be quite a busy bear as the guardian deity here. For one, I've also got to attend to
my other friend in another dimension."
"Another dimension?"
"My friend, Marquess Avensis Toyota, leader of Bearcuddle Metropolis is due to visit
with his loyal Sir Ross Mercedes today."
"Ok, so we're having a lot of free time here while you're away, or do you want
someone to go with you?"
"This is just for me to deal with, but I'll invite them to The Porthcawl tonight. It would
be wonderful if you'd all come along too."
"What's The Porthcawl?"
"It's our social club in Pacem, hugely popular."
"Sorry, but we prefer to be more with ourselves during those first days here!"
"Alright then, maybe next time."
Andrew soon flew back out of his garden and went to look for his other friends. They
were on the beach together, all in their creature forms.
"Enjoying the afternoon!?"
"Yes! You have talked with Rain about our privacy?" Asked Rory.
"Yes, he understands our point. He's going to another dimension, bringing two
visitors, although I respectfully refuse meeting them now. I think you all too?"
"Not now. You're right, having more time for ourselves first!"
"We'll help him doing a power transfer, and freeing our parents from prison, that way
we're having more free time for ourselves too!"
"That's a great idea!!"
"I just hope this 'Canem Malum' guy doesn't attack when we're not ready."
"We should be ready for whenever it happens."
As for Frost, He was just coming out of the shower in his house. He had his towel
wrapped around him for modesty and went into the wardrobe to find plenty of clothes
waiting for him. He picked out a blue coverall which he put straight on and zipped
up, then he heard a knock at his bedroom door.
"Come in."
The bedroom door opened, and Rainbow came in in his human form. "How are you
getting on, Frost?"
"Still adapting to this place. But thanks to your magic, I'm managing my
transformations much better than I had thought I would be capable of!"
"That's wonderful."
"I would like to spend more time as a human, unlike my other friends who seem to
love their creature forms."
"I think it's because they were born the other way! I mean, they were born dragons,
gryphons and phoenixes as their true forms, and then managed to control their forms
to hide themselves in a human form. And as for you Frost, still being born an anthro
wolf too, you still need to learn how to control your transformations. That's because
your friends are so 'pleased' hehe, to be in their creature forms. They're still more
feral than I expected, because they were simply borned as creatures and have to
learn the control of their transformations in a more hard way, not to mention sooner
than you. Let's say that the humans aren't so accustomed to dragons and other
mythical creatures, Not like having a wolf living between them."
Frost was puzzled by half of Rainbow's explanation and showed a blank face, but
Rainbow helped him sink it with his gold eye magic.
"I can see you're having difficulty understanding me."
"Quite a lot of information to digest."
"I get it. Autism and all, huh?"
"A little. But with your help, I can manage this."
Rainbow hugged Frost warmly.
"You want to take a walk somewhere with me?"
Frost nodded in the embrace. "I'd like that. I'd like that very much."
So Rainbow took Frost to the metropolis with him. Frost put on a pair of navy
wellington boots to go out in. Rainbow kept Frost close as they walked.
"We're going to some specific place, or just walking around?" Asked Frost, close to
the bear.
"Do you like bakery?"
"I'm good with bakery."
"I know a great place for that."
Rainbow took Frost to Panadera's Bakery, run by a Spanish lady called Estrella
"Ah, Rainbow, where have you been? I've missed you."
"I've missed you too, Estrella. Enjoyed your holiday."
"Oh yes, definitely. I missed the earth so much that I had to go back to where I was
"Good on you." Rainbow turned to Frost. "What takes your fancy then?"
"I like battenburg cake, have you got any of that?"
"Oh yes, just fresh out of the oven actually." Estrella answered. "How do you like it,
standard size or family size?"
"Just a standard for me please." Frost answered.
Estrella went to get the order and presented it to Frost. Rainbow also ordered his
usual loaf of brown protein bread. After making the payment, Frost was allowed to
walk back home while Rainbow had to go and do his other business for his incoming
As for Andrew and his gang, they just returned home from the beach.
"I said to you I would win!"
"Yeah you said, although what happened! Air flux inverted in my loop, and bang,
unstable flight, hehe!!"
"What an air race, hehe!!"
Frost, getting back from the bakery with Rainbow, heard the conversation and asked
what they were talking about.
"We had an air race, although the phoenix here hehe, didn't manage to evade my air
flux and lost the race by 0.001 seconds." Said the gryphon with a grin smile.
"You're all lucky that you can fly. I'm jealous, though I much prefer my human form
now that I can stay in control of it."
"Congratulations Frost!" Said Andrew with an assured smile.
"Me and Rainbow had gone to a bakery downtown, and we had brought a cake. You
can have some if you want!?"
"Of course!" Said Andrew and all the friends, at the same time.
Frost got a cake knife and cut slices for everybody. He had more than enough to go
"What a good cake, can I have a second slice!?" Asked Rory.
"I'm not sure I've got enough to go around for seconds unless I cut the rest thinner."
Frost looked at his cake to see he'd used more than half of it. He had two slices left.
"Ok, so cut thinner."
On board his interdimensional bus meanwhile, Rainbow was activating his time
portal as his visitors were just coming into Pacem. Coming through the tunnel were
two figures, a silver bear wearing a long priest's coat and shirt with cuffs, silk jeans
and boots. He was accompanied by a young man of 18 with short brown hair and
hazel eyes, wearing a red polo shirt, red jeans and red hi-top converse trainers.
"Ah, Marquess Avensis, Sir Ross."
"Good afternoon, Rainbow." Avensis answered, bowing politely.
~ ~ ~
A few days passed by while Canem Malum bided his time and waited for the right
time to strike. Rainbow eventually took everyone into battle together, with Andrew
and his friends, except Frost, sharing their power with Rainbow so they had equal
This helped them all to beat Canem with ease and rescue their parents. After that,
Rainbow took them all home in the interdimensional bus and led them into their
homes. Andrew and his friends went into one, while Frost went into the
neighbouring house.
"We don't know what happened son. But thanks to you and your friends, we have
managed to escape that prison. We didn't even have time to react when they
invaded the house." Said Andrew's father, telling them what they remembered about
their prison circumstances.
"The good thing is that you all, including our friend's parents, are safe as well!"
Meanwhile with Frost, his guardian was just cooking a wonderful dinner for him. She
had a pepperoni pizza in the convection oven with BBQ sauce.
Frost on the other hand was just coming out of the shower back home, spending a
bit of time in his anthro wolf form so he didn't wear anything. Going direct to the
kitchen where his guardian was cooking, at the moment Frost appeared in the
kitchen, the guardian looked at him fully nude.
"Getting more natural for some time hehe!"
"Yes. I don't still know why, but I like to have the clothes ripped as I transform.
Besides, my new friends prefer to transform already fully naked! It's like they're
unashamed in showing their..., but it's a choice they have made for themselves
since after a long time of acceptance, they are free to walk all nude, but I'm not so
comfortable with that..." Frost intentionally coughed.
"Good thing you get them back when you change back. That's a thing that everyone
has to make their own choices. If they're good at walking nude, that's ok for them.
You have to think about what's best for yourself!"
"Don't get me wrong, mommy. Since I gained my human form, I've wanted to keep it
more. Thanks to my new friend from Pacem, I now have more control over me
keeping my form."
"That's good to hear son, although when you're in your wolf form, what do you
prefer!? Full natural, or still cover your modesty?"
"At least I'm not indecent in this form, so I don't really need anything."
"That's because in your wolf form, it's natural for us to be around to be fully nude.
We're accustomed to not wearing anything, and obviously that's natural that the
animals don't have clothes or even don't bother to cover their modesty. On the other
hand, the humans in particular, yes they would arrest you for indecent exposure."
"But why didn't it happen with Andrew and his friends? They had to do some law or
something, that protects them from indecent exposure?"
"Almost. It's that as feral creatures, and even as anthros too. For humans, it will fall
in what I have said now. The humans don't cover the animals with clothes because
it's simply where they are in their natural way of being free animals. With the time
passing, they say Andrew and his friends were conscious feral animals that didn't
need clothes. They still follow the laws as everyone else, they're just a little higher in
that specific question because in the vision of the society they're treated as rational
animals. They're nude and free all around because that's the way they were born,
and they want the world to see them that way."
Frost smiled, then hugged his mommy warmly. He also wagged his fluffy tail happily,
unknowingly sweeping the floor behind him.
"So where do I enter in this? I can freely choose if I..."
"You're free to choose whatever you want. If you want to walk nude all the time, feel
free. Clothing, ok. Clothes ripping during the transformations, ok. Whatever you
choose, I'll be proud of you, my son!" She says, starting to cry a little and hugging
her son one more time.
"Thanks mom..." Said Frost, hugging her mother too, and crying a little as well.

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