Capítulo sem título 116

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Far beyond the limits of the human world and universe, there is a place inhabited by strange creatures called Bakugan.
These beings come in all manners of shapes and colors, from Dragonoids and Hydranoids to beings very close in appearance to the humans who live on Earth. Each one of them with powers that no human could have, such as the power to produce light from their bodies, to cast spells, and to breathe fire.
Bakugan truly were creatures that greatly differed from humans. However, if you expected them to live lives completely different from the lives that humans had you will be disappointed. As it turns out, even though Bakugans were physically different from humans, being much bigger and much more powerful in all senses of the word, the types of lives that they led on their own world were actually incredibly similar to the one we lead on Earth.
They wake up in the morning and go to sleep at night (save for the ones who were nocturnal, so they woke up at night and went to sleep at morning), they had societies with laws and etiquette patterns, they wore clothes, they had technology, they had jobs...
And, they celebrated the same holidays that humans did. Or, at least, their own versions of those holidays, which were very similar to the ones that humans celebrated.
They had Christmas, they had New Year, they had Halloween, and they had Valentines' Day.
All over the city where the Bakugan lived, was possible to see the spirit of Valentines. Be it in the stores that showed special discounts on heart-shaped candy, flowers and stuffed toys; be it in singing messages and bands to play serenades for your sweetheart.
Of course, only because it was Valentines, it didn't meant that the rest of the world stopped. The Bakugan still woke up and went to sleep. They still ate. They still paid their bills and taxes. They still worked to earn money for their bills and or groceries.
As it was the example of a certain dragonoid Bakugan who currently was busy, working like a bee from his office.
Drago looked imposing for a Bakugan. He walked on two legs, like most other Bakugan's, having an "humanoid" shape, as humans would call it. He had two legs, two arms, a long muscular tail, and a pair of wings sprouting from his back. Drago was a dragonoid and, as such, he had the appearance of a dragon, with reptilian features on his body. The scales of his body were all in shades of red and yellow, and he had horns of a yellow coloration on his head. His body was muscular, but not overly, and it was mostly hid by the expensive-looking black suit he wore, with an indigo tie on his neck.
After all, when you worked on a business job, you had to look presentable. Therefore, a suit was mandatory, to make him look elegant and professional.
Drago worked on management of his company, and part of his job was to review and administrate minor groups, all of them under his command and all of them working in name of the company as a whole. It was hard work, but one that Drago could pull off with no problem. After all, he had all the requirements to perform such a job. A personality that made him be respected and admired by his team, he was diligent and competent in making his work efficiently, he was able to raise his voice on the right moments to make it clear that he was in charge, and that he would take no non-sense.
No wonder he was the employee of the month for nearly five years in a row before he was promote to his new position of power.
Still, even though Drago what one could describe as "the perfect employee", he was not a machine that simply worked as he was told. Drago was still a Bakugan. And, as a Bakugan, he had cravings and needs. The need for attention was one of them, as the red dragonoid wished for the touch and company of others. More specifically, he wished for the company and touch of a certain Bakugan in particular.
A need that grew the stronger during that particular time of the year. After all, who would 't think of their special someone during Valentines?
Even as he dealt with his daily responsibilities, like going to board meetings with other high-level employees to having to revise and write detailed reports and important announcements for his subordinates, Drago could not help himself but think of his sweetheart. Wishing to feel the touch of that Bakugan on his body, on his wings, on his hands, on his intimate parts...
Drago shook his head as his thoughts started to go into a lewd direction. After all, this day would become harder if Dragon was sporting a hardon inside his briefs.
Somehow, Drago was able to perform his tasks diligently during the day, once more proving that he did deserved the promotion into the position he currently held, and he had it all done by the time the clock hit 18:00
With a sigh, Drago slumped on his chair, stretching his body, pained from being sitting in there tipping on his computer and signing documents for the past hour. He recomposed himself, before getting up from his chair and marching to the door. As he opened it, he nearly bumped into another Bakugan, who seemed that was just about to open the door and go inside.
"Oh, Drago." The other Bakugan said, "Exactly the Bakugan I wished to see." Leonidas, the other Bakugan said, and Drago felt like groaning. Were they going to give him extra work? On Valentines Day?
"I'd like to give you this." Leonidas said, offering Drago something he had been carrying under his arm. It was a bottle of some very expensive-looking wine.
"Oh..." Drago said, looking at the bottle of wine being offer to him. By his hierarchic superior. On Valentines.
"That is... Really nice..." Drago said, with an awkward smile. The other dragonoid wearing a more expensive suit looked at Drago and, seemingly knowing what Drago could be thinking, decided to clarify.
"We have closed the deal with Extrauniversal Industry." Leonidas said, looking at the red dragonoid. Drago perked at this.
"Oh, we did? That's great!" Drago said, as he knew how much this deal would benefit the company and all of the workers. Leonidas nodded at his subordinate.
"And it was all thanks to you." The other dragonoid said. "Your presentation truly blew them away. After you left, they could not stop talking on how they were impressed at the way you presented the company to them, especially your division. They were really impressed. Said that they would 'love to work with a company with such competent and skilled employees'."
Drago could not help but feel proud of himself. Truth was, Drago had been nervous during the presentation, and there had been one or two moments when he was sure he had screwed up. Hearing that he was able to impress so much was a pleasant surprise, and it did tooted Drago's horn.
"We basically got the deal thanks to you." Leonidas said, patting Drago on the shoulder. "Which is why I got you this." He presented the younger dragonoid with the expensive wine. "Consider it a little courtesy to congratulate your work. And a little 'Valentine bonus' for you, as well."
"Thanks." Drago said, taking the bottle on his hand, and checking the mark and year, seeing that it was a really fancy one. "Thanks a lot!" Drago said, sounding quite surprise.
"Don't think too much of it." Leonidas said to him. "Me and the other big shots present each other that on all birthdays, Christmas and New Year's. It is no big deal. Seriously, we usually give those to each other in packs of four or even six."
"Well, anyway, it is more than I could afford." Drago said, admiring the bottle, before looking back at Leonidas. "Thanks a lot for this, Leonidas."
"Don't mention it." Leonidas said, "In a few years you might be the one buying packs of that to give to other powerful executives. Ah, I still remember the day you started working here. You didn't knew how to do anything and kept coming at me to ask for everything. I still remember your very first week..."
Drago had enough experience with Leonidas to know that this was going to develop into a trip down memory lane if he let, and he had plans to be at some other place during that day. So, he was quick to act:
"Look, I'd love to talk more, really. But, I really want to leave this office now that I finished my work. Seriously, I would like to take a break from this place before I get blisters on my buttocks from sitting for so long."
Leonidas looked at him, and gave the younger dragonoid a knowing smile.
"Oh, yes. You prefer to have other kind of feeling there, don't you?" Leonidas asked, and Drago could do nothing more than blush, something that his red scales helped hide. Leonidas chuckled at him.
"Yeah, you can go. I'm sure you are not the only one who is excited to spend Valentine's together." Leonidas said, patting his shoulder and allowing the red dragonoid to get past him and go his way.
After Leonidas, Drago only had to deal with one or two of his subordinates who came to ask him for advices on how to do a certain task before they could go home, what Drago quickly oriented them before going his way. The rest of the ones who tried to approach Drago were quickly dismissed, as the dragonoid wanted nothing more than to leave that place and go somewhere else, to meet someone else who didn't worked on that company. Not because he disliked the company or its workers, but simply because there was someone outside of that building whose company he preferred over many other Bakugans.
Drago took the elevator, and he was quickly pulling out his phone and fumbling into it, typing a message to send to someone else:
Just finished work. Going to the apartment now. See you soon.
He pressed send, and the message had been sent. By the time the elevator had reached the first floor, a symbol besides the message said it had been both receive and read.
Good, his date for the night was waiting for him. And knowing that Bakugan, it was very likely that there was something ready for Drago.
Certainly something quite spicy.
Drago walked out of the building, ready to get enough room to stretch his wings and take to the skies, when he caught eye of something right in front of the building that caught his attention.
Cars were not unusual in the world where Bakugans lived. After all, not everyone had wings. So, it was natural that there would be vehicles to facilitate the coming and going of the Bakugans into the cities and across them. There were cars, just like there were boats, planes and motorcycles.
There were also limousines, long cars used by the rich and famous to go in style, being one of the main traditional symbols of power and status, such as the one parked in front of the building as Drago came out. Anyone could assume that it was the limo of the president of the company, or the owner, or maybe of some other big shot who had come to visit the place and had a meeting there.
Drago would probably have thought the same thing as he looked at the big and fancy vehicle parked in front of the building where he worked, until he caught eye of the Bakugan standing in front of it.
The dragon-like Bakugan was a bit different from Drago, as his muzzle was a bit sharper at the tip. However, he was as dragon-like as Drago, with clawed hands and wings sprouting from his back. He had mostly black scales on his body, with some dark-red thrown in the mix. He had two long horns sprouting backwards on his head, with a single big golden horn projecting forward coming from the middle of his head. He was dressed differently from the red dragonoid in suit, as he wore casual clothing, with long jeans pants, white shirt and black motorcyclist jacket. His eyes red were focus on dragon as he came out of the building, and he had a bouquet of roses held on his clawed hand.
Drago was surprised for seeing that dragon in there, and a smile spread on his features as he looked at him.
"Helios!" Drago said, walking to the dark Bakugan, who smiled at him.
"Hey there, Hot Stuff." Helios said to Drago, before offering him the bouquet. "Happy Valentines."
"Oh, Helios!" Drago said, taking the bouquet of Helios' hands. Roses were his favorite, as his boyfriend very well knew. Drago could already tell that those smelled wonderful. However, his attention was more on the limo parked in front of the building.
"Is this for me?" Drago asked, looking at the big car parked, to which Helios responded:
"For both of us, actually."
He still had that sly and suave tone that he only used when he wanted to be romantic with his dear Drago. Drago looked at him, and then he said:
"Couldn't we have just flew around?"
Helios looked at him for a few seconds, before saying:
"Seriously? I go through all the problem of booking a limo and hiring a driver and I wait in here for nearly an hour with a bouquet in my hand just waiting for you to come out, and you just say that?"
"Well, it is a reasonable question, don't you agree?" Drago said, and Helios looked away, pouting.
"Oh, Babe..." Drago said, "You really planned something romantic this year, didn't you?"
"Yeah, but you ruined it." Helios said, still pouting, "You totally killed the mood."
"Oh, my sweet snake." Drago said, leaning over to kiss and nuzzle with Helios. "I'm sorry. It is really sweet, I love it."
Helios tried to maintain his bad mood, but he had found out that it was hard to stay mad at Drago when he started being like that. It totally broke the black Bakugan's defenses and made his heart melt for him. Especially when he started to kiss him in the lips. Helios hated it as much as he loved it.
Hard to believe that, a few years ago, Drago and Helios just couldn't stand even being on the same room for more than a few minutes without breaking into a fight. And we do mean "fight" in the most literal way. Seriously, they caused a ton of money in damage property with all the battles they started.
You can imagine the shocked expressions of their friends when they told them they decided to start dating...
Now they could hardly resist each other, and they were definitely a happy couple, as anyone who knew them enough could attest.
"Well, I put a lot of money into this already, so we might as well use it." Helios said, as he opened the door for Drago. "Your chariot waits for you, my dear."
That was cheesy, and Drago knew it. Still, he loved it. Soon, Drago was stepping inside of the limo, seeing that it was nicely furnished, and that there was a bucket of ice with a wine bottle inside.
"You bought wine too?" Drago asked, as he looked at the bottle sitting on the bucket of ice. Helios had just told the driver to take them, and then he turned to the red dragonoid.
"Of course! After all, a date like this asks for wine." He said, before noticing something that he failed to notice Drago had in his hands until that moment. "And it looks like you thought the same thing."
Drago blinked, before looking at the bottle he had been carrying on his hand. He had nearly forgot about that.
"Oh, this?" Drago said, "This was a gift."
It was Helios' turn to blink, and he looked at Drago.
"A gift..." he said, slowly, "From whom, exactly?"
"Helios, is that jealousy?" Drago asks, looking at the dark dragon, who looked back at him.
"My boyfriend just tells me that he received wine as a gift from someone at Valentines." Helios said, picking up the bottle and looking at it. "A wine way more expensive than the one I got. Well, you can't help me for wanting to know who was the one who gave it to him, can you?"
Drago looked at her boyfriend. He loved Helios, but sometimes he could be a little possessive.
"Helios, no need to be like that." Drago said, "It is nothing what you are thinking. It was Leonidas who gave me this."
"Leonidas, huh?" Helios said, still looking at that very expensive wine. "Yeah, I can imagine that old geezer giving you this."
"That old geezer is the one who taught me how to do my job." Drago said, "He is almost like a father to me."
"Oh, yeah?" Helios said, not sounding angry, but sounding like he really had something to say about it. "Didn't knew that fathers gave their sons wine for Valentine."
"Oh, will you quit with all the jealousy?" Drago said, "It is nothing like that at all. He gave me that as a gift because I helped settle a deal that will bring a lot of money for the company."
And as a "Valentines bonus", but Drago decided that it was better to leave that part out, as to avoid the discussion from going further on the subject. Helios looked at him, and at the bottle, and it looked like he still wanted to say something about it. However, it seemed that he decided to just let it go and focus on something else instead.
"So, you helped settle a major deal at your company, huh?" Helios said, "Well, one more reason to celebrate!" He pulled the bottle of wine that was on the ice, and produced two glasses from a hidden compartment. Soon, each one of them was holding a glass, Leonidas' wine now resting inside the bucket, while Helios served himself and Drago some of the wine he bought, which, despite being less expensive than the bottle Drago got from his superior, was expensive by itself, and it tasted really good when Drago took a sip of it.
"Helios, honey, this must have been so expensive." Drago said, to which Helios shrugged.
"So what, we are wealthy, aren't we? My stocks are still doing very good." Helios said.
Drago was an office worker, Helios, on the other hand, was more of a home worker. He tried his hand at the stock market when he was younger, and discovered that he had a real talent with that. He was really good in dealing with stocks, and this caused him to move from only stocks into becoming a very successful investor. Due to the nature of his transactions, he did most of his work from home, only having to leave when he actually had to be in there to settle a really important deal. He was an example of a successful cyber worker. And he still had a lot of the money that his parents left for him as inheritance.
When combined with Drago's income, well, they were not fabulously rich, but they had good money.
"Besides." Helios said, placing an arm around Drago's shoulders and pulling the red Bakugan closer to himself. "If it is for you, it is definitely worth every penny."
"Oh, Helios..." Drago said, as he leaned closer, and kissed Helios on the lips, and Helios soon was returning the kiss.
The limo continued on its way, taking them to somewhere else on the city.
Their first stop was on the movie theaters. There was a little wait on the line, but they were able to get there just in time for them to choose a movie that they both wanted to see.
Due to Valentines, most of the movies screening were romances or dramas. Still, they were able to find a movie that they both enjoyed and catered to their tastes: "Explosive Passion"
That was what it could be call "an alternative Valentines movie", something that mashed up romantic comedy with action and exploding cars. However, it was by no means a bad movie, as the effects were great, the script well written and the actors performing were all great. It did reunited all that Drago and Helios enjoyed; well-choreographed fighting scenes, intelligent plot elements, deep and strong characters, acid sense of humor, and all of that laced with a romantic sub-plot that didn't seemed forced and flowed naturally with everything that happened in the movie.
In the end, they both had enjoyed the movie greatly, and it had worked up their appetite. That was why their next stop was at a restaurant.
The "Le Bakugan Délicieux" was a new place that had opened recently. One of those fancy places where the soup costed half of the average worker's salary. The kind of place with a great ambiance, including some romantic music and hearts decorating the entire place, in celebration of the Valentines holiday.
Drago took in how beautiful the place was as he and Helios walked inside, and the black dragon asked for the table for two that was on his name.
That was when Drago knew that Helios truly went all out on with this, because to have a table for a place like this in Valentine you needed to book it weeks in advance. Helios had been planning this for a while.
They had one of the best tables in there all for themselves, with a great location next to the band and right by the side of the small internal pond with fountain. They started asking for some champagne, which they shared with small sips while they waited for their food to arrive.
Drago was able to have a very fancy version of his favorite fish of the Bakugan world, while Helios had some bites on some fancy beef, which he devoured in a way that made a few people from the other tables to look weird at him, but he barely minded. Neither did Drago. Although the red dragon did wiped Helios' face himself of the expensive sauce once he was done eating.
After they were done, they paid the bill and left.
They didn't had any dessert, they didn't wanted to. The things on the menu seemed delicious (as well as expensive), but both of them preferred their favorite ice creams with caramel sauce and sprinkles a thousand times over that faberge chocolate pudding thing.
That was why they hopped on the limo and had it take them all the way to their favorite ice cream shop, the one where they had their first date, and ordered the very same ice cream flavors that they had on that day. They spend a long time only looking at each other as they tasted their ice creams, liking them slowly. Seductively. Suggestively...
Drago even bought a strawberry popsicle after they were done, and not as much suckled on it as he made love with it. Helios smirked at Drago.
"You tease." Helios said, to which Drago only smiled as he continued to suck on his popsicle in a very naughty way, wrapping his tongue all over it before pulling it into his mouth and making a lot of noise.
A lot of people were looking at Drago as he did that, but the red dragon didn't minded. Not when he was with Helios.
After that, they both hopped on the limo and went to the pier.
The pier was one of Drago's favorite places. As a Bakugan of the Pyrus attribute, Drago was not very keen on water. Still, the sea was something that he loved very much. He could spend hours just looking at the sea, especially at night, when all of the stars were visible, and it was possible to see their reflection on the surface of the water.
If you looked on the right way, the horizon line at the distance just disappeared completely, leaving only the sky and its reflection on the sea. This way, you could see only the night sky and the stars in front of you.
That night there was little wind, what meant no waves. So, the illusion of the infinite space full of stars before them was near perfect. Drago could look at it forever, especially with his boyfriend so close to him, with an arm around his shoulders and a whole wing around his body, protecting him from the lingering cold on the air during that time of the year.
"This is so beautiful..." Drago said, as he looked ahead as they both stood on the nearly empty pier.
"Yeah, I admit it is." Helios said, "Although I admit that I liked the movie better than this."
"Oh, Helios." Drago said, snuggling closer to his boyfriend. "I love you to death, but sometimes I think you should learn to appreciate the things that are not as hardcore and cool."
"Well, I appreciate you, don't I? Even though you are a guy who gets all sentimental from looking at the stars." Helios asked with a smirk.
They still teased each other occasionally, like they did before they fell in love. However, their teasing lacked the bite and bile it had back on the day when they were nearly sworn enemies. Now, the insults and teases that they occasionally sent back and forth felt like playful jabs that people did when they were close. Still, some around them sometimes thought that the name-calling was a sign that, deep down, they still hated each other and could break up at any moment. In truth, things couldn't be farther from reality.
Drago took Helios' hand on his own, their clawed fingers intertwining, and Drago sighed, as he basked in the warmth of his boyfriend as he continued to look at the beautiful scene before him.
"I loved this night so far." Drago said, sounding nearly dreamy, and Helios chuckled.
"I'm glad for that." Helios said, gently caressing Drago's hand with his thumb. "But the night is not over yet..."
They looked at each other, and Helios gave Drago a seductive smile.
"...and I saved the best for last."
Soon, they were both back into the limo. It drove both of them straight back to their building.
Even though they had quite a good money with their combined incomes, they were not ones to splurge on their personal lives (except on really special occasions). They lived in a pretty normal condo, just a few stores high. Still, they did lived at the very top of it, in the luxury suite of the condo. The "presidential suite", so to speak. It was fancy, not in a superb way, but it still proved that the lovely couple could live in style.
After they arrived, Helios once more held the door for his boyfriend, who mentioned on how much of a gentleman he was being during that Valentines. Helios then paid the limo guy and dismissed him, and he drove away, as the two dragons walked into their condo. That was when Helios asked Drago to wait in the lobby for a while.
"Just for a few minutes, while I get the last surprise of the night ready for you." Helios said, in a manner so sweet and seductive that Drago found himself unable to complain. He agreed to wait on the lobby while Helios rushed to their apartment and got everything ready.
Drago simply sighed, pulling his phone out of his pocket and playing a little game in it while it waited.
It should have been around ten minutes before Drago got a message on his phone, which simply said:
All ready. Come to me, my love.
Drago took the cue and walked to the elevator, walking inside and pressing the button. The travel was short, and soon, the doors were opening into the top floor of the building, at the expensive suite that Drago and Helios shared.
As soon as the doors opened, he noticed that the floor right outside was covered in red rose petals. There was actually a trail of rose petals, going from out of the elevator to the door of their apartment, where a note was stuck to the door.
Drago followed the trail, and read the note on the door.
Follow the trail
Well, Drago didn't needed to be told twice. He opened the door, and found out that the trail of rose petals continued inside their house. Drago followed it through the entrance, through the dining room, and into the living room. He followed the trail around their couch, and straight in front of a reclining chair. There was a plain pink box on the chair, with a note on the top that read:
Take off your clothes and wear this
Drago looked at the note with interest, before picking up the box and opening it to see what was inside.
He had a surprise as he looked inside, and he soon was smiling and purring (yes, dragonoid Bakugan's purr, just accept it).
"Helios... you naughty boy." Drago said to himself.
In no time, Drago had done as the note instructed. Right in there, in the living room, he removed his clothes, including his briefs, leaving them all neatly folded on the couch, and proceeded to wear what was on the box.
Once he was fully dressed, he looked at himself on the full body mirror that was nearby, seeing how that clothing fit into him. And he wasn't disappointed.
The lingerie fit him very nicely. The corset hugged his torso very nicely, making his figure thinner and more feminine as it made his body curvier, the black color bringing out the green gemstone embedded on the center of his chest. The panties also fit him very nicely, hugging his crotch and his buttocks near perfectly. The long gloves and the leggings also fit very well on him.
Man, I look hot. Drago thought to himself, as he turned his body to see himself from all angles wearing the lingerie set, and seeing how the black silk of the lingerie matched the red and yellow colors of his scales.
I look really hot!
After checking himself on the mirror, Drago turned his attention back to the trail of rose petals, which didn't ended on the chair, but instead continued, now leading to the hallway that led to the bedrooms.
Drago didn't needed to guess to know where the trail led. He already knew, and he had an idea of what he would find at the end of the trail.
Following it dressed on the black lingerie, Drago was soon reaching the end of the trail, which was the door of the master bedroom.
Drago knocked at the door, and a suave voice came from inside:
"Come in, my darling..."
Drago did came in. He found the entire room illuminated by candles that left out a soft scent of jasmine, his favorite smell, and Helios laying on the bed, waiting for him.
Helios had ditched most of his clothing, and was now laying on the bed only on his blue jockstrap. He was laying on his side, looking like he was posing for a painting, and he had a rose held on his mouth by the stalk.
Drago walked inside and, for a long moment, the two looked at each other, both of them liking very much what they were seeing.
"Hello there." Drago said, walking forward to the bed.
Helios removed the rose from his mouth.
"Hello there." He said, on that same suave voice, looking at Drago with bedroom eyes. The same yes that Drago was giving him as he looked at his nearly naked boyfriend on bed, waiting for him.
"I love the new clothes." Drago said, gesturing at the lingerie he was wearing.
"And I love seeing you wearing them." Helios said to him.
"Well, you said you loved it first, so I guess that makes us two."
Well, Drago could not really argue with that. The red dragonoid had to admit, years ago he would never have thought that he would willingly be wearing a complete lingerie set, and enjoy wearing it.
Of course, he also never thought that he would be dating Helios, of all Bakugan.
Truth was; starting a relationship with him had been a turning point at Drago's life, not only because he came to terms with his own sexuality and found the Bakugan he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, but also because it expanded his horizons. Sexually speaking.
Helios was a sex beast, and that much Drago learned on their first week of official dating. He was into some pretty weird stuff, and he insisted Drago to take part in it, so much that Drago eventually did. Drago was surprised for finding out that he actually liked some of the kinky shit that Helios was into, and he had to admit that it made him hot as fuck. So, during the time they had been together, they had experimented a lot on bed. Of course, not everything turned Drago on, but a lot of it did, and all the things that turned Helios on as well, what worked out perfectly for the couple.
"Now..." Helios said, looking at his dear Drago. "It is time for my Valentines gift, my dear."
He tossed the rose to Drago, who caught it in the air.
"Come here." Helios said to him, and Drago smiled back, placing the rose on his horns like a woman would place it on her hair, before he said:
"I will... after I've danced a little bit."
Another thing that Drago never thought he would actually enjoy doing: dancing in a sexy way for another guy.
Drago gyrated his hips as he looked at his beloved, moving his hands over his body in a seductive way. Touching himself, exposing himself, showing off everything that Helios was soon going to have.
He turned around, stretched his legs and raised his tail, letting Helios have a gorgeous view of his buttocks, clad in the silk of the panties he wore. Helios looked at it, licking his lips, as his cock slowly got hard inside the pouch of his jockstrap.
Drago continued to dance, enjoying having the eyes of his lover on him, looking and desiring him, as he danced like a professional before him, having gained a great deal of skill in it for dancing to his boyfriend to help put him in the mood. Helios had a thing for seeing someone dancing for him in skimpy or kinky outfits.
Drago had first not been into it, and only did it to please Helios. However, the red dragonoid soon found out that he did enjoyed dancing like that. Moreover, he enjoyed knowing someone was looking at him with desire as he danced. In fact, he liked it so much that his cock was slowly starting to harden and come out of his slit.
Drago danced for a few minutes, before he looked at the bed once more, seeing that Helios was now sitting on it. His jockstrap lowered, as the black dragonoid's cock, now hard and completely out of his slit, was on his hand, and he was slowly masturbating as he watched Drago's dance.
Drago smirked, and turned to Helios, slowly gyrating his hips as he made his way into the sitting dragonoid. Soon, he was dancing on Helios' lap, hands on his shoulders as he moved his hips up and down on the lap of that dragon, his long and dexterous tail moving around the cock, the very tip of Drago's scaly tail wrapping around the cock and giving it a few strokes, what caused Helios to hiss in pleasure and desire.
"Drago... you fucking tease." Helios said, and Drago could only chuckled. He had long grown used to Helios' foul mouth, especially when they were in bed. He only continued to rub and stroke Helios' cock with his tail, as he ran his hands over his chest, paying particular attention to the area of his pecs, what produced a similar effect to what it would have on someone who had nipples.
All of this made Helios clench his teeth, twitch his tail and curl his toes.
"Dammit..." Helios said, taking in once more just how much Drago loved to tease.
"Had enough?" Drago said in a smug tune, making Helios look at him.
The predatory smirk he gave to Drago would give chills to a shark.
"Yes, I had..." Helios said, his hands finally moving to grab Drago by the shoulders. "Now it's your turn."
With this, the tables turned, and now it was Helios turn to tease the red dragonoid.
Yes, Drago love teasing. Just as much as he loved being teased. So, Helios made sure to do a good job teasing the red dragon. Starting with a deep tongue-kiss on the lips, sending his tongue so deep into Drago's mouth that he almost could feel his tonsils. Drago was surprised, but he didn't resisted, and only melted into the kiss, while Helios aggressively explored his mouth with his tongue and wrestled Drago's own tongue into complete submission.
By the time they broke the kiss, a strand of saliva connected their mouths, glistening in the light of the candles. Helios didn't wasted time, and he immediately went into licking, kissing and suckling on Drago's neck. He had long memorized all of the most sensitive points on Drago's body, all of his buttons, including the ones on his neck, and he made sure to attack each one of them on the right order.
In less than a minute, Drago was reduce to a shivering, moaning mess as his cock now completely hard and out of his slit, and it even started to leak pre right into the silk. This, of course, did not escaped Helios.
The dark dragonoid continued to kiss his boyfriend's neck, while one of his hands moved from Drago's shoulder and into his chest. His fingers brushed over Drago's chest gem, making Drago gasp and shiver as those sharp claws touched his gem just the right way, before they
continued moving down, until snaking their way into Drago's panties, and his fingers curled around Drago's cock, before he started to slowly move up and down on it.
Drago moaned loudly as Helios teased him in all the right ways, sucking on his neck and stroking his cock on the perfect pattern to drive him completely crazy with desire.
"H-Helios..." Drago said, between moans. "I-I think this is e-e-enough... I-I think we can m-move forward now."
"Oh?" Helios said, giving a particularly hard suckle on Drago's neck, leaving behind a hickey.
"Y-yeah... I-I think this is enough teasing."
"Is it?" Helios said, "I'm not sure."
"Come on Heeeeeeelios!" Drago said, his voice suddenly getting a little pitched, when Helios gently bit and chewed on Drago's neck, just in the perfect way to cause pleasure without causing any damage or pain. Helios learned to do that on the years he and Drago had been together.
And he made sure to take care of the scratches on Drago's neck on the first time they tried, apologizing profusely as he cleaned the blood that leaked from the small punctures his teeth made.
"You say that you want to move forward." Helios said, licking on the place where he had just been biting. "But... I still haven't heard a 'please'."
"Come Helios." Drago complained, only for Helios to suckle on his neck again as he tried to say, "Do you really want meeeeeeeeee..."
Drago was shivering, his cock was hard and leaking pre, while Helios gently touched into it with the tips of his claws, very gently inserting the tip of one of them into his piss slit, what only added to the feeling that Drago was having at that moment.
"O-oh... Light Mother!" Drago said, and Helios then licked Drago's neck all the way up to his earhole, before whispering:
"Say 'please'."
Drago knew that, if he didn't, Helios would just continue tormenting him. He knew it from the years they have been together now.
He knew what Helios wanted, and so, he did.
"D-darling..." Drago said, his voice shaking from the pleasure and desire coursing through his body. "Please... Please, enough teasing. Let's get into business already! Please, I am so needy! I need you and your cock! Please, I am gonna go mad if you don't let me have your cock! I feel so slutty right now! Please, darling, pleeeeeeaaase!"
It was overly dramatic, and the way he spoke made Drago sound just like a slut. Helios chuckled, and he finally stopped teasing Drago, as he used both hands to hold the red Bakugan's face, and gave him a long kiss on the lips.
Drago returned the kiss, and soon, they were both moaning as they kissed.
"You know how this goes." Helios said to Drago between kissing and panting. "Get me ready, my love."
Drago knew what that meant.
He kissed Helios mouth, then moving to kiss his neck, and then his chest, and then his stomach, until he was kneeling on the ground before Helios, who was sitting on the bed. The front of his underwear was tenting obscenely, and Drago wasted no time into grabbing the waistband and pulling it down, letting his boyfriend's cock spring free and nearly hit him square in the nose.
Helios was hung, even for a dragonoid. Of course, Drago was not small himself, by any means, but even his own penis seemed small when compared to that monster of a cock Helios packed between his legs.
Drago looked at that massive member standing before him, before he got to work.
He started with a kiss right on the tip, which immediately leaked pre, staining Drago's lips. He then proceeded to start licking it, first swirling his tongue over the spear-like head of the member, and then licking it from bottom to top in slow, deliberate laps. Finally, after nearly five minutes of this, Drago took the tip of the big cock into his mouth, minding his sharp teeth, and gently sucked.
All the while, Helios purred from pleasure as the red dragonoid serviced his cock just the way he loved it the most. Drago also learned all the things that Helios liked the most, including on how to service his cock. No surprise, considering that, in their sex life, Drago was often the one being submissive. He tried topping occasionally, but he was not very good at it. Surprising, for someone highly complimented by others for his leadership skills. Drago was definitely better as a sub than as a dom.
"That's it." Helios purred, as Drago started to suck on his tip. "That's it. Suck it like that. That's a good Bakugan." Helios said, gently caressing Drago's head with his hand. Drago purred himself, and started to suck on a bit harder, as he started to really go down on it.
It was a slow process, but it evolved. Helios liked to take it slow before going down on business, and Drago had long learned that. So, he made it slow, to bring the most pleasure to his dear boyfriend, not feeling offended or demeaned by his words, but rather encouraged by them.
The bedroom filled with the wet sounds of slurping and sucking, as Drago sucked the cock of his boyfriend, taking more and more of it into his mouth, as he bobbed his head up and down into it with enthusiasm. Helios was not silent as way, as he kept saying encouraging words to his dear Drago, as he petted his head and said how good he was at servicing him. Occasionally Helios also let out a dirty word or two, as he called Drago a "cockslut" and a "cum-hungry bitch", all of which only encouraged Drago to take in more and more of his cock.
Drago didn't even gagged as he took in nearly the entire dick on his mouth, as he had sucked it enough times in the past that he learned to have so much control over his gag reflex that it was nearly as if he could switch it off at will. So, he was able to take the entire thing into his mouth, the tip of it entering his throat as his nose bumped into the genital scales of Helios' slit, much to the dark dragonoid's pleasure and satisfaction.
"That's it, you slut." Helios said, still patting Drago's head like he would a pet's "Take all of this tasty dragonoid dick. You love it, don't you? That's it, suck just like that. A bit more tongue. Oh yeeaaaah, that's the stuff. Good slut. Such a gooooood slut."
Drago moaned as he heard those words and sucked on the cock of his boyfriend. All the time, his other hand was stroking his own cock, which leaked copious amounts of pre as he masturbated furiously as he sucked on Helios. It was clear that he was taking as much pleasure from this as Helios was.
And Helios was enjoying that alright.
Nothing beat the feeling of having Drago sucking his cock. His boyfriend's mouth was just so good around his dick. It was wet, warm, and Drago had learned to please his cock like a pro on the time they had been dating. In fact, Drago was so good that Helios saw himself forced to think of things that turned him off, otherwise the sheer pleasure he was having at the moment would have made him blow his load three times already, and Helios wanted that pleasure to last as long as possible.
Luckily, he learned how to turn himself off just enough so he would not blow his load too soon. Just as he had learned to recognize then Drago was about to blow his load as well. And he was able to recognize it, as he heard he frantic moaning coming from Drago as he desperately sucked on his cock and masturbated furiously.
Drago could blow his load at any moment from his own masturbation, and that was something that did not fit well with Helios.
If Drago was going to cum, Helios wanted it to be because of him.
"Okay, that's enough." Helios said, pulling his cock out of Drago's mouth. His prick was now cover in a mix of saliva, spit and throat-slime, making it glisten under the light of the candles. The same mixture trickled down Drago's lips and chin as he looked up at Helios, who smiled down at him.
"I think it is time for us to go the main event of the night." Helios said with a sensual smile at his boyfriend, that any other Bakugan would thought was predatory.
Drago knew exactly what Helios meant, and he would be lying if he said he didn't looked forward to it.
Getting up, Drago removed his panties, slowly sliding them down his legs, stepping out of it as he looked at his boyfriend, who looked back at him with that smile.
"Still a tease, huh?" Helios said, as Drago smiled back at him, and tossed the panties to him. Helios snatched them in mid-air, taking them to his nose and taking a deep sniff on them. Just a few minutes on Drago's body, and the panties already got impregnated with his scent. Dragonoid musk was a potent thing.
Soon, his attention moved away from the panties, as the actual source of the musk started to climb into the bed, making Helios scoot over as Drago climbed into his lap and placed his hands on Helios' shoulders.
Helios leaned forward, kissing Drago on the lips once more. He could taste his own cock on Drago's mind as they made out sloppily, drooling into each other's faces as they tongue-kissed
hard and deep. Drago moaned on his mouth as Helios grabbed his bare ass and spread his cheeks apart, enough for him to thrust his cock in between them.
Drago moaned louder as he felt that member being sandwiched between his ass-cheeks, and rubbed up and down his crack. Helios enjoyed doing that, and he also enjoyed how that made Drago all squirmy into his lap, before he finally thrust upward, into Drago's tailhole.
And missed.
He thrusted up again only to miss again. And he did it once more, and then again. He was thrusting all over Drago's butt, but not once hitting his tailhole.
After nearly two minutes of this, Drago groaned, pulling back from the kiss and looking at his boyfriend.
Helios gave him a sly smirk, which told Drago what he already knew; Helios was doing that on purpose.
Well, Drago had enough of this.
Leaning back, Drago reached out of his own hands and felt around his butt, until he was able to take a hold of Helios' penis.
He gave him a hard squeeze on the head, nearly a pinch, to punish him for teasing like that. Helios did gave a yelp, but he didn't lost his erection on any way. Good, because Drago didn't wanted him to go down now.
Drago used his hands to guide the cock right into his tailhole, until he could feel the slick tip of it pressing into his backdoor. From there, all Drago had to do was sit back, and he felt the tip pressing harder into his tailhole, until it slipped in.
Drago let out a hiss of surprise, like he always did when he was penetrated, before he started to slowly move himself down, sitting more into the cock and sending a bit more of it inside of his tailhole. At some point, he stopped, and he started to raise himself from the penis, until only the tip was inside his tailhole, before he sat on again, sending more of the cock into his tailhole. Then he repeated it again, and again, ridding Helios' cock.
Helios had been watching it all without doing nothing other than enjoying himself. He assumed that he better let Drago take charge for now while he sat back and enjoyed. He nearly got cross-eyed when he felt his cock entering his boyfriend's butt. He was still amazed at how, even after all those nights in a row that they had sex, and how hard they had sex nearly every night, Drago's tailhole somehow remained as tight as a virgin's.
For a while, the two remained like that, with Drago doing all the work while Helios simply looked at him. Drago achieved a rhythm in which it was great for the two of them. He continued to move himself up and down Helios' cock, sending more and more of it inside himself each time he went down, until he had half of it going in and out of him each time he moved himself up and down on his boyfriend's lap.
This, of course, was enjoyable for the two of them. Helios was happily purring as he felt those tight, soft and velvety anal muscles clamping around his member, massaging it in the perfect way that made him think that Drago's tailhole had been made just for him. Drago was a bit more vocal with his pleasure, as he moaned pretty loudly as he moved himself up and down his boyfriend's tailhole, enjoying the feeling of that big member going in and out of his body,
occasionally brushing against his prostate and making his cock jump and shot pre into Helios' stomach.
Helios was okay with that for a while, especially as Drago started to speed up, and he got to watch as Drago bounced on his lap, his own cock bouncing up and down and slapping on his own stomach as he moaned louder and more slutty as he fucked himself on his boyfriend's cock. However, Helios was not the kind who would let others do all the work for him. He was a Bakugan who liked to be in charge and take action.
"Come here you." Helios said, as his hands grabbed Drago's butt, and forced it down on his cock at the same time he thrusted upwards. At this moment, Drago's rear and Helios' slit touched, as Helios bottomed into his boyfriend. Drago gasped and arched his back, his mouth open in a silent scream, not of pain, but of delight. He shuddered as he felt the entirety of Helios' endowment inside of him.
Helios didn't relented though, and he pulled his cock back, only to send it up Drago's ass once more.
Helios was the one in charge now, and he made sure to fuck Drago the way he knew the red dragonoid liked: hard and deep.
Drago soon was reducing to a moaning mess as Helios fucked him hard, forcing him to bounce on his cock to meet with his thrusts. Each thrusts was carefully aimed at Drago's prostate, which's location Helios now knew from heart, and caused Drago's brain to drown on signals of pure pleasure that shoot all the way from his tailhole up his spine and into his skull.
Drago's cock bounced into his stomach now with the rhythm of the fucking, smearing pre all over it and making it splatter into Helios as well. The fact that it was leaking a generous amount of pre due to all the pleasure that Drago was experiencing meant it was making quite a mess.
Too much of a mess to Helios' taste.
Helios grabbed Drago by the shoulders, flipping Drago and himself into the bed, forcing the red dragonoid with his back on the bed, while Helios now was on top of him.
Drago was surprised, and he looked up at Helios, who looked back at him with that predatory, hungry look. Then, Helios started pounding.
It had started out as slow and romantic. However, now it was no longer either of those things. It was hard, rough, laced with animalistic need. Helios held Drago down on the bed by the wrists, pinning him on the mattress, as he went to town on his tailhole, fucking his ass so hard and fast that it caused the bed to rock back and forth beneath them, scrapping the ground.
They were like two beasts having sex.
And Drago loved it.
He loved how his boyfriend took full control and was pining him down and fucking him like there was no tomorrow.
He loved how powerless and vulnerable he felt, with his boyfriend using him to his heart's content while he seemed unable to do anything to stop him from having his way with him.
He loved how that big dick spread his ass, poked deep inside of him and jabbed straight into his prostate with each trust.
Drago loved the fact that the one doing all of that to him and causing him to have such exhilarating feelings was no other than his dear boyfriend Helios.
That's why Drago moaned. He moaned loud. He moaned in a needy and slutty way, as his legs quivered and his body convulsed with each thrust from his boyfriend. He moaned in pure ecstasy as all of his buttons were press on the right way by that big dick, making him feel in heaven. He moaned as loud and needy as someone on his position could.
He moaned so loud that the neighbors would hear and complain about it again, and they couldn't afford to let it happen again this month.
That was why Helios shut Drago up the best way he knew how.
He dove right into Drago's open mouth and took it into a surprise kiss. Drago's moaning immediately muffled, as Helios used his own mouth to quiet Drago down as he started to kiss him as deeply and passionately as he could during their lovemaking. Drago, of course, kissed him back, most out of reflex than on any actual feeling. Drago was too far gone to even consciously acknowledge he and Helios were making out. At least, until he felt his tongue wrestled into submission by Helios', right before his boyfriend sucked into it.
The room sill resounded with the sounds of muffled moaning and rough lovemaking. The slicky sound of a wet cock driving itself in and out of a tailhole and of tongues dancing, punctuated by the *plap-plap-plap* of their scaly hips smacking together as they had wild Valentine's sex.
It was a symphony of the love of two dragonoids.
The bed rocked and creaked under them as they continued to rut in lust-fueled fury. However, it was not going to break. They had made sure to buy a very sturdy bedframe after they broke the fifth. Still, even that sturdy frame was put to the test with the intensity with which they made love.
Their tongues danced together as Helios' sent his cock into Drago's prostate again and again, and they moaned on each other's mouths as they lost themselves on their act and on each other.
They felt like in heaven. Like in Bakugan Nirvana. They wished that it could last forever so they could always share that beautiful feeling with each other. However, everything must end at some point.
And that point come for the both of them.
Their fucking became frantic, they were breathing heavily through their nostrils as they moaned so loud that a neighbor could probably hear even though they were kissing so deeply that it was as if they were trying to swallow each other whole.
Helios' hips were a blur as he drove his cock into Drago's tailhole with the strength and speed of a pillow driver. Drago's legs were in the air, his tail and toes curling from the sheer feeling of intense pleasure as his boyfriend claimed him. His rational mind had pretty much shut down already, and he just basked in the feeling, while his own cock throbbed hard, letting it clear that his own orgasm would come at any moment now, just like Helios'.
Their orgasms came at the same time.
Drago cummed hard, his internal balls contracting as they emptied themselves from their precious seed. Pearly white cum erupted from Drago's cock, shooting into his stomach and chest, and going all the way up to his neck and chin, covering Drago on his own cum as he was milked by the cock ramming inside of him hard.
Helios also reached his orgasm, and he started ejaculating inside Drago's tailhole. Now, many Bakugan would have stopped thrusting on the moment they reached their orgasm, and would simply bury their members on their partner and unloaded into them. However, Helios was not one of those. He didn't relented or stopped as his orgasm started. He continued to ram his cock hard into Drago's ass with each wave of orgasm that he had. Each shot of cum out of his cock was one hard thrust deep into Drago's tailhole, ensuring that his fertile seed would go as far as it could into his partner, even if this partner was not able to get impregnated.
This granted that both of their orgasms would be draw for as long as they possibly could. Which was nearly three solid minutes. By the end of it, both of them had their internal balls completely drained. All cum previously on them now being all over Drago, as well as inside of his tailhole.
During the whole process, they had continued to kiss fervently. Now, as their orgasms subsided, the kiss became less savage, less needy, less heated.
Eventually, they broke the kiss, both letting out gasping pants as they came down from the intense orgasm that they shared.
They panted as they looked deeply into each other's eyes. The desire that burned on them during the lovemaking was gone. Taken away by the intense feeling of bliss. Now that they shared this afterglow, all that was left was the sweetness of two lovers.
They kissed again. This time it was not a needy kiss, but a tender one, as they took each other on the arms and hugged as they kissed like two teenagers in love.
By the time they finished kissing, they both simply fell on the bed, still with their arms around each other. Drago had his head nested on Helios' shoulder, a tired smile on his face.
"That was... wow..." Drago said, still somewhat breathless after such an intense lovemaking.
"Yeah, it was something." Helios agreed, as he gently held his boyfriend close. "I think it was even better than our New Year's sex. I definitely loved this year's Valentine."
"You loved because it ended in sex." Drago said to his boyfriend as he snuggled closer to him. "Which is probably why you went through all of the problem of getting a limo, taking me to movies, to dinner, to ice cream and to the pier. All so you could have some on bed, you horny bastard."
"Oh, come on, you hurt me when you talk like that." Helios said to Drago. "I mean, I really wanted to be romantic when I did all of that for you. It wasn't just to have sex. After all, we would have had sex anyway."
"You think so?" Drago said, now looking at Helios. "Do you think this would end in sex even if you had only taken me to a slummy bar to eat greasy cold fries and drink hot beer?"
"Maybe not." Helios said, shrugging. "But, we didn't did anything special yesterday, or the day before, and we still had some pretty wild sex. Just like we did nearly all nights from January 1st to yesterday."
Drago knew that he was right. They had sex nearly every night ever since the start of the year. And they also had a lot of sex during the previous year as well.
"We are both such hornballs." Drago said, once more sting his head on Helios shoulder, to which Helios fully agreed.
"So, since it would probably end in sex anyway, all the rest was optional. So I deserve some points, right?" Helios said, and Drago snuggled even closer to him.
"I loved everything you did today, it was all amazing." Drago said, and he looked up to Helios. "This was the best Valentine's ever. I love you Helios."
Helios looked down at Drago, and gently kissed his forehead.
"I love you too, Drago."
With this, the hugging couple of dragonoids cuddles in bed as they went to sleep. The room still smelling of sex and jasmine, as the still burning candles cast a soft glow on them.

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