Capítulo sem título 80

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Mewtwo grew bigger in her vat, metamorphosing every day. Six rubber hoses attached to the Pokémon's backside fed her Calcium, Protein, Iron, Zinc, and stat-boosting drugs designed specifically for her, so that over the course of six months, the 5'-tall female, who originally had the build of a lightweight runner, matured into a 7'-tall beast with a middleweight boxer's frame and stocky muscles. Sometimes, as needles recorded her psionic power on charts, the needles would jump off the charts, and her Caretaker Dr. Yu would get goosebumps, overawed.

No scientist in Rocket Labs was closer to Mewtwo than Dr. Yu, both physically and emotionally. The scientist rarely left the facility, preferring to sleep alongside Mewtwo's containment, so that she'd be by Mewtwo's side, should the Pokémon need anything.

One night, when the lights in the lab of Mewtwo went out, Dr. Yu pressed her palms against the containment and stared at the Mewtwo in the bubbling ocean of neon green.

Every day you grow into something even more beautiful, Dr. Yu thought. She slowly cocked her head, admiring the muscular breastplate naturally attached to Mewtwo's silver upper torso, her plump purplish-pink tail and her artificially-enhanced legs. To think, all Giovanni cares for is to watch you grow in this glass case and feed you, like a goldfish. She shook her head. You're long past due your delivery into the world.

Unlike the past several nights, a voice responded: one of pure psionic energy. {Dr. Yu, do you really think Giovanni will release me into your world with free will?} Mewtwo's eyes opened, and a whirlwind of foam fizzed around her. {He and the other scientists are building a suit to control me and will not release me until it's ready. I have read their minds: they keep secrets from you, just as they tried to keep secrets from me.} Mewtwo pressed her own hands to the glass, leaning forward. Beautifully strange eyes stared into the Caretaker's. Mewtwo's Psychic voice continued: {Either I release myself, or you release me with your own hands. You know I have the power to telekinetically punch in the code that will release me. But I am giving you the choice, Dr. I do this because you have been kind to me. Free me, and I will nurture you as you have nurtured me.}

You know I want nothing more than to flee with you, Mewtwo. But the security...

{The three legendary dogs of Johto which roam the Rocket hallways? Aye, I know of them. Do you think I haven't tried reaching out to the minds outside of this laboratory? Yes, I know that Giovanni has used specific sound frequencies to control the dogs. I also know that I am stronger than them, and I can show you. You will be surprised.}

Dr. Yu's eyes twinkled, but she remained stoic.

{Do you not trust me, Dr.?}

The Dr. went into the shadows, stepping over an orange-glowing control panel. She punched in a series of numbers. Subsequently, the juices of Mewtwo's containment drained out of the bottom of the vat, and one by one the hoses detached from Mewtwo's backside. The cylindrical glass slid down, and then out she stepped, medicinal liquids dripping from her legs and triple-toed feet. Her shiny, wet frame glistened wonderfully, and the Dr. ran to her and embraced her. With a hearty chuckle Mewtwo embraced her in return, kissed her. This was their first contact. This was the warmth that Mewtwo would keep by her side: her dear Caretaker's.

Stepping out of the lab-room, the two surveyed the corridors. Coast clear, they went right, and turned a couple of corners before encountering a couple of Rocket members who Mewtwo slammed against the walls and incapacitated. An alarm sounded. Dr. Yu cursed, realizing she had forgotten about the security cameras. She and Mewtwo scrambled through the labyrinth of lab-doors, before crossing paths with a ribbon-backed beast. Its silhouette became clearer, and the Dr. froze in her tracks. Suicune!

Sensing the Caretaker's worry, Mewtwo stalked toward the legendary dog with an air of composure. Smelling the dog, Mewtwo shuddered at the breast with delight, knowing that her immediate prey would soon be part of her.

Suicune was shaken, and couldn't move. Mewtwo spoke with telepathy: {What are you waiting for, Suicune? You've been programmed to stop me. Are you afraid?}

In response to the taunt, Suicune unleashed a mythical bark, flooding the hallways with rivers of awesome sound. Launching off her heels, the legendary dog galloped arrow-swift toward her opponent. Mewtwo, she simply smiled. Up came her palm, and thrust outward with the likeness of a martial artist's. Before it a wall of psy materialized, bursting open in a concussive boom, pinning Suicune against vertical steel with a howl of clanging metal.

Followed by a wail of her own: Gwooaroah!

Dr. Yu wowed. How effortlessly Mewtwo had immobilized Suicune. If the Dr.'s heart was not so pure, she would have envied Mewtwo's strength. What surprised her even more was what Mewtwo did next.

The powerful Psychic-type, pressing her palm to the dog's exposed underbelly, then clamped a dominant grip on Suicune. Her tightening squeeze was met by a mythic howling of pain, which rolled through the metal halls eerily to Mewtwo's effortless victory. Suddenly, Suicune's stomach sank, as a tightening sensation choked the legendary dog's frame. Involuntarily transferring her muscles to Mewtwo, her cyan skin sucked in, creating a gaunt, brittle and skeletal figure.

Ouururaaaaih! Gaarooauh!

Despite Suicune's cries for mercy, Mewtwo only moaned, siphoned more eagerly out of the demigod dog's form a pristinely icy blue aura, shepherding it through her arm to disperse it to every corner of her thirsting body. {So this is what your power tastes like!} The middleweight Mewtwo presently felt the boxer-esque muscles on her arms balloon bigger, becoming as strong as the limbs of a lean ursine. Not only that: her shoulders broadened, while the pecs of her natural breastplate puffed up, swelling larger to the expansion of her upper torso. A six pack of muscle chiseled her frame. Suicune continued to shrive, in the manner of a prune in the sun. Not only was she losing to Mewtwo muscle mass, but size too, and her Water skills and aspect too, and the breezing silver ribbons of her back, along with the cyan color of her fur and the violet of her ever-billowing mane. All these facets of Suicune became reassigned to Mewtwo's body. Briefly the ribbons emerged on Mewtwo's back, before soaking into her skin with a revitalizing sensation that fueled her growth. And the sky-blue hue of Suicune became the color of the hair now thickening upon the Psychic-type's broadening chest around her thickening neck, like a collar of blue, which by and by spread to grow between the cleft of her pecs to bestow upon her a rather bara appearance. More of that coarse, musky hair erupted across the Psychic type's arms, filling the crannies of her armpits. And then it typhooned down her legs, radiating heat and smelling of post-exercise sweat. Presently, the blue hue that initially colored this hair turned the purple of Mewtwo's tail, but darker than that. From the tip of Mewtwo's tail then sprouted and raced toward the tail's base a slew of bestial thorns.

A heavy pulse drummed her aroused body: the power of it all, Mewtwo could hardly contain it. Still, Suicune had not even yet been fully absorbed: yet, she was now very bony, compared to how she was before. Bringing her arm back home, Mewtwo shoved the last of the shrunken puppy between her hungry pecs. Her torso rippled and flexed, before consuming Suicune with a gulp similar to that of tar. In she went, and disappeared. Vibrations of strength pleasured Mewtwo, and she cascaded in growth, pulse by pulse climbing toward the new height of 12' tall.

Strangely enough, despite all of the testosterone absorbing Suicune had produced, Mewtwo felt calm and focused, for she had also absorbed Suicune's temperament. The Psychic-type flexed her muscles, purring softly while the Dr. gaped from afar and admired her. A thought Mewtwo caught running through the Caretaker's mind: she now has the body of a world champion boxer. Mewtwo agreed quietly. Every breath that left her chest now trembled with force, sending shivers over pecs tougher than concrete. {Do you see now what I am capable of, my dear Dr.?}

Breathtaken, Dr. Yu did not respond. The Mewtwo, now as tall as two people, started down the hallway again, and Ashely Yu hurried after her. They came upon another couple of pesky Rocket members, which Mewtwo subdued with psychic slams against the floor, but not before one of them hammered down one of the facility alarms.

Sirens blared through Rocket Labs. The lightning dog Raikou strode down the halls with purpose. A voice on the intercom said the coordinates of where the alarm had been pulled, leading him to a giant, bulb-tailed Psychic-type accompanied by a human. Wait—wasn't this Mewtwo—the Mewtwo Raikou had gotten a glimpse of months ago, from the door of the Pokémon's lab? Giovanni's secret project: Mewtwo had only been 5' back then... Ever since, she had more than doubled that size. She looked as though she had been weightlifting for twelve years straight—as though she could bench-press a fridge without breaking a sweat. Frightening, thought Raikou. Even more unsettling, Mewtwo did not try to flee Raikou, as intruders to the Rocket Labs always did; instead, she inhaled and swelled her belly. A breath attack?

Two could play that game. Raikou leapt back, ground up in his maw a ball of electricity. Before he could discharge the energy, though, Mewtwo purged her stomach, unleashing from her own maw a crashing beam of h20—Hydro Pump! The cold horizontal pillar bombarded Raikou, and then he was falling, drowning, gagging, all within a tenth of a second, then sliding across a flooding slab floor. Curling up weakly in the large pool of water, Raikou watched sparks pop off his form and sizzle on the floor around him, as the feet of the perpetrator stepped forward.

Mewtwo watched his majestic magenta cape recoil, like a scorpion's tail. Suddenly, it eructed several bolts of lightning, zapping her body. Mewtwo lit up like a bulb, gritting her teeth to every loud jolt of electricity. As part Water-type, the attack affected her worse. She shook her head, teleported, left the clutches of electricity. Behind the Raikou she stepped into being, wrapping her arms around the lightning dog's belly, pulling him into anthro erectness. {Hmmmm! Another of the dogs to become a part of me... Why don't you join your sister?}

Although Raikou kicked and twisted, he couldn't free himself of the juiced Mewtwo's hold; the Psychic-type's stomach lost some of its consistency, became grey matter that sprung out in tentacles around Raikou and straight-jacketed him, causing splashes of gooey substance. Greedily, the tentacles pulled Raikou in, devouring him.

Raikou was distracted in his struggles. Mewtwo couldn't have known Hydro Pump as a Water-type, could she? Then what Mewtwo said after he had wondered this confirmed his worst fear. The Pokémon had absorbed his sweet sister, just as she intended to do to him now. The will to fight, as subtly as a breeze whispering through a tree-branch, slowly left Raikou. The cape of his back plunged into the Psychic menace, who he heard moan, as electrical crackles cascaded over her frame, which had begun to... bulk up? Mother of Arceus...

Mewtwo moaned as the muscle of her torso leveled up again, pulling the little electrical dog into her with increasing ease. Under her original pair of arms sprouted a second pair of arms. Within her Raikou's muscle mass began to pour out into her body, starving his frame, while making her new pair of arms only appear more and more well-fed. To the intensifying crackles of her body, a second layer of hair scrubbed across her chest, arms and legs, gold this time. Quickly it lost this hue and, like the rest of her hair, turned a dark purple.

As Mewtwo stole away at Raikou and obtained more height, strength, and body hair, she also felt an electrifyingly stimulating sensation flood her loins. A gasp fell out of her. The once barren mound between her legs wobbled then rent apart in the middle, before two fat pussy lips bloomed, gaping and dribbling rabidly with the absorbed energies of the legendary dogs, colored respectively with the absorbed one's auras.

Dark purple spines grew up along Mewtwo's spine. These complementing the spines that had grown along her tail from absorbing Suicune. The adrenaline rush of power she was absorbing was complemented by her pulses of growth to the height of 17'.

The last of the Raikou was slurped away into Mewtwo's chest. Mewtwo sighed happily, her voice deepened by her growth resonating darkly through the facility. About her now radiated both Raikou and Suicune's auras, lightning gold and river blue.

Dr. Yu remarked, You grow so fast... How exciting. She ran up to the Psychic-type and hugged her leg, loving the warmth and the canyons of muscle coursing over it.

Chuckling telepathically, Mewtwo clutched her Caretaker, with one of her four hands, around the waist, and lifted her to eye level. {Here, Ashely, have a taste...}

The powers of the legendary dogs funneled out of Mewtwo into the human. Ashely Yu's breasts juddered to a soft moan. Suddenly, the flaps of her labcoat tightened and the buttons holding them together began to plead. As her form slowly opened Mewtwo's grasp, the buttons then popped away in marching succession. Coat sleeves tightened then shredded. Bulging muscles ate their way out of pima cotton. From fabric on her backside, splitting like webs of saliva, monstrous magenta thorns reared up and shined, skinned with scales tough as calluses. The Dr. grew from her original height to 7' tall.

This feeling... The Dr. had never been so aroused. What an incredible rush of adrenaline, weight of excess divine energy... What kept her from becoming overly power-hungry was her pure heart.

Mewtwo laughed mentally. {Enjoying yourself, I take?}

{{Absolutely, dear...}}

When Ashely Yu answered, her answer wasn't merely read; it echoed telepathically to Mewtwo. {{Have I developed psychic powers?}} To think: the power of two of the legendary dogs coursed through her... and some of Mewtwo's own abilities. She now had the muscles of a sailor who frequented working the deck. Flexing them, she felt her biceps burst away even more of her labcoat. {{I could get used to this, actually...}} With a beastly hand she ripped away her remaining clothes.

{That's what I like to hear. Get used to this, my dear. You'll be experiencing more changes as the day wears on...}

Mewtwo placed the Dr. on her shoulder. She tromped to the end of the hall, where a gridding of lasers barricaded the exit. Unimpressed by the Rockets' attempt to seal her and the Dr. in, the Psychic-type conjured in her hand a ball of thunder and chucked it at the power box stamped above the door. Sparks! Explosions! Fading out with a deepening tone of malfunction, the alert system shut off. The overhead lighting was replaced by that of emergency light fixtures.

Mewtwo progressed into the third hallway. Coming her way was a handsomely fiery dog, who wore a triple-pronged crown of gold above a fork of silver resembling a mustachio. His mane: long tufts of sheenly brown. His legs: banded with iron. His back: a silver volcano eruption from which a grey smog forever billowed.

{How shall I absorb this one?} Mewtwo wondered.

Her Caretaker responded, {{I heard Entei tastes spicy...}}

With a feline lick of her lips, Mewtwo nodded.

The air was crackling with energy both electric and psionic, prickling Entei's fur. He turned a corner, and there trudged, down the ominously lit hallway, the heavyweight 17'-tall Psychic-type. The mere presence of the statically-charged Pokémon caused Entei's fur to stand in threatful fright. The musculature bouncing and groaning atop the abominable, unnaturally herculean creature... shiver.

If allowed the first strike, that... thing will be the end of me, thought Entei. He moved back a couple of steps before bowing his head, taking a deep mountain breath. He then thrust his head like a shaggy dog drying off, spewing from his mouth a blast of fire in the shape of an asterisk: Fire Blast!

Sure, Mewtwo could have easily quenched that pathetic excuse of an attack from the "molten retriever" with a Hydro Pump. Why waste the power he expelled, though? When the blast gushed toward her Mewtwo yawned her jaws, greedily sucking up the fire intended to harm her in a spiralling inhale! If Entei wasn't spicy, his attack sure was; it tasted delicious. Blazing fires swelled her belly for a brief moment, only to be converted into more monstrous musculature that dispersed over her elephantine form. Letting out a lustful moan, Mewtwo underwent yet another growth spurt, rising up to 18' tall in height. She pumped her biceps, in which the gaseous heat was now being converted into boulder-like muscle. The same was happening all down her calves, shins, chest, abs. Hearing her stomach grumble in satisfaction, she heaved out a burp of flames that tasted of charcoal, then proceeded approaching Entei.

{Why, thank you for the sample. Now, I think I will be having the full course—you.}

Before Entei could act, Mewtwo Teleported to him. She glowered down at him with hunger sparkling in her eyes. Lower arms, then upper arms lifted Entei to the toothless maw of the beast's silver snout. The next instant, his world was flesh, drool, and an eerie, all-pervading heat that not even he could enjoy.

Swallowing the "molten retriever" down gulp by gulp, Mewtwo tasted his succulently smoky hide and the power pulsating beneath it. She soon watched his billowing smoke tail slide down her gullet... heard the noisy slurp of the whole canine falling to her shutting jaws, the nauseous burbles of her gut the dog had plopped into and filled. {Quick work I made of you, mince meat!} As the dog struggled within her stomach she merely expelled out a taunting belch of fire, rubbing over the shape of Entei as he slowly melted away (the irony—the fire molten dog being made into a molten liquid), and became muscle mass for his better.

Already, Entei's form was breaking down into a great helping of protein, which would bubble inside of Mewtwo's abdomen before nurturing the Psychic queen.

{Hmmm... do you feel that, Ashely?}

{{Yes, my love; you are growing again...}}

Mewtwo stretched her arms to flex to admire the new muscles blooming. Consequently, her ballooning arms collided with the walls of the hallway, ravaging steel, busting pipes, causing bursts of steam and electric stars. Out of the Mewtwo's chest (she was growing to 18', 19', 20' tall now), there erupted a deepening, masculine groan which reverberated hellishly through the halls, and sent to the ears of Rocket scientists farther down the sound of some newborn leviathan. Of course, she sensed them fleeing... {Yes, run from me, imbeciles. Run from us. You have no chains on us any longer.}

And with good reason, the Rocket scientists feared her. Every second, the fiery essence of Entei pumped her with thousands of crunches worth of ab muscle, thousands of bench-presses worth of arm muscle. Veins popped and strained along the inhumanly massive mounds of protein on her arms. So fervidly Mewtwo grew, her quaking form threatened to outgrow the hallway's limits. Mewtwo, not yet aware of the repercussions of that on her body, clumsily stomped out of the thoroughfare as fast as she could. She entered a cylindrical room centered with a two pillars of electricity: the normal generator (which was currently dormant), and the backup one (which was whirring now). However, the hulking Psychic-type, so occupied with her ongoing transformation, staggered around the room without taking notice of either generator.


A roar the size of ten Tyranitars rattled Rocket Facility: glass beacons shattered and tables upturned themselves, and chairs too, along with those occupying the chairs, all throughout the Labs. Two draconic, dark purple horns split out of the sides of Mewtwo's skull, shaped like a Houndoom's. In addition to this modification of her head, there—a new mass was forming adjacent to her head, shoving the head aside, wedging itself between the same pair of shoulders—a second head. The hellish thing grew into being, growling, and with its growth it grew horns identical to the first head's.

Both of these heads' mouths suddenly grew sharp white prickles, which sprouted into full-blown sickles: fangs more fierce than any of the legendary dogs' had ever been. Fires of lust leapt from the Mewtwo's maws; and, telepathically communicating with one another, the heads agreed that more power—much more power—was needed. And so did Dr. Yu—granted, her agreement was more a fancy of fascination than one of sheer power-lust: a way in which she could share pleasure with her dear Pokémon.

Mewtwo's four eyes phased to the two electrical towers. Wild grins formed upon her two pairs of lips. She carried herself to the towers, clutched the backup tower in her upper arms, grumbled thunderously. The structure quivered, quaked, budged. Cords of muscles all along her trapezius muscles, and hulking peninsulas of strength all along her arms, they now shuddered like a boiling cauldron's overheated stew. From the bases of towers being uprooted, ropes of digital sinew smoked and sparked and ripped and taur, preceding blurts of electrical fire. This tower, Mewtwo squeezed, as one might a Pokémonster Energy Drink. The electricity poured in forks of energy from the top of the tower into her right head's thirsty mouth. As energy flooded into her, her Raikou genetics harvested it, furthering her size. She was still growing when she crushed this tower like a can, then uprooted and guzzled down the wattage of the original. She surged in growth with no policing to her power conquest whatsoever.

A red dome rose way over the forestry sweeping over Mt. Moon's rugged flesh, capping the Rocket Laboratory's main one-story body. One of the Rocket members patrolling the premises with a partner noticed the dome's tiles jetting up in little geysers of debris. Cracks upon the top of the shell formed.

"Yo, you think we should report that to Giovanni?"

"Aye, let me roll some footage."

One of the rockets filmed. A few seconds into the movie, the roof, like a meteorite, shattered in a horrifically cosmic manner, and out of the Labs poured disgruntling psionic waves of sound. Up out of the smoking top of the Labs then rose two shadowed, horned heads, which slowly scaled upward to reveal silver pecs that could have crushed an adult Dragonite between themselves.

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