Yu Fang's Suspicion

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As they searched the conference room, Yu Fang held Nathan's hand tightly, her eyes fixed on Elliot.

She had been watching him for a while now, and she didn't like the way he was talking to each of her family members. He was too nice, too friendly, and it seemed like he was trying to get something from them.

When he talked to her uncle, Richard, he was all serious and concerned, asking about his well-being and offering help.

But when he talked to her father, Raymond, he was all jokes and laughter, teasing him about his age.

And when he talked to her grandma, Meng Qi, he was all respectful and deferential, calling her "Auntie" and asking for her advice.

With Nathan's mom, Catherine, he was all sympathetic and understanding, asking about her worries and fears.

And with Nathan's sister, Natalie, he was all playful and teasing, making her laugh and smile.

But when he approached her aunt, Deborah, he was all gentle and soothing, asking about her concerns and offering reassurance. And when he talked to Nathan, he was all friendly and familiar, like they were old friends.

As Elliot continued to interact with the other family members, Yu Fang's mind began to wander.

She started to daydream, imagining a scenario.......

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