21. Returning Friends and New Ones

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                              Sasha's POV

I had been with papa in the village for but less than a few days and we already have more than a hundred subordinates. I even managed to impress papa with mom's help. Now I have been asked to name some of the goblins with papa. But he said he would go first to show me how it's done.

Rimuru- "You will be Gobta and you will be Rigurd, and you will be Rigur. You will be Gobichi and you will be Gobemon and lastly you will be Gobzo. We will have Rigurd lead the goblins for now as the goblin lord. You direwolf alpha will for your unwillingness to surrender after I asked the first time be removed from your pack and need to make a new one. Your son will lead the pack now. For while you are gone to get a new pack I shall bestow you the name of Urushifu. I hope to welcome you back with your new pack."

Urushifu- "I will not fail you master I will bring back a stronger pack than I brought before with more members and I thank you for this name you have bestowed upon me."

After that he left the village to grab new pack members. I am going to miss him just like I believed his son will. Father told me I should name him last and give him the name of Ranga. The others he said I can name as I wish. So I did just that and it took a while until I got to him.

Sasha- "So it's just you guys now huh. Well first you shall be known as Ranga."

After that I started to feel like someone had turned off the lights and my energy was drained. I didn't even get to finish naming the rest of the pack. I'll continue it when I'm done napping I guess.

                           Rimuru POV

After Sasha had experienced her first naming spree, I intentionally didn't tell her the full consequences of naming so she would remember it better. I hope she doesn't get made at me for it. Still I need her to do this or my people like the goblins and direwolves will get my blessing and go down a different evolutionary path. I secretly asked Veldora to give Sasha his blessing so she would pass it down to them like I did before. My blessing would cause them to evolve differently in an unpredictable way. Doing so this early in the timeline could cause changes I can't predict yet so I held back for now. I had the goblinas take care of her as she recovered with Veldora's help. I will do something else in the three days she is asleep. One of those being visit dwargon but that is second. First I'll get one of my patrons back to full strength before their awakening.

Rimuru- "Come demon of the white lineage for I offer you a body to inhabit and power to surpass your old self. Heed my call and your long lost and dead friend Blanch will be brought back before your eyes."

After that as I predict she appeared before me. She was however not in a good mood.

Blanc- "What do you mean you can bring back Blanch. She has been dead for decades already. Her soul would have long since been sent to the cycle of reincarnation. If you are lying to me I'll devour your soul and torture you for an eternity."

Rimuru- "That would have happened if I didn't send one of my subordinates to collect her soul and body after you left so I could do just that or are you saying you don't recognize this very soul."

After I said that I showed her the very soul of her first friend she lost so long ago.

Rimuru- "Unfortunately her original body was damaged after you used it so I will have to make her a new one most likely. I however don't like to force people to come back to life so I will ask her first before I even finish this contract with you. I will however give you a name first. You shall be Testarossa from now on."

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