when the body washed up on the shore of desire
1. it was dead already
2. it was all ready to be consumed by the mouth
with one teeth and two tongues
3. it was wrapped in farewell browns
up till its white paunch which was a pillow
made of crumpled shawls pashmina kashmira pashmina
4. it was a white tree with black notes of music
that couldn't be sung because it was a lifelong song
already begun in another mouth
5. its feet were long and fair and a mole danced there
like a mosquito squashed on the crinkles of the sole
and a want to be its suck its succor its sugar
6. it fell in heaves of vodka like a thin film of drunk
lipspit splitlip lispit into a hazehid onceview night
in slur say fri...end hear only ...end
7. it moved like monday in jeans like clock in skirt
like lampshade in shorts liked edged lace in stockings
like pressed grass in a crowd where an eye was on each hand
and each hand was in a sorry grab
8. it danced as a forest fire caramelizing already brown flowers
felling nests into nests where everything was laid bare
and white only drunk it could melt into a flame in the corner
wisps of thumkas jhumkas lachaks mataks khasaks roomkeys
9. it was frozen in unawareness it was downloaded into my body
as hot heart poured white over it pouring boring poring
10. it brought with it the last bucktoothy commandment which lisped
you shall want it because you shall have it and the want lasts
~ ajay