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Chapter 281 Su Duidui online fortune telling 2 Chapter 281 Su Duidui online fortune telling 2
Wang Yuanliang angrily clicked on Su Duidui’s reply, and then saw——
[Su Duidui online fortune-telling: If you don't go back, your mother will be beyond help. I've called 120 for you, remember to go to the hospital to pay.]

When Wang Yuanliang saw this, he couldn't help but shudder.

He thought of his old mother at home, who was very old and had a face full of wrinkles, and the two emotions in his heart were finally awakened a little.

He didn't even bother to turn off the computer and just ran out.

After running out of the Internet cafe, Wang Yuanliang was blown by the cold night wind and suddenly felt like an idiot.

He actually believed what a stranger said on the Internet!

Because of what the other party said, I planned to go home and take a look!

He subconsciously stopped and turned around to go back to the Internet cafe, but suddenly saw a woman walking with a child on the side of the road.

He looked at the mother and son and suddenly remembered his childhood.

When he was a child, his mother often pulled him along.

Especially when he was crossing the road, his mother was always particularly worried and kept holding his little hand nervously.

Later, when he grew up, he always liked to run outside. His mother was worried about him and kept nagging him.

He became annoyed after hearing it so many times, and also felt that his parents were incompetent. They were not like other parents who could earn a large fortune and leave it to their sons.

Then, he remembered that today, he snatched the salary his mother had just received, pushed her several times, and then ran away. He didn't know what happened to her.

Thinking of what Su Duidui said, Wang Yuanliang finally got scared.

He gritted his teeth and decided to go back home.

He just ran while cursing in his heart. He would go back to check. If Su Duidui dared to lie to him, he would curse her to death online!
Wang Yuanliang ran all the way back home, panting, and then subconsciously banged on the door: "Open the door, I'm back."

No one in the room answered.

Wang Yuanliang knocked a few more times, but still no one came.

Not only that, when I looked through the peephole, the room was pitch black.

Wang Yuanliang felt a little uneasy for a moment, but he quickly remembered that his mother was very thrifty and would not turn on the lights at night unless necessary.

The lights should be off at this moment.

Maybe she's already asleep.

Wang Yuanliang silently comforted himself and took out the key to open the security door.

Walked in.

The room was quiet, as if no one was there.

"Mom! I'm back!"

Wang Yuanliang shouted again, but still no one responded.

He suddenly became uneasy and subconsciously shone the light of his mobile phone around while touching the switch on the wall.

Before he could touch the switch, he suddenly saw a large dark shadow beside the dining table, as if someone was lying there.

He was immediately frightened.

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