011: just for the sake of it

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YESEUL'S STEPS quickened as she made her way to the lecture hall, her mind racing with questions

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YESEUL'S STEPS quickened as she made her way to the lecture hall, her mind racing with questions. She could still feel the heat of Heeseung's gaze lingering on her skin, the way his words had sent a shiver down her spine. But what bothered her most was the change in his behaviour.

Just two days ago, Heeseung had barely acknowledged her. If anything, he seemed annoyed by her presence, especially whenever she was around with Sunghoon. He clearly didn't like how well she got along with his brother, and he hadn't bothered to hide it. She could still remember the way his jaw had tightened everytime he saw them together, the way he'd look at her with something almost like...irritation?

But now, it was like a switch had been flipped. Heeseung was acting differently- closer, more intense like he was trying to get under her skin on purpose. Yeseul frowned, her thoughts swirling in confusion. What had changed?

She slid into her seat at the back of the lecture hall, dropping her camera bag onto the floor. The room was still half-empty, students trickling in slowly as they chatted and laughed among themselves. Yeseul had barely noticed them, still occupied by his words.

"Do you always hide behind your camera or is it just around me?"

The question echoed in her head, each replay added to her frustration. What did he even mean by that? Was he accusing her of being afraid of him? Or was it something else?

She let out a huff of annoyance, shaking her head as if to clear her thoughts. No, she wasn't going to let Heeseung get to her. She had too much on her plate already. The exhibition wasn't far away, and she still had a lot of photos to sort through. And then there was the Freshers' Party, which she wasn't looking forward to but couldn't back out either. Not after agreeing to Sunghoon's invitation.

Sunghoon. The thought of Heeseung's brother brought a small smile to her lips. He was surprisingly easy to get along with, friendly, and surprisingly, funny once you get to know him. They'd hit it off right away, and she'd found herself genuinely enjoying his company. But she hadn't expected it to cause such a reaction from Heeseung. It was almost as if he were...jealous?

Yeseul scoffed at the idea. No, that couldn't be it. He didn't care about her like that. They barely knew each other, and he had never shown any interest in her before. Besides, he was always surrounded by people- popular, charismatic, the kind of guy everyone wanted to be around. Why would he care about her, his rival, out of all people?

Yet, the more she thought about it, the more she realized how strange it was. He had never spoken to her like that before, so direct and...personal. It was almost as if he was challenging her, trying to get a reaction.

The lecture started, the professor's voice cut through her thoughts, but she couldn't focus. She kept replaying the scene in her mind, trying to make sense of it all. She'd never been good at understanding people, especially not guys like Heeseung. He were a mystery, an enigma she had no interest in solving. And, yet, here she was, caught up in his words, his actions, unable to let it go.

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