Chapter 2: The Roommate Reveal

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The line for dorm registration was long, and the air buzzed with excitement. Freshmen juggled papers and IDs, eyes wide with anticipation as they glanced around the bustling courtyard. The registration table was managed by a stern-looking woman in her late 50s, glasses perched low on her nose. She scrutinized each student.

The woman’s keen eyes darting over the students’ forms, occasionally sighing in disapproval at the slightest error. The chatter of excited voices filled the air—students discussing their majors, schedules, and first impressions of college life.

Nearby, the sound of high-pitched giggles drew our attention. A group of girls stood to the side, practically swooning. They were gushing over Mateo Rivera, the college heartthrob known for his charm and stellar performance as a wide receiver on the college football team. Whispers spread about how he was already being scouted by NFL teams and was a top contender for team captain.

“He’s such a natural leader,” one girl exclaimed. “I heard he’s running for team captain this year.”

Another chimed in, “I saw him at the gym yesterday. He’s even hotter in person!

Emma rolled her eyes slightly but couldn’t help glancing over to where Mateo stood, surrounded by admirers. Emma nudged her playfully.

“He’s definitely the type to have a fan club,” Emma remarked with a smirk.

Sophia chuckled. “I guess every school has one.”

With the line slowly moving forward, the girls resumed their focus on getting through registration, but the excitement of their first day was palpable. New beginnings, new faces, and, for some, new crushes were just part of the college experience.

Mateo Rivera. His name had a certain ring to it—smooth and captivating. I couldn’t help but wonder what he was really like beyond the image. From the way the girls talked about him, he must be the kind of guy who effortlessly steals the spotlight. The attention he got seemed almost magnetic, and I could see why he was so popular.

But the sight of all those girls swooning made me think about someone from my past—my ex, Derek Kane. The name alone felt heavy, like it carried a weight I’d rather forget. Derek had a charm, too, but it was tainted with something darker. He had a way of making me feel special and then worthless in the blink of an eye. The emotional scars he left were deep, and they still ached whenever I thought about them.

Derek had a knack for twisting things, making me doubt myself, and in the end, it all fell apart. I’d ended it, but the emotional bruises lingered, reminding me of how quickly things could turn sour. I wasn’t ready to dive into something new, especially not with someone who might carry a similar charm with hidden flaws.

Watching the girls gush over Mateo, I felt a pang of familiarity. They were caught up in the allure, missing the potential dangers beneath the surface. I promised myself that I wouldn’t get swept up in that kind of excitement again, not anytime soon, and maybe not ever. The past had taught me that sometimes, the most charming people could leave the deepest scars.

As I was lost in thought about Mateo and the shadows of my past, Emma nudged me, breaking the trance. “Hey, imagine if we end up being roommates,” she said, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and hope.

I glanced at her and smiled. “That would be something, wouldn’t it?”

Before we could say more, the line moved forward, and we reached the registration desk. The officer typed away and then handed us our room keys. Emma and I exchanged a glance, reading the room number together: 212. We were indeed roommates.

With keys in hand, we made our way to our new dorm. The room was small but cozy, with two beds, a desk, and plenty of potential. We set about unpacking and arranging our things, chatting about our plans and expectations for the year.

As we finished setting up, Emma suggested, “How about we go grab something to eat? I heard there’s a great café on campus.”

I agreed, feeling a mix of relief and excitement at the idea. We left the dorm, ready to explore and find a bit of comfort in the new surroundings.

The café was lively and inviting, and as we walked in, the scent of fresh coffee and baked goods filled the air. Emma and I found a corner table and settled in, ready to take a break and enjoy a moment of normalcy after a whirlwind start.

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