Chapter 23 : Chasing the time

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I couldn't sleep. My thoughts were consumed by Sophia, and the realization hit me like a punch-I felt something more for her than just friendship. I couldn't let another day pass without telling her. I had to let her know how much she meant to me, even if it meant risking everything.

As soon as the sun rose, I rushed across campus, my heart racing faster with every step. I reached Sophia's dorm and knocked, almost hoping she would swing the door open with her usual smile. Instead, it was Emma who answered, looking surprised to see me.

"Mateo?" she said, her eyes narrowing in curiosity. "You just missed her. She left for Canada, like, a minute ago."

My heart sank. "Canada? Why would she just leave like that?"

Emma sighed, leaning against the door frame. "She's overwhelmed, Mateo. Everything with Derek, Ethan, and the whole mess has gotten to her. She needs space to figure things out, and maybe it's better if you wait until she's ready to talk. She has to sort through everything before jumping into anything new."

I nodded, but my mind was spinning. I had to see her. "Do you know where she might be? I need to talk to her, Emma. It's important."

"She might still be in the corridor," Emma said, though she didn't look convinced. "But seriously, Mateo, just give her some time. She's been through a lot."

Ignoring her warning, I sprinted down the hallway, desperate to catch a glimpse of Sophia. As I reached the main entrance, there she was, stepping into a car. Our eyes met for a fleeting second, and my heart clenched. I could see the pain in her eyes, the weight she was carrying. I wanted to call out, to run to her, but the words caught in my throat. She looked away, and the car door closed, taking her away from me.

I stood there, frozen, watching her leave. She was gone, and I'd missed my chance. I felt a rush of anger, mostly at myself but also at Ethan. He had judged her so harshly, pushed her away, and now, I was paying the price. I clenched my fists, wishing I could turn back time.

I made my way back to the Captain's House, feeling like I'd lost something I'd never get back. Marcus was lounging on the couch, and he looked up when I walked in.

"Did you confess to her?" Marcus asked, his tone light, but I could hear the concern underneath.

I shook my head, my voice flat. "No. She's gone."

Before Marcus could say anything, Ethan's voice cut through the tension. "Confess what, Mateo? You were gonna confess to her?"

I turned, my frustration boiling over. "None of your business, Ethan."

Ethan shot back, his voice full of accusation. "You've been trying to come between me and Sophia this whole time. Acting like some hero, but you're no better than the rest of us."

That was it. I couldn't hold back any longer. "I'm not the one who pushed her away with all that judgment. You had your chance, Ethan. You blew it, and now it's my time."

I swung at him, my fist connecting with his jaw. He stumbled, then charged at me, shoving me hard. "You're just like Emma, Mateo. Falling for her act, her fake tears, her fake sympathy. She's manipulating you, just like everyone else."

His words stung, hitting a nerve I didn't even know I had. I swung again, but Ethan ducked, landing a hit on my side. We were both breathing hard, fists flying in a blur of frustration and anger.

Marcus jumped in, pulling us apart. "Enough! This isn't helping anything."

Ethan yanked away, glaring at me with a mix of anger and disappointment. "I thought you were different, Mateo. But you're just as blind as the rest of them. Sophia's not innocent in all this."

I glared back, feeling my blood boil. "You don't know her, Ethan. You've never tried to understand her."

Ethan scoffed, his eyes hard and cold. "And you think you do? All you see is what you want to see."

Marcus stepped between us, his voice firm. "This has to stop. Fighting isn't going to solve anything. We need to let Sophia figure things out on her own."

I backed off, but the anger still simmered inside me. I couldn't shake the feeling that I had lost my chance with Sophia, that she was slipping further away with every passing moment. I didn't know if she would ever come back or if I'd ever get the chance to tell her how I really felt.

All I could do now was wait and hope that someday, when she was ready, I'd be able to tell her everything. But right now, it felt like I was chasing time, trying to hold onto something that was slipping through my fingers.

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