Chapter 26 : Unresolved tensions

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Sophia's POV

Returning to college felt like a daunting task. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to face everything that had happened, but Emma had texted me, letting me know that Derek wanted to talk. He had reached out to her, and after speaking with his mother, I felt reassured that he wasn’t a threat. Emma’s words were another layer of comfort, reinforcing that Derek’s intentions were genuine.

Despite this, I couldn’t shake off the lingering unease. My interactions with Ethan had left a sour taste. His judgmental attitude and harsh words still stung, but knowing he had a younger sister made me sympathize with his perspective. Maybe his reactions were rooted in his own experiences.

The thought of confronting Derek and Matteo made my anxiety creep up. I felt overwhelmed by the idea of so many people needing to clear things up with me. Was I the source of more trouble than I realized?

As I entered the campus, I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. My dorm room was just as I had left it, and I tidied up a bit before settling in. When Emma arrived, her face lit up with a genuine smile, and she enveloped me in a warm hug.

“I’m so glad you’re back!” Emma exclaimed. “How did everything go?”

I sighed, feeling a wave of relief. “I spoke with Derek’s mother, and she reassured me that Derek means no harm. After talking with you, I felt more at ease. If Derek wants to explain things to me,
I’m gonna stay calm about it.”

Emma nodded, visibly relieved. “That’s great to hear. You should give Derek and Matteo a chance to explain themselves properly. Sometimes, things aren’t as bad as they seem.”

I hesitated, “I hope I haven’t caused more trouble than necessary. I feel like I’ve been in the middle of a lot lately.”

Emma shook her head. “You haven’t caused any trouble. We’ll figure it out. And speaking of good news, Marcus and I are officially together now!”

I smiled, genuinely happy for her. “That’s wonderful! I’m so glad for both of you.”

Emma grinned back. “Thanks! And remember, we’re all here for you. We’ll get through this together.”

Feeling somewhat reassured, I settled into the comfort of my room. With Emma’s support and the conversations I needed to have, I hoped that things would start to make sense and that the path forward wouldn’t be as rocky as it seems.

I was about to leave for my lit class when Emma’s phone buzzed. She glanced at it and then looked at me with a thoughtful expression. “Oh, Matteo knows you’re back. He’s been waiting to talk to you.”

Before I could respond, the door swung open, and Matteo rushed in, his expression a mix of urgency and determination. “Sophia, I need to talk to you. It’s important.”

I was taken aback. “Can’t this wait until after class?”

“No,” Matteo said firmly. “I’ve been waiting for weeks, even before we were together. I need to do this now.”

Emma was s.irking at the side at the events unfold and i had a quizzical look but decided to give Matteo's urgency more priroity and decided that I should listen to him.

His insistence made me uneasy. Why was he so desperate to talk to me? Was he angry with me, or were his feelings more complicated? I couldn’t help but overthink it, my mind racing with possibilities.

“Please, don’t overthink it,” Matteo said, noticing my anxiety. “Just come with me.”

He guided me to a quiet park nearby, a serene spot on campus where hardly anyone was around. The calm surroundings did little to ease my nervousness, but I appreciated the privacy.

As we sat on a bench, the tension was palpable. Matteo’s face was serious, and I could sense the weight of whatever he was about to say. I braced myself, trying to stay calm and open to whatever he needed to share.

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