Chapter 8: Unsaid feelings linger

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Matteo's POV

Practice wiped me out. My legs felt like lead, and all I wanted was a long shower and some quiet. But my phone wouldn’t stop buzzing—Bianca, again. She kept asking if I had planned something special for Freshers Week, dropping hints about gifts and dates like I had all the time in the world. I rubbed my temples, feeling the headache building. I liked her, sure, but I was getting tired of trying to live up to her constant expectations. Maybe it was time to have that talk. I couldn't keep doing this, stretching myself thin to make her happy.

When I finally made it to the Captain’s House, our go-to spot after practice, I found Ethan staring off into space. He looked like he was a million miles away, and that wasn’t like him.

"Hey, Ethan, what's eating you?" I asked, flopping down on the couch next to him. "You look like you’ve seen a ghost."

Ethan glanced at me, still in his head. "Sometimes, man, you can’t tell what’s going on with someone just by looking at them. People hide a lot of shit behind a smile."

I leaned forward, curious now. "Sounds like you’re talking about someone specific. Who is it?"

He hesitated, then finally said, "It’s Sophia. I ran into her yesterday. She had an anxiety attack, and I helped her out. She’s...different, you know? Genuine, sweet...and yeah, she’s pretty too. I think I’ve caught some feelings."

Something tightened in my chest—annoyance, maybe jealousy, I wasn’t sure. "Sophia? Come on, Ethan, she’s just some girl. She’s nice, but she’s no Bianca."

Ethan didn’t back down. "It’s not about looks, Matteo. There’s something real about her. She’s got depth, and you don’t find that in just anyone."

I scoffed, feeling my irritation flare up. "Yeah, well, she’s not that special. We said no 'chicks before bros,' right? I don’t get what the big deal is."

The tension hung between us, thick and heavy, until Marcus walked in, sensing the vibe immediately. "Guys, seriously? Fighting over a girl? You both deserve someone who gets you. I’ve found that in Emma, and you will too."

I leaned back, still feeling the weight of Ethan's words, but I let it slide. Marcus was already grinning, obviously catching on to the tension between Ethan and me. He leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms with that easy, confident look he always had.

"Seriously, guys. No need to fight over this stuff. Trust me, when you meet the right person, you'll know. Like me with Emma."

I raised an eyebrow, trying to steer the spotlight off me and Ethan. "Alright, Marcus. Since you're clearly the love expert here, what’s going on with you and Emma? You guys have been looking pretty cozy lately."

Ethan smirked, jumping in to back me up. "Yeah, Marcus, spill it. What’s the deal with you two?"

Marcus laughed, a little sheepishly but mostly just happy. "Well, we’ve been talking a lot lately. You know, reminiscing about old times, school, and stuff. We’ve known each other forever; our families are close. Our parents are practically best friends, and they’ve always joked about us ending up together."

I noticed the way Marcus's face lit up when he talked about her. He wasn’t just messing around—this was serious for him. "She’s different, man. She’s real, just like Ethan was saying about Sophia. Emma's kind, thoughtful, and we've got this history that makes everything feel easy, you know? And she’s got this way of making everyone around her feel seen and understood. I’ve always been fond of her, but now…I don’t know, it’s more. I really think she could be the one."

Ethan and I exchanged a glance, both of us smiling now. Marcus had always been the one who knew what he wanted, and it was clear he was sure about Emma.

I gave Marcus a pat on the back, feeling a bit of my earlier frustration ebb away. "That’s awesome, man. I’m happy for you. It sounds like you’ve got something really special."

Ethan nodded in agreement. "Yeah, seriously. Emma’s great. You two make sense."

Marcus just grinned wider, clearly over the moon about the whole thing. "Thanks, guys. It feels good. I just hope you both find someone who makes you feel the same way."

I nodded, though my thoughts were still tangled up in everything that had just been said. But for now, I was glad for Marcus. Whatever my own mess was with Bianca or whatever Ethan was feeling about Sophia, at least one of us had things figured out.

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