Chapter 9: Dance Auditions and Unexpected Surprises

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The sun filtered through the blinds, casting soft stripes of light across the dorm room. Suddenly my blanket is ripped off and I am startled by the sudden wake up call.

“Rise and shine, sleepyhead!” Emma chirped, pulling open the blinds further, flooding the room with light.

I groaned, burying her face in her pillow. “It’s too early for this, Emma.”

Emma bounced over to the bed. “Not today. We’ve got a dance club to join and a Freshers' Week performance to crush!”

I sat up, rubbing her eyes. “You know I’m not much of a dancer, right?”

Emma laughed. “Doesn’t matter. We’ll do it together. Besides, it’s not just about being perfect—it’s about having fun. And trust me, you’ve got more rhythm than you think.”

I sighed, with a smile tugged at my lips. “Okay, fine. But if I fall flat on my face, I’m blaming you.”

Emma grinned, pulling me up. “Deal. Now let’s get going—we don’t want to miss sign-ups.”

We made our way to the dance studio, a spacious room with mirrored walls and a polished wooden floor. A group of students had already gathered, some stretching and chatting animatedly. In the corner, the organizer of the event was busy barking instructions. She was tall, with sharp features and a demeanor that screamed authority. Her name was Tara Quinn, and she had a reputation for running the club with an iron fist. Emma had heard stories about her—brilliant but tough as nails, and not the easiest person to impress.

I eyed Tara nervously. “She looks...intense.”

Emma squeezed her hand. “Don’t worry about her. Just focus on enjoying yourself.”

When it was Emma’s turn, she stepped forward confidently. The music started, and she moved with grace and precision, her ballet training evident in every pirouette and leap. The room fell silent, all eyes glued to her as she performed. When she finished, there was a brief pause before Tara clapped slowly, a rare smile playing at her lips.

“You’re in,” Tara said, barely containing her enthusiasm. “Honestly, you don’t even need to audition. Just show up, and you’re good.”

Emma beamed, glancing back at me, I gave her a thumbs-up.

Next, it was my turn. I stepped forward hesitantly, feeling the weight of the room’s gaze. Tara handed me a sheet of paper with some simple steps outlined. “Try this,” she said curtly.

I took a deep breath, glanced at Emma, and started the routine. My movements were awkward and unrefined, but there was a sincerity in my effort. I stumbled once but quickly caught myself, finishing with a flourish that was more accidental than planned.

Tara watched, her expression unreadable. After a moment, she nodded. “You’ve got guts. You can perform for Freshers' Week, but this isn’t a guarantee for a permanent spot. Keep working on it.”

My face lit up. “Thank you! I’ll do my best.”

As we left the studio, Emma threw her arm around my shoulders. “See? That wasn’t so bad!”

I laughed, with the nerves finally easing. “You were amazing out there, Emma. I’m glad you convinced me to do this.”

Emma pulled out her phone, sending a quick text to Markus. “I just told Markus we made it in. He’s so pumped—we’re all meeting at that eatery near campus. Let’s go celebrate!”

They headed out, the autumn breeze cool against their faces as they walked to the eatery. Inside, the buzz of chatter and clinking dishes filled the air. Markus, Ethan, and Mateo were already there, waving them over with excited smiles.

Markus stood up, giving Emma a high-five. “I knew you’d nail it! And Sophia, congrats on getting in for Freshers' Week. That’s awesome!”

Ethan nodded in agreement. “Yeah, you guys are gonna kill it out there.”

I blushed, still feeling a bit out of her element but grateful for the support. I glanced at Mateo, who was watching me with that familiar, easy-going smile.

“You’re braver than most,” Mateo said, his voice warm. “Takes guts to put yourself out there, especially when it’s not your comfort zone.”

I smiled back, feeling a rush of warmth at his words. “Thanks, Mateo. I’m just glad Emma’s dragging me along for the ride.” I was startled that Matteo would compliment me and what is with the sudden change in behaviour? I wonder whether things are changing between us and I can also consider him a friend as I consider Ethan.

Emma laughed, pulling everyone into a group hug. “That’s what friends are for. Now let’s eat—I’m starving!”

They settled into their seats, the conversation flowing easily as they celebrated their small victories. Sophia felt a sense of belonging she hadn’t expected, her nervousness melting away in the warmth of her friends’ company.

Ethan quietly nudged my shoulder to ask if he could talk to me alone. And I obliged. Matteogives us a stern look and blurts out the most absurd question, Hey are you guys already dating?"

And to that, Ethan responds, "Are you kidding like we're just friends? Why would you ask that?"

Matteo just shrugged his shoulders and excused himself, " Anyways, I do not have time for all this and Bianca is waiting for me or to select the couples output for freshers week. And I should pick her up".

With that he left without sparing a glance and I wondered how lucky Bianca is to gave such a loving and doting boyfriend.

I just remembered the days when me and Derek used to plan high school frat parties and match costumes and had the tag #Sorek.

Anyways the past is past and I head to the isloated space to talk to Ethan about whatever the matter was.

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